Synthesis and Characterization of Oligosalicylaldehyde-Based Epoxy Resins

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Synthesis and characterization of oligosalicylaldehyde-based epoxy resins

Article  in  Chemical Papers- Slovak Academy of Sciences · February 2006

DOI: 10.2478/s11696-006-0012-1


13 7,669

4 authors, including:

Ertugrul Sahmetlioglu Yavuz Sürme

Erciyes Üniversitesi Ömer Halisdemir University


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Synthesis and Characterization of Oligosalicylaldehyde-Based
Epoxy Resins


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Nigde University, Nigde 51100, Turkey

Received 17 January 2005; Revised 10 May 2005; Accepted 16 May 2005

In memory of Professor Dr. Adalet R. Vilayetoğlu

The synthesis of a new epoxy resin of oligosalicylaldehyde by the reaction with epichlorohydrin
is reported. New resin’s epoxy value and chlorine content were determined and found to be 25 %
and 1 %, respectively. The characterization of the new resin was instrumented by FTIR, 1 H NMR,
scanning electron microscopy, and thermal gravimetric analyses. TGA results showed that the cured
epoxy resin has a good resistance to thermal decomposition. The mass losses of cured epoxy resin
were found to be 5 %, 10 %, 50 % at 175 ◦C, 240 ◦C, and 400 ◦C, respectively. On the curing procedure
the resin was cured with polyethylenepolyamine at 25 ◦C for 8 h and 100 ◦C for 1.5 h. The FTIR
spectrum of new epoxy resin gave the peak of oxirane ring at ν̃ = 918 cm−1 .

Epoxy resins belong to the most important ther- magnetism, semiconductivity, and electrochemical cell
mosetting polymers [1—3]. These polymers have bril- resistance to high energy [12, 13]. Oligoaminophe-
liant characteristics such as heat, moisture and chem- nols actively enter into reaction with the oxirane ring
ical resistance, toughness, electrical and mechanical of epichlorohydrin and epoxy resins forming ther-
resistance and good adhesion to many substrates [4]. mostable polyepoxides and epoxy copolymers [14].
The linear epoxy resins are converted into three- Considering this, oligophenols together with epoxy
dimensional cross-linked thermoset networks by cur- resins were used for bonding in preparation of glassy
ing [5]. This reaction occurs with a very complicated plastics and foil dielectrics for the manufacture of mul-
process, because many reaction processes occur simul- tilayer printed circuit equipment.
taneously [6]. In order to convert epoxy resins from In this study, a novel epoxy oligosalicylaldehyde-
solid or semi-solid monomers into hard, infusible ther- based oligophenol was synthesized by the reaction of
moset networks it is necessary to use cross-linking oligosalicylaldehyde with epichlorohydrin and charac-
agents. These cross-linkers or “hardeners” promote terized by FTIR, 1 H NMR, TGA, and SEM. Its epoxy
cross-linking, or curing of the monomers [1]. After cur- value [15], chlorine and hydroxyl contents [2] were de-
ing the polymer, it is characterized by high chemi- termined by the standard analytical methods.
cal and corrosion resistance and good mechanical and
thermal properties. These cured polymers are appli- EXPERIMENTAL
cable to surface coatings, painting materials, compos-
ites, laminates, encapsulates for semiconductors, and Salicylaldehyde (SA), epichlorohydrin (Sigma-
insulating materials for electrical devices [7]. Recently Aldrich), methanol, benzene, acetone, toluene, 1,4-
much attention has been paid to modifications of the dioxane, carbon tetrachloride, dimethylformamide,
backbone of epoxy resins in attempts to enhance the hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sodium hydroxide,
thermal and physical properties [8]. In some precon- potassium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, sodium hypochlo-
centration and separation studies of trace elements, ride (Merck) were used. All reagents were of an-
epoxy resins have been used as chelating adsorbents alytical grade and used as received. Commercial
[9—11]. polyethylenepolyamine (Yickvic Hk) was used with-
Oligophenols and their derivatives have been used out purification.
in various fields because of their electron structure The infrared spectra were recorded on a Jasco FT-
properties. They have useful properties such as para- IR 300 E spectrophotometer. The FTIR spectra were

*The author to whom the correspondence should be addressed.

