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Conversion routes for production of biokerosene—status and assessment

Article  in  Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery · December 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s13399-014-0154-2


30 2,645

2 authors:

Ulf Neuling Kaltschmitt Martin

Technische Universität Hamburg Technische Universität Hamburg


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Biomass Conv. Bioref.
DOI 10.1007/s13399-014-0154-2


Conversion routes for production of biokerosene—status

and assessment
Ulf Neuling & Martin Kaltschmitt

Received: 9 September 2014 / Revised: 18 November 2014 / Accepted: 21 November 2014

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract For environmental reasons, the use of biokerosene India, and Brazil. So far, these increasingly demanded trans-
as a fuel for aviation has been recently discussed more fre- portation duties of people and goods are fueled by fossil fuel
quently especially due the fact that some air carrier accom- energy and here mainly by crude oil used to produce different
plished regular flights with different types of such alternative types of liquid fuels like gasoline, diesel, and kerosene [1].
fuels. Against this background, the overall goal of this paper is There are lots of challenges associated with this develop-
to provide an overview about possible conversion routes for ment. On the one hand, an increased use of fossil fuel energy
the provision of biokerosene including an assessment of the within the transportation sector causes a rise in greenhouse gas
biomass availability. Then, selected biokerosene production (GHG) emissions; thus, it gets more likely that globally cli-
options are discussed in detail from a process engineering mate will change because the politically agreed GHG reduc-
point of view. Based on these data, various conversion path- tion goals will not be met till 2020. On the other hand, the
ways are assessed, taking technical and economic criteria available resources of fossil fuel energy (like crude oil) are
throughout the overall conversion chain into consideration. limited, and a significant share of the known and easily
The assessment shows significant differences within the var- accessible fossil fuel resources—especially for crude oil—
ious provision routes for biokerosene. So far, only are located in areas which are politically less stable. Addition-
hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) kerosene is ally, a significant part of the world market for crude oil is
commercially available. Nevertheless, this possibility is not offered by a small number of companies influencing the
the very best choice regarding the possible feedstock and the energy prices considerably; the latter determine significantly
high hydrogen consumption. Despite the biogas-to-liquid also the security of energy supply.
(Bio-GtL) process, all other routes need more R&D efforts Against this background, governments of several OECD
to produce biokerosene in an industrial scale. countries implemented measures to switch within their trans-
portation system at least partly to alternative fuels (like
Keywords Aviation . Biofuels . Biokerosene . Jet A-1 biofuels) to make a significant contribution to solve the chal-
lenges mentioned above. These political goals to use alterna-
tive fuels within the respective transportation system are often
1 Introduction embedded within a more widely designed political strategy to
develop a more sustainable transportation system for the
A high mobility of people and goods is an important charac- future.
teristic of our modern society. Never in human history have This is also true for aviation depending, so far basically,
people and goods been moved around so often and for so long fully on Jet A1 (kerosene) produced from crude oil. While for
distances as today. And this development will most likely land transportation, various alternatives are possible from a
increase rapidly especially in emerging nations like China, technical point of view (i.e., biofuels, electro mobility, hydro-
gen, and switch to rail roads and/or waterways) this is not the
case for aviation (in a large scale) yet. Here, research has just
U. Neuling (*) : M. Kaltschmitt
recently started to develop alternatives. These activities focus
Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics,
Hamburg University of Technology, 21073 Hamburg, Germany mainly on the development of the provision of Jet A1 (drop-in
e-mail: fuel) or—with a much lower intensity and with a very long
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

term perspective—a fuel similar to Jet A1 (near drop-in fuel) Area under cultivation Since the world population has signif-
based on biogenic feedstock. The reason for this is that air- icantly grown in the last decades, the cultivated agricultural
planes in commercial use today are usually operated with Jet land area also has been expanded—but compared to the
A1 kerosene, and the average technical lifetime of an airplane increase in population, is significantly under proportional.
is approximately 20 years and longer. Additionally, fuels used Figure 1 shows exemplarily the rise of cultivated agricultural
within airplanes need to show a high energy density, to have a land for maize, palm oil fruits, sugar cane, rice, and wheat.
good combustion quality, to allow for a widespread or even With the exception of wheat, the area cultivated with the other
better global availability, to fulfill numerous safety require- four cash crops shows a considerable growth in the last five
ments, and to be transported, stored, and pumped easily. decades; this becomes especially obvious for maize, showing
Kerosene resp. Jet A1 fulfills these requirements. Thus, it is an increase of roughly 65 % of the cultivated area. Neverthe-
most likely that this fuel will stay in place also in the years to less, all over the agricultural land has not been significantly
come especially due to the fact that the fuel characteristics of increased during the last 50 years. But a shift in use can be
kerosene are well adapted to the demands of an airplane observed; good fertile land has been used for establishing new
turbine as well as the harsh conditions during a long distance settlements and less fertile land has gone into production.
flight roughly 10,000 m above ground. Additionally, a trend can be observed that more and more
So far, numerous options to produce kerosene from organic “classical” cash crops are grown and the diversity of the
matter (i.e., biomass) are under investigation globally. And, produced crops have been decreased.
among these various options, no silver bullet is visible so far.
Against this background, this paper gives an overview of Yields Beside this relative small increase in cultivated land, the
important conversion routes for the production of kerosene area specific yields for the primarily cultivated cash crops have
(Jet A1) based on biogenic feedstock. The presented different been increased significantly throughout the last half century
pathways will then be assessed based on the same evaluation (Fig. 2). For example, the specific yield of sugar cane has been
criteria taking technological and economic aspects into con- increased from 50.3 t/(ha a) in 1961 to 70.2 t/(ha a) in 2012 (i.e.,
sideration. Before this, the possibilities to make the biogenic 40 %). A similar development has been observed, e.g., for
feedstock available are discussed. Based on the results, some wheat grains (plus 186 %) and for palm oil fruit (plus 284 %).
conclusions are drawn. The area-specific yields vary strongly between different
areas among others due to climatic, soil, and management-
related differences; e.g., in 2012 the specific wheat yield differ
between 3.61 t/(ha a) in Europe, 3.04 t/(ha a) in North Amer-
2 Feedstock ica, 3.09 t/(ha a) in Asia, and 2.42 t/(ha a) in Africa [2]. These
figures show that the yields in Europe are roughly one third
For the production of biofuels in general and Jet A1 in partic- higher compared to Africa; this is probably mainly because
ular, many different biogenic feedstocks can be utilized. This African agriculture has not reached the European production
includes various types of energy crops and waste (e.g., sugar standards yet.
cane, grain, oil seeds, algae, lignocellulosic biomass like wood Together with the partly increased use of agricultural, land
and straw, organic and animal wastes, waste wood). To ana- the provided amounts of agricultural goods (i.e., the produced
lyze the possible availability of such feedstock for the provi-
sion of Jet A1 on a global basis, the existing international
markets for such feedstock are assessed; also this shows only a Maize Palm oil fruit
small amount utilizable of feedstock, since the global biomass
Area harvested in Mio. ha

Sugar cane Wheat

potential is much higher. Therefore, the cultivation of maize, Rice
palm oil fruits, sugar cane, rice, and wheat as well as the 200
market development for their intermediate products are inves-
tigated. These cash crops represent well-known and widely 150
utilized feedstock materials from the different groups of po-
tentially usable feedstock. 100
By interpreting the figures shown below, one has to keep in
mind that most of the biomass streams available on the global
markets are utilized already mainly for food and fodder as well
as raw materials for industry (e.g., chemical industry, wood


processing industry). So far, there is only a limited (small)

amount of biomass available on the global markets for a Fig. 1 Development of the area under cultivation for selected agricultural
potential use outside the traditional markets. feedstock [2]
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Maize Palm oil fruit in 2012, 3568 Mio.t of roundwood have been harvested
Sugar cane Wheat (informal markets, i.e., local markets which are not included
Specific yield in t/(ha a)

