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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region III- Central Luzon

School Division of Tarlac Province

Caluluan High School

Caluluan, Concepcion, Tarlac


The research entitled “ Senior High School Satisfaction on the Food Services

Provided by the School Canteen of Caluluan High School School Year 2017-2018”,

prepared and submitted by Shiela Mae C. Sigua, Michaela S. Dela Cruz, Janmil C.

Narciso, Alicia Ann G. Magsilang, Erine Smith S. Malonzo, Jefferson P. Dela Cruz,

Vincent Ivan C. Villaronte, Ronie M. Hipolito and Adrian Paul R. Mercado in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the General Academic Strand in their Practical

Research 2 is hereby accepted.

Engr. Emerson Galang Jose Pascual Jr






Michaela S. Dela Cruz

Shiela Mae C. Sigua

Janmil C. Narciso

Alicia Ann G. Magsilang

Erine Smith S. Malonzo

Jefferson P. Dela Cruz

Vincent Ivan C. Villaronte

Ronie M. Hipolito

Adrian Paul R. Mercado



STRAND: General Academic Strand

SCHOOL: Caluluan High School

The study aimed to understand the level of satisfaction of the Senior

High School students on the food service provided by the school canteen of Caluluan

High School. The data gathered from this study will provide information for the canteen

staff to be aware of the food being served especially on the methods of preparation and

cooking, food handling practices and types of service, students’ preferences to different

food attributes and the nutritive value of food being served as analyzed by nutritionists.

In this study, a survey questionnaire using random sampling specifically the fishbowl

technique, simple frequency count was expressed in percentage.

The establishment and operation of a school canteen is important in

order to cater to the clientele the nutritional needs to become physically fit individuals

who love eating healthy food. Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive

health and well – being programs including food and nutrition.

The findings of this study will serve as a reference to improve

canteen management.


The researchers wish to extend their profound gratitude,

acknowledgement and appreciation to all the people who have inspired them to conduct

and finally finish this study. This study was made possible through the valuable

assistance and cooperation of several people.

To their former subject-teacher MS. ANA LISA SALAS, for the

suggestions, guidance, untiring support and advice she has given to the researchers that

helped them start this study.

To ENGINEER EMERSON GALANG, who had painstakingly

helped the researchers in the completion of the statistical treatment of this study.

To SIR JOSHUA CANONIZADO, who gave the idea of the this


To SIR JOSE PASCUAL JR. for his patience throughout the

research and who helped the researcher to complete this study.

Heartfelt thanks are also given to the respondents of this study.

Without them, this study could not have been possible.

Lastly, to the Lord God, who gave them strength, good health, energy

and determination to make this piece of work a reality.



The researchers would like to dedicate this research to their

FAMILY who are always there no matter what,

To their FRIENDS who motivate them and

To their CLASSMATE who helped them in so many ways.



APPROVAL SHEET............................................................................................... I

TITLE PAGE........................................................................................................... II

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ III

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................................................... IV

DEDICATION......................................................................................................... V

TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... VI

LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................ IX



Introduction ................................................................................................. 1

Statement of the Problem ........................................................................... 5

Significance of the Study............................................................................. 5

Scope and Delimitation................................................................................ 7

Definition of Terms...................................................................................... 8


Related Literature ........................................................................................9

Related Studies

Foreign Studies ..................................................................................... 11

Local Studies ...........................................................................................12

Conceptual Framework .........................................................................13


Research Design .......................................................................................14

Sample .......................................................................................................15

Sampling Design .......................................................................................15

Statistical Treatment ............................................................................... 15


Table for Nutritional Value..................................................................... 16

Table for Taste of Food ............................................................................18

Table for Price of Food ............................................................................20

Table for Cleanliness ................................................................................22

Table for Canteen Staff ........................................................................... 24

Table for the best way to improve canteen ........................................... 26



Summary of Findings............................................................................... 27

Conclusions ...............................................................................................28

Recommendations.................................................................................... 29

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 31

APPENDICES ........................................................................................32

A. Letter of Request to the Respondents............................................. 33

B. QUESTIONNAIRE .........................................................................34

CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................ 35




1 – Paradigm of the Study................................................................................... 13



The Problem and Its Background


Customer satisfaction plays an important role within a business. Not

only it is the leading indicator to measure customer loyalty and identify unhappy

customers, it is also a key point of differentiation that helps to attract new customers in

competitive business environments. Therefore, satisfaction is a person’s feeling of

disappointments resulting from comparing a products perceived performance relation to

his/her expectations. If the performance falls short of expectation, the customer is

dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation customer is satisfied.

