Assessing Listening Individual Project

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I Putu Suryana Kastawa (1801882030046)





Assessment is very useful for measuring the students’ ability in listening

in their every teaching and learning process. In line with Brown (2004:3) states
that assessment is a method of measuring a person ability, knowledge or
performance in a given domain. Assessment is an instrument or a set of technique,
procedures or items that requires performance on the student. There are so many
various techniques of assessment in measuring the students’ ability. Assessment
can be done by test, interview, questionnaire, observation, etc. in assessing
listening there are some type of tasks to assess listening. Different type of
listening has different type of test. Brown (2004:122) defines that there are some
types of listening with its design of assessment. The first is intensive listening. To
assess intensive listening: a number of test are used, such as recognizing
phonological and morphological elements, and paraphrase recognition. Secondly,
to assess responsive listening, a number of tests are used, such as form of
appropriate response to a question or open-ended response to a question. Thirdly,
in designing selective listening test, the teacher can be use listening cloze
information transfer and sentence repetition. The last, to assess extensive
listening, a number of test are used, such as dictation, communicative stimulus
response task, and authentic listening task.

Listening is one of the receptive skill and such as it involves students in

capturing and understanding the input of English. In some respects, listening is a
very individual activity, A speaker does not implant a message in the listener’s
mind. The listener has to remake the message: tying to gauge what the speaker’s
intentions are and extracting from the message whatever seems relevant to the
listener’s own goals. In assessing practice the teacher did assessment only twice in
each semester and this pointed out that listening was less of attention in learning
activity. The teacher collecting information by performing a task or a set of task.

The technique which was done by the teacher when assessed the students
sounded very monotonous as the teacher used the same technique every time the
same assessment took place. The technique which was used mainly dictation. The
teacher said the words for at least twice time and the student had to write down
the words they listened. This technique was not appropriate to measure students
comprehend as it mostly tended to memorizing than comprehending and allowed
the students easy to cheat when doing the test.

Moreover, this type of dictation made students are unaccustomed to listen

the native speaker’s style of language whereas in learning English, the students
should be trained to listen from native speaker in order to be able to differentiate
the sound combination, word stress, pronunciation and intonation pattern of the
native speaker. As they were great in listening comprehension, especially in
comprehending the native speaker in listening, it will automatically affect their
speaking skill since they could learn to imitate the right pronunciation and use
appropriate words to speak as well as they listened to native speaker.

Based on the problem above, we would like to introduce a different

technique is assessing the students’ listening comprehension. In this study, we
focused with an appropriate test item which was information transfer type.
Information transfer test is one of listening comprehension assessment tests that
used to assess students’ ability to understand the explanation which is focused on
detail information that the student hear from the resource such as a native speaker
or by using tape recorder and than fill the cart with the correct answer. In this test
items, the students focused on scanning to find specific information from the
passage read by the native speaker or with tape recorder.

The strengths of this test item are students would be introduced to listen
the pronunciation by native speaker recorded audio. Because by providing a
native speaker recorded audio, students will be exposed to correct sound and
pronunciation. Moreover, this test gives a better result as students can use their
prior knowledge about the topic of the passage that makes them easier to scan for
information. In, Brown (2006:6) states that student’s prior knowledge has an
effect on their cognition. It is said that prior knowledge generalize mental
representation of our experience that help us understand new experience.
Consequently, the students will have a small chance to cheat with their friend.

We use information transfer test in assessing students’ listening

comprehension. Information transfer is one of listening comprehension
assessment test that is used to assess students’ listening ability to understand and
comprehend the explanation and fill the chart with the correct answer. Nation and
Netwon (2009;47) state that information transfer is focuses on the details of
information that student hear. Information transfer tasks may reflect greater
authenticity by using charts, maps, grids, timetable, and other artifacts of daily
life. There some principles of the constructing the test :

1. There is an information in the test that can transfer to the students.

2. There is charts, maps, girds, timetable for the media of the test.

As the activity in involved writing, to assess their listening comprehension, we

used scoring rubric based on Brown (2004;228) and answer key.

The preparation that we will use in this administration of the text is drawing a
clear distinction between any two of the categories of listening referred to here is
problematic, but perhaps the fuzziest division is between selective and extensive
listening. As we gradually move along the continuum from smaller to larger
stretches of language and from micro to macro skills of listening. The probability
of using more extensive listening tasks. Some important questions about
designing assessments.