Chem. Pap. 60 (1) 65—68 (2006) 65

c 2006 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences

recorded using KBr discs (400—4000 cm−1 ). Elemen- blank and V2 is the volume of NaOH solution used
tal analyses were carried out with an Erba 1106 in- for sample.
strument (for oligosalicylaldehyde). Epoxy resin was Hydroxyl content was determined by acetylation
characterized by using 1 H NMR spectra recorded with with acetyl chloride in pyridine. The excess of acetyl
Bruker Spectrospin Avance DPX 400 ultrashield (400 chloride was decomposed with water and the result-
MHz) spectrometer at 25 ◦C using deuterated CHCl3 ing acetic acid, formed both in hydrolysis and in the
as solvent. TMS was used as internal standard. Scan- acetylation process, was titrated with standard alkali
ning electron micrograph (SEM) was obtained from using the following formula
a Leon 440 scanning electron microscope. SEM was
derived from epoxy resin film by using silver adhesive mass of sample
w(OH) =
paste. TGA of epoxy resin was performed by a Du c(KOH) · (V1 − V2 ) × 170
Pont 2000 Thermal Gravimetry Analyzer. The num-
ber average molar mass (M̄N ), mass average molar where V1 is the volume of KOH solution used for blank
mass (M̄m ), and polydispersity index (PDI) were de- and V2 is the volume of KOH solution used for sample.
termined by SEC (Kovo). For SEC investigations SGX The chlorine content was determined by treating
(3.3 mm i.d. × 150 mm) columns were used; eluent: the resin solution with alcoholic KOH and titrating it
DMF (0.2 cm3 min−1 ), polystyrene standards. A re- against standard HCl [2].
fractometric detector (at 25 ◦C) was used to analyze
the product. 0.0355 · c(KOH) · VKOH
w(Cl) = × 100
mass of sample
Oligosalicylaldehyde (OSA)

OSA was synthesized through the oxidative poly- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
condensation of SA with NaOCl (30 %) in aqueous so-
lution [16]. The SA (3 g; 0.025 mol) was dissolved in an The new epoxy resin was coloured in dark brown
aqueous solution of KOH (10 %, 0.025 mol) and placed and it was solid. Synthesis of OSA and epoxidation
into a 50 cm3 three-necked round-bottom flask. It was with epichlorohydrin are given in Schemes 1 and 2,
fitted with a condenser, a thermometer, and a stirrer, respectively.
in addition to a funnel containing NaOCl. NaOCl was
added dropwise to this solution for about 20 min, af-
ter heating to 60 ◦C. The solution mixture was stirred
at 90 ◦C for 25 h and neutralized with 3 cm3 of HCl
(37 %) at room temperature. Then, unreacted SA was
removed by steam distillation. The crude product was
washed with water (50 cm3 ), filtered, and dried in an
oven at 105 ◦C.
Scheme 1
Epoxy Resin
FTIR (KBr; ν̃/cm−1 ): 2500—3355 (phenol—OH),
The epoxidation was carried out by refluxing OSA 1654 (CHO), 2854—2925 (aldehyde C—H), 3030.
and epichlorohydrin in 1 : 10 mole ratio in a three- wi (calc. for OSA): 70.00 % C, 3.33 % H; wi (found for
necked flask and sodium hydroxide was added gradu- OSA): 69.21 % C, 3.85 % H.
ally for 3.5 h. The content was dissolved in toluene and
n OH
solution was filtered in order to remove the salt. The OH
excess of epichlorohydrin and toluene was removed by KOH, NaOCl CHO
distillation under reduced pressure. The resulting solid heat
product was stored in an air-tight container. n
The epoxy value (w(Ep)) of resin was determined
by analytical method [15]. This method was based on Scheme 2
the back titration. 0.2 g of resin was added to 30 cm3
of 0.1 M-HCl and mixed for 2 h. Then unreacted HCl FTIR (KBr; ν̃/cm−1 ): 918 (epoxy ring), 1675 (al-
was re-titrated with phenolphthalein by standard al- dehyde group), 2925 (aromatic proton).
kali solution using the following formula The epoxy value and chlorine content of the resin
were found to be 25 % and 1 %, respectively. The
(V2 − V1 ) · c(NaOH) × 0.043 present content of hydrolysable chlorine is due to
w(Ep) =
mass of sample many side reactions, such as dehydrohalogenation.
The secondary hydroxyl group content was 0.19 mol
where V1 is the volume of NaOH solution used for in 100 g. The resin was soluble in acetone, dioxane,