The Department of Education is strongly committed to support

student’s health and well-being through its curriculum in schools and range initiatives

that offer opportunities for physically fit individuals who love eating healthy food.

Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-being programs,

including food and nutrition education. They help eliminate malnutrition, and serve as a

venue for the development of desirable eating habits among students. By virtue of Dep.

Ed. Order No 14. S, 2005, the Instruction to Ensure Consumption of Nutritious and Safe

Foods in Schools that all schools must have school canteens is indicated. This is

reiterated by Dep. Ed Order No. 8 s of 2007 implementing guidelines on the school

canteen. Canteens should serve as venue for the development of eating habits.

They should serve as a laboratory for Home Economics, retail trade and in incidental

teaching of health and nutrition. They shall provide hands-on training for students on

planning, purchasing, handling and storage, preparation, serving and storage of safe and

nutritious meals.

With this, preparation of food requires attention to raw materials,

personal hygiene, kitchen hygiene and especially in controlling the temperature at which

foods are kept in all food handling operations, including cooking, cooling, reheating and

distribution. Proper hygiene standard for rural school cafeterias should be developed in

order to improve hygiene and promote students’ health.

As stated under Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation of the

Philippines, a food establishment should include sanitation requirements for food service

structure and facilities. It describes the requirements for food handlers as well as

regulation after using toilet and washing facilities, and disposal of refuse and vermin

control. Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of the sanitation code by the

food service operators will ultimately result to their own benefit since customers prefer

eating in clean and sanitary premises. The maintenance of high standards of sanitation in

the food service operation cannot be compromised by the management. Sanitation should

be treated as a way of life in food service because laxity in sanitation rules can mean

illness for customers. To maintain high standards sanitation, management must be

familiar with sanitation laws and ordinances that govern the operation of food service


All canteens have the responsibility to provide safe food. Safe food means that it is

prepared, cooked, transported and served in a way that it will retain nutrients and

minimize bacterial contamination and growth.

This code is further emphasized on Article 8 of the Local Government

Code that the duty of the health officer is to direct the sanitary inspection of all business

establishments selling food in accordance with the sanitation code. School canteen is an

indispensable unit which is primarily constructed for the benefit of the learners in all

levels of schooling. Hence, school canteen plays an important role in promoting good

nutrition because it can give students a taste for healthy food, support nutrition messages

taught in class and show better choices for lunch and snacks. Good food gives students all

the nutrients to grow and to develop to be able to concentrate and learn well in school.

Handling food poorly can also reduce the quality of the food being

served. With this information, there is a need to look into such practices for its effective

and efficient functioning, as well as the services being offered in distributing the foods to

learners as customers. It is then the canteen manager who is responsible for ensuring food

safety for the welfare of the students as customers. Therefore, to determine the safety of

food being served in school canteens one should know everything about food safety and

hygiene. Canteens have responsibilities to provide safe food.

Food should always be handled with care under the most sanitary

condition. Otherwise, it may be exposed to microorganisms that can cause illnesses. A

food handler should always be conscious of proper hygiene.


Food safety is one key to create a safety school, and is effective to prevent food-borne

diseases and other related infectious disease outbreak and prevalence among students


Food safety must be observed and strictly implemented in schools

where students buy their snacks and lunch during the break time at the school canteen

and street vendors near the school campus. Proper sanitary requirements must be

complied by 5 food establishments to ensure safety of the students and avoid or prevent

cases of food poisoning and spread of food borne diseases (Sun Star Bacolod News

Paper, 2010).

This study will focus on the school canteen of Caluluan High School,

the services and foods that they are offering. Caluluan High School support student’s

health and physical well-being. The saying goes, “Healthy body is a healthy mind.” The

establishment and operation of a school canteen is important. Therefore, the Caluluan

High School canteen management should offer healthy food at affordable prices. Thus,

greater effort must be exerted in its operation, either by the school administration or hired

entity who handles the operation.

Among the factors to be considered is the quality of service offering

to the student’s and other customers. Therefore, it is imperative that service quality be

given an utmost importance since will result in recognizing the amount of approval from

the student’s and the furtherance of their support.


