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Identify the ma|or functions in the fallowing sentences (subject, direct object,

indirect object, subject-predicative, object-predicative, and prepasitional

comple- ment). Identify the verbs and sub-categorise them. Example:
Otto devoured thecouscoz/s
subject V direct object
(u) The girl in 1e palace djred her hair a sbange
(b) colour. Hot air rises.
(c) Richard promised me his spaghetti
(d) machlne. The sedan-chalr proved very
(e) useful.
Someone stole my contact-lenses.
It sounds like a really good film,
(h) The candkJate‘s antics amused the board of examiners.
The committee nominated her Acrobat of the Year.
(j} Oscar feeds his cat smoked salmon.
(k) i like my curries as hot as you can make
($ them. This calls for a celebration.
.(m} The main witness for the prosecution
disappeared. He applied for a gun licence.

2. Decide whether the PP in the following sentences is part of the complementation

ol a DFFRANSITIVE verb or not.
(a) Holden.wrote ten letters to Africa.
(b) Holden wale ten letters to the White House.
(c) hlax took the hyena to the station.
(d) Max lent his hyena to the Dramatics Society.
(e} \Mlliam baked .a cake for everyone.
(f) William baked a cake for Christmas.
(g) Laura saved the money for a piano.
(h) Laura saved a place for Martha.
Using any of the following phrases, construct (\ ) a sentence in which smelt is
used as an intransitive verb; (2) a sentence in which it is used as a transitive
(3) a sentence in which it is used as an intensive verb.
(a) smelt (b) the apprehensive butler (c j ]im’s attempt at o stew
(d) rather strange.

4. Using triangles for all •i r constituents (as used in this chapter) draw
phrase markers for the following sentences.
(a) Nicholas felt strangely euphoric.
(b) The local gallery lends us the materials.
(c) The condition of the cakes left out overnight deteriorated.
(d) They voted the Senator out of office.
(e) A bucket of cold water revived that particular patient.
(f) The Venetians submitted to hlapo\eon’s demands.

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