Rice into global market statistics, are not taken into consider-
ation), whereof around one third was used as fuel wood.
Assessed with the lower heating value, this represents an
40 energy potential of 51 EJ/a. Together with the energy po-
tential from agriculture (including residues/straw), ca.
191 EJ/a are provided by primary production from agricul-
20 ture and forestry. Compared to the overall primary energy
demand for oil, gas, and coal in 2013, this represents a share
0 of roughly one third.
The comparison made above has no practical use because
the biomass provided by agriculture and forestry is used
Fig. 2 Specific yield for different biomass feedstock [2] already within our overall economy and basically no free
quantities are available. But this theoretical reflection shows
the order of magnitude of the biomass produced already today
biomass) have been significantly increased during the last on a global scale. Assuming an economic viable market for
decades with the consequence that food security has been such biomass feedstock outside the already existing
considerably and steadily improved globally. Figure 3 (left) established markets and supposing the specific yields already
shows the overall amount of produced biomass for the five realized within OECD countries, the global amount of bio-
cash crops shown above plus wood as well as the energy mass produced will most likely rise even further. Even though
content of this feedstock, rated with the lower heating value this development might primarily stabilize global food mar-
(Fig. 3 right). According to this, for example, the overall kets and the lack of food in certain regions, it could also
wheat yield has globally been increased from 222 Mio.t/a in contribute considerably to the energy markets.
1961 to 671 Mio.t/a in 2012 (i.e., factor of 3). If only the
worldwide produced amount of wheat grain is assessed with Price The various biomass commodities produced in agricul-
the lower heating value, it would represent an energy potential ture and forestry are traded globally. Even the various markets
of 11.4 EJ/a (2012); this corresponds roughly to the overall for these different goods vary significantly; they show a
primary energy demand of Germany (13.6 EJ in 2013 [1]). similar behavior under specific conditions; this was for exam-
Together with the other agricultural commodities assessed ple true in 2008 when (a) the prices increased due to the
here, the biomass provided by agriculture represents an energy economic boom and then (b) dropped significantly due to
potential of roughly 69.1 EJ/a. If additionally the agricultural the subsequent global financial crises. This behavior becomes
side products (like straw, bagasse) would be taken into con- obvious in Fig. 4 showing the price development for maize,
sideration, this value would roughly be doubled (approx. palm oil, sugar, and wheat related to the lower heating value in
140 EJ/a); compared to this, the global primary energy de- comparison to the trend of the crude oil price from 1990 until
mand for oil, gas, and coal has been at 533 EJ in 2013 [1]. nowadays. The graphic makes it obvious that the crude oil
Besides agriculture, forestry also provides a significant price is on a relatively high level for the last 2 years, whereas
amount of organic material on a global scale. For example, the price for biogenic feedstock has declined in that period.

Fig. 3 Total production (mass 3000 Maize Palm oil fruit 60 Maize Palm oil fruit
and energy content) for different Sugar cane Wheat Sugar cane Wheat
Roundwood Rice Residues Roundwood Rice Residues
biomass feedstock [2] 2500 50
Total production in Mio. t/a

Total production in EJ/a

2000 40

1500 30

1000 20

500 10

0 0
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 4 Price development for 1400 40

Maize Maize
different biomass feedstock Palm oil
Palm oil
1200 35
(related to the lower heating Sugar

Feedstock price in US$/GJ


Feedstock price in US$/t

value) in comparison to crude oil Wheat
Wheat 30
1000 Crude Oil (petroleum)
[3] Crude Oil (petroleum)
Rice 25

200 5

0 0

Concerning the price for the different feedstock analyzed here modification of the molecules of the organic raw material
related to the lower heating value, sugar and wheat are cur- among others with the help of heat, chemically and/or biolog-
rently on a similar level like crude oil. In comparison, palm oil ically working catalysts. Figure 5 shows an overview of the
still has the highest price and maize the lowest for the assessed most important conversion routes visible on the market for the
commodities. The latter is the reason why bioethanol from time being. Following this scheme, firstly depending on the
maize is currently cheaper compared to gasoline. utilized organic material (i.e., biomass), different pretreatment
steps are necessary to obtain the desired feedstock (i.e., veg-
etable oil, starch, sugar, lignocellulose) for the subsequent
3 Biokerosene provision and assessment processing. In most of the shown processes, this feedstock
produced/extracted from the utilized biomass is then convert-
Currently, various options for the provision of biokerosene are ed into intermediate products (i.e., ethanol, synthesis gas, bio-
discussed. Basically, all options under investigation/ crude oil, other types of hydrocarbons) via a first main con-
development at the moment try to realize a chemical version step based on a heat or biochemical-induced

Fig. 5 Possible main conversion routes for biokerosene production (AtJ depolymerized cellulosic jet, LC lignocellulose, SIP synthesized iso-
alcohol-to-jet, BtL biomass-to-liquid, DSHC direct sugar to paraffins, SKA synthetic paraffinic kerosene with aromatics, SPK
hydrocarbons, FT Fischer-Tropsch, GtL gas-to-liquid, HEFA synthetic paraffinic kerosene)
hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids, HDCJ hydrotreated
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

conversion. These intermediates are then converted into food market. Therefore, the assessment criterion is defined
biokerosene by a second main conversion. as follows:
Depending on the conversion route, the final products
are usually classified into synthetic paraffinic kerosene – Organic waste/wood waste/residues are rated with (+)
(SPK), synthetic paraffinic kerosene with aromatics since usually there is no competition with food pro-
(SKA), and synthesized iso-paraffins (SIP). According to duction and no problems like land use change occur.
the ASTM D7566 standard for SPK and SIP fuels, the – Virgin lignocellulosic biomass is rated with (o) be-
aromatic content should not exceed 0.5 Vol.-% to guarantee cause it is widely available and it cannot be used
a certain purity of the fuel; thus, a low concentration of within the food market, but within the market as a
aromatics should cause no significant problems. But the raw material for industry like within the pulp and
lack of aromatics might lead to lower seal swelling and paper industry where an increased energetic use
lubricity characteristics [4]. This is the reason why some of might cause also competition.
the conversion routes aim to provide a biokerosene rich in – Biomass containing sugar, starch, and/or oil is
aromatics, if the target is to produce a complete drop-in assessed with a (−) because of food competition and
fuel. Thus, so far, there is no general opinion if synthetic possible land use change issues.
paraffinic kerosene or synthetic paraffinic kerosene with
aromatics should be provided; both routes are developed & Price of feedstock. Besides the feedstock type, the price
in parallel, also only SPK fuels achieved ASTM certifica- for the organic feedstock also determines an approach for
tion until now. This is especially true due to the fact that biokerosene provision. Therefore, the specific feedstock
biokerosene will be used most likely as a blend with a share price per gigajoule (GJ) assessed with the lower heating
of less than 50 % (currently up to 50 % for SPK and 10 % value will be rated in comparison to the price bandwidth of
for SIP according to ASTM D7566). Under these circum- all biogenic feedstock analyzed here; i.e., processes which
stances the fuel characteristics of the fuel mixture between need an organic feedstock which is located on the upper
Jet A1 from crude oil and from biomass are strongly edge of the overall price bandwidth (above 40 €/t) are
influenced by kerosene from crude oil. rated with a (−) and biomass showing relative low market
Due to the huge variety of the different approaches under prices (below 15 €/t) are assessed with a (+). In between
discussion and development (Fig. 5), only a selected amount the assessment is (0).
of conversion routes to biokerosene are assessed here. But the & Additives. Besides biogenic feedstock, often additional
analyzed pathways cover a broad variety of mechanical, bio- input substances are needed (e.g., biocatalysts, hydrogen).
logical, thermal, and chemical process steps and reflect the Such additives might influence the conversion route as
main development routes. This is true for the following six well as the costs significantly. Therefore, they are assessed
provision pathways, i.e.: here. As one indicator for such substances, hydrogen is
chosen because basically all processes investigated here
& Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) need hydrogen to a certain extent. The amount of hydro-
& Direct Sugar to Hydrocarbons (DSHC) gen consumed is rated as follows:
& Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ)
& Biogas-to-Liquid (Bio-GtL) – If only little hydrogen is needed for hydrogenation of
& Biomass-to-Liquid (BtL) unsaturated double bonds (e.g., conversion of alkenes
& Hydrotreated Depolymerized Cellulosic Jet (HDCJ) to alkanes), this criterion is rated as positive (+).
– For higher hydrogen consumption rates (e.g., hydro-
These biokerosene provision routes are described in detail cracking of product fractions), this criterion is rated
and assessed based on the same criteria to allow for a fair with (o).
comparison. The definition of these assessment criteria takes – When multiple hydrogen consuming process steps
care of the considerable lack of technically detailed and (e.g., hydrogenation and isomerization) occur (i.e., high
public available data. Thus, only the following assessment hydrogen consumption), this criterion is rated with (−).
criteria are defined. They are rated with (+) meaning posi-
tive, (o) meaning neutral, and (−) meaning negative in & Process complexity. Usually, simple conversion routes with
tendency. a low complexity are preferred due to technical and eco-
nomic reasons; thus, the more complex a provision chain is
& Required feedstock. Different conversion processes can the less profitable it is in most cases especially for the
be based on different feedstock types. But biomass is not production of a commodity. But the process complexity is
biomass; organic waste for disposal has another “value” a relative assessment criterion. Thus, here, the HEFA pro-
compared to biomass containing starch or sugar for the cess as the only conversion route for biokerosene
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

