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Page No.
Expt. No.

8 icig utreOn vez:/ment A32et

Asgume Cod Shot hice ogold R Mcoo peola

(L Hola = l0 g m . T momeimg
Cozt J 12% beH omum
Comdtmuoua Compounding uhat should be psice
d mon uuwe comdoct on aold 9 90a9re
hougimg ma mBusomce Copt ate placed a 6Y þe oromm
obot uld be das value, o 4 euuxe Comtro
So The a r yalue cuHurez comtract is givem by
F - Sxet
y 0 0 0 x012x

u282 82 be l0,.gm
amd m3usomce_ cogt 0ould be added to Ru
sHmamcimg Cogt tox delesmminnimg deir alue c
dututes a
f I4000 xe°SK

559 pegm

2p) oicing futuresen ComaUmbtien A22et

a t spot poice c a t damom u Rs 714 pe ka.

Agaume Ommum wi ComAimuo
T Hnomcimg COzig ake l0% beH
hould be ice dt R
u Compoumdimg uho tasehou8img
Comtsact on Ca9tdamom 2 14
omo dutures þe Lslad tould
copt aHeþlaced a t
nd imauzamce

Teacher's Signature

SeH lermemit
5.msalure) Comtaact 9
be dair value -

Cag3k amd
Dueo Com8unptten am buytmgutures,
Sellimq-4 a22e
CO96ty 1mple) Comgumpien value-ey
a9te so
ukerne cammot ovide Theste.tose, 0e enly kave
bhupica a2get
Sybsate tor QL eutre pricee
aaivem below,
m upet boumd to H
o10 X/0 E732.07 þet kg
CoBt dould be added fo -
dabie ho uaimg amd imgunamce uppebound caur
imamcimg 0at or deBemmimg
Nalue 4 dure ab

F719e 733.91 Pes k

shock qutune Oividend rul
aFair Pice
Would be 4ea dair
Ashock tTading at Ra 600 todgu, ushat-
alue 4euhuTe comtvac en + hork matusimq He S90
nd tey5 au3 SHok
dou Susk-dree mtesteat sate, 2
epeeeso give dlvidemd a Re z09 totad0ould be 42e cdar
Nalue, 0 eulure) cmtraot 4Cabte a mo dividemd 9 Assume
Compo umdmg io
The bve2emt Nolue, dividend b us)
265 3 65

1OFH19 R 99 56
Expt. No,
Page No.

Theteore ex- dvdemd bice nodau Nalue

600.00-29 56
faix ue alue uture
eutue comtact
el = CUvTemtt þrice
undeslyirmqt cot co9 daken
stoT 90 cu2)
570 yy + 570.u9 X 612/365 Kg0
570:44t S70.u x 0.00092316712
570 qu 16 878777
587.318 Rg 587:82

ase, Da no dividemd 41gn e dair value duure

9 09o daugdo eaply 0ouldbe
Cubxemt pice umdest lyimg +H CO3t d coSOHy
O 000,01
6 0 0 + 600 x012/36S x9O
akem dor 90dbug)
600 +6OO x O.00032876712 X9o
600+177539 003
R3 611:1S
4ShoTt tHedae-Hedalng Lona po2ion Portelallo

ComaideyHa mutual eund havimg a huae, þodtetollo _o

R [00 CsOTe Tadouy u 9februasty amd exbec-taten
qemesta budget em Comima 98 ebruastu motE
Nesuy bromiaimg Th curemtValue CA BSE Semzex w
6500 februasy nd Moun tuTes maturima nn 595
Februas amd 95 Maxa Comai2hmg dunAAX 50
Teacher's Signature
nd 657S S1eapecively
How Com 4
3elimg at6,595
budget 9 6shat u0oud
Sem3ex a9te
agaimat H uncettamty
Fumc baotee up 5 .
by 5x aexpecd o aoes
hobem makeaoes
ggaunt expectalten

bebtsolio = lo0 . .md deb

Mutual qund Mulua
98 feb esendatlon o henetal budqet
expecling bromi3img
dumd mamagey e0maide Gnemeto Budget mot vey
SSE Sengex 6500 md deb or
Spowt boice 65S
feb lotSize50
ma L.m 25
95 matak 6 5sS
apbrox. values)
Yalue dt ene BSE Senpex Comtsact (UBimg93.50Lakh
5 0 X6,60 0 Rz
10,0oo L a k
þortedoio to be hedged Rs

alue ct t
No ot Comtractz to be Sold = 10,000/39Bo
3030 Comtract)
T4matket goeb dowm b 5 a amtici paBed
Cnain uture (6,600- 6260) x50 x803 O0
R 515.10 LakL

masket goes up by 5% agaimat expectaHen3

(6,600-6900)X56x 80g0 ro
Loaz on
F R3 54.50 Lak

S e t lm e

Expt. No. Page No.


&Hedge gaauimgt Mosike Rik

Am inveatos A u t bouaht slock Hinduplom
umilive umited (HUL) L00H Ra 90 Lakk due to i wesy
srong dumdamertalz HouDeveSH H masiket Jm aenesta
Comaideed to 9temaim Oeak o about mext 3 mo
beta HUL 2 0mnd Cuwxemtt Value
Nisty u 2250 amd momde tutuTe Seling 2,31o
Anaoe collolng
1 How Com mVeari0Y hedae hamaeld
expeeded sall dm d maske9 e
9 Amaly2e h pozitien (a) maket alla by 10 m
moms omdHUL 2diop3 o Ra 8 doom R3 900
) imosyke
Heaialeaz3 a kizeCA 6 amd HUL
Supeo Rg 215 00mn Rs 200D

d00 Teacher's Signature

3) Cnive 40 3temdatd deviattons o te onasiket ab 12Y. ond
HUL a tt7. tat u 4 Susk o um hedged and hedged
HUL 20 Lakh
-mmastket toeak
No. oi shastel o HUL 20,000,00 10,00bo
No. futunes comtract 8old value -to be hedaed /value. ene
uture Comtract
24,00,000 x 2310

5.19 (5 cosacta)
Value Ho be hedged20,00,00dx12

2 Matket alla bu 10 to 202.5 stoorm 2,250 and HUL allg to

R 178
Sellmg þrice o dutuve)
Buying Þrice, duure)2025
(2310-202S) 28S
naim m quture) maske

naim n poaitien Cuture 5 x200x285-

LoBB On HUL t0,00 shase (200-118) Xlo000
22 X 100o0
220, 000
Net harn R3 65,000

Expt. No. Page No.

Masket Suize elalla 6 t o 2,985 oom 9,250

amd HOL 9u2e)to Rz 215
Sellimgprice dutuseb 2910
buying miceCduture) 2385
aaim Jm duture3 maske 75

Lo22 Cm þozitlem dduture 5x200 x13

Unaum em HUL 10,000 3hoSte) = Q15-200) XI00 00
= Rp 1,50,000
Net in= (A50,000 -75 000
T ienveahas003 umhedae d hgam ooud be
R3 , 50,00o

I 1e lmveatov Semaimed umhedged he Dould

Cast emttse 9ulzk ttUL
hedgedpo3ittemn dn udunes R a0moumt C
yaStiom¢ e OteductHem
m 22 x202
207.96 Stemdasiddeviation
Regidua Nasugmce 8 -Pm
32 207.36
16 6
Hedged poulstollo uU teduce 10.à Suigk s
038e+ s0

Teacher's Signature

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