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Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4 – Coutinho & Mayne (eds)

© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62136-6

A new approach for identification of soil behaviour type from seismic

dilatometer (SDMT) data

I. Rivera-Cruz
Thurber Engineering Ltd., Vancouver, Canada

J. Howie
Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

L.A. Vargas-Herrera & M. Coto-Loría

MYV Soluciones Geotécnicas, S.A, San José, Costa Rica

O. Luna-González
Department of Soil Mechanics, Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), D.F., México

ABSTRACT: The addition of a seismic module located just above the Flat Dilatometer (DMT) blade
allows shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements to be obtained in addition to the standard DMT param-
eters. The collection of additional data in the same test hole provides the opportunity to supplement the
existing DMT interpretation procedures aimed at identification of soil type. Herein the development and
preliminary assessment of a new soil behaviour type chart (SBTSDMT) based upon the additional informa-
tion provided by the Seismic Flat Dilatometer (SDMT) in combination with standard DMT parameters
are described. The results of a preliminary assessment show the potential of the new SDMT based soil
behaviour type chart as a tool for soil identification and demonstrates the usefulness of the “C” reading.
However, additional information is required to increase the database of verification cases and to fully
assess the universality of the new SBTSDMT chart.

1 INTRODUCTION Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the

DMT as the DMT based soil classification system
In situ testing methods that allow nearly continu- developed by Marchetti (1980) and Marchetti &
ous soil profiling, such as the piezocone (CPTU) Crapps (1981) remains as the standard in current
and Flat Dilatometer (DMT) tests, have gained geotechnical engineering practice.
acceptance in engineering practice. While no Robertson, et al. (1995); Schnaid, et al. (2004),
sample is obtained for soil classification, the soil and Schnaid & Yu (2005) showed how the identi-
profile is interpreted using well documented soil fication of “non-textbook” soils was improved by
behaviour type (SBT) charts. the use of G0, the small strain shear modulus, in
Since its development in 1975 in Italy (Marchetti combination with other CPTU parameters. The
1975), the Flat Dilatometer (DMT) has proved addition of a seismic module located just above
to be a very reliable, adaptable and robust in situ the DMT probe (Hepton 1988), allows independ-
testing method. Among the several advantages of ent shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements to be
the DMT over conventional drilling and sampling obtained in addition to the standard DMT param-
methods are the relatively low cost, short execution eters in the same borehole. The relatively new tool,
time and repeatability. A possible weakness of the referred to as the seismic DMT or SDMT, also
DMT is that derivation of geotechnical parameters allows determination of the small strain shear
from DMT data is based purely on empirical cor- modulus, G0, obtained from G0 = ρVs2 where ρ is
relations developed some time ago (Long 2008). the soil bulk density.
Continuous research has led to the development The combination of G0 values with standard
of several SBT charts based on CPTU data with DMT parameters provides an opportunity to
emphasis on identification of “non-textbook” soils explore the potential to indirectly assess soil behav-
such as sensitive clays, silts, heavily overconsolidated iour, and to enhance identification of unusual soil
clays, loam/peat, “aged” sands and mine tailings. characteristics such as sensitivity, ageing or cemen-
tation from SDMT parameters.

2 OBJECTIVE (Lutenegger & Kabir 1988). These intermediate
DMT parameters are obtained using the following
This paper describes the development and pre- expressions:
liminary assessment of a new SBT chart, herein
referred to as “SBTSDMT”, based upon standard
ID =
(p p ) (1)
DMT parameters in combination with G0 derived
from Vs data obtained with the SDMT. The data-
(p u )
base used for development of the proposed chart
KD =
(p u ) (2)
contains information collected at several sites with
a relatively wide range of soil types. σ vvo

The proposed SBTSDMT chart is assessed using ED 34 7 ( p − p ) (3)