production in commercial scale is used as reference process. & Development potential. The development potential of a
This reference process is rated with a (o) and all other conversion pathway allows for statements if the kerosene
conversion routes will be rated in comparison to the HEFA provision costs can be expected to be reduced in the
complexity (i.e., a lower complexity is rated with a (+) and future. Within this key figure, the already available pro-
a higher process complexity with a (−)). duction capacities as well as the status of industrialization/
& Kerosene production efficiency. As the various conver- commercialization are assessed. Thus, processes available
sion routes are based on a variety of different feedstock on a large scale show usually the lowest development
types and diverse technical approaches for biomass con- potential and thus the lowest reduction potential of the
version to a liquid fuel, the overall product spectrum kerosene provision cost. These processes will therefore be
associated with the kerosene provision due to technical rated with (−). Processes characterized by a large improve-
reasons varies strongly. Therefore, the kerosene efficiency ment potential and thus significant cost reduction poten-
of the overall process will be discussed; i.e., how much of tials are assessed with (+). The remaining conversion
the energy from the biogenic feedstock and the energy of options are assessed in between (o).
the additionally needed input materials is transferred to
straight-run biokerosene (because with processes usually 4 HEFA
implemented within a crude oil refinery, basically all
hydrocarbons can be converted into the kerosene fraction.) Within the HEFA process, vegetable oil is hydrogenated and
For this assessment, only the straight-run kerosene effi- isomerized to fulfill the Jet A1 specification.
ciencies of processes optimized for the production of
kerosene are assessed. If a share of less than 30 % of the Feedstock As a feedstock for the HEFA process, basically any
product fractions is found in the straight-run kerosene, the sort of vegetable oil can be used. This is also true for non-food-
process is rated with a (−), a share between 30 and 50 % oils like Jatropha as well as for “new” native oils provided, e.g.,
with a (o), and above 50 % with a (+). based on algae or other microorganism [5], [6]. Additionally,
& Overall efficiency. Since the kerosene efficiency of the also used cooking oil as well as animal fat waste can be used—
processes does not allow any conclusions regarding the if available. Nevertheless, today usually “classical” vegetable
overall conversion performance of a conversion process, oil is used due to the large scale availability. This oil is pro-
additionally the overall efficiency will be analyzed; this duced from oil seeds provided with agricultural methods by
efficiency describes the share of biomass energy and the mechanical processes (like pressing) and/or physical/chemical
energy of the additionally needed input materials to be processes (e.g., extraction). With existing technology used in
found in all products provided by the respective process the commercial operated oil mills, more than 98 % of the oil
(i.e., including liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons as well as contained within the biomass can be extracted. After a refining
electricity; waste heat is not assessed). If a share of less than process, this oil is ready for the conversion to Jet A1.
30 % of the input energy is found in the provided product The area-specific oil yield differs significantly according to
spectrum, the process is rated with a (−), a share between 30 the type of oil seed. “Classical” oil plants like oil palms, soy
and 60 % with a (o), and above 60 % with a (+). plants, or rape plants are characterized by oil yields of 5.5 t/(ha
& Kerosene production costs. For a valid comparison of the a), 0.5 t/(ha a), and 2.0 t/(ha a), respectively [7].
expected kerosene provision costs of all investigated Recently, the use of non-food vegetable oil is promoted for
routes, so far not enough basic data is available. Thus, the use as a feedstock for kerosene production due to accep-
such a cost assessment is characterized by very high tance reasons. Here, the plant Jatropha curcas L. is often
uncertainties. But as a rule of thumb, the investment costs discussed. Based on a possible seed yield under good condi-
usually correlate directly with the process complexity. tions of 4 t/(ha a) [8] and an average oil content of 35 % [9], an
Together with the investment costs, feedstock costs, and oil yield of 1.1 t/(ha a) seems to be possible (pressing and
the needed additional input substances as well as the pretreatment losses of approx. 25 % for a small scale rural oil
kerosene resp. the overall efficiency, a statement can be production). In large scale plants, mechanical extraction can
made if low (rated with (+)), moderate (o), or high (−) be combined with chemical extraction (e.g., with hexane as
kerosene costs can be expected. organic solvent) to minimize losses down to 1 %. Other non-
& Market maturity. This criterion rates the status of technical food oil, crops (e.g., camelina) are under discussion and partly
realization and market implementation of the production under investigation.
process. If the process is still in the research and develop- In 2013 crude palm oil, crude soy oil, and crude rape oil has
ment process and far away from large scale market intro- been sold in average for 15.8 €/GJ,1 20.8 €/GJ1, and 21.9 €/
duction, it is rated with (−). Processes near to market GJ1, respectively [10]. For oil from non-food crops, no prices
application are rated with (o), and processes already real-
ized in large scale operations are rated with (+). 1
Average exchange rate from US$ to € for 2013 was assumed with 1.33.
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

are available because these oils are not yet traded on the distillation and rectification (i.e., “classical” refinery process),
international markets. the final product (i.e., SPK) can be provided.
With such a process optimized for kerosene production,
Technical process Vegetable oil consists of triglycerides (i.e., kerosene yields up to 60 % related to the overall product
esters of three fatty acids bound via glycerol). To convert these spectrum are reported [15]. The cumulative energy demand
triglycerides to fulfill the Jet A1-specification, the esters and for “green” jet production from Jatropha is stated with approx.
double bonds have to be saturated with hydrogen (i.e., remov- 1.45 MJ(Input)/MJ(Output) and for green jet from tallow with
al of the double bonds and the oxygen from the molecule). approx. 1.2 MJ(Input)/MJ(Output) [15]. This leads to overall
This catalyst-controlled process is called hydrogenation; usu- kerosene efficiencies on an energy basis of approx. 69 and
ally regular metal catalysts used within “classical” oil refining 83 %, respectively. The remaining side products are naphtha,
like NiMo or Al2O3 are used [11]. diesel, and fuelgas/LPG.
According to hydrogen availability, used catalyst material, To realize these yields, auxiliary materials are needed. For
and process conditions, three oxygen removing reactions can the pretreatment of the vegetable oil after pressing and/or
take place [12]: extraction, caustic soda and phosphoric acid are used for
degumming and neutralization [16]. For the classical HEFA
& Hydro-deoxygenation. Oxygen is removed as water when process, about 4 wt% of hydrogen compared to the oil feed are
enough hydrogen is available (Fig. 6a). needed for optimal jet fuel production, if Jatropha oil is used
& Decarbonylation. Carbon monoxide is formed when hy- [17]. Product conditioning like CO2 abstraction needs sol-
drogen deficit occurs (Fig. 6b). vents. To compensate catalyst deactivation, the catalysts for
& Decarboxylation. Carbon dioxide is formed when the hydrogenation and isomerization have to be replaced partially.
hydrogen amount is even lower (Fig. 6c). This process (Fig. 7) is commercially available and realized in
different upscaled industrial refineries (e.g., Neste Oil). The
As decarbonylation and decarboxylation consume carbon advantage is that basically each vegetable oil can be converted
atoms to remove oxygen (i.e., carbon loss), hydro- to standardized fuels and thus partly to Jet A1. One main
deoxygenation is the favorable reaction pathway. This exo- disadvantage is the high hydrogen consumption, making this
thermal hydrogenation process takes place at approx. 280 to conversion route demanding and—depending on the hydro-
340 °C and 50 to 100 bar [13] producing propane and linear gen provision process—GHG intensive.
alkanes in the range of C8 to C20 according to the used crude Thus, alternative routes for the conversion of vegetable oil
vegetable oil. Thus, the vegetable oil is transformed via this to HEFA fuels are discussed. One option is based on a hydro-
chemical process into fully saturated n-alkanes. thermal conversion of vegetable oil and water under high
To fulfill the ASTM D7566 specification, a further pro- temperature (510 to 530 °C) and pressure (above 220 bar) to
cessing step, the so-called isomerization, is needed. The goal crack the triglycerides [18]. Under these harsh conditions
of this treatment is to provide branched alkanes to lower the within such a hydrothermolysis process, the fatty acids are
freeze point. Thus, within a catalyst-controlled cracking pro- converted into unsaturated hydrocarbons and aromatics. The-
cess, the long chain hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) are broken into se products are then hydrogenated to saturate double bonds
shorter fragments and in parallel the open bounds are saturated and to remove oxygen from the rearranged molecule. Due to
with hydrogen and partially recombined within a complex hydrogen partly provided within the hydrothermolysis process
branched molecule. The highest isomerization yield occurs from water and a lower hydrogen demand in general com-
at temperatures between 280 and 400 °C and a pressure pared to the “classical” HEFA process due to the formation of
between 30 to 100 bar, depending on the catalyst [13]; cata- cyclic hydrocarbons, a hydrogen amount of only 75 % of the
lysts for cracking and isomerization reactions often consist of “classical” HEFA route is expected [19]. With such a catalytic
zeolites (ZSM), Al2O3, or Pt [13]. At higher temperatures and hydrothermolysis process, a straight-run kerosene fraction of
lower pressure, the cracking reactions resp. at lower temper- up to 33 % can be expected [20].
atures and at higher pressures, the isomerization reactions Regarding investment costs, Neste Oil estimates approx.
dominate [14]. After a subsequent product separation by 670 Mio. € for a HEFA conversion plant in the Netherlands

Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of the hydrogenation of triglycerides via hydro-deoxygenation (a), decarbonylation (b), and decarboxylation (c)
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 7 Schematic flow sheet CO2 CO2

diagram of a possible HEFA
process Production
Gas Recovery

Hydrogen Fuelgas

Veg. Oil Isomerization Kerosene
Pretreatment Hydrogenation Seperator
and Cat. Cracker
H2O H2O (Waste
(Boiler Feed Water) (Cooling Water) Water)

which produces around 800,000 t of HEFA products annually & Overall efficiency. In this case, the classical HEFA route
[21]. Based on this, minimum selling prices (MSP) for HEFA shows good results, which is why it is rated with (+).
jet fuel have been calculated to be in the range of US$1.16 to & Kerosene production costs. The HEFA process has been
1.27/l for soybean oil and between US$0.88 and 0.99/l for chosen as the reference process. Thus, this process is rated
yellow grease [22]. These low minimum selling prices com- with (o).
pared to the high prices for vegetable oil are justified by the & Market maturity. The process is market mature and plants
synergy of natural hydrocarbon production used within the are commercially operated, that is why the classical HEFA
conversion to kerosene. The long hydrocarbon chains extract- process is rated with (+). On the other hand, the ARA
ed from the oil are in the range of kerosene carbon numbers process is far away from commercial scales, therefore it is
and slightly higher, so that no energy intensive process steps rated with (−).
are needed to cut the hydrocarbons into smaller molecules and & Development potential. Since the process is market mature
recombine them later. As hydrogenation and isomerization and plants are commercially operated, it is rated with (−).
reactions have to be realized, this leads to a process of medium But apart from the classical HEFA process, other conver-
complexity. sion pathways like the catalytic hydrothermolysis offer a
Since July 2011, HEFA kerosene is certified for commercial higher potential, which is why they are rated with (+).
use according to the ASTM D7566 guideline Annex 2 [22].
The plants with the highest installed production capacity of
800,000 t/a HEFA products each are located and operated in 5 DSHC
Singapore and the Netherlands and managed by Neste Oil [21].
Within the direct sugar to hydrocarbon (DSHC) process, the
Assessment Below, this process is assessed according to the sugar molecule provided by nature is modified with
criteria defined within Section 2. biocatalysts to fulfill the ASTM D7566 specification.

& Required feedstock. For this process, basically all different Feedstock Sugar is a molecule commonly available in nature.
types of oils and fats can be used. Due to the limited The easiest and most common pathway is via sugar extraction
availability of waste oil and fats and the not existing large from energy crops like sugar cane or sugar beet; the process
scale availability of non-food oils, so far this criterion is technology is fully market mature. Another possibility is the
rated with (−). liquefaction and saccharification of starch-containing biomass
& Price of feedstock. With average prices from 16 to 22 €/t (like corn, wheat); technically, such a process is realized in
the HEFA feedstock prices are located in the medium each bioethanol production facility. But also cellulose and
range (o). hemicellulose—contained in lignocellulosic biomass like
& Additives. The “classical” HEFA process needs usually wood and straw—can be converted by acidic and/or enzymat-
lots of hydrogen for its hydrogenation, cracking, and ic hydrolysis into sugar; this pathway is still under investiga-
isomerization steps. In comparison, the ARA process only tion even due to the fact that such plants have been operated
needs approx. 75 % of that amount. Thus, this criterion is on a large scale already some 80 years ago.
rated with a (−) to (o). With sugarcane average yields of approx. 80 t/(ha a)
& Process complexity. The HEFA process has been chosen as representing about 11 t/(ha a) of sugar can be achieved [23].
the reference process. Thus, this process is rated with (o). With an average wheat yield of 8 t/(ha a) for Germany, approx.
& Kerosene production efficiency. The classical HEFA pro- 1.3 t/(ha a) sugar can be produced via starch liquefaction and
cess can achieve good straight-run kerosene efficiencies saccharification. In average, wheat straw shows typical yields
(+). Compared to this, the ARA process shows slightly of 8.6 t/(ha a) (dry matter basis) whereof approx. 75 % consist
lower yields in straight-run kerosene and is therefore of cellulose and hemicellulose. With an acidic pretreatment
assessed to be in the medium range (o). and a subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis, 76 % of the cellulose
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

and hemicellulose can be converted into sugar; thus yields of Alternatively, a downstream processing including base cata-
4.9 t/(ha a) of sugar are possible [24]. lytic condensation and hydro-deoxygenation to receive kero-
In 2011, the average price for sugar cane was 4.1 €/GJ2 and sene consisting of long chain and cyclic alkanes can be real-
13.5 €/GJ2 for wheat [2], whereas sugar was traded for an ized [27].
average price of 21.7 €/GJ2 in 2011 [3]. Typical kerosene yields for the Bioforming® process are not
published, but fuel range hydrocarbon (C8 to C20) yields from
Technical process Starting with sugar as feedstock, different up to 92 % of all organic products can be achieved. Within this
conversion pathways for the direct production of hydrocar- fraction, up to 68 % of the feed carbon can be found. This
bons are under discussion. The most promising processes are represents the overall kerosene efficiency by carbon numbers
the enzymatic conversion of sugar following the mevalonate [28]. With the Bioforming® process, other fuel fractions like
pathway (proposed and developed by Amyris and Total) and a gasoline and diesel as well as aromatics for the chemical
catalytic process using aqueous phase reforming (APR) (pro- industry can be produced. For catalytic conversion, hydrogen
posed and developed by Virent and Shell). and catalyst materials are required. Like the earlier mentioned
During the advanced aerobic fermentation (Fig. 8) included Amyris process, the Bioforming® process is also in the RD&D
within the Amyris DSHC process, special genetically stage. Thus, not more detailed data is publicly available.
engineered yeast microorganisms convert sugar molecules Besides these more industrial related processes, there are
into C15 alkenes called Farnesene and other side products also research teams working on the sole microbial biosynthe-
[25]. For the kerosene production via such a fermentation sis of alkanes. One research group investigated the production
process, different types of enzymes and fungi are needed. of C13 to C17 alkenes and alkanes via different enzymes and
They can be cultivated on side in special tanks or purchased microbes [29]. A similar project investigates the production of
from specialized enzyme producers. After the separation of straight chain, branched, and cyclic hydrocarbons by means of
the Farnesene from the digested slurry, the long chain hydro- different microorganisms, yeasts, and fungi [30].
carbon is upgraded to Farnesane via hydrotreating. After- Due to the fact that no operational large scale plants for the
wards, it can directly be used as a jet fuel. DSHC process exist these days, no data about actual invest-
If kerosene is produced via the Amyris DSHC process, ment costs are available. For the current point of view, it is
yields of approx. 97 % C15 Farnesane related to the feed expected that a large scale plant would be more expensive
carbon can be realized [25]. Side products from DSHC pro- compared to a HEFA plant; but this might change with further
cessing are mostly hydrocarbons for the chemical industry and R&D progress. Additionally, direct enzymatic conversion of
the anti-malaria drug artemisinic acid [25]. Since this conver- sugars to hydrocarbons is more challenging from a process
sion route is still in the research, development & demonstra- technology point of view than the hydrogenation of vegetable
tion (RD&D) phase, more detailed information about process oil, which is why the production costs are expected to be
data is not publicly available yet. higher than for HEFA products according to current knowl-
Virents Bioforming® process, which is illustrated in Fig. 9., edge. Because the catalytic conversion via aqueous phase
combines aqueous phase reforming (APR) with conventional reforming (APR) has an additional catalytic process step
chemical processing to produce hydrocarbons from sugar. As compared to HEFA, it is also assumed to generate higher
a first step, the sugar is hydrogenated before continued pro- production costs from the current point of view.
cessing with aqueous phase reforming takes place. The latter The last required research report for ASTM certification of
is the main conversion step in this process, which includes the kerosene produced via direct conversion of sugars was sub-
following reactions over Pt, Re, or C catalysts [26]: mitted in February 2014 by Amyris, Total, and the United
States Air Force Research Laboratory [31]. The final approval
& Reforming to generate hydrogen in ASTM standard D7566 Appendix 3 followed in June 2014
& Dehydrogenation of alcohols/hydrogenation of carbonyls [32]. For the certification process, Amyris operates a demon-
& Deoxygenation reactions stration plant producing approx. 24,000 t/a Farnesane in
& Hydrogenolysis Brotas, Brazil [33].
& Cyclization
Assessment Below, this process is assessed according to the
criteria defined within Section 2.
The intermediate products formed during this aqueous
phase reforming are further processed by catalytic processing. & Required feedstock. The currently developed processes
This can be an acid-catalyzed process using zeolite as catalyst mainly use feedstock containing starch and sugar; the
to produce liquid fuels with a high ratio of aromatics (SKA). former can easily be transformed into sugar (−). But in
theory (if the technology is available on a large scale) also
Average exchange rate from US$ to € for 2011 was assumed with 1.39. lignocellulosic biomass can be processed (o).
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 8 Schematic flow sheet Sugar Sugar

