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Nharill Khate Hamzon Subject: Inquires,Investigation,and Immersion

Grade: 12 Strand: STEM Block: 2 Teacher: Jon Paolo M. Ordonez

Lesson 1: Introduction to Inquires,Investigation,and Immersion

Activity 1.1
1. Inquiry
2. Investigation
3. Immersion
4. Investigation
5. Inquiry
6. Investigation
7. Inquiry
8. Immersion
9. Immersion
10. Inquiry

Activity 1.2

Research will improve in problem solving and conceptualization when tasked with finding solution to
a problem,research will help me to indentify,evaluate and collaborate all Engineering information I may
find.Engineering research is critical to an organization’s productivity and competitiveness from wireless
communication to robotics,biomedical engineering and sustainable energy it will help to fill up gaps in
knowledge and develop new product while improving organizational efficiency and growth.
Assessment :

Character Enrichment :

Is Practical Research really scary? This question will bother in your mind because you haven’t tried it
yet.I will be the one to answer those question.Practical Research is not scary nor difficult like those rumors. I
learned and enjoy a lot while taking this subject.Sir Reden taught me to love this subject and he teach it
elaborately. Do you want to hear more? I will gradually tell you. In the past year Practical Research 1 and
Practical Research 2 , I learned to pursue something new.To hone problem solving skill and challenge myself
in a new ways . I also learned in this subject the valuable skill for life and class as professionalism,time
management etc.Just friendly reminder don’t be afraid to step out in the shadow of rumors that this subject
is scary.Try to step out and I’m confidently guarantee you will love this subject like I did.

Lesson 2 :Brainstroming for Research topic

Activity 2.1
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. False

Activity 2.2


1. Academic Track & STEM(Science,Technology,Engineering,Mathematics)

2. Advantage and Disadvantage of Taking STEM as Career path
3. What will be the Advantage and Disadvantage of Taking STEM as Career Path
4. What are the opportunities and risk that can encounter of STEM student on their career choice ?
Lesson 3: Understanding the Problem (Writing Background of the study

and Conceptual Framework)

Activity 3.1

The kind of material offered in a STEM education is focused on engaging kids in critical thinking. Critical
thinking is the process of actively conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, and evaluating information through
observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication. As such, students will be encouraged to
answer questions or solve problems not based on memorization but based on actively engaging with the material to
understand the issue at hand and solve it using logic. These kinds of situations better reflect what is expected of them
in the workplace – experiencing situations like this early in their education will better prepare them for their futures .
(Gundoz I. 2020)

Students with STEM-based educations though enjoy nearly endless job opportunities. Why? Because the demand for
that education is always present in the workforce, from engineers to programmers to doctors and scientists. These
careers also offer usually offer above-average salaries and benefits to workers within them. (Cooper C. 2019)

The biggest issue plaguing STEM education at large is the lack of uniform guidelines for what students should learn or
what qualifications teachers require for hiring. Every program at every STEM school is different. While they provide a
foundational base, there’s no consistency regarding emphasis placed on specific subjects or skills.Lack of multi-step
problem solving skills.(Cooper C. 2019)

Problem : Student can’t apply their knowledge . Scientific mathematics problems are not usually clearly 'signposted'
from a mathematical point of view. The student must assess the physical situation, decide how to represent it
mathematically, decide what needs to be solved and then solve the problem. Students who are not well versed in
solving 'multi-step' problems in mathematics are very likely to struggle with the application of their mathematical
knowledge.(Hewson S. 2019)

weak minds and hearts won’t last in this strand. You need to be strong enough to handle unlimited problems, activities,
and projects. And you also have to be prepared for sleepless nights. (Tangkay,2017)

Activity 3.2



This Framework shows the variable which will be in need for this study.Variable on the left is known as the
independent variable.Variable on the right is Dependent variable.It is greatly dependent on the independent
variable and it can change on respondents’ view of independent variables.


