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Fluid Machineries

ME 319 – ME32S1
1 Sem S.Y 2021-2022: Modular 2

Module 3: QUIZ #3
Instructions: Solve the following problems. Show your solutions, you can make a copy of this file and
write the solution here or insert a picture of your solution. Submit it in pdf/word format. Use this format
for the file name; Surname_FirstName_ME319_ME32S1_Q3


1. The pump shown draws water from reservoir A at elevation 10 m and lifts it to reservoir B at
elevation 60 m. The loss of head from A to 1 is two times the velocity head in the 200 mm diameter pipe
and the loss of head from 2 to B is ten times the velocity head in the 150 mm diameter pipe. Determine
the rated horsepower of the pump and the pressure heads at 1 and 2 in meters when the discharge is
0.03 m3/s. (10 pts.)
2. A pipeline with a pump leads to a nozzle as shown. Find the flow rate when pump develops an 80 ft
head. Assume head lost in the 6-inch pipe to be five times its velocity head while the head load lost in
the 4-inch pipe to be twelve times its velocity head. (a) Compute the flow rate, (b) find the pressure
head at the suction side. (10 pts)

3. Water in the rural areas is often extracted from underground water sources whose free surface is 60
below ground level. The water is to be raised 5 m above the ground by a pump. The diameter of the pipe
is 10 cm at the inlet and 15 cm at the exit. Neglecting any heat interaction with the surroundings and
frictional heating effects. What is the necessary power input to the pump in kW for a steady flow of
water at the rate of 15 li/s? Assume pump efficiency of 74%. (10 pts)

4.Find the hydraulic horsepower and the mechanical efficiency of a rotary pump direct connected to a 5
Hp electrical motor operating at full load under the following conditions: (10 pts)
Fuel handled: oil
Temperature: 21 ° C
Specific gravity: 0.85
Volume flow rate: 20 li/s
Pressure: 175 kPa

5. A DC driven pump running at 100 rpm delivers 40 liters per second of water at 40 ℃ against a total
pumping head of 27 m with a pump efficiency of 60%. Barometer pressure is 758 mmHg abs. What
pump speed and capacity would result if the pump rpm were increased to produce a pumping head of
36 m assuming no change in efficiency. (10 pts)

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