SDMT data collected in soil deposits from different
geologic environments and geographical locations.
UD =
(p u ) (4)
SBT estimates from the proposed SBTSDMT chart
are then compared to the actual soil type as deter- (p u )
mined from laboratory index classification tests.
in which u0 is the estimated equilibrium pore water
pressure, and σ ′v0 is the estimated effective vertical
3 SEISMIC FLAT DILATOMETER (SDMT) stress. ID, KD, ED and UD are linked to soil behaviour
type and engineering parameters through empirical
The standard DMT comprises a streamlined stain- correlations. A detailed description of the equip-
less steel blade with a curved cutting edge with ment and further information on the methodology
a flat, circular flexible stainless steel membrane to obtain the corrected pressures, interpretation of
mounted flush on one side. The seismic module DMT measurements and empirical correlations to
consists of a cylindrical element placed above the DMT data can be found in Marchetti et al. (2001).
DMT blade with two built-in receivers separated
by 0.5 m and so allows rapid determination of Vs 3.2 DMT based soil classification system
by a true interval technique using proprietary soft-
ware developed by the manufacturer. Marchetti (1980) introduced ID as an indicator of
The blade and seismic module are connected to soil profile as it provides an overall indication of
a control unit on the ground surface by a plastic the mechanical response of the prevailing grain
pneumatic tube for passage of gas pressure through size fraction of the soil tested. He also proposed a
which is threaded a steel wire for transmission of soil classification system based on the relationship
all electrical signals. The SDMT is pushed into the between the grain size distribution and ID values.
ground using the same system as for the piezocone Work by Marchetti & Crapps (1981) resulted in the
penetration test (CPTU) and at the same rate, i.e. development of a soil classification chart that cor-
2 cm/s. At regular intervals penetration is halted. relates ID and ED and also allows direct estimation
Standard DMT readings are obtained by expand- of both soil type and unit weight (Figure 1).
ing the membrane and recording the pressure when
the membrane loses contact from the sensing disc
(A-reading) and when full expansion has been
achieved (B-reading). The pressure when the mem-
brane is again fully collapsed (C-reading) can also
be recorded. Vs is obtained by observing the travel
time of a shear wave created at the surface over the
0.5 m depth interval between the seismic sensors in
the seismic module mounted above the blade.

3.1 Data processing and interpretation

The A, B and C readings are corrected for mem-
brane stiffness to obtain the corrected pressures
used for interpretation, denoted by p0, p1, and p2
which are also known as “lift-off ”, ”expansion”
and “closing” pressures, respectively. Intermediate
DMT parameters such as material index, ID, hori-
zontal stress index, KD, and dilatometer modulus,
ED, are derived, and the pore pressure index, UD, is Figure 1. DMT based soil classification chart
used as a potential indicator of drainage conditions (Marchetti & Crapps 1981).