Juice Water Syrup Aerobic Farnesene Farnesane
diagram of the Amyris DSHC Evaporation Fermentation
Separation Hydrogenation
Oxygen Hydrogen

Side Products

& Price of feedstock. Since different feedstocks can be used, Feedstock The most common feedstock for AtJ is ethanol and
also the feedstock price varies from 4.1 to 21.7 €/GJ. This is butanol, to be made available firstly.
why this criterion is rated from positive (+) to neutral (o). An alcoholic fermentation for the production of bioethanol
& Additives. The DSHC process needs hydrogen for the is based on energy crops containing sugar (like sugar cane) or
hydrogenation of farnesene. Even though the Bioforming® starch (like corn, wheat). For sugar cane ethanol, yields from
process also shows hydrogenation steps, some hydrogen about 6381 l/(ha a) with an average harvest yield of 73 t/(ha a)
can be produced in situ via aqueous phase reforming, thus (wet matter basis) and 2531 l/(ha a) and 7 t/(ha a) for grain can
the overall hydrogen consumption is lower. Therefore, this be achieved [34]. Ethanol production based on lignocellulose
criterion is rated with (+). containing biomass (e.g., straw, wood) might yield exemplar-
& Process complexity. Due to the special requirements of an ily for straw in approx. 985 l/(ha a) based on a yield of 3 t/(ha
aerobic fermentation with special enzymes within the a) [34]. The technology for ethanol production from sugar
Amyris pathway and the more complex structure of the and/or starch is market mature and frequently operated in
different combined processes within the Virent pathway, plenty countries within numerous plants. This is not true for
this criterion is rated as negative (−). ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass which is still
& Kerosene production efficiency. According to the defined in an (advanced) demonstration phase.
bandwidth, the DSHC processes are rated as positive (+). Biobutanol can be obtained by fermentation using the
& Overall efficiency. Similar to the kerosene production effi- same resource basis described for ethanol. Nevertheless,
ciency, the assessed DSHC process shows a positive overall the yields are lower and the biocatalysts as well as the
efficiency (+). process technology are less optimized compared to an etha-
& Kerosene production costs. Due to the current state of nol production.
commercialization in comparison to the HEFA process, Innovative approaches for ethanol and butanol production
the production costs have to be rated as negative (−). are the synthesis gas fermentation [35], [36] and the mixed
& Market maturity. Only a small scale plant for the alcohol synthesis [37].
Farnesane production is operational but the fuel is certified The biomass used to produce alcohols is similar to those
by the ASTM and different purchase agreements have used for DSHC processes. Thus, the feedstock economics are
been made. Therefore, this criterion is rated with (o). of the same order of magnitude.
& Development potential. Since only a demo plant with
restricted feedstock potential is operating currently, a vast Technical process Irrespective of the feedstock, most AtJ
development potential is seen (+). processes follow more or less the same basic process steps.
The following well-known steps are combined to a new
overall process (Fig. 10):
6 AtJ
& Dehydration
Under the term AtJ, processes are summarized where alcohols & Oligomerization
(e.g., ethanol, butanol) are converted to jet fuel by modifying & Separation
the molecule via biological and/or chemical processes. & Hydrogenation

Fig. 9 Schematic flow sheet Aromatics

Acid Catalytic Gasoline
diagram of the Virent Condensation
Bioforming® process
Sugar Hydro- Aqueous Phase for SAK
deoxygenation Reforming Hydrogen
Jet Fuel
Hydrogen Base Catalytic (SPK)
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 10 Schematic flow sheet
Sugar Alcoholic Alcohol Kerosene
diagram of the AtJ process Fermentation
Dehydration Oligomerization Separation Hydrogenation


After the “classical” alcoholic fermentation, the alcohols available regarding investment costs. The alcoholic fermenta-
are transformed into alkenes by separation of water via dehy- tion of sugar is well-known, but the downstream processing
dration. Usually, this is realized via acid catalytic reactions for the ethanol to kerosene conversion is still challenging.
with sulfuric or phosphoric acid at temperatures around 170 to That is why higher costs than for HEFA products are most
200 °C [38] and/or by the use of metal oxide catalysts [39]. likely from the current point of view. A minimum selling price
After dehydration, the short-chain alkenes (ethene or butene) for AtJ products is projected to be between US$0.61 and 2.35/
are merged to longer molecules via catalytic controlled l from sugar cane and in the range of US$1.09 up to 6.28/l
oligomerization. from switchgrass [22].
After product separation via distillation, a final hydrogena- The ASTM certification process for AtJ fuels is still ongo-
tion step is realized. Here, unsaturated double bonds are ing. The task force was established in June 2010. But the final
saturated with hydrogen to generate alkanes which then can research report essential for the final certification is not fin-
be used as biofuels. This catalytic reaction which uses Ni, Pt, ished yet [44]. The statement is expected to be finished in the
or Pd catalysts can be realized at ambient pressure and tem- second half of 2014 so that a final approval of AtJ fuels can
perature. A better performance has been observed by using follow most likely in 2015.
higher pressures and/or temperatures [39].
Reported yields consist of 48 % kerosene with 35 % gas- Assessment Below, this process is assessed according to the
oline and 17 % diesel as side products [40]. Yields and side criteria defined within Section 2.
products in a similar order of magnitude can be expected for
other AtJ processes. Due to the lack of public available reli- & Required feedstock. As the same feedstock can be used for
able and resilient data, no conclusion according to the overall DSHC and AtJ routes, the same rating is assigned due to
efficiency can be made for the time being. Other feed mate- matchable reasons ((o), (−)).
rials needed to perform the overall process depend strongly on & Price of feedstock. According to DSHC feedstock, the
the finally realized conversion process. For classical alcohol same price range occurs ((+), (o)).
fermentation and syngas fermentation, enzymes and fungi are & Additives. Hydrogen is only needed for the hydrogenation
needed. For catalytic alcohol synthesis, catalyst materials have of alkenes produced via oligomerization, which is why
to be supplied. For the downstream conversion steps from this criterion is rated with (+).
alcohol to kerosene, mostly hydrogen and catalysts are & Process complexity. Since the process steps combined in AtJ
required. technology (i.e., alcoholic fermentation and oligomerization)
Different companies are working on the development of AtJ are well-known from other industrial branches, the process is
fuels. These activities can be subdivided into processes with or assumed to be equally complex as the HEFA process (o).
without aromatics within the final product. Byogy and & Kerosene production efficiency. In the defined bandwidth,
LanzaTech/Swedish Biofuels are the most promising providers the AtJ process shows neutral kerosene efficiency (o).
for SKA today according to public available data. Byogy uses & Overall efficiency. No data available (x).
mainly ethanol as feedstock and utilizes internal gaseous prod- & Kerosene production costs. Due to the challenging pro-
uct fractions for hydrogen provision [41]. LanzaTech has cess, the production costs to be expected are rated as
invented a synthesis gas fermentation process to produce alco- negative in comparison to HEFA (−).
hols from gasified biomass or industrial waste gases [42]. & Market maturity. The process is still in the R&D process
Ongoing from this mixed alcohol stream, the Swedish Biofuels and the ASTM certification is pending (−).
process converts mainly ethanol and isobutene to kerosene & Development potential. According to the broad variety of
[40]. By using isobutanol as feedstock, Gevo is the main possible feedstock and the early stage of commercializa-
distributor for AtJ fuel without aromatics (SPK) [43]. tion, this process shows huge development potential (+).
Different pilot and demonstration plants are operational
these days. Swedish Biofuels has a working pilot plant with
a total production capacity of 10 t/a of products in Stockholm,
Sweden [40]. Gevo operates a small demo plant with a total 7 Bio-GtL
capacity of approx. 290 t/a [43].
As discussed for the DSHC process, no commercial indus- The Gas-to-Liquid (GtL) process (Fig. 11) was originally
trial plant has been built yet. Therefore, no reliable data is developed to utilize stranded natural gas resources which
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 11 Schematic flow sheet Hydrogen (in case of SMR)

diagram of a possible Bio-GtL
process Biomethane Naphtha
Air Fischer- Kerosin
Syngas Separation /
Reforming Tropsch-
Conditioning Upgrading Diesel


