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Analyzing the information you read
What is critical reading?

Questioning the
Not taking the
credibility of the
information you
information you
read at face value
are reading
• Credible information:
• can be proved
Checking reference • comes from relevant source
Let’s analyze this paragraph

Instruction: Read the paragraph below then pay attention to the bold parts. Their
credibility is questionable. What proof is needed to make them more credible?

Business is the most popular major in the US, and if you don’t already know this, a
more common credential tends to be less valuable than a less common credential.
Business majors who succeed tend to have very concrete skills, especially in
quantitative analysis areas. Economics and finance majors will, on average, do much
better than marketing or management or general business majors. Don’t avoid
challenging courses, including business calculus. Also, don’t jump to an MBA; it’s the
most common graduate degree grants, accounting for 1 in 4 master’s degrees, and
with 200,000 given out each year, there are 4 MBAs granted for each bachelor’s
degree in computer science.
Practice 1

• Instruction: Read the question and the following answer below. Try to find the parts (in the answer) that are not
credible and need proof. What kind of proof does the writer need?

• Q: What is the best job for a business major?

• A: The business degree is one of the most popular and generic degrees you can get. You will get exposed at
the undergrad level to a little bit of management, economics, accounting, probably some finance, marketing,
project management, business law. So you will be a specialist in nothing, but a generalist with the typical BS
in Business. If you don’t have a passion for anything specific, but know you want to work in corporate America
this degree may be a good fit for you. The reality is over 60% of people don’t work in their given field of study
within 5 years, so this degree works if you want to just dabble in different areas of business and management.
• The writer should put data like survey, research, and valid data about a sentences bold to make sure the reader about
the text.) and should survey about the reality
Practice 2

• Instruction: Read the question and the following answer below. Try to find the parts (in
the answer) that are not credible and need proof. What kind of proof does the writer

• Q: Why do college students want to graduate as soon as possible?

• A: It's hard to say how to develop this attitude. People who are motivated usually have a
clear goal and highly driven for the final result. I'm currently a PhD student. I have found
people with work experiences before coming to grad school in general more motivated
and more capable of getting work done on time. If you have been a student all along, it is
not surprising you lack the motivation to finish things on time because there is rarely
hard deadlines. Try an internship in a dynamic working environment, that might help.
• The writers should have a valid data and survey about that a sentences bold
Practice 3

• Instruction: Read the question and the following answer below. Try to find the parts (in the answer) that are
not credible and need proof. What kind of proof does the writer need?

• Q: Why is college often stressful?

• A: In my opinion stress only comes when someone is doing something repeatedly which he/she is not loving
to do or have no idea what he/she is doing. So specially in India everyone follows the flow. If someone has
no idea what to do then do engineering or BA. So now they come to college and start doing their work and
then they realize that this is not what they were meant for and they do not love doing this. However, they
cannot drop out because of what others might think and because they had paid a lot so they become
• The writers should put a data valid and a survey. And then, statement about indian is more need research because that’s can
be judge Indian without any valid data and credible sources. The writer could be sued by Indian that write the text because
its like an judgement with no support data behind.

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