Lecture 1 Transcript

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Slide 1 Welcome to Art Appreciation, ladies and gentlemen! In today's discussion, we begin with our journey through the wonderful world of art. In this lecture, we will get to have an overview of what art is, how it is defined, how it is used, and so on. One thing we may not realize is that art is something that is within us and all around us. As the saying goes, the earth without art is just EH. We would like to point out though that in every presentation for Art Appreciation, there will be different artworks in each and every slide because we want to give you a feel of a virtual gallery visit; itis our way of bringing you and exposing you to artworks you may not have seen or heard before. They may be in the form of images, videos, music, and so on. We would like to make it clear that you are not required to memorize any of the said artworks unless otherwise stated. We believe that for art to even be appreciated, it must also engage the different senses. So that's it, let us start! Slide 2 Before we dwell into the study of art itself, we have to understand that Art is a discipline under the broader umbrella of The Humanities. The different disciplines that are included in the humanities are the arts and culture, politics, anthropology, human geography, religion, languages, literature, philosophy, archaeology, history, and law. We may not even realize it but humanities is a field of study that is vast and contrary to common beliefs, it is something that is actually applied in human society, each and every day, Slide 3 ‘The term "Humanities" comes from the Latin term “Humanus” which means Human, Culture, Refined. Generally, human beings possess and show qualities like rationality, kindness, and tendemess. Humans are the only creatures here on earth who are able to show these traits and qualities. Slide 4 Such basic qualities of humans gain different connotations based on one’s environment, values, beliefs and experiences. They are the contributing factors to the refinement of human's basic qualities. The humanities are those studies that are directly concerned with human values. As humanity evolves, the field of humanities does so as well. What we know right now is generally more advanced than those from the previous generations. Slide 5 Unlike the sciences, which are expressed through numbers and symbols, human values can be felt, and expressed in subtle and enduring ways. The humanities oftentimes speak to us in a manner that cannot be put into words. Often, the effects of the humanities are those that are felt with the senses. In the medieval period though, the word "Humanities" distinguished that which pertained to humans from that which pertained to God. There was always that division between what is omniscient and that of the mortal Slide 6 Humanists of the Renaissance stated that humanities pertains to the intrinsic value of man's life on earth, What intrinsic value means is how much worth people are here in this world or how much value we put in ourselves. Humanities covers a broad area of human creativity but are distinct from mathematics and the “hard” sciences. Physics, chemistry, algebra, calculus and so on are examples of the hard sciences. The separation between the humanities and the sciences is illustrated in the way values work differently in the two areas. Let's take a look at an example. Slide 7 Both the scientist and the humanist must make value judgments. The development of powerful weapons is seen as a positive development for the scientist - because of the many possibilities the development of the weapon might bring. On the other hand the humanist might see the development of powerful weapons as a bad thing that will eventually affect or even destroy a culture, people and an entire lifestyle. In this, example, we see the stark contrasts between the point of view of the humanist and the scientist, and the thing is no one's to say whether who's right or wrong. Slide 8 ‘While science deals mainly with facts, the humanities go beyond facts. Humanities go beyond the facts about a work of art and get to the values implied in the work. We learn to recognize the values expressed in such works as well as to understand the ways in which they are expressed. Humanities go beyond the things that we can put words to. Oftentimes, we may only engage with the humanities as we immerse with them using our senses. Through the humanities, we are able to unlock sensibilities we may not have known existed. Slide 9 Though science as a body of knowledge is carefully documenting what is happening in reality, those in the humanities are able to project this reality in other medium-not necessarily experimentation but more of reflective and personal experiences such as paintings, dance, music, and so on. Hence, we talk about the Arts. Slide 10 The study of arts is the study of mankind. Humanities is therefore significant to our lives. ‘Through humanities we uncover human thoughts, feelings, relations, and history. It Constitutes one of the oldest forms and most important means of expression developed by man. With the different assumptions of the arts that we are going to discuss, we will see how the arts have actually served mankind all throughout the ages. We will see how art as an expression, aside from being a study, have accompanied humanity from time immemorial. Slide 11 So what is Art? We know that all of you may have your own definitions or ideas as to what constitutes art. But we have to understand that there are still scholarly definitions of Art. Artis defined as the visual work that represents an idea, expresses feelings, or presents an interesting design. Art refers to the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance. It is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. One common thing that we may see from the given definitions is that art is something that requires the human