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With the emergence of digital media and technological advancements in communication, do

you think knowing the concepts and principles that are very much applied in the traditional
Visual Arts are still important these days? Why or why not?
2. How do these elements in visual arts serve as barometers for both viewers and critics in
considering and viewing art? Explain by giving scenarios.

1. I agree that traditional concepts and principles of Visual Arts are still important today
with the emergence of digital media and technological advancements because
everything we know of today stemmed from what we know of in the past. Even today,
we still use the old concepts of visual arts in our artforms, albeit in different and more
advanced mediums. These visual art elements are applied in all forms of art today, and
these were even taken to the next level through the technology we have.

2. There’s no denying that people have things to say and have their own opinions when
seeing an artwork. I think that the elements in visual arts also serve as important
barometers for both viewers and critics in considering and viewing art because it helps
them look into the details and give meaning to it. For example when viewing a painting
of a scenic ocean view, people would instantly think it’s just the ocean, but when they
stare at it longer and notice the details like the colors, the brushstrokes, the shadows,
and other elements, they would get an idea of what the painting is really all about. It
may be romantic for some, or may be a tranquilizing piece for others, or other feelings it
can evoke to people, but the point is that knowing these elements of visual art helps the
critics and viewers appreciate art.

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