In this exercise, you will identify teaching strategies based on stimulus−response
principles, with a particular focus on operant conditioning. As you complete the
exercise, keep the following concepts in mind like positive reinceforcement and
After Administering
Therefore, we as teachers/prospective educators need to evaluate student learning
after they are doing a task to determine the extent of the student's ability to
participate in the learning process in class. But it is not only students who must be
evaluated but the teacher must also be evaluated to find out whether it is maximal
in conveying learning to students or vice versa.

We find a lesson plan and the lesson plan is from SMAS DharmaPraja
Denpasar. We will analyze the lesson plan based on Permendikbud No. 22 Year
2016. Based on the analyze we find some missing parts there are :

No Permendikbud No.22 Year 2016 Our Analysis

1 School Complete
2 Subject Complete
3 Class/semester Complete
4 Main Material Complete
5 Time Allocation Complete
6 Objective Complete, but he component not in
order. The main competency was
still added in the lesson plan
7 Basic Competence and Indicators Complete
8 Learning Material Complete, but the component of
lesson plan not in order. It is should
learning material.
9 Learning Method Complete, but the component of
lesson plan not in order. It is should
learning method.
10 Learning Media and Learning Complete but the component of
Resources lesson plan not in order. It is should
Learning Media and Learning
11 Learning Step Complete, but the component of
lesson plan not in order. It is should
learning step. Learning media should
combined with learning resources.
12 Assessment Complete, but the component of
lesson plan not in order. It is should
the assessment. And learning
resources should combined with
learning media.

There are some missing part in this lesson plan. We found irreguler order
according to Permendikbud No. 22 Year 2016. For instance, the main competency
was still added on this lesson plan. The learning media and learning resouces are
not combined.

Based on our analyze, the indicators of basic competences are incorrect.

The basic competency 3.1 is applying (C3). However, the indicators written by
the teacher are identifying (C1) and understanding (C2). The indicator should be
using or carrying out (C3). In basic competency number 4.1 on the lesson plan
used C6 (creating) and the indicators number 1 used constructing (C6). It is
correct. While indicator number 2 used understanding (C2). It is not correct.
Moreover, in the lesson plan we do not see the student worksheet and assessment
sheet. There is only the scoring rubric.


Based on the analyze in point C, if the teacher make a lesson plan they
should follow the format based on Permendikbud No. 22 Year 2016. Because
there is some missing part in the lesson plan that we have analyzed. On the lesson
plan the basic competency number 3.1 on the lesson plan use C3 (applying) while
in the indicators number 1 and 2 use C1 (identifying). In the indicators it should
be use C3 (executing or implementing). Learning media and learning resources
should be combined. And the last, in the lesson plan should add thestudentwork
sheet and assement sheet. If the teacher want to test the student in their listening
abilitiy. The teacher can use the information transfer test use chat filling test
because it is not monoton, it is very interesting, students can get the detail
information and students would be introduced to listen the pronunciation by
native speaker recorded audio.
School Identity : SMP N 2 Denpasar
Subjects : English
Class/Semester : VIII/ I
Topic : Personal Information or Habits
Time Allotment : 4 x 40 Minutes