touch, the human skill. Art cannot exist without the power of the mind and the skill of humans. Slide 12 Artis something we do, a verb. Art is an expression of our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and desires. But it is even more personal than that: it's about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many is an extension of personality. It teaches us that people everywhere share common goals and dreams. It is a never-ending process of discovery and rediscovery about people, traditions, cultures and time periods. Slide 13, Art will allow us to explore illuminating experiences, thus, affording us an extra understanding, prudence, and sensitivity towards cultural differences. Aside from uniting Us, it creates a distinction of culture. No matter how time changes, Art is there to accompany and enable us to survive. It always has and it always will, whether we recognize it or not. Just imagine the world without art. Without music, without color, without movies, without the different sounds. A world that falls flat, a world where humans may not even thrive. Slide 14 Through art, by sympathetic and imaginative self-identification, we enjoy, savor, or get the feel of emotions and attitudes which otherwise we would not have known. Things that we may never realize about ourselves. This is what we mean when we say that the arts have the ability to unlock sensitivities that we may not have known existed within us. We may not realize it, or we may fail to put the words to them, but they are there. As it had been established, humans are capable of being rational, having the ability to fee! and think for our own. Slide 15 Throughout history art was studied by mankind. Various assumptions were then formulated regarding art which up until now remain significant. There are five assumptions of art. First, art is universal. Second, art is cultural. Third, art is not nature. Fourth, art involves experience . Lastly, art as an expression and as a form of creation Let's talk about them one by one. Slide 16 Artis Universal. Art knows no limit. It transcends cultures, races, and civilizations. It reaches the farthest and the most isolated spots in the universe. As long as human beings exist, art is feasible, alive, and dynamic. Since the prehistoric man up to the modem day artists, art has accompanied mankind in his journey. Art is also a medium of communication. Regardless of when and where people live, art has been a common means of expressing human thoughts and feelings. Imagine yourself in a concert. Imagine how much euphoria each and every one of you in the audience feel. Imagine the sound of the screams, the songs that we reciprocate to the artists on stage. In those moments, we may realize how people are actually one. You do not know all of the people within the audience, you may not even speak the same languages, but one thing is for certain, you all feel the same way. There is pure elation that is being brought to us, by art Slide 17 Artis a call for unity and reconciliation. It binds us and makes us feel that we are one in our dreams and mission. Just like how our heroes used books and poems to unite a nation to fight colonial oppression. In contrast, it can also be used to communicate mutiny and rebellion. Just ike how Pablo Picasso's paintings communicate anti-war messages. Slide 18 Artis timeless. It goes beyond the time of our existence. Art started since the birth of mankind. Logically, it would continue to live in accordance to mankind's existence. ‘While Art defines time, time also defines Art. I's one of the things that we always look forward to when we go out to see the world, we want to see their people, we want to see and immerse in their cultures, we get excited about their art, arts that have existed and have been made even way before our own existence, their art, which is something that we celebrate until today. That is one of the magical things about art. It could outlive us. Think of Freddie Mercury, the original vocalist of the band Queen, who passed away more than two decades ago now. What he left this world as an artist though is his musical legacy. People still join in the chorus when we hear Bohemian Rhapsody, people still stomp their feet to We Will Rock You, and so on. Art becomes a part of the human legacy. Slide 19 Art is universal because it addresses needs of people from all over the world. Artis. there to serve our human fundamental needs. Our need for socialization, self-esteem, and self-actualization can be addressed through art. We will see the different functions of the arts as we go on and we will realize how big a part the arts play in the existence of mankind. Slide 20 Aside from being universal, another thing that may be assumed about artis its being cultural. Art is the oldest form of human records. Artworks serve as windows to the distant past. Art endured so many centuries. It served mankind for shaping civilizations and society. It serves as a way for us to preserve even our own culture, as we pass it on from generations to generations. Slide 21 Itis a vehicle of communication and expression which unifies people despite differences in language, culture and tradition. Art sees no boundaries when it comes to race, language, or religions. Art enables us to communicate with people, without even speaking, It enables us to feel people and know about them, Slide 22 ‘Another assumption of Art is that it is not nature. It is not nature because art is made by man. It reflects his innate skillfulness and craftsmanship. It is artificial, meaning itis just an imitation of and an appropriation of nature or what is real. Slide 23, Nature is ever changing, it is not permanent. Art is permanent, unless an artist decides to change it, it will remain that way. It is man who creates art, nature was created by the divine. Nature is too big, too grand, too mysterious, and too beautiful to be grasped in a dance or in a canvas. Art can never compete