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Outside of furthering your education, what’s another investment you want

to make for yourself?

Outside furthering my education, another investment I want to make for myself is to develop
my communication skills and make new connections. Education provides us with knowledge
about our skillset however, it is through effective communication, we can make people
understand our thoughts and win their approval. Efficient communication is not only an
essential skill in the Corporate World but also in our everyday lives.

We are living in a society where each one of us is indirectly dependent on our fellow beings
to survive and thrive. In such a community, the need for communication cannot be ignored.
Constructive communication can help people follow the rules and regulations more
efficiently and also proves to be vital in making sure that people do their work sensibly and
responsibly. At the same time, impressive communication differentiates you from the crowd.
The Government using Ad Campaigns to promote Traffic Safety is a concrete example where
the Government is trying to communicate the need to adopt safe driving practices.

One of the most effective ways I can improve my communication skills is by meeting new
people and coming out of my comfort zone which opens up a new world of possibilities and
opportunities. The impact of Clubs and fraternities at Colleges is a proving example of how
meeting new people can create a healthy relationship that results in a win-win situation for
both sides.

I am an active member of The Stem Club Community in my college. I am trying my level

best to get involved in all the activities and meetings of the Club. This involvement has
provided me with resources that can help me out during my College education and meet the
revered alumni community, who are eager to pass on their experiences of how they paved
their path to success.

Reading about the real-life story of a successful and prominent personality inspires, guides,
and provides encouragement. As we take in the struggles they have overcome, we can make
connections to our own lives. Biographies contain the ups and downs faced by the
personalities in a single book. Reading enhances our linguistic skills.

I am currently reading a book titled “Three Cups Of Tea” written by the American author
Greg Mortenson which details how he builds a school in a rural Village of Pakistan after a
failed attempt to climb Mount K2. After reading the book, we get an astounding outlook on
the rural life of Pakistan, much different from what we see and hear.

Traveling to different places helps us learn about new cultures and traditions. Traveling helps
us to see various life stories in a flash and witness the thrill and live-action which can not be
experienced by reading. Even though reading provides us with very detailed descriptions,
Experiencing the real world with our own eyes has a much greater impact. Volunteering
Services at Old age homes, Hospitals, and philanthropic organizations can provide us with a
new viewpoint- Life is not just about living your dream life but also helping others to fulfill
their dreams.

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