A. Basic Competency and Indicators of Competency Achievement

3.7 Implementing social function, text structures, and language feature of oral
transactional and written text interactions involving the act of giving and questing
information related to circumstances/actions/activities/events that are carried
out/occur routinely or are general truth, in accordance with the context of their use
( Simple Present Tense).
1. Using the text structure and language feature to carry out social functions
that stating actions/events and asking what is done/happens routinely or is
in accordance with the context of general truth of their use
4.7 Creating the oral transactional and written very short and simple which
involves the ac|of giving and requesting information related to the
state/action/activity/event that is carried out/happens routinely or is a general
truth, with due regard to social function, text structure and language feature and
cased on the context.
1. Producing a simple written texts about actions/evens that are carried
out/occur routinely or general truth
B. Learning Objective
1. Students are expected to be able to apply the text structure and language
features from a short audio about daily activities in accordance with the
context of the user.
2. Students are given a short audio about daily activities , students are able
to summarize audio content in accordance with social function, text
structure, and language features.
C. Learning Material
- Daily activities
Activities of daily living are routine activities people do every day without
assistance. There are six basic activities of daily living : eating, bathing, getting
dressed, toileting, transferring and continence.
- Social function text
Interactive Communicative actions :
- Explain
- Describe
- Text structure
Communication Actions :
- Get started
- Respond (expected/unexpected)
- Language features
The act of using language feature in carrying out actions communicative action
above :
- Declarative and interrogative sentence in Simple Present Tense.
- Adverb : always, often, sometimes, never, usually, every
D. Learning Method/Technique
- Learning Approach : Scientific Approach
- Learning Model : Observe and Practice
- Learning Method : Discussion
E. Learning Media
- Media : Audio recorded
- Tools : Laptop, LCD, Whiteboard, Boardmarker, Speaker
F. Learning Resources
- Students’ textbooks ‘when englsh rings a bell’
- Students’ Worksheet
G. Learning Activity
First meeting ( 2 x 40 minutes)
a. Pre-activity
- Say greetings and pray provide
- Provide motivation and apperception
- The teacher confirms the learning objectives to be carried out.
- The teacher presents the learning scenario according to the lesson plan.
b. Whilst-activity
1. Observing
- Students listen to a short audio about daily activities.
- Students identify social function, text structure, and language features
based on the audio that they heard.
2. Questioning
- Students ask about social function, text structure, and language features
contained in the audio.
3. Exploring and Associating
- Students are asked to make a short story about daily activities based on their
- Students are identifying social function, text structure, and language features
based on the story that they made.
- Ask students to discussed what they have made in pairs.
4. Communicating
- Each students presents the results of the discussion in pairs
- Other students provide feedback or give questions and answers if needed.
c. Post-activity
- Students and teachers together conclude learning material.
- Students and teacher together identify the obstacles experienced during the
learning process.
- The teacher gives feedback on the learning process
- The teacher gives students homework to identify audio content about daily
activities and will be discussed in the next meeting.
Second Meeting ( 2 x 40 Minutes )
a. Pre-activity
- Say greetings and pray provide
- Give questions to the students about past material
-The teacher remembering the students about the learning objective or the basic
competency that will be achieved.
- The teacher presents the learning scenario according to the lesson plan.

b. Whilst-activity
1. Exploring and Associating
- The teacher ask students to sit in pairs
- Teacher ask students to identifying social function, text structure and
language features for their task.
- Teacher ask students to disscuss the task that they made in pairs
2. Communicating
- Each students present what they have disscussed in pairs.
- Other students provide feedback or give questions and answers if
c. Post-activity
- Students and teachers together conclude learning material.
- Students and teacher together identify the obstacles experienced during the
learning process.
- The teacher gives feedback on the learning process
- The teacher gives students homework to identify audio content about daily
activities and will be discussed in the next meeting.
H. Assessment
1. Assessment Technique : Writing Text
2. Instrument :Chart filling test and Sentence Writing test
3. Scoring Guidelines : Answer Key and Scoring Rubric
Table Assessment
Basic Assessment
Instrument Scoring Guidelines
Competency Technique
3.7 Written Test Chart Filling Test Key Answer
4.7 Written Test Sentence Writing Scoring Rubric

Denpasar, 30 Desember 2020


I Putu Adi Suryana Kastawa

Appendix 1: Learning Material

In everyday life, of course we have activities that we routinely do everiday,
from starting to wake up, take a shower, go to school, eat, and so on. So daily
activities are also called a daily activities that are usually done everyday by us.
Daily activities text uses Simple Present Tense and has a coherent arrangement of
activities to other activities. Prior to the formation of sentence and text, lets read
the vocabulary about daily activities bellow.
 Wake up = bangun
 Brush my teeth = menggosok gigi
 Comb my hair = menyisir rambut ku
 Clean the house = membersihkan rumah
 Play with my friends = bermain bersama teman – teman ku
 Water the flowers = menyiram bunga
 Take a bath = mandi
 Wash my face = mencuci muka
 Breakfast = sarapan
 Study at school = belajar di sekolah
 Watch tv = menonton tv
 Read a book = membaca buku
 Get dressed = memakai baju
 Go to school = pergi ke sekolah
 Do my homework = membuat PR
 Go to sleep = pergi tidur
 Have dinner = makan malam

Example text daily activities:

My Daily Activities
I usually wake up in the morning at 6:00 am. Before I go to school I already
tidied my room, breakfast and fed my cat. I go to school at 7:00 am with my father
accompany me. In the school I study from 7:30 am until 1:00 pm. After school, I
immediately change my clothes and have a lunch. After that, I play with my beloved cat.
In the afternoon, I usually watch TV with my family. In the night, I do my homework and
go to sleep at 9:00pm.