Marchetti et al. (2001) argue that the ID – ED The soil conditions at the sites cover a fairly
based soil classification chart provides a good esti- wide range of soil types including stiff overconsoli-
mate of soil type and a reasonable approximation dated (OC) silt and silty clay, soft normally (NC) to
of the unit weight in “normal” soils. Long (2008) lightly overconsolidated (LOC) sensitive silty clay,
points out that further work on the assessment of NC silt to sandy silt, and loose to dense sand.
the DMT soil type chart has not been carried out
and is an area that warrants research.
4.2 Relationship between ID and G0/ED
The database presented by Marchetti et al. (2008a)
4 RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SDMT contains information collected at several sites
PARAMETERS located mainly in Italy but also in Spain, Poland,
Belgium and USA. They observed that G0/ED varies
Previous researchers have investigated the poten- between about 1.5 and 3 in sandy soils (ID > 1.8),
tial use of combinations of G0 and DMT param- whereas in silty soils (0.6 < ID < 1.8), it varies from
eters and have attempted to establish correlations 2.5 to 13, and from 3 to 25 in clays (ID < 0.6). They
between DMT intermediate parameters and Vs note that for all soils, G0/ED tends to decrease as
or G0 (Sully & Campanella 1989; Marchetti et al. KD increases.
2008a, 2008b). Such studies have suffered the SDMT data gathered by the authors are shown
drawback that Vs, and therefore G0 values, were on Figure 2. For comparison, the range of data
measured in adjacent soundings and so were not reported by Marchetti et al. (2008a) has been
necessarily representative of the soil tested by the included in the same figure. It is noted that G0/ED
DMT expansion due to soil variability. The new tends to be higher in clays than in sands with a
SDMT allows more reliable and focused study of transition that appears to correspond to silty soils.
these relationships as all measurements are col- This reflects the low values of Δp = p1 – p0, and
lected in the same sounding. hence ED and ID, during undrained expansion in
Marchetti et al. (2007) introduced the relation- soft clays compared to its value in partially or fully
ship between ID and the ratio G0/ED as a potential drained expansion in silts and sands.
indicator of soil type. Similarly, Lutenegger (1988) The data indicate that G0/ED varies from 1 to 4
endeavoured to establish a relationship between in sands while in silty soils G0/ED increases from 4
ID and the pore pressure index (UD) as a potential to about 15 as ID decreases. It is observed in Fig-
indicator of soil type and highlighted the useful- ure 2 that, for a given ID, the scatter is much larger
ness of the DMT C-reading to enhance definition in the silts and sands relative to the actual value
of soil stratigraphy. of G/ED.
The following sections provide a general descrip- It is also interesting to note the difference
tion of the several test sites where DMT/SDMT between G0/ED values measured at 200th Street
data were collected to explore the potential of an Overpass and those measured at Colebrook Over-
improved soil characterization through the combi- pass, although the geological origin, stress history
nation of DMT parameters and G0. and plasticity of the soil at these sites are very
similar. Results of previous site investigations
conducted at these sites indicate sensitivity (St)
4.1 Test sites
to be the distinguishing feature between these soil
The proposed SDMT based soil behaviour type deposits. Zergoun et al. (2004) and Weech (2002)
system (SBT) was primarily derived from the report St values determined from field vane shear
analysis of SDMT data collected at several Uni-
versity of British Columbia (UBC) research sites Peat or sensitive clays Clay Silt Sand
located within the Lower Mainland (LM) of Brit- 200th St.
Overpass +SD
ish Columbia (B.C.). 60
Overpass G0/ED=2.8(ID-1.2)+2
The depositional environment of sediments KIDD 2
in the LM of B.C. include the Holocene age Massey Tunnel
SE=4.05, SD=9.87

Dyke Road Range of ID-G0/ED data reported

tidal and fluvial deposits of the Fraser River 40 Patterson Park by Marchetti et al. (2008a)
Sea Island
Delta, the Pleistocene post-glacial deposits of the Maple Ridge

Langley-Cloverdale basin and the post-glacial Lougheed Hwy

High Praire
Salish sediments of the western region of the 20 Calgary
n= Number of data points
Serpentine River lowland. R=
Correlation coefficient
Standard error
The core database was supplemented by DMT/ SD=
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
SDMT information provided by ConeTec Inves- 0.01 0.1 1 10
tigations Ltd., TGC Geotecnia S.A. de C.V. and Material Index, ID
Diego Marchetti from sites located in western
Canada, Mexico City and northern Italy. Figure 2. Relationship between ID and G0/ED.

