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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Summarizing Various Text Types
Based on Elements
English – Grade 5
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Summarizing Various Text Types Based on Elements
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio


Author : Grace S. Ponce

Co-Author - Content Editor : Alvin D. David
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Co-Author - Illustrator : Marilyn C. Mariano
Co-Author - Layout Artist : Grace S. Ponce


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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Summarizing Various Text Types
Based on Elements
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written to help you read various literary texts like
narrative texts with comprehension and be able to summarize it according to its
different elements.
After this module, it is expected that you will learn to:
1. summarize various text types based on elements
a. identify the elements of literary texts (EN5LC-Ib-d-2.17.1-3);
b. summarize narrative texts based on elements: theme, setting, characters, plot
c. recognize the steps in summarizing;
d. infer the theme of literary text (EN5RC-Ib-2.9.1); and
e. summarize information from various text types (EN5LC-IVf-j-3.13).

Summarizing Various Text
2 Types Based on Elements
When not taught on how to properly summarize, summarizing can be difficult for
pupils. Writing a good summary is not as easy as it may appear among the pupils. It
actually requires quite a bit of judgment.

More than anything else, as a learner, you must read and comprehend the text. This
may involve unpacking long sentences and interpreting challenging vocabulary.
Then, you must identify the main ideas and key points, which means that you must
have a good enough understanding of the text to distinguish between essential and
nonessential information. Finally, you must summarize this information in your own
words. Therefore, summarizing a text requires both comprehension and expression

As we move on to the lesson, this module will present to you the different elements
of various text types and be able to summarize what you have read based on these

What’s In

Carlo and Ella are cousins and also neighbors. They are Grade 5 pupils like you.
Carlo’s mother serves as their learning-
facilitator. Do you want to study with them?

Carlo and Ella’s lesson for this week is about

summarizing various text types based on
elements. With them, let us recall first what
are these text types? Read the paragraphs
and answer several questions with them.
Text types are forms of writing having a variety of purposes, using
different forms and standards of composition. Generally, text types are
categorized as; factual and literary. Within these are many more specifically
defined texts types.
Factual or nonfiction text types inform the readers or convey
information about a particular subject or topic. They give useful information and
focus on truths and realities. Examples of factual texts are news reports,
instruction manuals, records of history, procedure, recipes, information about
real-people or life situations, legal documents, and articles in academic journals.

Literary or fiction text types include such types as poetry, narrative, or

personal response. Its purpose is to entertain, elicit an emotional response or
engage the reader by using creative language and imagery by using language to
create mental images. Some good examples of literary texts include novels, short
stories, and poetry.

Now, let us find out if you understand what you have read. Identify the following text
types whether it is factual or literary.

1. Its main purpose is to entertain readers.

2. It teaches readers about facts and valid information.
3. It is usually a made-up story with characters who may be like real people or
4. It has facts that can be checked and proven.
5. Its stories are about real people and happenings like what’s on the news.

Notes to the Teacher
This module is intended for the teacher to recognize the pupils’
reading, comprehending, and summarizing skills. Pupils must be
familiarized with the different elements of narrative texts in order to
have an organized flow of summary.

It is the teacher's duty to identify the learners’ strengths and

weaknesses about the lesson. Also, do interventions to cope up with
the pupils’ limitations or give advancement activities to improve
further his/her ability in summarizing.

What’s New

Read the passage. Then, in your paper, answer the questions that follow.

You have probably written a summary of a story you have read from the
previous grade. You may have identified the characters. You may have told
when and where is the setting. You probably told me what is the problem and
how it was solved. But did you know that it is not only the stories you can
summarize? You can use summarizing skills to be prepared and have a better
understanding of all your subjects.

Some pupils are having a hard time reading two to three pages of stories.
Some are having difficulty in learning science because there are lots of
unfamiliar new words and history because of information to remember.
Research shows that writing things down will help you to remember them
easier. It works even better if you read again what you have written. Wow!
That’s the process of taking notes.

Did you know that taking notes is a process of summarizing? When you
are studying Science or Araling Panlipunan, your teacher is usually asking you
to read long texts. But, when you are about to write the key points on your
notebook, you are not writing the entire texts you have read. When you read
your textbooks, keep a notebook or a paper close to you. As you read, jot down
the keywords, dates, names, and important details so that you can go back
and define or explain them later.

