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This chapter presents the results of gathered information from the 150

employees of OutForce BPO Company who served as respondents of this

research paper. It also contains data analysis and interpretation that has been

structured under the research study questions outlined in the first chapter. The

chapter includes the employee’s demographic profile, respondents’ level of

agreement on the different work factor antecedents and statements about the

facets of organizational commitment correlated with their respective profile,

and the relationship of work factor antecedents and aspects of the

organizational commitment during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

1. Respondent’s Profile

The distribution of the respondent-employees of OutForce BPO

company is executed on Tables 1 to 6 according to their demographic profile.

Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Female 89 59.3
Male 61 40.7
Total 150 100
Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms

of Sex
Table 1 shows the percentage of the respondents according to sex. 89

respondents are female with 59.30 percent and 61 respondents are male with

40.7% rate.

Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms

of Age

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

18 to 20 years old 7 4.7
21 to 25 years old 67 44.7
26 to 30 years old 37 24.7
31 to 35 years old 21 14.0
36 to 40 years old 7 4.7
41 to 45 years old 9 6.0
46 to 50 years old 2 1.3
Total 150 100.0

Table 2 shows the age distribution of respondents. Ages 21 to 25 have

the highest frequency of 67 or 44.7 percent of the total sample, followed by 26

to 30 years old with the frequency of 37 or 24.7 percent and 31 to 35 years old

with 21 or 14.0 percent. The lower number of respondents is aged 41 to 45

years old with the frequency of 9 or 6.0 percent, 18 to 20 and 36 to 40 years

old with both frequency of 7 or 4.7 percent while respondents ages 46 to 50

have the least percentage of only two respondents (1.3 percent).

This is supported by [ CITATION Cas13 \l 1033 ], where most call center agents are

on the average age range of 21 to 24 years old. It continues to offer more

employment opportunities, and no age bracket is required. If an individual's

abilities, qualifications, and desires fit the conditions, it will allow them to

choose to work in a call center. Location is also a significant factor that implies

the distance of work from one's home, and it can be traveled efficiently, and

there is a high chance that a person will select a call center for a job choice.

Table 3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms

of Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage (%)

Single 131 87.3
Married 15 10.0
Separated 4 2.7
Total 150 100.0

The above result is supported by (Castro, & Deluna, Jr, 2013), finding

that the majority of the employees are single for call center agents. It has a

competitive salary to financially support the family.

Table 4: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms

of Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment Frequenc

Percentage (%)
Highschool graduate 5 3.3
College level 53 35.3
College graduate 87 58.0
Master’s degree 5 3.3
Total 150 100.0

The breakdown of participants in terms of civil educational attainment can be

seen in the table above. The table revealed that a majority of the respondents
are degree holders, followed by those with a college level. The least number of

respondents are those with a master's degree and those that have graduated

high school.

The result of the study revealed that most of the respondents are degree

holders. However, this contrasts with the findings of the survey conducted by

(Castro, & Deluna, Jr, 2013). The study findings reveal that call center agents

are college-level in which some had stopped schooling and others are working


Table 5: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms

of Designation

Designation Frequency Percentage (%)

Customer Service Support 68 45.3
Technical Service Support 17 11.3
Account Manager 9 6.0
HR Officers 4 2.7
Marketing Officer 6 4.0
Technical Specialist 11 7.3
Data Entry Specialist 1 .7
Others 34 22.7
Total 150 100.0

Table 5 shows the percentage of the respondents according to the

designation. Sixty-eight respondents are customer service support while the

lowest is data entry specialist.

Table 6: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms

of Length of Service rendered in the office

Length of Service Rendered Frequenc Percentage (%)

3 to 6 months 59 39.3
7 to 11 months 23 15.3
1 to 3 years 42 28.0
4 to 6 years 13 8.7
7 to 9 years 9 6.0
More than 10 years 4 2.7
Total 150 100.0

Table 6 shows the percentage of the length of service rendered by

respondents. Fifty-nine respondents rendered 3 to 6 months meanwhile four

respondents have provided 10 years of service.


Castro, A and Deluna, R. (2013). Factors Affecting Call Center as a Job

Preference among Employees in Davao City. Munich Personal RePEc Archive

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