66 Chem. Pap. 60 (1) 65—68 (2006)


Fig. 1. FTIR spectrum of the epoxy resin.

Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of the cured epoxy resin.

Fig. 2. 1 H NMR spectrum of the uncured epoxy resin.

tetrahydrofuran, chloroform, and dimethylformamide,

however, insoluble in water.
In the FTIR spectra (Fig. 1) of the resins, the
bands observed at ν̃/cm−1 918 and 1675 are assigned
to the vibrations of the epoxy ring and aldehyde
groups, respectively. In addition, band at 2925 cm−1
is due to the vibration of the aromatic protons.
The singlet signal of the resin in 1 H NMR spec- Fig. 4. TGA curve of the cured epoxy resin.
trum (Fig. 2) at δ = 10.05 is attributed to the alde-
hyde group proton. Besides, signals in the δ = 2.5—
4.5 and 7—8 range are due to epoxy ring protons and 175—240 ◦C; 50 %, 330—400 ◦C. This shows that max-
aromatic protons, respectively. The differences of in- imum polymer degradation occurs between 330 ◦C and
tegral in aldehyde and aromatic ring protons may be 430 ◦C. However, the relative mass losses of OSA were
caused by the protons located in the last groups of reported as follows: 5 %, 190 ◦C and 50 %, 435 ◦C [16].
oligomers in the uncured resin. FTIR and 1 H NMR Curing studies were performed by using polyethyl-
spectral analyses of the resins proved that the prod- enepolyamine as a curing agent. The reaction occurred
uct was formed by the reaction between the OH group between amine and epoxy ring and simultaneously be-
of OSA and epichlorohydrin. tween amine and aldehyde groups. Due to this double
According to SEC analysis, the number average reaction the new epoxy resin differs from other aro-
molar mass (M̄N ), mass average molar mass (M̄m ), matic rings-containing epoxy resins. The cured resin
and PDI values of the epoxy resins were found to be was extracted in hot tetrahydrofuran for 1 h and cross-
4600 g mol−1 , 6400 g mol−1 , and 1.39, respectively. link ratio was found to be 80 %.
The cured epoxy resin was soluble in inorganic acid
(nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid), however, CONCLUSION
it was insoluble for organic solvents. SEM micrograph
(Fig. 3) of cured epoxy resin was in the shape of coral The epoxy resin was synthesized by using oligosal-
reef. icylaldehyde and epichlorohydrin reagents. Character-
TGA of the epoxy resin (Fig. 4) cured with ization evidence of the resin was the peak of oxirane
polyethylenepolyamine was performed under the ni- ring at 918 cm−1 in FTIR spectrum. The cured epoxy
trogen atmosphere with a heating rate of 10 ◦C min−1 resin showed a good chemical resistance to organic sol-
in the temperature range 30—900 ◦C in order to inves- vents and a weak chemical resistance against the acid
tigate the thermal stability. The relative mass losses derivatives. The resin has a thermal stability up to
at given stages were as follows: 5 %, 30—175 ◦C; 10 %, 200 ◦C.

Chem. Pap. 60 (1) 65—68 (2006) 67


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