Characterization of Microstructure and Thermal Properties of YSZ Coatings Obtained by Axial Suspension Plasma Spraying (ASPS)

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DOI: 10.1007/s11666-015-0263-x
1059-9630/$19.00  ASM International

Peer Reviewed
Characterization of Microstructure
and Thermal Properties of YSZ Coatings
Obtained by Axial Suspension Plasma
Spraying (ASPS)
Ashish Ganvir, Nicholas Curry, Stefan Björklund, Nicolaie Markocsan, and Per Nylén

(Submitted February 20, 2015; in revised form May 3, 2015)

The paper aims at demonstrating various microstructures which can be obtained using the suspension
spraying technique and their respective significance in enhancing the thermal insulation property of a
thermal barrier coating. Three different types of coating microstructures are discussed which were
produced by the Axial Suspension Plasma Spraying. Detailed characterization of coatings was then
performed. Optical and scanning electron microscopy were utilized for microstructure evaluations; x-ray
diffraction for phase analysis; water impregnation, image analysis, and mercury intrusion porosimetry for
porosity analysis, and laser flash analysis for thermal diffusivity measurements were used. The results
showed that Axial Suspension Plasma Spraying can generate vertically cracked, porous, and feathery
columnar-type microstructures. Pore size distribution was found in micron, submicron, and nanometer
range. Higher overall porosity, the lower density of vertical cracks or inter-column spacing, and higher
inter-pass porosity favored thermal insulation property of the coating. Significant increase in thermal
diffusivity and conductivity was found at higher temperature, which is believed to be due to the pore
rearrangement (sintering and pore coarsening). Thermal conductivity values for these coatings were also
compared with electron beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD) thermal barrier coatings from the
literature and found to be much lower.

Keywords axial injection, columnar and feathery columnar

pension sprayed coatings have also shown lower thermal
microstructure, micron, MIP, submicron, and conductivity than conventional APS coatings (Ref 4, 8).
nanometer pores, suspension plasma spraying, In a previous screening study, it was shown that feasible
thermal barrier coatings, thermal diffusivity and coating microstructures can be achieved by using Sus-
conductivity, vertical cracks pension High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (S-HVOF) spraying and
Suspension Plasma Spraying (SPS). It was noticed that two
different types of microstructures are predominantly
achieved using the above-mentioned spraying techniques
(Ref 4).
1. Introduction For the S-HVOF coating, the suspension was injected
axially and the resultant microstructure was found to be a
Suspension spraying is a relatively new technique to dense, vertically cracked structure with a porosity of
produce coatings with a variety of microstructures (Ref 1, approximately 20% (Ref 4). A gas fuel HVOF TopGun
2). Conventional way of spraying solid powder as feedstock (GTV) system with a nozzle of diameter of 8 mm and
using Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) puts limitation ethylene as fuel gas, respectively (Fraunhofer IWS,
on the powder size, where it is difficult to spray fine powders. Dresden) was used. Water-based suspension with particles
Suspension spraying is an alternative where the suspension in a range of D50 1-10 lm was used. The structure was
of a specific powder is used as feedstock, which makes it similar to a segmented and dense vertically cracked
possible to spray submicron- and nanometer-sized powder structure produced by air plasma spraying (Ref 9, 10). A
particles (Ref 3). Suspension spraying can produce highly detailed explanation behind formation of these vertical
porous (Ref 4) coatings with different kinds of microstruc- cracks in suspension spraying can be found in Ref 4, 7.
tures such as columnar type (Ref 5, 6), feathery columnar Suspension plasma spraying has been shown capable in
type (Ref 6), and vertically cracked type (Ref 4, 7). Sus- producing high porosity coatings which plays a crucial role
in enhancing the thermal insulation (Ref 4, 11) of TBCs.
In order to achieve the desired (higher) porosity con-
Ashish Ganvir, Nicholas Curry, Stefan Björklund, tent, another coating type was produced using Suspension
Nicolaie Markocsan, and Per Nylén, Department of
Plasma Spraying (SPS) technique where the water-based
Engineering Science, University West, 46186 Trollhättan,
Sweden. Contact e-mails: and ashish. suspension was injected radially. Torch power used to spray these coatings was between 51 and 52 kW. Particles