tests (FVT) between about 2 to 9 and 10 to 70 for UD values corresponding to reducing ID values,
the 200th Street and Colebrook sites, respectively. with the exception of the data points collected in
The more sensitive site appears to have a higher Mexico City clay.
G/ED and a wider range of values. It is believed that the particular pore pressure
It can also be noted from Figure 2 that G0/ED conditions in the Mexico City area in combina-
values of the bulk of the data points reported by tion with the high plasticity and structure of high
Marchetti et al. (2008a) in clayey soils, i.e. ID < 0.6, are plasticity Mexico City clay may affect the apparent
within a range of 1.5 to 30, suggesting that SDMT relationship between UD and ID. Marchetti et al.
data was obtained in soils of lower sensitivity. (2001) also recognized that UD can be used to dis-
tinguish soils with partial drainage, such as silts
and mixtures of sand and silt, from free-draining
4.3 Relationship between ID and UD
(sands) and non-free draining (clays) soils.
Lutenegger & Kabir (1988) and Lutenegger (1988)
point out that variations in UD reflect drainage
conditions. They also argue that if both ID and UD 5 PROPOSED SDMT BASED NEW SOIL
provide an indication of soil type, a strong rela- BEHAVIOUR TYPE CHART
tionship between these two parameters is to be
expected. Lutenegger (1988) endeavoured to verify The ratio of G0 to ED, herein referred to as the stiff-
this assumption by plotting ID and UD data points ness ratio, appears to have the potential to provide
from several sites with different soil conditions. an indication of soil behaviour as it relates to the
The data reported by Lutenegger (1988) show soil stiffness at different strain levels when consid-
that ID decreases as UD increases. This reflects the ered together with UD.
increase in the excess pore pressure due to DMT Figure 4 shows UD plotted against G0/ED for the
penetration and expansion becoming undrained UBC research sites and some of the additional sites
as the fines content increases in saturated soils. where SDMT data are available. Due to the wide
Similarly, Powell & Uglow (1988) observed that range of G0/ED values, a logarithmic scale is used in
the ratio p2/p0 is inversely proportional to the mag- the G0/ED axis to improve data visualization.
nitude of ID. It should be noted that G0/ED values shown in
Figure 3 shows the relationship between ID and Figure 4 were obtained from a “single” point cal-
UD for the research and additional sites where C culation, due to the fact that C-readings, and hence
readings were available. The data in sandy soils UD values, were only measured at depths where
(ID > 1.8) show less scatter than that in clayey soils SDMT Vs measurements were performed. As such,
(ID < 0.6). Also, there is some scatter in the data it was not possible to calculate the geometric mean
points corresponding to silty soils (0.8 < ID < 1.8) of UD over a 3 readings window in the same way
but it is significantly less than for clayey soils as with ED.
(ID < 0.6). Undoubtedly the use of single “point” values
It is interesting to note that in soft sensitive for both G0/ED and UD could potentially lead to
fine-grained soils (200th Street, Colebrook and small variations when compared to geometrically
Mexico City), UD varies from about 0.6 to 1, and averaged values. Nevertheless, consistent and
appears to remain fairly constant despite the sig- similar trends have been observed in both G0/ED
nificant reduction in ID below 0.1. Also, the bulk and UD profiles determined with both calculation
of the data show that a trend exists, with increasing methods.

Peat or sensitive clays Clay Silt Sand 200th St. Overpass
200th St. Overpass 100 Colebrook Overpass
Colebrook Overpass Former
UBC KIDD 2 Substation
Pore pressure Index,UD

KIDD 2 Substation
Massey Tunnel Research Massey Tunnel
0.8 Dyke Road
sites Dyke Road
Patterson Park Patterson Park

0.4 Sea Island 10

Lougheed Hwy
High Praire
Still Creek Dr.
Mexico City
0 Additional Lougheed Hwy
Range of ID-UD data reported sites High Prairie
by Lutenegger (1988)
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Material Index, ID Pore Pressure Index, UD

Figure 3. Relationship between ID and UD. Figure 4. Relationship between UD and G0/ED.

