Foods TLE Reviewer

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1. Mila has sautéed some meat in the pan. There are some brown bits left on the bottom of the
pan. While the pan is still on the stove, she added some white wine and scrapped the bottom of
the pan. What do you call the technique she just used?
a. Cleaning c. Caramelizing b. Deglazing d. Flambé
2. If a recipe calls for you to “beat” something, what are you being asked to do?
a. Harass it. b. Roll it with a rolling pin. c. Agitate the mixture until it is smooth. d. Cut it into
smaller pieces.
3. Energy value is expressed in terms of calories which represents the chemical energy that is
released as heat when food is oxidized. Which nutrient has more than twice the calorie per gram?
a. Carbohydrate c. Fat b. Protein d. Mineral
4. Food furnishes the body with the different nutrients it needs. Which of the following nutrients
is needed as the main structural component of the body?
a. Carbohydrates c. Fat b. Protein d. Fiber
5. Fresh produce contains chemical compounds called enzymes which cause the loss of color,
loss of nutrients, flavor changes, and color changes in frozen fruits and vegetables. These
enzymes must be inactivated to prevent such reactions from taking place. What kind of
vegetables needs pre-cooking before packing?
a. Non-acidic c. Neutral b. Acidic d. Basic
6. Which cooking method is the LEAST healthy?
a. Grilling c. Frying b. Baking d. Broiling
7. Frostings are products that are closely associated with sugar. What kind of sugar used
primarily in the preparation of flat icings and butter creams?
a. Brown sugar c. Granulated sugar b. Refined sugar d. Confectioner sugar
8. While Rachel is reading a magazine, she comes across a simple cake recipe. But the recipe
calls for one cup of buttermilk, which she don’t have. What could she use instead of buttermilk?
a. regular milk and vinegar b. coffee creamer c. vinegar and butter d. regular milk and butter
9. Martha, a busy mother is on a limited food budget. Which of the dishes below is a good choice
for her to prepare the viands that will still give her family their nutrient requirements?
a. Ampalaya con karne c. Pork adobo b. Relienong talong d. Chicken tinola
10. Which ingredient practically used in all native delicacies?
a. Sugar c. Butter b. Coconut milk d. Rice flour
11. Water is a remarkable substance for it occurs and used in various ways. When water boils at
12 degrees, what does “rolling boil” means?
a. the bubbles are rolling non-stop b. the bubbles are forming rapidly and cannot be stopped
when stirred c. the bubbles are forming slowly and can be stopped when stirred d. the bubbles
are spilling out of a container
12. A cake just wouldn’t be a cake without frosting for it adds visual appeal and flavor. What is
the classification of fudge frosting?
a. Soft c. Thick b. Uncooked d. Cooked
13. Meat is cooked to improve its palatability, increase tenderness and quality. To minimize meat
shrinkage and retain much of its nutritive value, the best cooking temperature is:]
a. moist heat c. high heat b. low to moderate heat d. dry heat
14. What does ‘proofing’ means?
a. Weighing the dough to make sure loaves are the same size b. Letting the yeast grow to
produce carbon dioxide c. Testing cakes for doneness d. Brushing risen loaves before baking
with egg whites for a shiny glazed finish
15. The boiling point of water is a very important reference point in cooking. When boiling water
what does adding salt do?
a. Make the water softer b. Makes the water boil more quickly c. Makes the water boil at higher
temperature d. Makes the water boil at a lower temperature
16. Food safety is the most important factor in cooking. It doesn’t matter how delicious or
complicated the recipe is: if the food makes people sick because of improper cooking or
handling, all the efforts will be wasted. How long does it take for bacteria to double their
numbers at warm temperatures?
a. half an hour c. 4 hours b. 2 hours d. 1 day
17. What is the final cooking temperature for raw chicken?
a. 140 °F b. 165 °F c. 155 °F d. 140 °F
18. Several ingredients act as leaveners in baking. Which ingredient for bread hurts the leavening
(rising) ability?
a. sugar b. flour c. salt d. water
19. Meats are considered rich in proteins, what kind of protein is found in connective tissue of
meat that converts to gelatin when it is cooked?
a. Elastin c. Marbling b. Gluten d. Collagen
20. How do you know if you are “simmering” something?
a. If there is cooking oil involved b. If the liquid you are dealing with has reached a rolling boil
c. If you are maintaining the temperature of the liquid just below boiling point d. If the liquid has
reached more than the boiling point
21. Always serve beverage on _________ side of the guest using the right hand.
a. right c. center b. left d. left or right
22. One of the objectives of good food preparation is to conserve the nutritive value of the food.
What is the best way to prepare vegetables to retain the most antioxidant activity?