Statement of the Problem

This study is set out to address the following questions:

1. What is the satisfaction level of the Senior High Students in the school canteen as

to the following:

1.1 Nutritional Value

1.2 Taste of Food

1.3 Price

1.4 Cleanliness of the Canteen

2. How will you described the canteen staff?

3. What is the best way in order to improve school canteen services?

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the status of the school canteen,

particularly identifying the aspects in the operation that should be improved. Likewise, it

was the objective of this study to evaluate the difficulties encountered by the Senior High

student’s as to the kind of service that they received. Moreover, the research attempted to

provide the most appropriate and effective ways in hiring managers who will oversee all

matter pertaining to school canteen supervision. Finally, this research may provide

opportunities for reflective thought and thereby enhance professionalism among members

of the cooperative, so that they improve efficiency and offer delicious yet affordable


The results of this study could provide the management of the

cooperative with the information about the present status of the school canteen and to let

them know that the existing situation really affects the totality of the service that they are


The result of the study will also make a management realize the need

to objectively solve the problems encountered in the canteen operations. The finding may

also serve as guide for canteen managers in the planning, preparation and implementation

of their new programs. The study will provide some insights and information on how

they will manage the canteen for the benefit of the customers such as the Teacher’s and

the Student’s who the main clients who must be served are and is satisfied.

The proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher as

their guide. The study can also open in development of this study. The ideas presented

may be used as reference data in conducting new research or in testing the validity of

other related findings. This study also serves as their cross-reference that will give them a

background or an overview.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research attempts to determine the student’s satisfaction in the

terms of the canteen service provided: such as Nutritional Value, Taste of Food, Price and

Cleanliness of the Canteen. Also attempts to describe the traits that canteen staff. After

considering these two, the study also attempts to identify the best action to be undertaken

to improve Caluluan High School canteen services.

The researcher limited this research to the Senior High School

Students from Caluluan High School in the main campus wherein it consists of 15 males

and 15 females from the student’s of Grade 11 and Grade 12. Questionnaires were

distributed to Senior High Student’s for the S.Y 2017-2018.


Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, several relevant terms are defined as follows:

Canteen-is a place where food is provided in a military camp, college or other

organization, or a small container for holding drinking liquids.


Cleanliness- the state of being free from dirt or unwanted matter.


Food- any substance taken into and assimilated by a plant or animal to keep it alive and

enable it to grow and repair tissue; nourishment; nutriment.


Nutrition-is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process

of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy.


Price- means the cost or the amount at which something is valued.


Staff- is defined as to add employees to an organization, group, etc.



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter reviews related literature and studies which serves as frame of

reference for this study. Related literature and studies, foreign and local, are presented

such that some of the present study’s variables have been tackled.

Related Literature

Most people are concerned with food taken daily without regard for

practices or habits which may influence good health. It is a common observation that

when food is presented to a person his/her attention is focused on the aesthetics value and

how the food appeals to the palate, rather than on the nutritional content. This reality calls

for the need to re-orient people on the cause-and-effect relationship between eating and

health. One’s drive for food and the way he is satisfied is important, food is needed by

man not on for energy work and play but also for maintaining body function such as

breathing, beating of the heart, digestion of food, circulation of the blood, absorption of

food, excretion of body waist and other processes. No single type of food is capable of

providing all the nutritional needs of a person. It is therefore important that daily diet

contains the correct amount of all food listed in daily guide to good nutrition. (Velasquez,


Many children rely on their school canteen for their snacks and

lunches with child obesity levels rising and physical activity level declining it is

important that the canteen provide a range of healthy food.

Many Education Departments now require school canteen to provide healthy food for

students. (

Food contains the essential nutrients needed by the body for its

normal growth and development. It is necessary for student’s to know the sources,

function and nutrients of the food they buy, adequacy for these nutrients in their diet will

result to good health. Hence, students must learn to plan, select, prepare and serve simple

but nutritious food. (Bernardino and Lee, 2005)

School canteen plays four-fold role in the educational program school.

First, it helps combat malnutrition. Second, it is a center for teaching health. Third, it

helps in the vocational and social and training of students. And lastly, it presents an

opportunity of correlating teaching experience which is centered of foods. The needs of

teenagers in general are greater than those of children and adults. Their food requirements

are used for growth and development and enhanced activity. As young adults, they have

the freedom to choose what they like to eat but they should guide on their choices. (Cruz,


Related Studies

A. Foreign

Narayana Murthy (2000) has studied socio-economic profile of the

work force and employee welfare activities in Indian Industrial Organizations. It is found

that majority of the employees in co-operate sector units are satisfied with the existing

welfare, canteen and health facilities.

All these studies help the management, unions and governments to

improve the existing state of affairs mainly by emphasizing on functional areas of Human

Resources Management and existing welfare amenities in a single unit or two units or

more with a comparative study in the same sector like private or public or co-operative.