As shown on Figure 4, the data points tend to NC: Normally consolidated In
? Sensi crease NC
group according to the “drainage” conditions and LOC: Lightly overconsolidated
OC: Overconsolidated
viy (S
SDMT stiffness ratio. For example, data points ?
from sites with predominantly sandy soils (e.g. 1 Ct
? LO
KIDD 2, Massey Tunnel and Patterson Park) are 3

grouped in a narrow zone. On the contrary, data 10

points obtained at soft sensitive fine grained soils, 4

e.g. Colebrook and 200th St., plot above G0/ED of 2
about 5 and UD of 0.6. It is also observed that silty 6 5 ?
soils, such as those at the Dyke Road site, tend 7 6 ?
to plot within a fairly narrow transitional zone 1
between sandy and clayey soils. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

In Figure 5 the same data points are grouped Pore Pressure Index, UD
according to their corresponding KD value. It can Zone *SBT Zone *SBT
be observed that the bulk of the data points with Sensitive clay to
1 5 Silt to sandy silt
KD values higher than 2.3 fall below the dotted silty clay
line. Following the criterion of Marchetti (1980), 2 Clay to silty clay 6 Silty sand
this line could represent an approximate boundary 3 Silty clay 7 Sand
between normally consolidated (NC) and lightly 4 Clayey silt to silt
(LOC) to overconsolidated (OC) fine grained soils, *SBT: Soil behaviour type
i.e. clays and silts.
Figure 7. Proposed SDMT based soil behaviour type
As shown in Figure 6, the same database is plot-
ted as a function of ID. The data points tend to
group according to their ID and the combination of

UD and G0/ED appears to provide insight into soil

type as well as stress history. Also, it is possible to
KD>2.3 NC identify “zones” where data points tend to group
together following the ID-based soil classification
system proposed by Marchetti (1980).
LO C The different trends identified in Figures 3 to 6

10 provide the basic empirical framework for devel-
opment of a soil behaviour type chart (SBTSDMT)
that combines “stiffness” (G0/ED) and “drainage”
(UD) soil characteristics. Figure 7 shows the first
NC = Normally consolidated
LOC = Lightly overconsolidated attempt to develop a soil behaviour type classifica-
OC = Overconsolidated
1 tion chart based purely on SDMT measurements.
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 The proposed SBTSDMT chart can be used as a
Pore Pressure Index, UD guide to identification of soil behaviour type from
Figure 5. Relationship between UD and G0/ED as a func-
SDMT data. More research is required to confirm
tion of KD. the zone boundaries and to assess the chart’s appli-
cability to a wider range of soil types.
ID<0.35 (Clay) 1.2<ID<1.8 (Sandy silt)
100 0.35<ID<0.6 (Silty clay) 1.8<ID<3.3 (Silty sand)
0.6<ID<0.9 (Clayey silt) ID>3.3 (Sand) 6 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF
0.9<ID<1.2 (Silt)

In an attempt to conduct a preliminary assess-

10 ment of the performance of the proposed SBTSDMT
chart, seismic flat dilatometer tests were performed
at sites located in central Costa Rica and North-
ern Mexico. The SBT obtained from the newly
proposed SDMT based chart was compared to the
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
results of several laboratory index tests on the sam-
Pore Pressure Index, UD ples recovered from adjacent boreholes.
The site investigation program at these sites,
Figure 6. Relationship between UD and G0/ED as a func- herein refer to as “San Pedro” and “Madero-T527”,
tion of ID. was performed by MYV Soluciones Geotécnicas,