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

in suspension were in a range of D50 1-10 lm. As expected, Coimbra, Portugal) was used to spray these coatings. The
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the resultant microstructure had a higher porosity com- particle size distribution and the solid loading were
pared to the S-HVOF coating as can be seen in Ref 4, and (D10 = 241 nm, D50 = 492 nm, and D90 = 1.082 lm) and
the microstructure found was somewhere in between 25 wt.% powder in ethanol respectively. Mixture of Ar,
columnar and vertical cracked types (Ref 4). The total H2, and N2 was used to form the plasma with a gas flow in
porosity of the coatings was around 40% with significant a range of 200-300 L/min. Suspension injector of 250 lm
amount of inter-pass porosity bands. Both coating types and exit nozzle of 0.375 inch was used. A summary of
showed good results in terms of thermal properties (Ref 4). deposition parameters used for C1, C2, and C3 is dis-
Suspension trajectory while injecting the suspension in played in Table 1. It should be noted that the spraying
SPS was perpendicular to the flow of plasma as in con- conditions were not optimized.
ventional radial injection plasma spraying process. How- Prior to spraying the top coats, a metallic bond coat was
ever, in S-HVOF and Axial Suspension Plasma Spraying sprayed on HastelloyX substrates. The bond coats were
(ASPS) (coatings produced in this work) techniques, sus- produced using a CoNiCrAlY material; AMDRY 9951
pension was injected axially that is parallel to the plasma (Oerlikon Metco, Wholen, Switzerland) and were de-
flow. Detailed difference in two trajectories can be found posited using a high velocity air-fuel (HVAF) spray sys-
elsewhere (Ref 12). tem (Uniquecoat, Richmond, USA). The bond coat
Although both techniques S-HVOF and SPS showed thickness was kept constant for all the three types of
several advantages, they also showed some limitations. coatings with a target thickness of 200 lm. Both plates
S-HVOF has the limitation of achieving the desired high (25 mm 9 25 mm 9 1.6 mm) and buttons (25 mm diam-
porosity due to the high particle velocity involved, and eter and 6 mm thickness) substrates were used.
radial injection SPS showed overspray problems due to
the radial injection. It should be noted here that this 2.2 Microstructure Characterization
overspray problem can be minimized with the radial
injection upon proper optimization of SPS process. In an In order to study the microstructure of the coatings, the
attempt to overcome these problems, in this work it was samples were first sectioned using a diamond cutting
decided to use axial suspension plasma spraying (ASPS). blade, and then the cross sections for each coating were
The aim of the work presented in this paper was to mounted in a low viscosity epoxy resin. Mounting was
investigate the microstructures of the TBCs which can be done using a vacuum impregnation technique. A standard
sprayed by axial SPS and further to correlate these procedure was used to polish the mounted samples semi-
microstructures to the thermal properties of the obtained automatically using a Buehler PowerPro 5000 (Buehler,
coating. USA). Mirror polished samples were used for the optical
Three coatings of varying microstructure were pro- and scanning electron microscopes (SEM) evaluations.
duced for this study. Characterization techniques utilized Gold sputtering was used prior to SEM in order to reduce
in this work were optical and scanning electron micro- the charging effect on ceramic layer in the coating.
scopy (SEM) for microstructure evaluations; x-ray 2.2.1 Coating Thickness, Inter-columnar Spacing or
diffraction (XRD) for phase analysis; water impregnation Vertical Crack Density, and Column Width Measure-
(WI), image analysis (IA), and mercury intrusion ment. Coating thickness was measured using optical
porosimetry (MIP) for porosity analysis, and laser flash micrographs. Around 200 measurements were performed
analysis (LFA) for thermal diffusivity measurements. across the 25-mm coating cross section. Inter-columnar
spacing, inter-feathery spacing, or vertical crack density
determination was done using SEM micrographs which
were then analyzed with an ImageJ public domain free
2. Experimental software (Ref 13). From now onward in the further dis-
cussion, inter-columnar spacing or inter-feathery spacing
2.1 Coating Production will be referred as vertical cracks. A total of 35 SEM
Three different types of coatings (top coats) which are micrographs were taken for each sample at 9300 magni-
designated as C1, C2, and C3 were sprayed with ASPS fication across the 25-mm sampleÕs cross section. A
technique using the Axial III high power plasma torch straight line of fixed length was drawn at half of the
(Northwest Mettech Corp., Vancouver, Canada) and coating thickness. All the vertical cracks intercepting the
Nanofeed 350 suspension feed system. Partially stabilized line in the micrograph were counted. The vertical crack
zirconia with 8 wt.% yttria suspension (INNOVNANO, density was calculated from each micrograph using