For you summarize, first, you must read the text carefully and find out
what’s more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the main
ideas, and supporting ideas. This implies that you are thinking and trying to
understand what you have read. Finally, you must write down those ideas
using your own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph.
You may go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.
1. Is summarizing done only with stories?
2. How can you use your summarizing skills?
3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history?
4. What does the research say about writing things down?
5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?
6. As you read, what are you going to do so you can have something to go back
and define or explain later?
7. What are the steps for you to summarize?
8. What would be the best title for the passage?
a. Difficulties in Summarizing
b. Learning to Summarize Science and History
c. Summarizing; Its Importance and Processes
d. The Meaning of Summary
If you have answered all the question incomplete sentences, you may rewrite them
in paragraph form. Through that, you can now summarize a four-paragraph passage
into at least seven sentences in your own words. Try rewriting them on your paper.
Although the title is asked on the last number, be sure that the title should be written
on the upper center part of your summary. Follow the format below.


What is It

There are lots of texts that can be summarized. Summarizing allows you to verify
that you understood accurately the information conveyed by the writer. There are
many different types of texts depending on their purpose, structure, and language
features. The narrative text is one of the most commonly used classification text
materials is that one based on the text’s purpose and meaning.
Now, that you can already differentiate factual from a literary text, let us give more
focus on the literary narrative texts, poems, and their elements.
A narrative text is a type of literary text that entertains, informs, or instructs readers
by telling a story.
Narrative texts can be either imaginary or real-life. Fictional narratives include
picture books, cartoons, mystery, fantasy, fairy tales, novels, science fiction,
historical fiction, horror or adventure stories, fables, myths, legends, or plays. Non-

fictional narratives may be a biography, autobiography, articles, newspaper reports,
historical writings, diary.
For you to learn more about narrative texts, let us recognize its different elements.
Elements of Narrative It usually answers
Text the question:
Characters refer to the Who are the  Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip of
people, animals, or characters in Sleeping Beauty
creatures that take part the story?  Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristof of Frozen
in the action of the
Setting is the time and Where and  one morning in the forest
place in which the when the story  near the beach at dawn
events happen. happens or
takes place?
Mood is the general What do you feel  Excited
feeling created in the upon reading  Frustrated
reader upon reading or the story?  Sympathetic
listening through word  Amused
choice and pacing.
Theme is the author’s What is the  Importance of family
message or central message of the  Benefits of hard work
concept about life or story? What is  Power of love
human nature the story all  Friendship
conveyed through the about? What  Revenge
story. It refers to the lesson did the
lesson or moral of the main character
story. learn?
Conflict refers to the What is the When the Queen got jealous of Princess
main problem to be problem that Snow White’s beauty, she wanted to kill
solved. It is a struggle happens in the her so will be the fairest of them all in the
involving two or more story? What kingdom.
opposing forces. problem is the
main character
Plot tells the sequence What happened Once upon a time, there lives a beautiful
of events from the in the and kindhearted princess Snow White
beginning, middle, and beginning, who charms every creature in the
ending. It is made up of middle, and kingdom except one - her jealous
the problem, important ending of the stepmother, the Queen. When the Magic
events, and the story? Mirror proclaims Snow White the fairest
resolution. one of all, the Queen orders her
huntsman to take Snow White deep
In the beginning, you down the forest to kill her. The princess
will find out: 1) who the was rescued by seven dwarf miners who
story is about or who make her part of their household. The
will be the characters, Queen discovered that the princess was
2) where and when the still alive so she tricks Snow White with
story occurs, and 3) an enchanted apple, only the magic of
what is the problem. In true love's kiss can save her from falling
the middle, you usually asleep. The dwarfs were too late to save
find the main Snow White from the poisoned apple.
character’s attempts at They place her in a glass coffin in the

solving the problem. In forest and mourn for her. Prince Florian
the end, you will who is passing by has fallen in love with
usually find the Snow White. He happens to awaken the
resolution to the princess from the wicked Queen's
problem. Most stories deathlike spell with "pure love's kiss."
are distinctions of this
simple structure.
Plot is particularly the part of the story being summarized as it contains the most
important details. This is the storyline. The term plot refers to the writer's creation
of a plot or devising and ordering the story events. Plot has several parts.

Exposition Resolution
Beginning Middle Ending
Let’s discuss briefly what is seen on each part.

