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Select the best answer from the options given in each of the statements below:

1. Which of the following is an example of a categorical variable?

a. Flavour of softdrink ordered by each customer in a fastfood
b. Height measured in inches for each student in a class
c. Points scored by each player in a team

2. Numerical and pictorial information about variables are called

a. Analytical statistics
b. Inferential statistics
c. Descriptive statistics

3. The entire group of interest for a statistical conclusion is called the

a. Data
b. Population
c. sample

4. A subgroup that is representative of a population is called

a. Category
b. Data
c. sample

5. Statistical inference is:

a. The process of estimates and conclusions carefully based on data from a sample
b. The process of estimates and conclusions carefully based on data from the entire population
c. Pictorial displays that summarize a data

6. Two types of statistical variables are:

a. Categorical and descriptive
b. Categorical and numerical
c. Descriptive and numerical

7. It is a mathematical science that deals with data collection, organization, analysis and
interpretation. a. Mathematics
b. Inforgraphics
c. Statistics

8. _____________ is a set of raw numbers and/or words that are collected through observations and/or
just descriptions of things.
a. Information
b. Data
c. collections

9. An estimate of the characteristics of a population is called:

a. Data
b. Sample
c. population

10. Statistic is to a sample, as __________ is to population.

a. Representation
b. Parameter
c. Mentimeter

I. Encircle the letter of your best choice.

1. How does ordinal data differ from nominal data?

a. Nominal data is a name, while ordinal data is a number.
b. Nominal data only distinguishes, ordinal data also offers magnitude information.
c. Nominal data can be a name or number, while ordinal data can only be number.
d. Nominal data can only be a name, while ordinal data can be name or number.

2. “The sequential list according which the batsmen in a cricket team would come out to bat” –
Which of the following data types does this data set belong to?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Ratio
d. interval

3. A group of 10 people were shown 15 photographs. Each person was asked to choose their
favourite photo, and the choices were recorded. What is the data type of the recorded data?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Ratio
d. interval

4. What is the type of data scale marked on a measuring tape?

a. Integer
b. Ratio
c. Nominal
d. discrete

5. A researcher doing a blind experiment got the respondent data coded with numbers in a column,
“respondent_ID”. What data type is it?
a. Ordinal
b. Continuous
c. Interval
d. Nominal

6. What is the data type for the Singapore-average-rainfall-data in mm?

Ratio scale,continuos

7. Discrete data is from qualities that can be

a. Measured
b. Counted
c. both

8. A collection of facts such as test scores, drawing, photographs, and inventory figures is called:
a. Quantity
b. Product
c. Data
d. Collector’s item
e. Merchandize

9. Safety data sheets are changing to conform with the Globally Harmonized System:
a. True
b. false

10. Why is it useful to look at frequency data?

a. It can be quicker/easier to do certain post-processing functions in the frequency domain
b. Time series data is complicated because it is unclear when certain events occur
c. Frequency data shows us the power of events so we can write music about it

11. A researcher should explore the characteristics of the data and the examined variables to
summarize the data once data is clean and ready for investigation:
a. True
b. false

12. One of the important considerations in preliminary analysis is to look for patterns in the data
and to check if any specific variable looks extremely erratic.
a. True
b. false

13. Blunders are errors made in transferring the manual data onto software for analysis during data
entry or coding
a. True
b. false

14. Different data types command the use of similar analysis techniques, whereby statistical
methods for analyzing categorical data can also be used for continuous data.
a. True
b. false

15. Parametric statistical techniques underscore stringent assumptions regarding the distribution
of data for the population under study:
a. True
b. false

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