Table 1 Different spray parameters used to produce coatings C1, C2, and C3
Suspension feed
Coating ID Spray distance, mm Surface speed, cm/s Power, kW Total gas flow, L/min rate, mL/min

C1 50 216 101 200 100

C2 100 75 120 300 45
C3 50 75 147 300 100

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

cracks features like column gaps, big cracks, and micrometric
Vertical crack density

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mm pores, whereas 910K should capture features like sub-
No: of vertical cracks intercepted the line micrometric and nanometer pores. While capturing the
¼ : higher magnification micrographs (910K), it was made
True length of the line
sure that the micrographs should not contain any big
The final vertical crack density was taken as an average of features in order to avoid repetition.
35 vertical crack density measurements. The distance be- For each coating, a total of 20 SEM micrographs were
tween two cracks or columns was also calculated during captured across the 25-mm coating cross section for both
the same procedure. This distance will be referred as low and high magnification settings, respectively. It has to
column width in the further discussion. Column width was be noted that a larger number of micrographs at higher
measured at the half of the coating thickness for all magnification may lead to a better statistical estimation of
micrographs. Final column width results were the average porosity. However, in this work, the number was limited
of all column sizes from 35 micrographs. to 20 micrographs since the purpose was to determine the
relative porosity values among these three coatings and
2.3 Phase Analysis not the absolute value for each coating. All the images
were then threshold appropriately and converted into
Phase analysis was performed using XRD technique on binary images to calculate the porosity. The image analysis
coatings in the as-sprayed state. Measurements were car- technique adopted for this work is time-consuming but can
ried out using a D8 Discover diffractometer (Bruker AXS, provide an estimate of all types of pores (connected, non-
Germany) using Cu Ka radiation. 1D LynxEye detector connected, vertical cracks, branching cracks etc.) present
and double laser system were used for precise sample in the coating which may not be possible using other
height positioning. Beam knife was placed above the techniques like water impregnation or mercury intrusion
samples in order to minimize the air scattering. The porosimetry.
scanned range was from 20 to 90 2h with 0.03 2h 2.4.2 Water Impregnation and Mercury Intrusion
increment and 115 s scanning time in each step. Rietveld Porosimetry. Water impregnation technique was used to
refinement of the obtained diffraction pattern was done measure the open porosity (i.e., pores which are accessible
with TOPAS 4.2 software. by water) and it is based on Archimedes principle. The
The crystallite sizes, or more precisely average sizes of detailed experimental procedure can be found elsewhere
coherently scattering domains, were determined according (Ref 4). Porosity measurement and pore size distributions
to the Fundamental Parameters Approach (Ref 14). Since were also determined by MIP carried out on a PoreMaster
Bragg-Brentano geometry was used in this study, the 33 GT (Quantachrome Corporation, Boynton Beach, FL)
instrumental function was calculated pursuant direct equipment. Free-standing coatings were used for MIP
convolution approach. Weight fractions were determined which were cut (10 mm 9 24 mm) from a 25-mm button
according to quantitative Rietveld refinement (Ref 15) and then detached from substrate using nitro-hydrochloric
with the structural data of the identified phases taken from acid which dissolved the metallic bond coat. Samples were
the ICSD database. washed then dried in a furnace at 130 C for 45 min to
remove adsorbed water from the inner surfaces of the
coating. Due to the small sample volumes, blank cell
2.4 Porosity Analysis
correction was applied to increase accuracy of the mea-
Measuring the porosity in SPS coatings is a big chal- surements. The samples were analyzed in a pressure re-
lenge due to the presence of different scaled porosities gime which was from 12 kPa to 230 MPa. It has to be
starting from micrometric vertical cracks to submicron and noted here that WI does not provide information about
nanometer pores. Hence, porosity analysis was done using the pore size but just the volume fraction of the pores
three different techniques. Open porosity (pores which are based on the weight difference of wet (immersed in water)
accessible by a fluid) measurement was done using water and dry (as-sprayed) coating. However, MIP can detect
impregnation and mercury infiltration techniques. Also, pores of the order of a nanometer. The smaller the open
image analysis was carried out to see the content of closed pores, the higher the required intrusion pressure for the
porosity in the coating. These techniques are described mercury to impregnate into the pore. Resolution for MIP
individually in detail below. in this work was sample volume (3.2 cc), intrusion capacity
2.4.1 Image Analysis. Porosity measurement was done (0.5 cc), and volume resolution 3 9 105 cc.
using a public domain free software ImageJ (Ref 13).
Porosity measurement for SPS coatings using ImageJ
2.5 Characterization of Thermal Properties
software was also found in the literature (Ref 16, 17).
Since the coatings studied in this work showed porosity at Thermal diffusivity was measured using laser flash
varied scale (micrometric, submicron, and nanometer analysis. A Netzsch Laser Flash Apparatus LFA 427 sys-
pores); two different magnifications were utilized for tem (Netzsch Gerätebau GmbH, Germany) was used to
analysis in the software one of one thousand times mag- measure the thermal diffusivity. A complete three layer
nification, 91000 (91K) and one of ten thousand times system (top coat-bond coat-substrate) was used to mea-
magnification, 910,000 (910K). These two magnifications sure the diffusivity. The diffusivity was measured both at
were selected such that 91K magnification should capture room temperature as well as across the complete tem-