Elements of Plot in Narratives

Exposition or This first part of the plot presents the main
Introduction characters/protagonists and the setting. Here, the reader is

getting to know the story and what it’s going to be all about.
Conflict The main conflict or tension around which the plot revolves
is also usually introduced here in order to set up the sequence
of events for the rest of the narrative. This tension could be
the first meeting between two main characters, the start of a
mystery or arising of problem.
Rising Action This creates tension both within the story and the reader. It
sets the rest of the plot in motion. Excitement grows as
tensions gets higher, eventually leading to the climax of the

story. For example, the antagonist (enemy) planning to hurt

the protagonist (lead character).
Climax or It is the most critical moment wherein tensions are highest,
turning point instilling in the reader a sense of excitement, fear, and
nervousness and the likes. The character do something about
the conflict of problem.
Falling Action This is when the story is going out of tension and the story
begins to wind down. We start to see the results of the climax;
the main characters’ actions, how characters’ choices affect

themselves and those around them.

Resolution or This final plot point is the finale or closure where everything
Denouement is wrapped up and is usully short. Characters usually achieve
the sense of normalcy but resolution is not always a "happy
ending." Ending can be tragic and entirely unexpected, too.

Hopefully, you can now summarize a story using the given elements. Summaries can
be presented in different styles. Using a graphic organizer in one creative way. You
may plan your composition using this chart.

Are you enjoying reading different stories? I
hope you’re having fun like Carlo and Ella.
You know what? Their hobby is not only
reading, they also love writing poems during
their free time.
Poetry is also a form of literary text which
follows a meter and rhythm on each lines
and syllables. It is always rhythmical,
usually metaphorical, and often exhibits
such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and
written in stanza structure. It follows a set of
rules governing the number and
arrangement of syllables in each line. In poetry, words are looped together to form
sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly.
Let us discuss briefly what are the elements of poetry or poem.

Theme is a truth,
lesson, or message
about life.
Meter is the number Mood is the feeling
and style of accented the poet is trying to
syllables in a line. convey.

of Poetry
Rhyme describes the Rhythm is the beat,
words that have the sound and feel of a
same ending sound. poem.

Line is a single row Stanza is a group of

of words in a poem. lines in a poem.

There is also what we call narrative poetry which tells stories through verse. A
narrative poem like a novel or a short story, has plot, characters, and setting. It
presents a series of events, often including action and dialogue using a range of
poetic techniques such as rhyme and meter.
To compare, a short story is usually written in recognizable sentences, while a poem
is composed of lines, which may not observe the usual grammatical rules.
Furthermore, stories are organized into paragraphs, while a poem is made up of
verses, or stanzas. But, both express emotion and convey a message to readers and
can be summarized based on their different elements.

What’s More

Activity 1:
Read the story carefully and pay attention to the details of the story. You could also
take down important notes while reading. In this way, you can easily identify the
elements of a literary text and be able to write your summary.

One Moment at Recess

by Grace S. Ponce
It was 10:00 in the morning at Mabuhay Elementary School. It’s time to
take a snack, it was recess time. Pupils are line up in waiting for their turns to
go inside the canteen. Out of the crowd, Joselito seems down at the bench just
looking around the kids eating and some are playing. He had no money to buy
something because his father did not receive his salary yet. His mother told him
to have a heavy breakfast for him to be full until lunch time.
While waiting for the time to pass by, he suddenly saw fifty pesos on the
ground. He said to himself, “If I spend this money, I will be able to have lots to
eat for recess.” But, he knows that it is not the right thing to do. So, he goes to
their classroom and asks for help from his adviser to find the owner of that
money. It so happens that one of his classmates Irene was crying at the corner
of their classroom because she lost her money. Joselito asks Irene how much she
lost? “It’s fifty pesos”, said Irene.
Joselito gives the fifty pesos that he saw to Irene and said, “I think it’s
Irene was so thankful to Joselito. As a form of her appreciation, she told
Joselito to go to the canteen with her and they shared snacks for recess. Joselito
was grateful that because of his honesty, he was able to enjoy his recess time.
Identify the element of the literary text from the story you just read. Choose your
answer from the choices below.

characters mood conflict resolution setting theme

____________________ 1. It was 10:00 in the morning at Mabuhay Elementary School.

____________________ 2. Joselito, a Grade 5 pupil and his classmate, Irene
____________________ 3. While waiting for the time to pass by, he suddenly saw fifty
pesos on the ground.
____________________ 4. Joselito gives the fifty pesos that he saw to Irene and said, “I
think it’s yours.”
____________________ 5. Honesty. Do not claim what is not yours.

What I Have Learned

Complete the statements below by filling it out with the information you have learned.
You may choose your answers from the box below.