with nature. Slide 24 Art and nature have a give and take a relationship. It is in nature that we get resources, mediums, models, and inspiration to make art. On the other hand, art makes us appreciate the beauty and magnificence of nature. Art and nature are both appreciated through our senses. Slide 25 Art involves experience is another assumption. It represents our experience, We can fully appreciate art if we get involved, when we spend time to look, listen, see, or even feel its presence. Slide 26 There is something in art that triggers our human spirit. It touches our perception, intelligence, and soul. Since time immemorial, art has been used to influence, convince, or even shape our beliefs. Slide 27 Another assumption in art is itis an expression and a form of creation. Art existed even before our ancestors learned how to write, it is one of the evidence of early civilization. It provides records of human achievement and ideas. Artis a proof that we are higher order animals, itis a proof that we have innate creativity Slide 28, There are various forms of Arts. There are four major forms of Art. First is the Visual Arts, these are the more prominent and the most well-known classification of Art. These are the arts that meet the eye and evoke an emotion through an expression of skill and imagination. This includes drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, ceramics, crafts, photography, and videography. The Las Damas Romanas by Juan Luna as you can see here is a primary example of Philippine Visual Art. Slide 29 The Performing Arts refers to a form of art where the artists use their body, voices, or even inanimate objects to convey artistic expression. Unlike visual arts that are static, this form of art may include movement and sound. This form of art includes Singing, Dance, Declaiming, Acting, Film, Instruments, Theatre, Opera, Spoken Poetry, Television, and Orchestra. Hamilton the musical by Lin Manuel Miranda is one of the more recent and popular Broadway musicals, Slide 30 ‘The Literary Arts refers to written works of art. This includes Poetry, Prose, Novel, Novella, Short Stories, Comics, and Graphic Novels. Jose Rizal's two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are two of the most well-known Philippine literary pieces. Slide 31 Last but not the least, we have Applied Arts. These forms of art refer to arts that apply design and decoration to everyday objects to make them aesthetically pleasing. This form of art includes Architecture, Fashion, Interior Design, Tattoos, Makeup, Landscaping, Graffiti, Murals, Mosaics, and Furniture. Slide 32 ‘Art can generally be classified into two: directly functional art and indirectly functional art. Functional art refers to art that we use in our everyday lives while indirectly functional art is art that we use for expression. Slide 33, Directly functional artis art that we use on a daily basis and they serve a tangible function in our lives. Clothes, structures, money, and furnitures are some examples of directly functional art. Slide 34 Indirectly functional art is art that is perceived through our senses. They are not necessary in everyday living but they accompany us in expressing ourselves. Indirectly functional arts include paintings, theatre, and literature. Slide 35 Both directly functional and indirectly functional arts tend to cross each other's path and change roles or even fuse purposes. Some directly functional art have incorporated highly artistic design which made them transcend to a higher form of art. Like the Flatiron Building located in Manhattan, New York; because of its unique design it is known as one of the world's most iconic skyscrapers and has become a symbol of New York. Slide 36 Art is relevant to us because it serves basic human needs. Art has different functions that make our lives easier and better. These functions can be classified into four: Aesthetic, Utilitarian, Social, and Cultural Slide 37 Art has an Aesthetic function. Art is an instrument for us to recognize and appreciate the beauty of nature. Where the real feelings of joy and appreciation to nature’s beauty are manifested through appreciation and enjoyment when we are in contact with an artwork. Art serves a Utiitarian function when it gives us comfort, convenience, and happiness. It can satisfy some of our basic needs such as clothing, food, shelter, and other important things that make our lives easier and happier. Slide 38 Art serves a Social function when it connects people. Art encourages unity and good relationships among people. Because of the communal nature of art, people can better understand each other, live harmoniously, and somehow can create a better society. Art reflects the skills, knowledge, attitudes, customs, and traditions of different groups of people. Art preserves, shares, and transmits culture of people from different parts of the world, different age, and even different generations. Slide 39 Because of the significance of Art in humans, Philosophers also weighed in on its importance and significance. According to Plato, in his Theory of Mimesis, Art is mimetic in nature. This means that art is an imitation of life. Plato believed that idea is the ultimate reality and art imitates idea therefore Art is an imitation of reality. Slide 40 Aristotle, on the other hand, says that all the arts have their own techniques and rational principles, and it is through the mastery of these that the artist brings his conceptions to life. In his Theory of Representation, Aristotle agrees that arts do copy nature however, its strength is its representation, they are fuller and more meaningful than nature. According to Aristotle, we do not need to insist on some moral purpose for art, it is free to represent all manner of things present, past, imagined, or institutionally-required Slide 41 Immanuel Kant in his L’Art pour L’Art or Art for Art's sake implies that Art's purpose is to be “purposeless’. It does