There have been very few comprehensive studies in the field of work environment and

less concentration on the provision of welfare facilities and amenities provided by the

Government and the management of the undertakings as well. However, surprisingly

very few attempts have been made by the researchers to study the extent of canteen

facility to the employees of any unit. The study shows the gap and also furnishes the

reasons between the practice and precept.


B. Local

Gadais (2004) conducted a study on the comparative level of

satisfaction in relation to customer service between Jollibee and McDonalds. The

descriptive type of research was the method use in evaluating the level of satisfaction of

the customers. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 100 randomly selected HRM

student’s at a College in Fairview. Result showed the following: 1.) on the number of

times of visits at the two establishments at least twice a week. 2.) On what made the

respondents decide to eat at either of the two establishment, it showed the 53% on

Jollibee and 49% on McDonald’s for accessibility, good service, and affordability, 24%

and 23% respectively for accessibility alone; 15% and 19% respectively for good service

alone; and 8% and 90% respectively for affordability alone. 3.) When it comes to level

satisfaction of the customers in relation to customer service, it was found that for both

establishments, respondents are satisfied. Sanitation is ranked as number one. However,

cleanliness of table and comfort rooms were least ranked (fairly satisfied). To offer fast

and efficient service was ranked number one suggestion by the respondents.

The similarity of the reviewed study and the present lies in having

the same objective that is to know the level of satisfaction of the customer. In addition,

difference from the previous study is that this study is limited in Caluluan High School

while the reviewed study focused on Jollibee and McDonalds.


Conceptual Framework:

This study determined the level of student’s satisfaction in Caluluan

High School canteen in terms of quality of food, cost/value of food and cleanliness of the

canteen. It was also conducted to determine what actions can be proposed to improve

Caluluan High School canteen services.





Nutritional Value






(GRADE 11 and GRADE 12)




Methods of Study and Sources of Data

This chapter shows the methods and techniques of the study, the population and

samples the data gathering procedure, and also the statistical treatment of the data.


The researcher use descriptive design and gathered information through the use

of survey questionnaire as an instrument in collecting data. For the interpretation of

computed mean, the following obituary points were used based on the likert scale:

Adjective Description Scale Index of Limits

Very Satisfied 5 4.50-5.00

Satisfied 4 3.50-4.49

Neither 3 2.50-3.49

Dissatisfied 2 1.50-2.49

Very Dissatisfied 1 1.0-1.49

The study focused on the food services provided by the school canteen of

Caluluan High School. Specifically, it focused on the student’s level of satisfaction on the

food served in school canteen.


The subject of the study will be taken among Senior High School Students of

Caluluan High School. There are 30 respondents that will be randomly selected over 449

students of Grade 11 and 12. The respondents were consists of 15 males and 15 females.


To assure the validity and reliability of the result of the study, the researcher

made used of random sampling specifically the fishbowl technique where in all the

students have equal chances to be selected as respondents. All the names of the students

per grade level (Grade 11 and 12) were collected.


After the questionnaires were retrieved, the data gathered were tallied,

tabulated and interpreted using the formula of the mean and were percentage.

∑ wv %=
n N

where as: where as:

wm=weighted mean %= Percentage

∑wv= summation of weighted value f = frequency

n = No. of respondents n= No. of respondents


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data gathered in the study. It is concerned with the

presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered from the students of Caluluan

High School in the main campus. The findings from the research instruments were

presented in the tables to make the analysis clearer and more illustrative.


Frequency Distribution, Verbal Description and Adjectival Description of the Level

of Satisfaction of the Senior High School Students (respondents) in Caluluan High

School on the Nutritional Value


Nutritional Value VS S N D VD Total Verbal Adjectival

5 4 3 2 1 Description Description
1. The menu 4 13 11 2 30 3.63 Satisfied
choices always (20) (52) (33) (4) (109)
nutrition level
2. The food being 3 12 12 3 30 3.50 Satisfied
served is good (15) (48) (36) (6) (105)
for my health
3. The food 4 11 11 4 30 3.50 Satisfied
standard is (20) (44) (33) (8) (105)
based on
DepEd orders.

Table 1 shows the level of satisfaction of the Senior High School Students on the

Nutritional Value for the food services provided by the school canteen of Caluluan High


In question #2 which is food being served is good for their health and question #3

which is the food standard are based on DepEd orders got the lowest verbal description at

the total of 3.50 with the adjectival description of satisfied while question #1 which is the

menu choices always contain nutrition level got the highest verbal description at the total

of 3.63 with the adjectival description of satisfied also. Therefore, the students are

satisfied (3.54) as overall result in the Nutritional Value.

