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Impact of Having an Online Business to BA Students amidst the



The coronavirus widespread has changed the lives of almost every person.
People are doing their best to cope up with the new environment and rules
and regulations. Due to the circumstances that we are on right now, there
are students who don’t have the means to cope up with this new learning
system. Before, during face to face many are already struggling on where
they will get their budget in order to go to school, resulting of absence. This
pandemic caused losing our income for everyday lives. Parents are having
a hard time on where they will resource. Even though many are against for
the continuation of classes because of our situation, the Commission on
Higher Education still insists to continue.


The coronavirus made a massive impact in today's lives. This event is

considered as the most significant challenge we have faced ever since
World War II. It cause a different impact in different ways on every each
one of us. Unfortunately, after a year of examining, there are still no
accurate cure for it. We are still affected. We don't have any choice but to
move forward. Education is a must. But not everyone is still capable of
attending class due to different reasons. The reason why student make
ways in order to survive.

Online selling helps them to generate money to have an internet

connection or mobile data that they can use in their synchronous and

asynchronous class. If their parents don’t have a stable job it would be a

big hindrance for them to continue their studies because their parents will

prioritize their food rather than anything else to survive. But if the student

has the willingness to finish their studies, they will make way to look for an

alternative solution that will help them financially. Business Administration

course is much related ondoing online business. There are times that you

can’t focus on all of it, school activities, exams, online class, customers

order, production, household chores and a lot of things that you need to do,

with that load of works it will be a hard time for you to do it all at the same

time. As a result, you will need to choose on what you will prioritize first.


There are parents/guardians who are struggling to provide funds for their
students in order to have an access on the internet to comply all the
requirements needed in school. Some of them doesn't want to become a
burden anymore and chose to take responsibilities on their family. Selling
online is one way that they could make it possible. But there are some, who
are fortunate enough that everything was being provided.

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