a. Serve raw c. Boil b. Steam lightly d. Microwave
23. Salads usually use brightly colored fruits, vegetables and greens. What’s the best way to help
oil-based salad dressings adhere to the greens?
a. Used only expensive lettuce b. salt salad before tossing c. Add a drop of sugar to dressing
d. Make sure greens are completely dry before applying dressing
24. Nutrients are substances that enrich the body. Which of these nutrients is needed for a
healthy immune and strong connective tissue?
a. Fiber c. Vitamin C b. Vitamin K d. Fluoride
25. Iron is absorbed the best from the diet comes from which sources?
a. meat b. milk and milk product c. spinach, pechay, other green leafy vegetables d. enriched
whole grains
26. Healthy diets are:
a. adequate and balanced b. do not include sugars c. controlled d. low in potassium
27. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about water in the human body?
a. helps regulate body temperature b. will relieve fatigue, migraines, and high blood pressures c.
the largest component of the adult human body weight d. provides a medium for chemical
28. Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in the breading procedure?
a. Flour, egg wash, flour b. Flour, egg wash, bread crumbs c. Flour, water, bread crumbs d. Egg
wash, flour, bread crumbs
29. Vera is planning to have a party of more than 50 guests. What type of table service would
you recommend to her?
a. Blue plate service c. Formal service b. French service d. Buffet service

30. A kind of cloth plays vital role in setting the mood of the dining table. What do you call that
long narrow strips of cloth used on bare tables?
a. Silence cloth c. Top cloth b. Table cloth d. Table runner
31. When testing the doneness of the cake, a cake tester is inserted at what part of the cake?
a. Bottom side c. side b. Center d. Upper side
32. Chef Roy is preparing a chocolate frosting? What cooking technique would you recommend
to her?
a. Cook chocolate in a double boiler b. Cook chocolate over high degree c. Cook chocolate over
low flame d. Cook chocolate using steam
33. Ka Rosa is preparing a native rice cake (biko). She ran out of panocha, a local sweetener,
what could be the best substitute for panocha?
a. Brown sugar c. Washed sugar b. Powdered sugar d. White sugar
34. What is that kitchen tool appropriate in applying egg wash to pies and pastries?
a. Rubber scraper c. Tong b. Spatula d. Pastry Brush
35. Which of the following mixing technique is described when a baker mixes the dough with a
pressing motion accompanied by folding and pressing?
a. Beat b. Cream c. Knead d. Fold
36. What type of cakes contains butter or other fats?
a. Batter cakes c. Chiffon cakes b. Butter cakes d. Sponge cake
37. The recipe calls to pour the mixture of flour and liquid to the pan. What flour mixture is
being described?
a. Batter c. Dough b. Butter d. Egg wash
38. Family Sebastiano is experiencing a hard time financially. Which of the following shows a
very appropriate economic practice?
a. Reduced quantity of food prepared b. Recycle leftovers c. use substitutes d. reduced quality of
food prepared 30
39. What is the process that changes the flavor, breaks down the cellulose and reduces the water
content of vegetables?
a. Cutting c. Washing b. Preparation d. Cooking

1. A concept among business-minded individuals who want to start small, but dream of
becoming huge financial success in the future is known as _________.
a. Entrepreneurship c. Small business b. Enterprise d. Buy and sell
2. You want to start your own business, what should you consider?
a. Assess your entrepreneurial inclinations. b. Get to know your target market. c. Make a
business plan. d. All of the above should be considered.
3. To be able to steer your business in the first difficult months, you need a good _________.
a. Marketing Plan c. Production Plan b. Financial Plan d. Out-sourcing Plan
4. For the business to have a legal personality, a business man has to __________.
a. Organize it. b. Register it in proper institution / agency. c. Hire lawyers for the business. d.
Hire an accountant for the business.
5. Which of the following implies that the entrepreneur has a “word of honor”?
a. When he pays suppliers on due date. b. Give employees salaries and benefits agreed on. c.
Deliver on the day his customer ask him to do. d. All opinions above are correct.