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

perature range 25-1190 C. This range will be referred as confirmed from both cross section and top view of the
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one cycle during the further discussion in this work. One coating from Fig. 1. Also, it is obvious from the cross
cycle here refers to the time taken to bring the sample section that C1 is highly porous, Fig. 1(a).
temperature from room temperature to 1190 C which Processing parameters for coating C1 utilized relatively
was approximately 4 h and then cool it back to room low power and total gas flow settings. Under such condi-
temperature which was approximately 2 h. After high tions, the atomizing effect of the plasma is reduced rela-
temperature exposure, coatings were allowed to cool tive to conditions C2 and C3. It should, therefore, be
down and re-measured at room temperature in order to expected that the C1 conditions will generate larger ato-
see the short-term sintering effect in the coating. Thermal mized droplets and consequently larger ceramic droplets
conductivity was then mathematically calculated using the once the solvent has evaporated. The high suspension feed
following formula (Ref 18): rate and consequently high total volume of solvent for
evaporation within the plasma further reduces the energy
k ¼ qaCp :
available for particle heating. The combination of plasma
Here k (W/(m K)) is thermal conductivity, q (g/cm3) is conditions, suspension feed and the 50 mm spray distance
coating density which was measured from water impreg- results in larger particles that are arriving at the substrate
nation technique, a (mm2/S) is thermal diffusivity mea- without complete melting. This can be observed in the
sured using LFA technique, and Cp (J/g/K) is the specific resultant microstructure that contains a large quantity of
heat capacity which was measured previously. The test pores and spherical particles.
specimens for LFA were 10-mm diameter disks which Coating C2 (Fig. 2) has shown feathery columnar-type
were water jet cut from 25-mm square plates. A thin layer microstructure. This can be seen from both the cross
of graphite was applied on the top of the coating before section and top surface of the coating, Fig. 2. Calculation
the measurement to enhance the absorption of the applied of cracks or in this case inter-columnar spacing was found
infrared light pulse. As YSZ is transparent to IR radiation to be similar as in coating C1 which is 12 cracks/mm.
wavelengths used in LFA equipment, the graphite layer However, the size of these feathers or column width was
prevents the IR detector from measuring temperature found to be (86 ± 38) lm.
increase of the bond coat surface, rather than the YSZ VanEvery et al. has proposed column formation in SPS
layer itself. The detailed experimental procedure for coating depending on the suspension droplet trajectory in
thermal diffusivity and conductivity measurement is the plasma plume just before the final impact. Droplets
described elsewhere (Ref 4, 18, 19). with diameters of the order of 1 lm and having low
momentum are influenced by the drag of the plume in the
boundary layer close to the substrate. Such particles will
be influenced by the plasma flow and deposit at shallow
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Microstructure Analysis
Table 2 Vertical crack density, column width, and
Coating C1 showed porous structure with some coating thickness for coating C1, C2, and C3
columnar features which can be seen from both cross
section and top view of the surface of the coating, Fig. 1. It Vertical
crack density, Column Coating
should be noted that this coating does not contain discrete Coating ID cracks/mm size, lm thickness, lm
inter-columnar spacing unlike other columnar-type struc-
tures. It was found that the vertical crack density and the C1 12.1 ± 2.3 80 ± 34 132 ± 11
column width was around 12 cracks/mm and (80 ± 34) C2 12 ± 2.3 86 ± 38 253 ± 18
C3 6.3 ± 1.6 176 ± 83 192 ± 9
lm, respectively, Table 2. Column width can also be