S.A from San Jose Costa Rica and the Federal Elec- The FVT data indicates a decrease in normal-
tricity Commission (CFE) of Mexico, respectively. ized shear strength values (su/σ ′v0) with depth from
6.9 to 1.8, suggesting a reducing degree of overcon-
solidation with depth in the silt deposit above 3.5 m
6.1 San Pedro
depth. Below 3.5 m, the high shear strength of the
The site is located within the limits of the city of underlying soil deposits suggests a high degree of
Curridabat situated a few kilometres southeast of overconsolidation. Indeed, oedometer test results
downtown San Jose, Costa Rica. The surficial geol- indicate an overconsolidation ratio (OCR) of
ogy in this area is mainly of volcanic origin and about 4.8 at 9.3 m depth. The overconsolidation
comprises tuff, lahar and lava flow Late Pleistocene of soil deposits at this site is considered likely to
deposits (Denyer & Arias 1991). The soil deposits be due to wetting and drying due to extreme varia-
primarily comprise volcanic ash mixed with the tions in the groundwater level with depth.
product of epiclastic lahar sediments which results
in soil with a high percentage of silt to clayey silt
6.2 Madero-T527
matrix with variable sand content.
The site is located within the limits of the city of
6.1.1 Soil profile Madero in northern Mexico and on the left bank of
The soil profile at this site primarily consists of silty the Pánuco River near the area where it discharges
soils. The upper 2.2 m soil comprises medium stiff into the Gulf of Mexico. The surficial geology pri-
silt with sand overlying a 3.2 m thick upper layer marily consists of Pleistocene and recent coastal
of stiff silt. Below 5.4 m depth, a fairly homogene- and alluvial depositional river-mouth soil deposits
ous deposit of very stiff to hard silt extends to the (López-Ramos 1985).
maximum depth reached of 18 m. The interpreta-
tion of DMT p2 pressures indicates ground water 6.2.1 Soil profile
level at about 3 m, and measurement of the water The results of several boreholes drilled at this site
level in an open borehole carried out 7 months along with CPTU tests indicate that soil stratigra-
later showed water level at about 6 m in depth. phy consists of 1 m of loose silty sand underlain by
Results of laboratory index tests on disturbed loose to medium sand with some silt extending to
samples indicate the very stiff to hard silt deposit about 10.4 m in depth. Below this depth, the sand
below about 5.4 m depth to be generally of high deposit is underlain by a 0.6 m thick stiff clayey
plasticity with liquid limit (wL) values in the range silt layer transitioning to silty sand to 12.7 m depth
of 46 to 64%, plastic limit (wP) between 31 and over firm clayey silt extending to about 14 m. Below
49%, and natural water content (wN) in the range the firm clayey silt layer and to about 20 m depth,
of 40 to 59%. the soil is predominantly medium dense to dense
The sand content of this layer ranges from 7 to silty sand with gravel packed in a silty sand matrix
14% with an apparent trend to increase with depth. between about 14 to 15.5 m. The water table was
Below 12 m depth, results of sieve analyses indi- around 1.35 m in depth at the time of drilling.
cate gravel content between 2 and 5%. Based upon The wN of the upper 0.9 m is very low with an
results of several Atterberg limit tests, the soil average value of 2%. Below this depth, wN values
between 5.4 and 18 m depth is classified as MH are an average of 20%, and with maximum values
(Inorganic silt of high plasticity), according to the of up to 44% in the silty clay layer at depth. Results
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). of sieve analyses on disturbed samples retrieved
The interpretation of the SDMT data and at this site indicate average sand content between
the relationship between wN and wP suggests that 94% and 84%, and fines content varying between
the soil at this site is overconsolidated. Between the 4% and 24% for the sand and sand with some silt
surface and about 5 m depth the soil is likely to be deposits, respectively. The results also indicate
overconsolidated (OC) to lightly overconsolidated gravel content of up to 48% at 14.6 m depth. In
(LOC). Below 5 m, the degree of overconsolida- general, the soil classifies as SP and SP-SM (poorly
tion increases but drops again below about 9 m, graded sand and sand-silt mixtures) according to
remaining in the overconsolidated range to the the USCS, except from the layer between about 14
base of the soil profile. and 15.5 m in depth which classifies as GM (Silty
This interpretation is supported by the results of gravel, gravel-sand-silt mixtures).
several FVT tests and results of one oedometer test
performed on an ”undisturbed” sample recovered
6.3 Evaluation of SDMT measurements
at 9.3 m depth. Peak undrained shear strength val-
ues (su) were only measured in the upper 3.5 m as An initial evaluation of the effectiveness of the
the strength of the soil below this depth exceeded proposed SBTSDMT chart is carried out by compar-
the equipment capacity, i.e. su > 200 kPa. ing the soil type estimated from this chart to that