6. In the business plan essentials, which part encapsulates entire business plan?
a. The mission statement b. The executive summary c. The management team d. The marketing
7. What type of entrepreneurial business actually produces the products they sell? a.
Manufacturing c. Retailing b. Wholesaling d. Service
8. A (n) __________ captures the reader’s attention, should explain the business status, provide
objectives, and describe products or services.
a. Executive summary c. Table of contents b. transmittal letter d. fact sheet
9. Locations, facilities, labor and manufacturing [plans are part of:
a. Financial plan b. Marketing plan c. Implementation plan d. Production / Operations Plan
10. Work Ethics are:
a. based on moral virtues of hard work b. based on working hard only when the manager is
looking c. based on looking for shortcuts d. based on trying to get to work on time
11. An individual who can identify the various products or services which people need and
deliver these at the right time and place and at the price:
a. Entrepreneur c. Industrialist b. Capitalist d. Contractor
12. A business form which is owned by only one person is:
a. Cooperative c. Partnership b. Corporation d. Sole proprietorship
13. The ___________ plan tells what has to be done, when, how and who as far as sales,
advertising, policy and distribution.
a. Marketing c. Pricing b. Financial d. Selection
14. The aspect of business management that analyzes and determines the supply and demand for
the product or service in the past and its competitive position at present is:
a. Financial aspect c. Production aspect b. Marketing aspect d. Budgeting aspect
15. A __________ statement should be short (one/two sentences) easy to understand and easy to
a. Mission c. Cash flow b. Vision d. Pro Forma
16. The process of utilizing land, labor and capital to create market and produce new goods and
a. Salesman c. Proprietorship b. Partnership d. Entrepreneurship
17. The probable problems that a business and entrepreneur faces are:
a. Strengths c. Weakness b. Opportunities d. Threats
18. Reviewing at any point of the business period the strength and weaknesses of the venture is
referred to as ___________.
a. Monitoring and evaluating b. Risk taking c. Opportunity seeking d. SWOT analysis
19. A business form owned by only one person is:
a. Partnership c. Corporation b. Sole Proprietorship d. Cooperative
20. The process of utilizing land, labor and capital to create market and produce new goods and
a. Proprietorship c. Partnership b. Entrepreneurship d. Salesman
21. Quality control refers to the firm’s evaluation of its ___________.
a. overall performance b. operational control c. employee’s performance d. organizational
22. If an entrepreneur acts to do things that meet or even exceed existing standards of excellence
then he is considered to be __________.
a. hard worker c. committed worker b. risk taker d. goal setter
23. Profit is a concrete indicator of how well an entrepreneur has managed his ___________.
a. business c. affairs b. sales d. credits
24. If a lot of unknown and uncontrollable factors affect the success or failure of a firm then an
entrepreneur should be competent in __________.
a. making decisions b. seeking opportunity c. introducing innovation d. planning ahead
25. Environmental screening involves one of the following basic principles in planning a
business. Which one is it?
a. the plan must respond to consumer tastes and preferences b. the plan must be based on simple
projects c. the plan must be based on the needs of the community d. the plan must be flexible
26. A business enterprise must obtain a business permit from the ___________.
a. Mayor’s office c. DOLE b. DTI d. SEC
27. Time frame, financial reserve and resources and cost are distinctive features of __________.
a. business plan c. mechanical plan b. electrical plan d. project plan
28. The competence to convince, use personal influence and develop explicit strategies to
influence people is associated with __________.
a. persuasion and networking
b. information seeking and monitoring
c. opportunity seeking and creativity
d. self confidence and skill in decision making
29. Business Code of Ethics:
a. should provide a list that only new employees must follow
b. Should exempt upper management
c. should change every week
d. should provide a framework for professional responsibility
30. Entrepreneurs adopt risk management programs to eliminate or reduce risk. Which of the
following is an exception?
a. Employee safety program
b. Inaccurate accounting and financial reports
c. Burglars alarm, security guard’s and guard dogs
d. Proper safety program
31. Whenever an entrepreneur recruits, selects a person to fill a vacancy in the organizational
structure, he is performing a function of management called:
a. controlling c. planning b. directing d. staffing
32. Which of the following items is a trait that is NOT observed among high achievers and
a. Willing to forego small inconveniences.
b. Persistent worker even in the face of difficulties and hardships.
c. Likes to associate with the hardworking and the knowledgeable about many things.
d. Consider is not important to attain a position or to come up with accomplishment in society.
33. Which of the following Best explains why goalsetting is important especially in
a. It assures you of your being able to attain your objectives.
b. It helps make life more enjoyable and satisfying.
c. One is much more likely to get what he/she wants and is willing to work for it.
d. You are only one who can tell what is important to you.
34. Which of the following basic principles in planning a business plan deals with the necessity
of environmental scanning?
a. The plan must be based on simple projects.
b. The plan must respond to consumer tastes and preferences.
c. The plan must be flexible.
d. The plan must be based on the needs of the community.
35. Business planning is a continuous process until consumer satisfaction is maximized and
sustained. One of the components of business planning is SWOT. What does SWOT means?
a. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
b. Strengths, Weaknesses, Operations and Threats
c. Supports, Weaknesses, Operations and Threats
d. Supports, Weaknesses, Operations and Time.

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