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Lesson 2. TENSES1.


1. a. smell= the subject emits a scent

b. is smelling= the subject uses his nose to feel the scent

2. a. think= having an opinion about someone

b. am thinking= brainstorming

3. a. see= has the ability to observe a thing

b. is seeing= meet someone

c. are seeing==dating

4. a. looks=seems to be

b. is looking= observe something

5. a. appears=seems to be

b. appearing= showing up

6. a. is feeling= use her sense to touch or to enjoy something

b. feel= seem

c. am not feeling well= to express that one’s body is not in a good condition

d. feel=make a guess

7. a. has=own

b. am having= experience something at the moment

8. a. remember=has memory about someone

b. remembering = recall

9. a. weighs=have a certain weight

b. weigh= measure

Task 2

1 b.see
2 a. are you smelling

b. smells

3 a.do you enjoy

b. enjoys

4 a. is John being

b. is

5 a. are thinking

b. Do you think

6. a. Do you have

b. Are you having

7 a. Does the singer

b. appears

8 a. are you tasting

b. tastes

9 a. is looking for

b. looks

10. a. does parcel weigh

b. is weighing

11 a. wears, is entertaining

b. wants

a. annoys, is always coming out of, continually tucks

12 a. is

b. are being
Task 3

b. smells

c. both

d. do you do

e. costs

f. both

g. I’m feeling

h. I’m thinking

I. both

j. look

Task 4

b. both

c. means

d. takes

e. works

f. does

g. finds

h. admits

i. both

j. manages

k. understand

l. know

m. am going
n. both

o. both

p. am experiencing

q. both

r. both

s. don’t really know

t. want

u. are developing

v. are appearing

w. are spending

x. think

y. are going

Task 5

1 a.i b.ii

2 a.ii b.i

3 a.i ii b.i

4 a.i ii b.i

5 a.i b.ii

6 a.ii b.i

7 a.i b.ii

8 a.i b.ii i

Task 6

1. have been repairing/ have repaired

2. has eaten/ has been eating

3. have you done/have you been doing

4. have you ever played/ have you been playing

5. have you been reading/ have you read

6. has been writing/has sent

7. have played/ have been playing

8. haven’t been learning/ haven’t learnt

9. somebody has broken

10. have you been working

11. I have been reading /I haven’t finished

12. I have read

Task 7

1. have you been married

2. since the last time I’ve seen my parents

3. haven’t slept for two days

4. he has felt more relaxed

5. since the las time Vanessa has been to the cinema

6. have been working as a waiter for a month

7. haven’t visited their grandparents for many years

8. have…get married?

9. has known them since she was a child

10. haven’t been paid for two months

b. the first time I have seen this film

c. hasn’t been to

d. have been working here

e. hasn’t arrived

f. haven’t met each other

g. has taken

h. have been waiting

i. haven’t been here for

j. have been married for


Task 8

1. was buying

2. saw

3. turned

4. was slowly putting

5. was carrying

6. walked

7. picked up

8. thought

9. was looking

10. dropped

11. had

12. noticed

13. was watching

14. hurried out

15. were walking

16. ran

Task 9

1 was

2 used

3 was

4 allow

5 would

6 earned

7 both

8 both

9 we’d go

10 was

11 both

12 would always

13 were queuing

14 both

15 used to get

16 both

Task 10

1. has visited

2. has been closed/ died

3. has dropped/ fell

4. have been stolen/ insisted/held

Task 11

1. have been having

2. have known

3. was walking

4. has been running

5. have been eating

6. have eaten

7. was looking for

8. was waiting, has been waiting

9. have had

10. have been travelling

Task 12

2. until

3. as

4. until

5. whenever

6. that time

7. later

8. in his day

9. the moment

10. by

Task 13

1. b

2. a
3. c

4. b

5. c

6. c

7. b

8. b

Task 14

3. has suffered

5. was expecting

7. weren’t used to

10. expected

11. did your mother

Task 15

1. Most of the workers have started here since 1996

2. have arrived

3. have visited

4. have known each other for 20 years

5. the latest novel by …is better than ever

6. no decision has been made…

7. hasn’t been increased recently

1. we arrived,.. had left the party

2. of 35, .. has written …

3. haven’t gone to …before

4. hasn’t flight to …before

5. began only just before the lights went out

Has the lights went out than the ….

Has the lights went out when the…..

Task 16

1. were rushing

2. didn’t seem

3. were doing

4. had never been

5. had expected

6. tried

7. had run

8. walked

9. was flying

10. disappeared

11. burst

12. went

13. were still firing

14. vanished

15. began

Task 17

1e 2d 3h 4i 5c 6j 7k 8a 9b 10f 11e 12g

Task 18

1. going to fall
2. going to be

3. both

4. both

5. going to realise

6. both

7. both

8. going to fall

9. applying

10. both

11. both

12. being

13. going to hand

14. both

15. both

Task 19

2. will be flying

3. will arrive

4. will be

5. will be waiting

6. settle in

7. will attend

8. will be visiting

9. will be

10. get on
11. will have experienced

12. will be

13. need



Task 1

Over: draw, populated, rule, time, nourished, view, indulge

Under: staff, age, cut, employed, paid, graduate, take, developed, tone

Both: estimate, rated

Q1: oversleep, understaffed, overpopulated

Q2: overrated, underestimate, overestimate

Q3: undertake, overtake

Q4: underprivileged, overprivileged

Task 2

1. overpopulated

2. overprivileged

3. undernourished

4. overactive

5. underqualified

6. underdeveloped

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