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(Software Development)

Ma’am Arfa Skandar
Submitted By
Bushra Nawaz Comp.Sc-17046
Muqaddis Tariq Comp.Sc-17042
Iqra Comp.Sc-17028

Department of Computer Sciences

Government College Women University, Sialkot
October 02, 2020

I Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. __________________________________________ am willing to

guide these undergraduate students in all phases of project titled
“______________________________________” as advisor. I have carefully seen the
title and description of the project and believe that it is of an appropriate difficulty level
for the number of students named above.

_______________ _________________

Date Signature of

Submission Date: ____________

Table of Contents
1. Introduction:
With the expansion of the internet, many businesses have now started to compete on a
global scale. Whenever a business starts growing and expanding, entrepreneurs begin
striving to become more competitive either by importing or exporting the goods. Import
and export are not only helpful for businesses but also play an important role for the
growth of the national economies. A useful website BussinesHub will provided as a
platform for buyer and the saler. The seller can sell the products and buyers can buy
those services. The website will provide the facility to buy and purchase different things
like Dresses, Shoes, Furniture, Jewellery, gadgets, cars and bikes etc.

This website will provide a bridge between sellers and buyers. No person needs to go out
to find the best things to purchase or sell.

2. Problem Statement:
The main purpose of BusinessHub website is for a business man to expand his business all over
the world and make money and also provide facilities for consumers to avail of all products. This
website will provide facilities to sell our bur products of different categories like Dresses, Shoes,
Jewellery, Furniture, Gadgets, cars and bikes. Each product will have different prices according to
This website will provide a major benefit for buyer and seller is time saving. As time is very
important for all people living all over the world. This website will also provide a complete
security and also it will be user friendly and efficient.

3. Goals/Objectives:
The main goals of the website will be the following.

● To provide user friendly system

● System will satisfies the requirements of user
● It will helpful for businessman to expand his business
● To save time and provide security
● Fast access of services
● Authentication of service providers
● To allow the consumer to inquire and get information about services offered by
the seller.

4. Scope of Work:
The BusinessHub website instantly provides the best, safest and fastest platform to sell and
purchase the good quality products according to his own need. When a person will search for
any product then top good quality products will be shown first according to the more likes by

This website will be available on search engines and will not work without the internet.
5. Main Modules:
The following will be basic modules of the project.

● Buyer panel (Basically relate to the person who will purchase the products
according to his own demand and also can give feedback regarding the quality
of products).

● Seller panel (This panel will be for the seller to upload his products for sell
with price).

● Categories will define which type of products the buyer can purchase and
seller can sell.

● Requests for any product will be notified to the person who uploads the
product for sale.

● Cookies will maintain the user name and password of the person(When next
time a person comes and tries to sign in then helpful for him/her).

● Authentication (Authentication is the most important feature for every

website. It will be applied for checking the authentication of the person who is
purchasing the products and the seller who is selling his products).

● Security (Security during the service being provided to the seller and buyers
will also remain under consideration)

● Chatting (.If the consumer will have any query then he/she can ask through
● Suggestions( When a person will try to search for anything then while
searching he/she can get suggestions ).

● Payment (Payment will be delivered to the seller who actually uploaded the
product for sale by jazzcash).

6. Tools and Technologies:

6.1. Hardware:
The following are the hardware requirements of the project.

6.2. Software/Tools:
The following software tools will be used for the development.
● Microsoft® Windows® 10 (32- or 64-bit)
● Dreamweaver and sublime text 3
● Localhost Wamp Server
● SQL Databases on PHPMyadmin
● JavaScript
(other will be optional)
7. Activity Index:

Sr. # Activity Date

01 Project Registration

02 Proposal Defense

03 SRS (Software Requirement Specification)


04 SDD (Software Design Document)


05 Front End/Interface Demo

06 Internal Defense

07 External Defense

08 Final Submission (Booklets +CDs)

8. Key Personnel:
Client N/A

Sponsor N/A

Project Manager Ma’am Arfa Skandar

Group members Bushra Nawaz,

Muqaddis Tariq,

9. Appendix:
● FR01: Functional Requirement 01

● OS: Operating system

● SQL: Structured query language

● IIS: Internet Information Services

● BH: BusinessHub

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