not need any justification to exist and be valued other than the fact it is simply art. Our experience in art is wholly commanded by aesthetic pleasure and delight, and is separate to the rest of the world. In other words, art should avoid social, political, and moral themes and concentrate on creating beauty. Slide 42 The last philosophical perspective of art is art as a form of escapism. The sacred level of art not only transforms something into art, but also transforms the artist at the very core of his being. The process and context of creating art is more important than the product. It is the journey, it is an escape from the chaos of uncertainty within us, and it helps us focus, and reminds us to take magical depths of deep breaths. Slide 43, The world is so vast that we can draw inspiration from anyone or anywhere. Every artist can say that the world is their oyster, because they will never run out of subjects for their creations. There are an unlimited number of subjects that surround us. Every second, we see potential concrete and abstract materials that can be utilized as a subject. The subject of art refers to any person, object, scene, or event depicted by an artist in his or her artwork. An artwork can be representational or non-representational. An artwork where we can easily objectify the subject is classified as representational art Paintings, sculptures, photography, graphic arts, dance, theater, and literature are generally classified as representational arts. Non-representational art, on the other hand, is non-objective and it does not represent anything. Some paintings and sculptures do not have definite subjects, more so with dance, theater, and some forms of literature, which do not depict clear subjects but have themes that help the audience clarify their meaning and intentions. Slide 44 A lot of modem painters have been using non-representational subjects in their works. They have shifted their attention to the work of art as an object itself, the combination of colors and shapes fulfil their aesthetic needs even without representing images or telling a story. This is why most modern artworks are becoming more difficult to comprehend Slide 45 ‘An artist can draw a lot of kinds and sources of subject in their artworks. Some of these include: Nature, Animals, Still Life, Cityscapes, Seascapes, Dreams or Fantasies, Religion or Mythology, Portraits, Legends, and History Slide 46 Nature as a subject deals with the physical environment, our natural world. Landscapes are part of nature. It includes mountains, hills, valleys, plateaus. Landscapes can be natural or artificial Slide 47 Dreams and Fantasies refer to subjects that are inspired by the subconscious mind. Artworks that are inspired by dreams and fantasies are called surrealism. Dreams and fantasies can be presented in any style or form. Some subjects are presented in a realistic manner however the imagery is distorted, and the setting becomes a dream ‘world just ike what is shown in Leonid Afremov's "On the way to Morning”. Art has been an effective tool in exploring our imagination and helping us escape from reality even for a moment, Slide 48 Animals is another subject that is commonly used in Art. Animals hold significant symbolisms in every culture, and even in every religion. This subject is very significant to humans that is why using it as a subject has been done even in prehistoric times. Slide 49 Religion and Mythology are subjects that are practiced by religious and tribal groups. Usually artists who use it as a subject are an insider or a member of a religious group. It is used to represent someone's faith and belief system. That is why this has been an important subject especially during early artistic movements. Religious and tribal symbols are usually sacred, they can be utilized however they should not be exaggerated or distorted for aesthetic purposes. Slide 50 Still life refers to inanimate objects either in form or drawing, painting or photograph. It allows us to look into the beauty of certain objects and be able to play in its presentation. Stil life artwork is one way of studying color, composition, tones, and shadows. The three dimensional approach adheres order and balance. It is done usually indoors so light is controlled. It shows the ability of an artist to play with the characteristics of color such as highlights, tones, shadow, and reflection Slide 51 ‘Awhole human or even a part of a human figure can represent the self. In using this subject, the distance, angle, and composure are considered. Portraits or Human figures have the same intentions and that is to capture human expression. The human body is known to be the measure of all things, it reflects proportion, balance, coordination, order, and unity. Slide 52 Cityscapes refers to anything that composes the scene of a city, which may include buildings, parks, or roads. Usually these subjects are scenes from everyday life immortalized in artwork. Slide 53 History and Legends are popular subjects of art. - While many works may not be consciously done historical records, certain information about history can be pieced from them. The costumes and accessories, the status symbols, the kinds of dwellings or the means of transportation. Along with history, legends have also been used as sources for subjects of art for hundreds of years, from the Ancient Greeks to the various artists of today. These legends serve as a rich source of inspiration. Slide 54 Seascapes is a form of landscape that deals with bodies of water. Seascapes include lakes, rivers, oceans, streams, and other watercourses. Slide 55 This is just a glimpse of what is to come in the study of Art Appreciation. Art is important. It is very significant in our lives because it is not only around us but it is also within us. The study of Art will lead to a better appreciation and hopefully a deeper interest in it.

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