Heat Steam Power

could not be used in an economic feasible way by converting conditioning to fulfill the gas quality requested by the grid to
this gas into easy transportable liquid hydrocarbons to be used be feed in, the bio-methane is injected into the existing natural
as a feedstock in “classical” crude oil refineries. As the main gas grid. This allows it to withdraw significant amounts of
component of natural gas is methane, bio-methane provided “green” gas at any desired location of a GtL plant. Thus, the
by biogas production can be used to achieve a Bio-GtL existing natural gas grid acts as a collector of the decentralized
process as well. provided bio-methane and allows it to overcome the naturally
caused low energy density of the available biomass.
Feedstock For biogas production, basically all types of bio- With different feedstocks like animal manure, organic
mass can be used; only lignin cannot be converted by the household waste, or slaughterhouse waste, bio-methane (of
respective bacteria. Classical feedstock is animal manure, natural gas grid quality) production costs of 25.6 to 56.4 €/GJ,
organic waste from the food processing industry, bio-waste depending on the used feedstock and size of the biogas plant,
from households, and sewage sludge. Recently in Germany, were reported for 2012 [48].
energy crops like corn silage, grass silage, or sugar beets
gained some importance due to high biogas yields. Technical process Bio-methane is converted to liquid hydro-
Corn silage, commonly used in Germany for agricultural carbons via the production of a synthesis gas to be subse-
biogas production as a feedstock, can be provided with an quently further processed to hydrocarbons. Thus, the first
average substrate yield of 45 t/(ha a). With an average biogas process step is the synthesis gas production via methane
yield of 200 m3/t substrate and a bio-methane content of 54 % reforming; i.e., methane (CH4) is transformed to carbon mon-
[45], a bio-methane yield of 4860 m3/(ha a) can be achieved oxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). This can be realized based on
[46]. In contrast, green waste from public parks or cemeteries the following technical processes [49]:
shows a substrate availability of 15 t/(ha a). Such green waste
can be digested to biogas with a yield of approx. 98 m3/t so & Steam methane reforming (SMR) with H2 to CO ratios of
that approx. 794 m3/(ha a) bio-methane can be provided [45]. 4 to 7
This organic waste can be used for biogas production inte- & Partial oxidation (POX) with H2 to CO ratios of 1.6 to 1.9
grated into innovative waste management concepts. Here, the & Autothermal reforming (ATR) with H2 to CO ratios of 2.2
bio-methane yields vary strongly between 20 m3/t for potato to 2.3
sludge and 260 m3/t for food residues from restaurants and fats
from grease separators. To optimize the overall process for the production of ker-
The actual feedstock price depends strongly on the utilized osene, the subsequent fuel synthesis and thus the following
biomass. Whereas green waste, animal manure, or organic process steps require H2 to CO ratios of 2.1 [49]. Therefore,
household waste have no actual market price, the feedstock depending on the reformer type used, different syngas condi-
cost is heavily related to the collection and provision of the tioning steps have to be applied. Exemplarily for the case of
biomass. In comparison, feed costs for maize silage are re- steam methane reforming, this could be hydrogen separation
ported with 7.3 €/GJ for average yields [47]. through pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and/or membranes
The technology for an anaerobic biogas production is mar- [50] as well as a carbon dioxide separation via amine wash or
ket mature. This is true for different process technologies Rectisol®, depending on the CO2 content [51]; CO2 is pro-
taking the different characteristic of the various possible feed- duced as an unwanted by-product which cannot be completely
stock materials into consideration. For example, in Germany avoided.
more than 7500 biogas plants are under operation. The pro- Afterwards, the conditioned syngas fulfilling the H2 to CO
vided gas is then cleaned and carbon dioxide as well as ratio requirement is converted into long chain hydrocarbons
unwanted impurities are removed. After a subsequent via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) (Fig. 11). The Fischer-
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Tropsch synthesis was invented in 1923 [52] originally for exploited. The hydrocarbons contained in the biomass are
diesel production via coal gasification [53]. This synthesis first split into methane and syngas, before being rearranged
process is controlled by the so-called chain growth probabil- into long chain hydrocarbons via FTS. Therefore, the pro-
ity. For the production of long chain hydrocarbons as a basis cess is more extensive which is why the production costs
for Jet A1 provision, this chain growth probability α should be would most likely be higher in comparison to HEFA pro-
close to 1 [54]. The α value depends on various factors like duction costs.
temperature, pressure, and catalyst material used [49]. To Since no Bio-GtL plant has been built yet, the investment
achieve high α values, low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch syn- costs for a natural gas powered GtL plant are discussed
thesis (LTFT) with Co or Ru catalysts is applied. Since Ru because no significant cost differences are expected. Here,
catalysts are very expensive, in common FTS plants Co cat- total project costs of US$2.5 billion for a GtL plant in Uzbek-
alysts are used. With this setup, an α value of around 0.9 can istan with a production capacity of 1.3 million t/a have been
be realized. presented [61].
In large scale FTS plants, low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch All kerosene fractions produced via FTS are certified since
synthesis processes are utilized with fixed bed [55], [56] or September 2009 according to the ASTM standard D7566
slurry phase reactors [57]. In recent times, micro-channel Annex 1 [22]. The largest GtL plant under operation today is
reactors for smaller plants are under development. Besides the Pearl GtL plant in Qatar, which produces approx. 12
the smaller overall size, they have much higher specific sur- million t/a of FT products using natural gas as feedstock [62].
faces in comparison to classic low-temperature Fischer-
Tropsch synthesis reactors [58], which most likely leads to Assessment Below, this process is assessed according to the
lower investments costs [59]. criteria defined within Section 2.
After this indirect liquefaction of the gas mixture via
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, the product fractions are separated & Required feedstock. Within an anaerobic fermentation,
by use of “classic” distillation and rectification columns typ- very different residues can be used. Additionally, also
ically operated in each crude oil refinery. Additionally, the energy crops can be applied. Therefore, the feedstock is
heavy wax fraction is usually converted into lighter fractions rated from (+) to (−).
via hydrocracking within a hydrogen-rich atmosphere. & Price of feedstock. The feedstock price varies considerable
At maximum kerosene mode of operation, the LTFT between waste with a negative value and selected energy
plant in Bintulu, Malaysia is capable of refining 50 % crops competing with the fodder market, since bio-
kerosene from natural gas [60]. If the naphtha fraction is methane production costs strongly depends on the used
also converted into kerosene via oligomerization and substrate. This is why this criterion is rated within a range
hydrotreating, yields exceeding 60 % energy related to the from (+) to (−).
syngas energy are possible. This can go up to 90 % if all & Additives. The conversion needs certain amounts of hy-
side products are converted to kerosene [60], also this might drogen for hydrocracking processes of the wax fraction;
not be reasonable concerning economic factors. Typical side therefore, this criterion is rated with (o).
products are Naphtha, LPG, and Diesel fractions. Depending & Process complexity. The GtL process and the Fischer-
on the reformer type, hydrogen can be produced as by- Tropsch-Synthesis in detail are well-known technologies
product, which on the other hand leads to lower kerosene whose complexity is comparable to the HEFA process (o).
yields. Depending on the conversion steps after the Fischer- & Kerosene production efficiency. The GtL process can
Tropsch synthesis, overall efficiencies of 48 to 60 % by achieve good straight-run kerosene efficiencies. Thus, this
mass on the basis of a 500,000-kg/h FT syncrude plant have criterion is rated with (+).
been reported [60]. & Overall efficiency. In comparison to the bandwidth of over-
If bio-methane upgraded to natural gas quality is used as all efficiencies, the GtL route shows average results (o).
feedstock, no further pretreatment and therefore no additional & Kerosene production costs. In comparison to HEFA, equal
material is necessary. Depending on the reformer used, oxy- (o) or higher production costs are expected (−).
gen can be needed. For the syngas conditioning, solvents for & Market maturity. Since the conversion process is well-
CO2 removal and possibly for H2 separation are required. To known and also upscaled for natural gas, the technology
achieve optimal kerosene yields, hydrocracking of the higher is market mature; only the use of bio-methane as feedstock
wax fractions is necessary; this leads to a high hydrogen is still outstanding (o).
consumption. As with all catalytic processes, FT and hydro- & Development potential. Bio-methane production and FTS
cracking catalysts have to be renewed from time to time to from synthesis gas are well-known technologies. New
compensate catalyst deactivation. catalyst materials and reactor types can lead to higher
In comparison to the HEFA process, during the GtL conversion rates, which is why a neutral development
process, the natural presynthesis of the biomass is not potential is seen (o).
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