Fig. 1 Cross section of coating C1 (a) and top view of the surface of coating C1 (b)

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

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Fig. 2 Cross section of coating C2 (a) and top view of the surface coating C2 (b)

Fig. 3 Cross section of coating C3 (a) and top view of the surface coating C3 (b)

angles on surface asperities. This shadowing effect results due to the short stand-off distance, the particles arrive at
in the formation of columnar structures (Ref 6). the substrate with very high velocity resulting in a planar
Since coating C2 was produced utilizing higher power deposition structure that cracks during spraying. This,
(energy), higher total gas flow and lower suspension feed then, as VanEvery et al. discussed may generate lamellar
rate than coating C1; hence results in stronger atomization structure similar to APS. In such a lamellar structure,
of the suspension on injection and well treated particles in presence of micro cracks can form the vertical crack as the
flight. The longer stand-off distance of 100 mm compared splats overlaps during the coating growth. Vassen et al.,
to 50 mm used for coating C1 results in lower particle however, has shown that driving force for vertical crack
velocity when the plasma plume interacts with the sub- growth in SPS coating is the higher tensile stresses present
strate surface. The lower momentum particles are thus in the coating. Increased tensile stresses in SPS coating
greatly influenced by the flow of the boundary layer effect than APS are due to the presence of less microcracks than
of the plasma and result in oblique deposition trajectories in APS. Minimized microcracks can then increase tensile
and formation of feathery columnar structures. stresses in the SPS coating. Again, formation of such
Coating C3 has shown vertically cracked type vertical cracks in suspension sprayed coatings is explained
microstructure which can be seen from the cross section of elsewhere in detail (Ref 4, 7).
the coating, Fig. 3. Vertical crack density for this coating
was around 6 cracks/mm which is half of the crack density 3.2 Phase Analysis
of coatings C1 and C2. Similarly, the column width was
found to be (176 ± 83) lm which is double than coating XRD analysis of coatings C1, C2, and C3 was also
C1 and C2. This can also be seen in the microstructure of carried out in the as-sprayed state. Results showed that
coating C3, Fig. 3. Uniform inter-pass porosity bands were the major phase present in all coatings is tetragonal along
also found in these coatings. with some monoclinic, Table 3. Coating C3, however, did
Higher power (energy) and total gas flow involved not show any other phases and it was pure tetragonal. The
during spraying of coating C3 results in strong atomization crystallite size was also determined and found to be almost
and melting of the particles in the plasma plume despite in similar range for all C1, C2, and C3 coatings around
the high suspension feed rate of 100 ml/min. However, 100 nm, Table 3.