The Table 1 which talks about the level of satisfaction of the Senior

High School Students on the Nutritional Value for the food services provided by the

school canteen of Caluluan High School, can be correlated on the statement in the related

literature which is “Many children rely on their school canteen for their snacks and

lunches with child obesity levels rising and physical activity level declining it is

important that the canteen provide a range of healthy food. Many Education Departments

now require school canteen to provide healthy food for students.

(”. Student are the most often person that rely on

school canteen’s foods. Their health is being affect by the items on the school canteen

that may be healthy or not. And their satisfaction is really an important matter for the

awareness of the food services that school canteens should improve.


Frequency Distribution, Verbal Description and

Adjectival Description of the Level of Satisfaction of the

Senior High School Students (respondents) in

Caluluan High School on the Taste of Food

Taste of Food VS S N D VD Total Verbal Adjectival

5 4 3 2 1 Description Description

1. The quality of the 14 10 6 30 3.27 Neither

ingredients used. (56) (30) (12) (98)

2. The quality of the 1 12 10 7 30 3.23 Neither

food is fresh. (5) (48) (30) (14) (97)

3. The flavor of the 1 14 9 5 1 30 3.30 Neither

food. (5) (56) (27) (10) (1) (99)



Table 2 shows the level of satisfaction of the Senior High School Students on the

Taste of Food for the food services provided by the school canteen of Caluluan High


The question #2 which is the quality of the food is fresh got the lowest verbal

description at the total of 3.23 with the adjectival description of neither satisfied while the

question #1 which is the quality of the ingredients used got the second lowest verbal

description at the total of 3.23with the adjectival description of neither satisfied and the

question #3 which is the flavor of the food got the highest verbal description at the total

of 3.30 with the adjectival description of neither satisfied also. Therefore, the students

are neither satisfied (3.27) as overall result in the Taste of Food.

The statement of Bernardino and Lee, 2005“Food contains the essential

nutrients needed by the body for its normal growth and development. It is necessary for

student’s to know the sources, function and nutrients of the food they buy, adequacy for

these nutrients in their diet will result to good health. Hence, students must learn to plan,

select, prepare and serve simple but nutritious food. “, has a relation in the table 2, that is

all about the satisfaction of Caluluan High School’s Senior High School on the taste of

the food services provided by the school canteen of Caluluan High School. We all know

that students are very delicate with it comes to foods. Most of them are after on the taste

of the food and not on how nutritious was a food is. School canteens also need to assure

that food will be nutritious and delicious. Because as seeing the result in the table 2

students are just “neither satisfied”


Frequency Distribution, Verbal Description and

Adjectival Description of the Level of Satisfaction of the

Senior High School Students (respondents) in

Caluluan High School on the

Price of the food


Price of food VS S N D VD Total Verbal Adjectival

5 4 3 2 1 Description Description

1. The food prices 11 10 4 3 2 30 3.83 Satisfied

are affordable. (55 (40) (12 (6) (2) (115)
) )

2. Eating in the 5 11 9 3 2 30 3.47 Satisfied

canteen fits my (25 (44) (27 (6) (2) (104)
weekly budget. ) )

3. Food prices are 4 11 10 4 1 30 3.43 Neither

reasonable for (20 (44) (30 (8) (1) (103)
the servings. ) )


Table 3 shows the level of satisfaction of the Senior High School Students on the

Price of Food for the food services provided by the school canteen of Caluluan High


The question #3 which is the food prices are reasonable for the servings got the

lowest verbal description at the total of 3.43 with the adjectival description of neither

satisfied while the question #2 which is eating in the canteen fits their weekly budget got

the second lowest verbal description at the total of 3.47 with the adjectival description of

satisfied and the question #1 which is the food prices are affordable got the highest verbal

description at the total of 3.83 with the adjectival description of satisfied also.

Therefore, the students are satisfied (3.58) as overall result in the Price of Food.

Students has a budget for everyday, they’re managing for better usage. And for

the Senior High Students the price given by the school canteen is satisfied. It was pocket

friendly, and it’s being priced for students.


Frequency Distribution, Verbal Description and Adjectival Description of the Level

of Satisfaction of the Senior High School Students (respondents) in Caluluan High

School on the Cleanliness


Cleanliness VS S N D VD Total Verbal Adjectival

5 4 3 2 1 Description Description

1. Trashes are 5 6 8 8 3 30 3.07 Neither

properly (25) (24) (24) (16) (3) (92)

2. Decorations are 5 8 10 5 2 30 3.33 Neither

bright and (25) (32) (30) (10) (2) (99)

3. Canteen Serving 5 12 5 5 3 30 3.43 Neither

line are clean. (25) (48) (17) (10) (3) (103)


Table 4 shows the level of satisfaction of the Senior High School Students on the

cleanliness of the school canteen of Caluluan High School.