The 1. ________________ is important to present a brief and clear presentation of

the main ideas that form the meaning of the different text types, while eliminating
the unnecessary details that are less important for the overall understanding.
In order to summarize, one should know the basic elements of narrative texts or
stories like 2. ____________________________ as well as the basic elements of poetry or
poem which are 3._____________________________________________.
Both narratives and poems have 4. _______________ which refers to the
author’s/writer’s message or insight about life or human nature and the
5.________________ which is the feeling the poet or writer he or she is trying to convey.
Unlike narratives, poems are written in 6. ________________ which is a single row of
words and are grouped in 7. ________________.
In summarizing stories, it is important to be able to identify the
8._______________ which refer to the people, animals, or creatures that take part in
the action of the story and 9. ________________ that tells when and where the story
happens. The sequence of events from beginning, middle, and ending is seen in the
10. _________________ of the story.

characters, setting, plot, mood, and theme

stanza, line, meter, rhyme, theme, mood, and rhythm
characters rhyme plot summary
mood stanza line setting


I. Match the descriptions provided in Column A with the element of literary text being
described in Column B. Write only the letter of your answer.

Column A Column B

1. It can be people, animals or fictional creatures who take a. characters

part in action of the story. b. conflict
2. This refers to the author’s message like central concept c. mood
about life or human nature or the moral of the story. d. plot
3. It tells the time and place in which the story takes place.
e. setting
4. This includes the sequence of events from beginning to
ending that make the story. f. theme
5. It is the general feeling created in the reader through word
choice and pacing.

1. a 3. e 5. c 7. d 9. c
2. f 4. d 6. e 8. b 10. A What I Have Learned:
What’s New: 1. summary
Additional Activities: 2. characters, setting, plot,
Summarizing; Its Importance
Activity 1: Summary depends on pupil’s selected story. mood, and theme
and Processes
3. stanza, line, meter, rhyme,
Activity 2: Summary depends on pupil’s selected poem.
Summarizing is not only theme, mood, and rhythm
Summary of the poem:
done with stories. You can use 4. theme
The theme of the poem is
summarizing skills to be prepared 5. mood
and have a better understanding ___________________________________. There are
6. line
of all your subjects. Some are _______________ stanzas in the poem I have read and each
7. stanza
having difficulty in learning stanza has ____________ lines. ___________________ is
the mood the poet tries to convey. This poem entitled
8. characters
science because there are lots of
unfamiliar new words and history _______________________has __________ pairs of words 9. setting
because of information to that rhyme. 10. plot
remember. Research shows that
writing things down will help you
What’s New:
to remember them easier. Taking
or jotting down notes is a process What’s More:
1. Summarizing is not only done with stories.
of summarizing. As you read, take
2. You can use summarizing skills to be prepared and have a better
notes or jot down the keywords, Activity 1:
understanding of all your subjects.
dates, names, and important 1. setting
3. Some are having difficulty in learning science because there are lots of
details so that you can go back 2. characters
unfamiliar new words and history because of information to remember.
and define or explain them later. 3. conflict
4. Research shows that writing things down will help you to remember them
For you summarize, first, you
easier. 4. resolution
must read the text carefully to
5. Taking or jotting down notes is a process of summarizing. 5. theme
find out what’s more important.
6. As you read, take notes or jot down the keywords, dates, names, and
Then, identify the various
important details so that you can go back and define or explain them later.
elements, find the main ideas,
7. For you summarize, first, you must read the text carefully to find out what’s
and supporting ideas. Finally, you
more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the main ideas,
must write down those ideas
and supporting ideas. Finally, you must write down those ideas using your
using your own understanding in
own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph.
a few sentences or a paragraph.
8. c. Summarizing; Its Importance and Processes
Answer Key
DepEd (2013). English. Teachers’ Guide. First Edition.
DepEd (2016). K to 12 Curriculum Guide. English.
Department of Education, 2020, Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC),
Summarize various text types based on elements
Castillo, Kristine Erica C., Angeles, Evelyn B., DepEd (2013). English. Learners
Material. Joy in Learning English 5 Textbook. First Edition.
Muniz, Hannah - General Education, SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips,
“What Is the Plot of a Story? The 5 Parts of the Narrative,” 2019.

Sejnost, Roberta L. and Thiese, Sharon M. , “Reading (and Scaffolding) Narrative

Texts” - Building content literacy: Strategies for the adolescent learner.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, (2010).

Tiffany, Alexander – Structure and Elements of Poetry Unit Grade 3 – 5


Waltz, Robert. "Text Types And Textual Kinship". A Site Inspired By: The
Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism. Retrieved 2011-03-05

G. and C. Merriam Co. Webster’s New English Dictionary (Pocket Edition). A

Merriam-Webster. Librairie Du Liban. Box 945 Beirut, Lebanon.
Longhan Group LTD. London and New York

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan - Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan

Telefax: (047) 237-2102

Email Address:

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