Research Group Member Rating

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Research Group Member Rating

15-11 10-6 5-1

Competent - Progressing - Does Beginning - Does
Skills Advanced - Exceeds
Meets not fully meet not meet
expectations expectations expectations

Always willing to help Sometimes

and do more. cooperative. Seldom
Usually offered
Routinely offered Sometimes offered cooperative. Rarely
Contributions, Attitude useful ideas.
useful ideas. Always useful ideas. Rarely offers useful ideas.
Generally displays
displays positive displays positive Is disruptive.
positive attitude.
attitude. attitude.

Could have done Did not do any

Did more than others– Did their part of the more of the work– work–does not
highly productive. work-cooperative. has difficulty. contribute. Does
Cooperation with
Works extremely well Works well with Requires structure, not work well with
with others. Never others. Rarely directions, and others. Usually
argues. argues. leadership. Argues argues with
sometimes. teammates.

Sometimes not a
Does not cause good team Often is not a
Tries to keep people problems in the member. good team
working together. group. Focuses on Sometimes focuses member. Does not
Almost always focused the task and what on the task and focus on the task
Focus, Commitment
on the task and what needs to be done what needs to be and what needs to
needs to be done. Is most of the time. done. Must be be done. Lets
very self-directed. Can count on this prodded and others do the
person. reminded to keep work.
on task.

Participated in few
Participated in most Participated in
Participated in all or no group
group meetings. some group
group meetings. meetings.
Provided leadership meetings. Provided
Assumed leadership Provided no
Team Role Fulfillment when asked. Did some leadership.
role as necessary. Did leadership. Did
most of the work Did some of the
the work that was little or no work
assigned by the work assigned by
assigned by the group. assigned by the
group. the group.

Often listens to, Rarely listens to,

Usually listens to,
shares with, and shares with, or
Always listens to, shares with, and
supports the efforts supports the
shares with, and supports the efforts
of others. Usually efforts of others. Is
supports the efforts of of others.
does most of the always talking and
others. Provided Sometimes talks
Ability to talking–rarely never listens to
effective feedback to too much. Provided
Communicate listens to others. others. Provided
other members. Relays some effective
Provided little no feedback to
a great deal of feedback to others.
feedback to others. others. Does not
information–all relates Relays some basic
Relays very little relay any
to the topic. information–most
information–some information to
relates to the topic.
relates to the topic. teammates.

Work is generally Work is generally

Work tends to be
Work is complete, well complete, meets sloppy and
organized, has no the requirements of incomplete, has
Correctness incomplete, not
errors and is done on the task, and is excessive errors
accurate, and is
time or early. mostly done on and is mostly late
usually late.
time. or not at all.

Total Score:             120                   

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