The question #1 which is the trash are properly segregated got the lowest verbal

description at the total of 3.07 with the adjectival description of neither satisfied while the

question #2 which is the decorations are bright and cheerful got the second lowest verbal

description at the total of 3.33 with the adjectival description of neither satisfied and the

question #3 which is the canteen serving line are clean got the highest verbal description

at the total of 3.43 with the adjectival description of neither satisfied also. Therefore, the

students are neither satisfied (3.28) as overall result in the Cleanliness.

School canteens should assure the cleanliness of the place and most

especially the food. Because we all know that “Most people are concerned with food

taken daily without regard for practices or habits which may influence good health. It is a

common observation that when food is presented to a person his/her attention is focused

on the aesthetics value and how the food appeals to the palate, rather than on the

nutritional content.” If the canteen is always unpleasant to the eyes and nose student will

be neither satisfied, because the food might have some dirt also and contain bacteria’s

that may affect their health.


Frequency Distribution, Verbal Description and Adjectival Description of the Level

of Satisfaction of the Senior High School Students (respondents) in Caluluan High

School on the Canteen Staff

Canteen Staff VS S N D VD Total Verbal Adjectival

5 4 3 2 1 Description Description

1. Canteen staff are 7 10 9 3 1 30 3.63 Satisfied

clean and neat (35) (40) (27) (6) (1) (109)

2. The attitude of the 2 11 10 5 2 30 3.20 Neither

canteen staff (10) (44) (30) (10) (2) (96)

3. The behavior of 4 11 8 6 1 30 3.37 Neither

the canteen staff (20) (44) (24) (12) (1) (101)



Table 5 shows the level of satisfaction of the Senior High School Students on the

Canteen Staff of Caluluan High School.

The question #2 which is the attitude of the canteen staff got the lowest verbal

description at the total of 3.20 with the adjectival description of neither satisfied while the

question #3 which is the behavior of the canteen staff got the second lowest verbal

description at the total of 3.37 with the adjectival description of neither satisfied and the

question #1 which is the canteen staff are clean and neat got the highest verbal

description at the total of 3.63 with the adjectival description of satisfied. Therefore, the

students are neither satisfied (3.40) as overall result in the Canteen Staff.

Most of the time customers hated those vendors that are always in bad

mood. The Senior High School of Caluluan High School is neither satisfied against the

staff of their canteen. It’s naturally that when the staff of the canteen is bad customers are

being upset.


Frequency Distribution and Ranking of Students (Respondents) choice of the

Best Way to Improve the School Canteen Service

Best Way To Improve School Canteen Service Frequency Percentage Rank

o Keep your food service and food display 13 43.33% 1
area and the equipment clean.

o Create a welcoming environment. 5 16.67% 3

o Group similar menu items in section. 8 26.67% 2
(e.g. mains, snacks ,hot foods ,drinks)

o A suggestion box by the counter is a 4 13.33% 4

great way for students to give feedback.

TOTAL 30 100%

From the ranking given by the respondents, it revealed that it could be considered

that the best way in order to improve the school canteen service in Caluluan High School

is to keep the food service and food display area and the equipment clean which gathered

43.33% on the result.

Improving the school canteen was a really big factor to students because

they can improve the other wrong they have made, and this suggestion can give some

good atmosphere among the canteen staff and students.


Summary o Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations made by the researchers. The main objective of this study is to

determine the level of student’s satisfaction.

Summary of Findings

The following are the summary of findings:

1. What is the satisfaction level of the senior high school students in the

school Canteen as to the following:

1.1 Nutritional value

1.1.1 The students are satisfied as overall result in the nutritional value

which has 3.54%.

1.2 Taste of food

1.2.1 The students are neither satisfied as overall result in the taste of

food which has 3.27%.

1.3 Price of food

1.3.1 The students are satisfied as overall result in price of food which

has 3.58%

1.4 Cleanliness

1.4.1 The students are neither satisfied as overall result in the cleanliness

which has 3.28%.


2. How can you describe the canteen staff?

2.1 The students are neither satisfied as overall result in the canteen staff

which has 3.40%.

3. What is the best way in order to improve school canteen services?

3.1 Based from the respondents the best way to improve the school canteen

services is to keep the food service and the food display area and the

equipments clean which gathered 43.33% on the result.