obtained from results of laboratory index tests the data shown in Figure 8 based on the proposed
using the USCS. chart indicates that the soil profile appears to be
Figures 8 and 9 show the geometrically averaged overconsolidated as nearly all the data points plot
UD and G0/ED data points obtained over a 3 readings below the proposed line defining the boundary
window plotted on the proposed SBTSDMT chart for between normally consolidated and overconsoli-
the San Pedro and Madero-T527 sites, respectively. dated fine grained soils.
The data points are grouped according to depth The degree of overconsolidation appears to
and SBT soil types obtained from the USCS are increase with depth as indicated by the decrease in
included for comparison purposes at depth intervals G0/ED values which tends to move the data points
where laboratory results are available. Additional further away from the proposed boundary line.
discussion related to each site is presented below. This interpretation is supported by the results of
FVT and oedometer test results.
6.4 San Pedro
6.5 Madero-T527
As can be observed in Figure 8 the bulk of the data
points plot within the limits of zone 5, suggesting Figure 9 shows that the majority of data points
that soil classifies as silt to sandy silt which is rea- collected in poorly graded sand (SP) plot predomi-
sonably consistent with the soil type obtained from nantly in zone 7 (sand), whereas sand-silt mixtures
the USCS. It can also be argued that at 7.0 and (SP-SM) tend to plot in zone 6 (silty sand). Despite
10.6 m depth the soil can be classified as silt, as the the relatively high fines content (26%), the data
corresponding data points plot along the lower limit point at 12.5 m in depth appears to be misinter-
of Zone 4. The SDMT data points also indicate the preted as sand with the proposed chart.
presence of silty sand at 4.6 and 8.6 m depth. As illustrated in Figure 9, the data point at 14.5 m
Several C-readings equal to zero were collected depth plots outside the limits of the proposed chart
between the ground surface and 4.4 m in depth. due to a measured UD value below the lower limit of
A zero C-reading is recorded when the magnitude –0.2 of the UD axis. Negative UD values are obtained
of the external pressure upon unloading is not suf- when the magnitude of the external pressure (p2),
ficient to overcome the internal pressure pushing pushing back the DMT membrane to the closed
against the membrane, i.e. ΔA. position during unloading, is less than the estimated
As shown on Figure 7, SDMT data points in-situ pore pressure (u0) of the surrounding soil.
derived from zero C-readings plot in zones 4, 5, 6 At this depth, the combined interpretation of
and 7 suggesting that soil classifies as silt, silty sand SDMT data and results of sieve analyses indicates
and sand which is in fairly good agreement with that the soil comprises dense silty gravel and grav-
the observed soil profile. Further interpretation of el-sand-silt mixture. The apparent low p2 could be

Figure 8. SDMT data collected at San Pedro site. Figure 9. SDMT data collected at Madero-T527 site.

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drained dilation may have occurred during DMT C-reading to help determine stratigraphy. In Proceed-
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Properties, Raleigh, NC, USA, Vol. 2, pp. 255–259.
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index (ID), (ii) dilatometer modulus (ED), (iii) pore Manual. Internal Report of G.P.E. Inc.
pressure index (UD), and the small strain shear Marchetti, D., Monaco, P., Totani, G. & Calabrese, M.
2001. The flat dilatometer test (DMT) in soil investi-
modulus (G0). The usefulness of the DMT-C clos- gations. A report by the ISSMGE Committee TC16.
ing pressure for soil identification has been illus- In Proceedings of the International Conference on in
trated and therefore it is strongly recommended situ measurement of soil properties, In Situ 2001, Bali,
that it be included in the routine procedure. Indonesia, May 2001, p. 41.
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