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Table 3 Various phases present in the as-sprayed state
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and crystallite size for C1, C2, and C3

Phase, wt.%

Coating ID Tetragonal Monoclinic Crystallite size, nm

C1 96.28 3.61 99 ± 2
C2 97.18 2.82 90 ± 2
C3 100 0 105 ± 2

Fig. 5 Cumulative distribution of pores in different size ranges

(micron, submicron, and nanometer) performed using mercury
infiltration porosimetry (MIP) technique for coatings C1, C2, and

Comparing C1, C2, and C3, it is shown from the plot in

Fig. 5 that C1 and C3 did not show the significant presence
of nanometer-sized pores compared to C2. However,
Fig. 4 Open porosity content (in vol.%) using water impreg- submicron-sized pores were found in all three coatings
nation (WI) and mercury infiltration porosimetry (MIP) with C1 having the highest content and C2 and C3 a
techniques similar content. Pores in micron scale were almost negli-
gible (around 0.6 vol.%) in coatings C2 and C3, whereas
some (around 1.5 vol.%) of micron-sized pores were
3.3 Porosity and Pore Distribution Analysis noticed in coating C1. Pores and other features which are
Porosity and pore architecture determination is a big considered in the category larger than 10 lm are found in
challenge for SPS TBCs due to the high porosity of the all three coatings. These bigger pores contributed around
coatings and also due to the presence of a varied scale of 37% in C2, 50% in C3, and 57% in C1 of their total
the pores size from micron- to nano-scaled pores (Ref 11). porosity content. The large scale features measured here
Hence, in this work, three of the existing methods to may be related then to the column spacing in the C2
measure the porosity were used and the results are dis- coating, segmentation cracks in the C3 coating, and large
cussed. Results for open porosity measurements are scale pores in the C1 coating (due to absence of column
shown in Fig. 4. Both results from WI and MIP follow the gaps). Comparing C2 and C3, C2 showed relatively larger
same trend with coating C1 having highest porosity, content of submicron and nanometer pores than C3.
whereas C2 and C3 having almost similar total open 3.3.2 Image Analysis (IA). Image analysis is an
porosity. This can also be observed from the microstruc- extensively used tool to analyze the porosity in thermal
tures of these coatings, Fig. 1, 2, and 3. barrier coatings. However, this technique can have some
Porosity by WI for coating C3 and C2 is almost same as difficulty in analyzing porosity in SPS coatings due to the
shown in Fig. 4, since the error bars are overlapping. presence of pores in various size ranges from micron to
However, porosity by MIP shows that coating C2 is nanometer range (Ref 11). Small pores such as submicron
slightly higher than the porosity of coating C3. This slight and nanometer pores may not be captured using low
increase in the porosity of coating C2 than C3 can be due magnification images. Hence, in this study, porosity mea-
to the presence of relatively larger submicron and nano- surement was carried out at two different magnifications
pores in C2 which is also shown in Fig. 5. The difference in to see the overall porosity content from both micron as
the trend for coating C2 and C3 from two techniques can well as submicron and nanometer scales. Figure 6 presents
be due to the fact that WI may not be able to impregnate the SEM micrographs from coating C2 at two different
very small pores as in MIP due to the higher pressure used magnifications (91K and 910K) used for IA. It can be
in MIP. seen from these micrographs that two different scaled
3.3.1 Pore size Distribution Analysis Using MIP. porosities are present in the coating.
From the cumulative plot of MIP measurements, Fig. 5, Figure 7 summarizes the IA results on all three coat-
it can be seen how the pores are distributed in several size ings at two different magnifications 91K and 910K.
ranges. Three important regions are marked in Fig. 5, Comparing coatings C1, C2, and C3, it can be seen that
these are pores in nanometer, sub-micrometer, and coating C1 showed the highest porosity content at both
micrometer range. Pores above 10 lm can be considered magnifications, whereas coating C3 showed the lowest.
as globular pores, large inter-columnar spacing, larger This can also be seen from the microstructure pictures,
vertical, and horizontal cracks etc. Fig. 1, 2, and 3.

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

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Fig. 6 SEM pictures analyzed in image analysis (IA) technique to measure the porosity content at two different magnifications 91000
(91K) (a) and 910,000 (910K) (b), respectively, showing two different scaled porosities for coating C2

