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Its importance to the country's socioeconomic and political status in the twenty-first century

The law stated in the R. A. 1425 that every bachelor degree student should take the topic Rizal. Rizal is
a subject that is required to be studied. If a student fails the Rizal subject, he or she will not be able to
graduate. Yes, we all know that Rizal is our national hero, but we also need to know how Rizal came to
be our national hero. Today, we enjoy our lives because of Rizal. He sacrifices his life for our liberty.
He is not a self-centered individual, and he never considered himself when fighting for liberty and
justice. Rizal is a great hero and one of the most accomplished politicians in history. We cherished him
because he possesses the love of a true Filipino. Rizal is a nationalistic individual. He sacrifices his life
for our joy. And I'm sure he's happy right now because of what happened to our country, even if he
died. We are liberated. And Rizal becomes our country's best politician. In his hands, our country
becomes cheerful, and growth is constantly present.

Because Rizal is a minor subject, students frequently consider it as an added load to their studies. The
person who had been studied was no longer alive. Students went on to say that what’s good is a Rizal
course if they can't use the name Rizal as a reference when applying for jobs or if Rizal can't help
them when they need it... Without a doubt! Although a dead person cannot influence the lives of the
living, the thoughts, ideals, dreams, beliefs, or convictions that he left behind may have a significant
impact on people's lives as a source of strength in their daily lives. And this is where the Rizal subject
became relevant. As a result, students will participate actively not only in the classroom but also in
extracurricular activities that will benefit Philippine society as a whole. More importantly, being a
religious person, a loving and obedient son to his parents/family, a responsible student, a strong
willed individual who stands for his convictions, and someone who loves and serves the country are
some of Rizal's virtues that must and should be emphasized throughout the course. And it is here that
the Rizal subject becomes relevant.

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