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Why Is This One of the 100 Great est?

Why Is This One of the 100 Great est?

Ga li leo dis cov ered that other arrangement ets have moons and hence ex tended hu man un der
stand -

ing be yond our own planet. His consideration ful work with the telescopes he constructed
dispatched mod ern as -

tron omy. His dis cov er ies were the first as tro nom I cal dis cov er ies us ing the telescope.

Ga li leo demonstrated that Earth isn't exceptional among plan ets of the uni stanza. He turned

bits of light in the night sky into fas ci nat ing spher I cal ob jects—into places—as opposed to

pin pricks of light. In so do ing, he demonstrated that Pol ish as tron o mer Nicholaus Co per ni cus

been correct when he guaranteed that the sun was the cen ter of the nearby planet group.

With his sim ple telescope Ga li leo sin gle-handedly brought the so lar sys tem, lady axy,

what's more, more noteworthy uni section inside our grip. His telescope professional vided vis tas
and un der stand ing that

didn't ex ist be front and couldn't ex ist with out the telescope.

How Could It be Dis cov ered?

How Could It be Dis cov ered?

This was a dis cov ery made pos si ble by an in ven tion—the telescope. Ga li leo saw his first

telescope in late 1608 and in stantly rec og nized that a more pow er ful telescope could be the an -

swer to the petitions of ev ery as tron o mer. By late 1609 Ga li leo had ace duced a 40-power,

two-focal point telescope. That 1609 telescope was the first prac ti cal telescope for sci en tific use.

A dad for each by Johannes Kep ler de scrib ing the or pieces of the arrangement ets con vinced Ga li
leo to

be lieve the ory of Pol ish as tron o mer Nicholaus Co per ni cus, who initially guaranteed that the

sun was the cen ter of the uni section, not the earth. Be liev ing Co per ni cus was a dan ger ous

what should be done. Minister Giordano Bruno had been singed at the stake for be liev ing Co per ni

Ga li leo de cided to utilize his new telescope to demonstrate that Co per ni cus was directly by more
ac cu -

rately diagramming the movement of the planets.

Ga li leo originally turned his telescope on the moon. There he plainly saw moun tains and val -

leys. He saw profound crat ers with tall, jag ged edges slic ing like ser evaluated blades into the lu nar

sky. The moon that Ga li leo saw was rad I cally dif fer ent from the per fectly smooth circle

that Ar is totle and Ptol emy said it was (the two Greek as tron o mers whose educate ings still

shaped the ba sister of all sci ence in 1610). Both the all-pow er ful Cath o lic Church and ev ery
uni ver sity and sci en tist in Eu rope trusted Aristotle and Ptolemy.


In one night's view ing of the moon's sur face through his telescope, Ga li leo demonstrated Ar -

is totle off-base—once more. The last time Ga li leo's ob ser va tions had con tra dicted Ar is totle's

educate ings, Ga li leo had been terminated from his instruct ing po si tion for be ing right when he

that all ob jects fall at a similar rate re gard less of their weight.

Ga li leo next pointed his telescope at Ju pi ter, the large gest planet, plan ning to mind completely

outline its mo tion over sev eral months. Through his telescope (the name is a com bi na tion of

the Greek words for "dis tant" and "look ing") Ga li leo saw a mag ni fied perspective on the heav ens

no hu man eye had at any point seen. He saw Ju pi ter obviously, and, to his flabbergast ment, he
found moons

cir stick the gi subterranean insect planet. Ar is totle had said (and all sci en tists be lieved) that Earth
was the

just planet in the uni refrain that had a moon. In no time, Ga li leo dis cov ered four of Ju pi -

ter's moons. These were the main found moons other than our own.

Ar is totle wasn't right once more.

In any case, old be liefs don't pass on eas ily. In 1616 the Coun cil of Car di nals for bade Ga li leo

at any point in the future to instruct or professional bit Co per ni cus' the o ries. Numerous se nior
church of fi cials re combined

to glance through a telescope, guarantee ing it was a mama gi cian's stunt and that the moons were

the telescope.

At the point when Ga li leo ig nored their caution ing, he was aggregate moned to Rome by the

all-pow er ful In qui si tion. A gru el ing preliminary fol lowed. Ga li leo was con demned by the

also, compelled to bar licly re cant his perspectives and find ings. He was put un der house ar rest for

the remainder of his life, dy ing in 1640 with out hear ing even one voice other than his own star -

guarantee that his dis cov er ies were valid. The Church didn't re scind the con dem na tion of Ga li -

leo and his dis cov er ies un until Oc to ber 1992, 376 years after they inaccurately censured

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