According to Davis (2021) STEM Teaches Critical Thinking and Innovation The focus on logical thought
processes and problem-solving allows students to develop mental habits that will help them succeed in any
field. STEM coursework challenges students to think critically and come up with their own solutions.
On the other hand ,Payne (2021) published an article about Science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) programs open the door to many different careers, including opportunities in
engineering, science, and research. STEM professionals can explore diverse fields like aeronautics and
biochemistry. Some STEM students also apply their technical knowledge in law, politics, and education.
As describe by Fox ( 2018) STEM careers are among the highest in initial compensation for recent
graduates. According to the American Engineering Association , these graduates earn 87% more than the
average salary of a non-STEM graduate. Specifically, the average starting salary for mechanical engineering
graduates is $58,392 and computer scientists start, on average, at $61,205.
According to Student Caffe Staff (2017) From making consumer air travel faster, cheaper, and more
comfortable to planning the first missions to Mars, you'll find graduates from some of America's best
aerospace engineering colleges collaborating with material scientists, software designers, and other STEM
professionals from all over the world. While professions in some fields don't translate well to others, the
skills you'll learn by attaining a STEM degree are immediately applicable around the globe, even if you don't
speak the local language!
Educational institutions in the Philippines are gradually recognizing the relevance of science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in supporting innovation and driving future
economic growth. In a bid to increase the number of graduates who enroll in science and mathematics-
related courses at the tertiary level, the K-12 programme now provides senior high school students with an
option to pursue STEM-related fields through the academic track. To this end, significant activity is under
way to boost student engagement in these subjects, and teacher quality.
With this being said,the researcher aim to know how importance of STEM as a career path in
college as it teaching and learning it goes beyond the mere transfer of knowledge.
Character Enrichment : Reflection

Think of evidence as the supports that buttress my claim, making it more solid than it would be alone. In
fact, if I make a claim or an argument without evidence, my paper could appear to be unsupported opinion
or not particularly well-researched. Even when the assignment elicits opinion, my paper will be more
convincing if I provide evidence and the instructor may still be looking for an argument. It is also very
important to remember that to use evidence effectively means to incorporate it well and to analyse it in a
way that makes its connection to my argument clear and logical.

Lesson 4: Formulating Research Objective (Statement of the problem,Significance of

the study and Delimitation)

Tittle : Advantage and Disadvantage of taking STEM as Career Path of Grade 12 Students in College of
Sciences,Technology,and Communication, INC. in Sariaya Quezon

The result of this study will provide them knowledge to the following :

To the student, this will provide them knowledge about the career paths they will taking and how will they
deal it when they encountered in college.

To the teachers,the findings of this study may help them to figure out how they can support them and
encourage them to the career path they take. This finding of the study will show the potential and find out
what works for them to learn the best . Everyone learns differently and it is up to teachers to find out how
these students learn effectively.

To the parents,the study may inform them the possible disadvantage circumstances like lack confidence
that may happen to their children. As an effect,this may encourage them to boost their confidence properly.

To the future researcher,this will serve as a basis for related topics. A continuation of this study may be done
to fill in gaps of this research that may result the knowledge of STEM students to career path they take.

Activity 4.2

Tittle of the study : Advantage and Disadvantage of taking STEM as Career Path of Grade 12 Students in
College of Sciences,Technology,and Communication, INC. in Sariaya Quezon

WHERE: This study was conducted in 4 section of STEM in Sariaya Branch namely : Block 1, Block 2 ,Block 3 ,
Block 4
WHAT AND WHY : The study was concerned with(1) Advantage and Disadvantage of STEM as a career path
on the respondents (2) the relationship between advantage and disadvantage of STEM and Choosing Career
path only in terms of the answered Online Survey Questioner and the Perception of respondents.The
condition of the respondents was to describe also in terms of their demographic profile .
HOW: The study included evaluation of the Advantage and Disadvantage of STEM strand in choosing career
path,as well as of the respondents demographic profile,financial budget,interest of Math and Science and
innovation plan.


Research tittle: Advantage and Disadvantage of taking STEM as Career path of Grade 12 student in College
of Sciences, Technology Communication ,INC. In Sariaya Quezon
The purpose of this case study is to explore the process about Disadvantage and Advantage of taking
STEM of Grade 12 Student for the past 3 years to know what are STEM pros and cons in there choosing
career path they take after to graduate in college.

1. Research Problem : What are the opportunities and risk that can encounter of STEM student on their
career choice
2. Research Tittle :Advantage and Disadvantage of taking STEM as Career path of Grade 12 student in
College of Sciences, Technology Communication ,INC. In Sariaya Quezon
3. General Question: What are the Advantage and Disadvantage of taking STEM as Career path of Grade 12
4. Specific Question :
a. What are the things that hard to do as STEM student ?
b. How did you come up as STEM student ?
c. How did STEM help as stepping stone in your career path ?
d. What are the common weakness of STEM student in terms in their choosen field?

Character Enrichment : Reflection

Research that develops my critical thinking skills, gives me knowledge and learnings and also provide myself
an information that I can apply or use in our daily life. Research is search for facts and knowledge. Research
is really important because it reveals reality and unreality. Research is what propels myself to look forward.
It’s fueled my curiosity: I get curious, ask questions, and immerse myself in discovering everything there is
to know. For me learning is thriving. Without curiosity and research, progress would slow to a halt, and our
lives as we know them would be completely different.

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