8 BtL Product yields for BtL fuel production related to the used
syngas are the same as for GtL presented earlier, since the
Within a Biomass-to-Liquid (BtL) process, solid biofuels are Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is similar for both processes. Nev-
converted into a synthesis gas to be subsequently transformed ertheless, the overall efficiency is lower due to energy losses
via a Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to long chain hydrocarbons. during syngas production via gasification and especially dur-
ing the necessary gas cleaning and conditioning. These steps
Feedstock For the provision of solid biofuels, a broad re- are at least partly required because of the different feedstock
source basis could be used. Industrial waste wood and forest used compared to the Bio-GtL process. Side products are
residues, wood from short rotation forestry (SRF), and demo- naphtha and diesel likewise.
lition wood as well as many other sources can be exploited. For syngas cleaning and conditioning, solvents for CO2
Willow and poplar from short rotation forestry (SRF) show separation and desulfurization have to be provided. Further-
average yields of 10 t/(ha a) (dry matter basis) and forest more, catalyst material for the water gas shift reaction and the
residues are usually characterized by roughly 1 t/(ha a) (dry Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) are required.
matter basis) [63]. The average fuel price for forest residues The investment costs for downstream syngas processing,
within the European Union was 3.7 €/GJ3 and 6.2 €/GJ3 for i.e., the FTS and product conditioning and separation, are
straw bales and olive residues [64]. comparable to the costs for GtL plants. Actual investment
costs for industrial biomass gasification plants are un-
Technical process Depending on the available fuel quality, a known, but with regards to the complexity of this process,
pretreatment of the feedstock might be necessary to allow a it will be more expensive than a GtL plant. Thus, all over,
continuous feeding of the gasification unit. Additionally, it higher costs are expected compared to a HEFA plant.
might be necessary to dry the fuel depending on the control Minimum selling prices (MSP) for gasification and indirect
scheme of the gasification unit. Some feedstock provision liquefaction of switchgrass have been projected with
chains also use pyrolysis or torrefaction as pretreatment step US$1.42 to 2.52/l [22]. The company CHOREN offered
to achieve a higher energy density and thereby improve the FT-fuel for 3 to 5 €/l before this company become insol-
feedstock logistics. vent in 2011.
The subsequent gasification step performs a thermo- Similar to the GtL processes, kerosene from Biomass-to-
chemical conversion of the solid feedstock into a synthesis Liquid processes is certified for commercial use by the ASTM
gas. Therefore, the macro-molecules, the solid biomass con- standard D7566 Annex 1. But in contrast to large operational
sists of are heat-induced destroyed under oxygen deficiency GtL plants, the gasification of solid biomass still hinders the
and mainly H2, H2O, CO, and CO2 is formed within a tem- large scale conversion. Different small laboratory and demon-
perature range of 800 to 900 °C. From a technical point of stration plants have been built, from which none are opera-
view, fixed bed, fluidized bed, or entrained flow gasifiers [65] tional at the time being according to public available informa-
can be used; due to process engineering reasons, basically tion. However, some projects for the conversion of municipal
fluidized bed and entrained flow systems would be used. The solid waste (MSW) are under development and construction.
raw synthesis gas has a H2 to CO ratio of, e.g., 1.8 depending This is true for the Fulcrum Sierra BioFuels Plant in the USA
on feedstock composition and the gasification agent (O2, with a capacity of approx. 30,000 t/a kerosene or diesel [67] as
H2O). Beside this, the syngas contains long chain hydrocar- well as the Solena GreenSky London facility with a capacity
bons (tars) as well as particles and other impurities which of 120,000 t/a of liquid fuels [68].
might poison the catalysts of subsequent synthesis processes.
Thus, the synthesis gas leaving the gasifier needs to be Assessment Below, this process is assessed according to the
conditioned before further processing. Additionally, particles criteria defined within Section 2.
like inorganic mineral materials, ash, and unconverted bio-
mass have to be removed, often via cyclones or filters [66]. & Required feedstock. Since wood waste and residues can
Tar, sulfur compounds, and ammonia are usually removed be used in addition to classical lignocellulosic feedstock,
with different scrubbing technologies [66]. The H2 to CO ratio this criterion is rated from positive (+) to neutral (o).
can be adjusted by a water gas shift (WGS) reaction to achieve & Price of feedstock. Related to the shown feedstock low
the necessary H2 content for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis [49]. prices, this criterion is assessed with (+).
The further processing steps of the provided syngas are & Additives. Similar to the Bio-GtL process, hydrogen is
equal to the ones described for the GtL process. The overall needed for the hydrocracking of the higher wax fractions,
process is illustrated in Fig. 12. therefore this criterion is rated with (o).
& Process complexity. The gasification step is technically
very challenging, and the subsequent gas cleaning and
Average exchange rate from US$ to € for 2007 was assumed with 1.37. conditioning is expensive from a process engineering
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Fig. 12 Schematic flow sheet
Biomass Syngas Kerosene
diagram of the BtL process Pretreatment
Gasification Syngas- Fischer-Tropsch Separation /
0<λ<1 conditioning Synthesis Upgrading Diesel

Gasification Tar /
Impurities Hydrogen

point of view. Additionally a FTS is needed. Therefore, Therefore, the biomass has to be broken up so that it can be
this criterion is rated with (−). led into the reactor together with the preheated catalyst mate-
& Kerosene production efficiency. In comparison to the rial. After the pyrolysis reaction, usually a separator follows to
defined bandwidth, a positive production efficiency separate the reaction water and the catalyst material, which is
occurred (+). then regenerated and recycled. The product fractions, i.e., the
& Overall efficiency. The overall process efficiency is locat- pyrolysis oil and gas, are then separated in the product recov-
ed in the neutral region (o) but lower than for the GtL ery section, where the oil vapor is condensed and sent to
process. further hydroprocessing. After hydrotreating, i.e., conversion
& Kerosene production costs. In comparison to the HEFA of alkenes to alkanes and desulfurization reactions, the prod-
process and due to the shown problems, the production ucts are separated into the desired product fractions via stan-
costs are rated as negative (−). dard distillation technologies.
& Market maturity. The back end of the process, namely the Typical yields are reported for the HDCJ process of 41 %
FTS section, is well-known, but the gasification stage still gasoline, 37 % diesel, and 22 % fuel oil [69]. For further
is quite challenging. Since high R&D efforts have to be processing, catalyst material for the FCC as well as hydrogen
done on this filed, the market maturity is rated with (−) for fuel hydrocracking and hydrotreating is needed. Overall
& Development potential. A positive development potential efficiencies are not reported.
is seen, especially for the gasification step (+). No commercial or large scale industrial plant for HDCJ
fuel production is operational at the time being. Thus, no valid
data about investment costs for such plants is available. Sim-
ilar to the gasification step of the BtL process, the pyrolysis
9 HDCJ process to convert solid biomass efficiently into a crude oil
with pre-defined characteristics is very challenging. Apart
Within the Hydrotreated Depolymerized Cellulosic Jet from that, the bio-crude conditioning is analog to the crude
(HDCJ) process, solid biomass is converted into a bio-crude oil conditioning. Thus, the overall conversion process is ex-
oil via pyrolysis which is then subsequently upgraded to pected to be more complex than HEFA. Therefore, the pro-
biokerosene. duction costs are assumed to be higher.
The certification process of the HDCJ process is quite
Feedstock The feedstock basis for the HDCJ process is basi- advanced. An ASTM task force has been established in the
cally the same as discussed for the BtL process (see Section 8). fourth quarter of 2011. The final research report should be
submitted in 2014 so that a final certification according to
Technical process The Hydrotreated Depolymerized Cellu- the D7566 standard could follow by the end of 2014 or
losic Jet pathway (illustrated in Fig. 13) is—like the BtL beginning of 2015 [44]. To achieve these goals, a demo
process—based on a thermo-chemical conversion of lignocel- plant (without any published performance data) with a total
lulosic biomass. But here, wood, straw, or other solid biofuels capacity of approx. 40,000 t/a is operational in Columbus,
are converted firstly into so-called bio-crude via pyrolysis. USA [70].
This depolymerization step can be performed—among
others—within a “classical” pyrolysis process or within a Assessment Below, this process is assessed according to the
biomass fluid catalytic cracking (BFCC) process. In all pro- criteria defined within Section 2.
cess variations, the solid biomass is converted under absence
of oxygen at relatively high temperature and pressure—most- & Required feedstock. Same feedstock as for BtL processing
ly in presence of a catalyst—into a bio-crude oil. can be used ((+), (o)).