study also reveals the importance of vertical cracks or

inter-columnar spacing and uniform inter-pass porosity
bands in affecting the thermal conductivities of the coat-
Firstly, looking at the first combination C1 and C2, It
can be seen from the porosity results, Fig. 4, that C1 has
higher porosity content than C2 but similar vertical crack
density, Table 2. Thermal diffusivity and conductivity are
hence following the inverse porosity trend where it can be
seen that C1 has shown lower thermal diffusivity and
conductivity values than C2.
Looking at the C2 and C3 combination, it can be seen
Fig. 7 Porosity content (in vol.%) using image analysis (IA) that C2 has shown comparatively similar content of overall
technique at two different magnifications 91000 (91K) and
910,000 (910K) to capture large-scaled pores and small-scaled porosity as C3, Fig. 4. However, the vertical crack density
pores, respectively for C2 was found to be double than C3, Table 3. Now,
even though the overall porosity content was similar for
C2 and C3, thermal diffusivity and conductivity values
Comparing each coating at two different magnifica-
were significantly higher for C2 than C3, Fig. 8(a) and (b).
tions, it can be seen that coating C1 has shown both small-
This trend can be explained due to the higher vertical
scaled porosity (at 910K) and large-scaled porosity (91K)
crack density in coating C2 than C3. These results are also
in significant amounts which is around 24 and 42 vol.%,
confirmed by literature which showed that higher vertical
respectively. Coating C2 has shown similar amount of
crack density increased the thermal diffusivity and con-
small- and large-scaled porosity which is around 13 vol.%.
ductivity in coatings (Ref 20, 21). This is because these
However, Coating C3 has shown almost negligible small-
vertical cracks allow the hot gases to pass through them
scale porosity; at around 2 vol.% and significantly low
which leads to easy heat flow and hence increase the
large-scale porosity at around 6 vol.%.
thermal diffusivity and conductivity of the coating
Comparing porosity results from two different standard
(Ref 22).
techniques WI and MIP, it is seen from Fig. 4 that WI
Also, lower thermal diffusivity and conductivity in C3
shows higher porosity than MIP for all coatings. This can
than C2 can be due to the presence of uniform inter-pass
be due the fact that WI does not neglect the surface
porosity bands in C3 which can be clearly seen from the
roughness of the top coat which then can be counted in the
microstructure, Fig. 3(a). These porosity bands are per-
overall porosity. However, in MIP, influence from the
pendicular to the direction of the heat flow in the coating,
surface roughness can be minimized by doing correction
which then may affect the overall heat flow. So, it can be
prior to the measurement in the machine. Important fact
said that these porosity bands may act as barriers for the
to be noted here is that, this difference does not relate to
easy heat flow in the coating. This then may decrease the
the porosity results from image analysis since image
overall thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of the
analysis considers 2D images where surface roughness
does not have any role.
Finally, looking at the combination C1 and C3 where
C1 showed both higher overall porosity content and
3.4 Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity higher vertical crack density than C3, thermal diffusivity
For a TBC system, higher the porosity, higher the and conductivity were found to be lower for C1 than C3,
amount of air present in the coating which will result in Fig. 8(a) and (b). Hence, it can be said that the effect of
greater thermal insulation of the coating (Ref 4, 8). This porosity content might be higher than the effect of vertical

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

cumulative porosity plot by MIP, Fig. 5. Due to a larger
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fraction of small-scaled pores in coating C2 than C3, a