Appendix 2 : Student Worksheet

Student Worksheet
A. Student Worksheet 1
Chart-Filling Test
Test Taker Hear :
1. Write your Name, Number and Class bellow
2. Please work Individually
3. Listen to the audio carefully
4. The information will be given twice
5. Fill the chart with correct informatuon

Name :………………………………………….
Number :…………………………………………..
Class :…………………………………………..
Mark’s & Nichole’s Activities
Mark Nichole
Time Activities Time Activities
7.45 am Get up 7 am Take a shower
8.15 am 1 pm
8.40 am 3 pm
12.30 am 5 pm
2 pm 7.30 pm
6 pm 10.30 pm
10 pm
B. Student Worksheet 2
1. Consider the following pictures
2. Please discuss with your friends
3. Observe the picture and the clue words bellow in pairs
4. Numbered the pictures correctly
5. Make a paragraph after the number of the picture is correct. The paragraph
consist 6 sentence and used your own words
6. The paragraph should fulfill the following criteria :
- Complete and tidy format,
- Using correct punctuation and mechanics
- Unified and coherent arrangement of ideas,
- Grammatical sentence
7. Time allotment is 20 minutes

Clue Words :

Go to the school
Wake up
Back home
Student Worksheet

A. Key Answer and Scoring Rubric Student Worksheet 1

Mark’s & Nichole’s Activities
Mark Nichole
Time Activities Time Activities
7.45 am Get up 7 am Take a shower
8.15 am Breakfast 1 pm Lunch
8.40 am Leave home 3 pm Do homework
12.30 am Lunch 5 pm Go to a dance club
2 pm Leave school 7.30 pm Dinner
6 pm Do homework 10.30 pm Sleep
10 pm Go to the bed
B. Scoring Rubric Student Worksheet 2

Answer from Student Worksheet 2

Wrong : 1-2-3-4-5-6
Correct : 3-5-2-6-4-1

Scoring Rubric

Max. Actual
Score Score
Format – 5 points
- There is a title 1
- The title is centered 1
- The first line is intended 1
- There are margins on both sides 1
- The work is tidy 1
Total 5
Punctuation and Mechanics -5 points
- There is period after every sentence 1
- Capital letter are use correctly 1
- Commas and other punctuation are used
- The spelling are correct 2
Total 5
Content -25 points
- The paragraph fits the assessment 5
- The paragraph is unified 10
- The paragraph coherent 10
Total 25
Organization -40 points
- The paragraph begins with a crystal clear
about their daily activities routinely
- The paragraph describe the event in
correctly arrangement
Grammar and sentence structure -25 points
- Estimate a grammar and sentence structure
Total 25
Chart Filling Test
Test Taker Hear :
Instruction :
1. Write your Name, Number and Class bellow
2. Please work Individually
3. Listen to the audio carefully
4. The information will be given twice
5. Fill the chart with correct informatuon

Name :………………………………………….
Number :…………………………………………..
Class :…………………………………………..
Fred’s Activities
Time Activities
7.00 am
8.30 am
10.45 am
10.00 am
12.40 pm
3.30 pm
B. Assessment Sheet 2
1. Consider the following pictures
2. Please work individualy
3. Observe the picture and the clue words bellow
4. Numbered the pictures correctly
5. Make a paragraph after the number of the picture is correct. The paragraph
consist 6 sentence and used your own words
8. The paragraph should fulfill the following criteria :
- Complete and tidy format,
- Using correct punctuation and mechanics,
- Unified and coherent arrangement of ideas,
- Grammatical sentence
6. Time allotment is 30 minutes


A.Answer Key of Assessment Sheet 1

Fred’s Activities
Time Activities
7.00 am Wake up
8.30 am Start the lessons
10.45 am Break
10.00 am Have two lessons
12.40 pm Lunch
3.30 pm Finish School
A. Scoing Rubric of Assessment Sheet 2
B. Scoring Rubric Student Worksheet 2

Max. Actual
Score Score

Format – 5 points
- There is a title 1

- The title is centered 1

- The first line is intended 1

- There are margins on both sides 1

- The work is tidy 1

Total 5
Punctuation and Mechanics -5 points
- There is period after every sentence 1

- Capital letter are use correctly 1

- Commas and other punctuation are used 1


- The spelling are correct 2

Total 5
Content -25 points
- The paragraph fits the assessment 5

- The paragraph is unified 10

- The paragraph coherent 10

Total 25
Organization -40 points
- The paragraph begins with a crystal clear 15
about their daily activities routinely

- The paragraph describe the event in 25

correctly arrangement

Grammar and sentence structure -25 points

- Estimate a grammar and sentence structure 25

Total 25

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