Fig. 13 Schematic flow sheet
Biomass Bio-Crude Kerosene
diagram of the HDCJ process Pretreatment
Pyrolsis Product
Hydrotreating Separation
=0 Recovery Diesel

Catalyst Recycle Gas
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

& Price of feedstock. Feedstock price is located in the same the processes show significant differences concerning the
region as for BtL (+). actual status of commercialization. Despite the HEFA path-
& Additives. Similar to crude oil refining technologies, hy- way, all options need more R&D to allow for a large scale
drogen is needed for hydrocracking of higher product biokerosene production at moderate production costs. The
fraction. Therefore, this criterion is rated as (o). Bio-GtL route is a kind of exception; all major parts of this
& Process complexity. Well-known oil conditioning and provision chain are available but they have not been combined
upgrading technologies are included. But the pyrolysis yet. Additionally, all routes need hydrogen and all options
step makes the HDCJ process more complex than the provide more than one product; i.e., besides biokerosene,
HEFA process (−). various other fuel types are also provided with varying shares.
& Kerosene production efficiency. The HDCJ process as The results of the assessment outlined above can be sum-
operated today shows the low kerosene production effi- marized as follows (comparison is given in Table 1):
ciency. Therefore, it is rated as negative (−).
& Overall efficiency. No data available (x). & Required feedstock. In matters of feedstock availability,
& Kerosene production costs. According to the early stage of HDCJ and BtL processes are the most promising choices,
commercialization, the production costs are rated as neg- because all kinds of lignocellulosic biomass can be used.
ative (−) in comparison to HEFA. Bio-methane production via anaerobic fermentation is
& Market maturity. Even though a demo plant exists, ASTM based on an even broader feedstock variety, including
certification is still pending and the final market introduc- organic waste and other residues characterized by high
tion needs more time, therefore this criterion is rated as (−). water content. Thus, for these routes, no acceptance prob-
& Development potential. The process is based on a prom- lems arising from the ongoing “food versus fuel” debate
ising feedstock basis and shows a huge development are expected. DSHC and AtJ processes also have a good
potential (+) in terms of cost reduction. feedstock basis since sugar can be produced from starch
and sugar-containing biomass as well as from lignocellu-
losic biomass, although this process is not realized in large-
scale plants today. Since HEFA mostly uses vegetable oil,
10 Final consideration it has the smallest feedstock basis. Aside from fat contain-
ing waste and algae discussed as feedstock, vegetable oil
This paper gives an overview and assessment of the current still is the mainly used feedstock. Thus, these processes
state of technology of biokerosene production processes. lack in using biogenic material which can be used also
Hence, six different conversion pathways for the production within the food and fodder market; this might cause con-
of kerosene from biogenic feedstock have been described and troversial discussions within a more and more critical
assessed. Therefore, possible feedstock and technical facts society if such processes are realized on a large scale.
related to the process engineering have been presented. To & Feedstock price. For purely price reasons, BtL and HDCJ
compare these various pathways possible feedstock and cor- processes are the best options, if wood residues (e.g.,
responding prices as well as product yields, additional mate- industrial residual wood) and wastes (e.g., demolition
rials, investment, and production costs, the status of market wood) can be utilized. Feedstock costs for AtJ and DSHC
introduction and also process complexity and overall efficien- processes also are in a good order of magnitude, if sugar-
cies have been assessed. cane can be utilized because due to the high yields of this
The comparison of the different provision pathways dom- cash crop, usually low production costs are given. If sugar
inated by differing process technologies made it obvious that has to be provided by conversion of starch, the feedstock

Table 1 Comparison of assessment results for all processes; (+)=positive, (o)=neutral, (−)=negative, and (x)=no data available

Required Feedstock Additives Process Kerosene Overall Kerosene Market Development

feedstock price complexity efficiency efficiency production costs maturity potential

HEFA – o − to o o + to o + o + to − − to +
Bio-GtL + to − + to− o o + o o to − o o
BtL + to o + o – + o – – +
DSHC o to − + to o + – + + – o +
AtJ o to − + to o + o o x – – +
HDCJ + to o + o – – x – – +
Biomass Conv. Bioref.

prices would be above the lower average of the feedstock & Kerosene production costs. Concerning economic factors,
assessed here. This is also the case for the Bio-GtL feed- the HEFA process can achieve the lowest production costs
stock; but due to the broad variety of possible biomass, the today, followed by the Bio-GtL process. Since most of the
feedstock price is subject to significant fluctuations vary- other discussed processes are not realized in an industrial
ing between negative prices of organic waste from the scale yet, a fair comparison is difficult, especially since
food processing industry up to considerable costs for small pilot and demo plants are more expensive regarding
energy crops. These variations are also valid for the bio- the economy of scale as well as missing experience about
methane price depending significantly on the used sub- cost reduction possibilities.
strate. But due to the necessary process technology, the & Market maturity. In terms of market maturity, only the
average price per gigajoule of the bio-methane is slightly HEFA process is able to produce larger amounts of
higher than for the other processes described so far. The biokerosene and is therefore market mature. The DSHC
highest feedstock price occurs for the HEFA route, as long and GtL processes are seen to be the next processes ready
as vegetable oils have to be used. If used cooking oil or fat for market introduction, also different constraints have to
waste from slaughterhouses are available, these costs are be overcome. The other three processes (i.e., BtL, AtJ, and
lower—but the available amounts of these organic mate- HDCJ) need even more time and research activity to
rials are very small. realize an upscaled market introduction.
& Additives. In terms of hydrogen consumption, the DSHC & Development potential. From a technical point of view,
and AtJ processes come off best, since they utilize the only HEFA and the GtL process based on natural gas are
smallest amounts of hydrogen to saturate the hydrocar- already available on a commercial basis on the large scale;
bons. Bio-GtL, BtL, and HDCJ processing need hydrogen all other technologies still have to realize more or less
for hydrocracking reactions, similar to crude oil refining RD&D efforts. Of all discussed processes, the HEFA route
technologies, which consume medium amounts of H2. is surely the most commercially implemented conversion
The highest hydrogen consumption occurs for the “clas- pathway for the time being. Even though fuels based on
sical” HEFA process as multiple reactions under hydrogen the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are ASTM certified, Bio-
supply take place. GtL and BtL plants are not available in industrial scales
& Process complexity. Concerning the process complexity, today. Since the DSHC pathway was recently certified by
for the time being, all processes assessed here are more the ASTM D7566 standard and the AtJ and HDCJ pro-
complex than the HEFA route. This is due to the fact that cesses should although be certified by mid of 2015, the
the HEFA route is the only conversion pathway using the commercial scale-up might follow soon.
result of the biosynthesis realized by nature during the
plant growth to a maximum extend. All the other process-
es start usually with the destruction of the organic mole- This investigation has shown that a lot of activities are
cule and then re-synthesize them to fulfill the given ongoing to pave the way for providing renewable jet fuels
standards. fulfilling the Jet A-1 specification. Nevertheless, so far, no
& Kerosene efficiency. The kerosene efficiency varies for all pathway without considerable reservations can be observed.
processes. According to published data (from the manu- All options under discussion show huge advantages as well as
facturer), the DSHC process has the highest yields. Addi- significant drawbacks. This is true for the feedstock basis, the
tionally, the product contains only C15 molecules. All process engineering as well as the economic and probably also
other processes produce kerosene consisting of a mixture the environmental performance (not discussed in this paper).
of different carbon chain length. The Fischer-Tropsch and Thus, the development during the years to come will show
HEFA processes show the second highest kerosene yields which pathway can exploit the still given development poten-
followed by the AtJ and HDCJ routes. tial to overcome these challenges and to contribute signifi-
& Overall process efficiency. A similar picture occurs for the cantly to a more environmentally sound kerosene provision.
overall process efficiency. Also, only very few data is To support and accelerate this development process, more
published and the shown efficiencies are based on very R&D activities are needed to perform a big step towards
different produced physical quantities only tendencies for “green” aviation.
the overall efficiency of the assessed processes can be
seen. According to this, HEFA and DSHC show the best
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