Based from the findings of the study the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Caluluan High school canteen prepares food that sustains the nutrients that the student

needs in order to perform well in School.

2. The taste of Canteen's food is not well appreciated by the students.

3. Prices of the food in school canteen are justified enough and followed the Suggested

retail price.

4. Canteens cleanliness is not always observed and there are times that they are not aware

in cleanliness.

5. The school canteen should maintain the cleanliness of the serving area and also the

environment in canteen clean always.


Based from the conclusions drawn from the result of the study, the researchers

prompted to highly recommend the following:

To the School Canteen

1. The canteen must undertake a survey to be able determine precisely what the

students wants and needs.

2. School canteen should always pose a menu plan in advance as to the food served

to provide the students information on the available food for serving which will

provide all their daily requirements.

3. A regular conduct survey and interview regarding student’s preferences and

suggestions should be utilized to further improve canteen operation.

4. In maintaining canteen's sanitation, the canteen staffs must do a regular cleaning

not only inside its premises but also on the outside.

To the Canteen Staff

5. Encourage canteen staff to adopt other methods of making the food tasteful.

6. Canteen staff should secure a medical certificate from the Municipal health

department and observe personal hygiene.

7. In maintaining Canteen's sanitation, the staffs must do a regular cleaning not only

inside its premises but also on the outside.

8. It is recommended that canteen staff should ensure the student’s satisfaction in

taste of food by serving them the best.

To the School Canteen Administrator

9. In connection with maintaining its cleanliness there should be one organization

that will do a regular inspection if proper waste segregation is implemented in this


10. To the school administrators-should work together to support the feeding program

to minimize the malnourished students in schools.



Bernardino, Josephine “Technology and Livelihood Education I,” BEC 2002

Complaint Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2005

Velasquez, Gee E. “Technology and Livelihood Education IV” JO-ES Publishing

House, Inc., 2004


Sun Star Newspaper Bacolod (November 10, 2010)

Narayana Murthy T, Labor Welfare Activities in Indian Industrial Organizations,

Unpublished Thesis, Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, India, 2000


DepEd. Order No. 14.s, 2005 “Instruction to Ensure Consumption of Nutritious

and Safe Food

Dep. Ed. Order No. 8,s 2007 Implement Guidelines in School Canteen

Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation of the Philippines

Article 8 of the Local Government Code



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
School Division of Tarlac Province
Caluluan High School
Caluluan, Concepcion, Tarlac

Senior High School Satisfaction on the Food Services

Provided by the School Canteen

Of Caluluan High School

S.Y 2017-2018

Dear Respondents,

We are conducting a research about Senior High School Satisfaction on the Food

Services provided by the School Canteen of Caluluan High School S.Y 2017-2018.To

understand the level of satisfaction of Senior High School students, to described the

canteen staff and to know the best way to improve the school canteen.

In this regard, may we request your sincerest and honest response on the

questionnaire being attached. Rest assured that all information gathered shall be kept


Very truly yours,


Name (optional) ________________
Grade Level/Section: ____________

A. DIRECTION: Please check and rate the CHS canteen based on the Level of
Satisfaction where in
1 = Very Dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Neither 4 = Satisfied 5 = Very Satisfied
5 4 3 2 1
Nutritional Value
1. The menu choices always contain nutrition level
2. The food being served is good for my health
3. The food standards are based on DepEd orders.
Taste of Food
1. The quality of the ingredients used.
2. The quality of the food is fresh.
3. The flavor of the food.
1. The food prices are affordable.
2. Eating in the canteen fits my weekly budget.
3. Food prices are reasonable for the servings.
1. Trashes are properly segregated.
2. Decorations are bright and cheerful.
3. Canteen Serving line are clean.
Canteen Staff
1. Canteen staff are clean and neat
2. The attitude of the canteen staff
3. The behavior of the canteen staff

B. DIRECTION: Please choose in the following statement and check the best way
to improve the school canteen services.
o Keep your food service and food display area and the equipment clean.
o Create a welcoming environment.
o Group similar menu items in section. (e.g. mains, snacks ,hot foods
o A suggestion box by the counter is a great way for students to give



Magsilang, Alicia Ann Y G.

517 Matalusad Sta. Cruz, Concepcion Tarlac
PERSONAL BACKGROUND Birthdate : January 8 2000

Birthplace : Concepcion Tarlac

Age : 17 years old

Gender : Female

Civil Status : Single

Nationalism : Filipino

Religion : Catholic

Parents : Allin M. Magsilang


:Anna Lea G. Magsilang


Weight : 40

Height : 5’0

EDUCATIONAL Secondary : Caluluan High School

BACKGROUND Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac


Primary : Sta. Cruz Elementary School

Sta. Cruz Concepcion Tarlac



Senior High Teacher

Dela Cruz, Michaela S.