larger amount pores might have undergone sintering as
well. This could be the reason behind the abrupt increase
in diffusivity after one cycle compared to C3.
Also comparing C1 and C2, again, there was not sig-
nificant increase in thermal diffusivity and conductivity in
C1 as in C2 after one cycle. Like C2, C1 also showed
significant small-scaled porosity, Fig. 5 and 7. However,
C1 did not show the presence of nanometer pores as in C2,
which can be seen from the cumulative plot of MIP, Fig. 5,
but C1 did show significant submicron porosity which were
also considered as small-scaled pores which are prone to
sintering (Ref 23). Considering the fact that if a coating
has significant small-scaled porosity but still does not show
significant increase in thermal diffusivity and conductivity
after one cycle, it can be explained by taking into con-
sideration the larger pores which may undergo pore
coarsening at higher temperatures while small pores sinter
(Ref 23). The coarsening of larger pores and sintering of
small-scaled pores can then balance the change in thermal
diffusivity and conductivity. In C1, as it can be seen from
MIP cumulative plot, Fig. 5, the percentage of larger pores
is in the same range with small-scaled pores. Hence, in
coating C1, larger pores coarsening and smaller pores
Fig. 8 (a) Thermal diffusivity values in the as-sprayed and just sintering may be balancing the thermal diffusivity and
after completion of one cycle at room temperatures for coatings conductivity increase. However, the complete behavior of
C1, C2, and C3. (b) Thermal conductivity values in the
as-sprayed and just after completion of one cycle at room pore rearrangement under heat loads is complicated and
temperatures for coatings C1, C2, and C3 further investigations are needed to better understand its
impact on the thermal properties of the coatings.
cracks density on thermal diffusivity and conductivity. Motivation for generating columnar structure in sus-
Looking at the microstructure, Fig. 1(a), it can be seen pension plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings comes
that C1 did not actually show the vertical cracks as dis- from the well-known EBPVD TBCs. Hence, thermal
crete as C3 and C2. Hence, comparing C1 with either C2 conductivity values of coatings from this study were also
or C3, the effect of porosity may be much significant than compared with EBPVD coatings from the literature. It
effect of the vertical cracks. Hence, it can be said that was found that EBPVD coatings showed thermal con-
higher porosity content may be the reason behind lower ductivity around 1.4 W/mK (Ref 24) and 1.5 W/mK (Ref
thermal diffusivity and conductivity of coating C1 than C3. 25) which is higher than ASPS coatings produced in this
One important thing to be noted here is the sudden work.
increase in the diffusivity values after one cycle in coating Figure 9(a) and (b) show the thermal diffusivity and
C2. On the contrary, C1 and C3 showed almost the same the thermal conductivity of the as-sprayed coatings,
diffusivity and conductivity, Fig. 8(a) and (b). The reason respectively, against temperature during one heating
behind this sudden increase could be some rearrangement cycle. Both curves follow the same trend as it was
of pores in coating C2. Guignard et al. showed that at observed at room temperature in the as-sprayed state.
higher temperatures, YSZ SPS coatings undergo pore Coating C1 shows the lowest diffusivity and conductivity,
structure rearrangement. It was shown that pores below whereas C2 shows the highest throughout the temperature
0.6 lm undergo sintering, on the other hand pores larger range. The increased trend of conductivity curve right
than 0.6 undergo pore coarsening (Ref 23). from the room temperature is not similar with the stan-
Coating C2 has shown almost similar thermal diffusiv- dard APS coatings. In standard APS YSZ TBCs, the
ity and conductivity in the as-sprayed state with C3. conductivity first decreases until 600-800 C and then in-
Having the similar amount of porosity in coating C2 and creases (Ref 26, 27) which is shown to be the result of
C3, the trend in diffusivity and conductivity is not sur- sintering in those coatings. However, in this study, the
prising. However, C2 showed significant increase in dif- presence of fine-scaled microstructural features (submi-
fusivity and conductivity, whereas C3 did not after treating cron and nanometer pores) for all coatings is believed to
the coating for one cycle. This behavior can be explained produce multiple interfaces that overall offer better ther-
based on the pore structure rearrangement in the coating. mal resistance. These fine features on the other hand may
As it can be seen from porosity results by image analysis at favor phenomena like sintering and pore coarsening by
910K, Fig. 7, coating C3 has negligible small-scaled pores, relatively shortening the surface diffusion distance in the
whereas C2 has shown significantly higher amount of coating. These fine features then can offer considerable
small-sized pores than C3. This can also be seen from scope for the surface diffusion to occur through grain

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

bands helps in reducing the overall thermal diffusivity and

Peer Reviewed
hence the thermal conductivity of the coating. Significant
increase in thermal diffusivity and conductivity was found
after heat treating the coatings at higher temperatures,
due to the rearrangement of the pore structure, which is
believed to be due to the coarsening of larger pores and
sintering of submicron and nanometer pores. However,
further detailed investigation behind the pore rearrange-
ment due to coarsening and sintering in SPS coatings is

Authors sincerely thank Monika Vilemova and Zdenek
Pala from IPP Prague, Czech Republic for helping out
with MIP and XRD experiments, respectively. Authors
are also thankful to Toni Bogdanoff from Jönköping
University and Narayanan Venkateswaran from India for
helping with LFA measurements and image analysis for
microstructural characterization respectively.

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Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

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