#189 Block 2, Bantog La Paz Tarlac
PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth : Aug. 8, 1999
Place of Birth : Bantog La Paz Tarlac
Age : 18
Civil Status : Single
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Height : 5'1
Language Spoken : Pampango, Tagalog & English
Father's name : Fernando Dela Cruz
Occupation : Farmer
Mother's name : Amelia Dela Cruz
Occupation : Housewife
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary : Caluluan High School
Caluluan Cpn. Tarlac
Primary : Concepcion East Central Elementary
Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac
2006- 2012


Senior High Teacher

Narciso, Janmil C.
106 Basilio Street Caluluan, Concepcion, Tarlac

PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of birth : January 1, 2000

Place of birth : Tarlac Tarlac
Age : 17
Civil Status : Single
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Height : 5' 2
Language Spoken : Kapampangan, Tagalog and English
Father's Name : Rolando Narciso
Occupation : Farmer
Mother's Name : Raquel Narciso
Occupation : Teacher

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary : Caluluan High School

Caluluan, Concepcion, Tarlac

Primary : Concepcion East Central Elementary

Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac


Senior High Teacher

Villaronte, Vincent Ivan C.

Caluluan, Concepcion, Tarlac.

PERSONAL BACKGROUND Date of birth : October 11, 1999

Place of birth : Caluluan,Concepcion,Tarlac

Age : 17

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5'6

Weight : 70

Language Spoken : Pampango, Tagalog, english

Fathers name :

Occupation :

Mothers name : Loida Villaronte

Occupation : OFW

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary :Caluluan High School

Primary : Concepcion East Central Elementary



Senior High Teacher

Malonzo, Erine Smith S.
Bantog,La Paz,Tarlac.

PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of birth : February 10,2000

Place of birth : Bantog,La Paz ,Tarlac

Age : 17

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5'9

Weight : 63

Language Spoken : Pampango, Tagalog, English

Fathers Name :Ermie G.Malonzo

Occupation :OFW

Mothers Name : Lourdes S.Malonzo

Occupation : BHW

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary : Caluluan High School

Primary : Bantog Elementary School.


Senior High Teacher

Mercado, Adrian Paul R.
Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac

PERSONAL BACKGROUND Date of birth : March 3 2000

Place of birth : Concepcion Tarlac

Age : 17

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5'5

Weight : 63

Language Spoken : Pampango, Tagalog, English

Fathers Name :Salvador G. Mercado

Mothers Name : Charito R. Mercado

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary : Caluluan High school

Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac

Primary : Concepcion East Central Elementary


Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac


Senior High Teacher

Hipolito, Ronie M.
Bantog LaPaz Tarlac

PERSONAL BACKGROUND Date of birth : March 162000

Place of birth : Concepcion Tarlac

Age : 17

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5'5

Weight : 60

Language Spoken : Pampango, Tagalog, English

Fathers Name :Romualdo Hipolito

Occupation : Farmer

Mothers Name : Mary Ruth Hipolito

Occupation : Vendor

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary : Caluluan High school

Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac

Primary : Concepcion East Central Elementary



Senior High Teacher

Dela Cruz, Jefferson P.
Bantog LaPaz Tarlac

PERSONAL BACKGROUND Date of birth : November 22 1999

Place of birth : Concepcion Tarlac

Age : 17

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5'6

Weight : 60

Language Spoken : Pampango, Tagalog, English

Fathers Name : Arnel M. Dela Cruz

Occupaion : OFW

Mothers Name : Cristina P. Dela Cruz

Occupation : BHW

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary : Caluluan High school

Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac

Primary : Bantog Elementary School


Senior High Teacher

Sigua, Shiela Mae C.
#28 Maligaya St. Paludpud La Paz Tarlac

PERSONAL BACKGROUND Date of birth : August 31 1998

Place of birth : Tarlac City

Age : 19

Civil Status : Single

Gender : Female

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Height : 5'6

Weight : 47

Language Spoken : Pampango, Tagalog, English

Fathers Name : Renato Dizon Sigua

Occupation : Farmer

Mothers Name : Rosemarie Crisostomo Sigua

Occupation : Housewife

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary : Great Eastern Institue

La Paz Tarlac

: Caluluan High school

Caluluan Concepcion Tarlac

Primary : Paludpud Elementary School


Senior High Teacher

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