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Lesson Plan- Edu-513-B.ed-1st- Sec.

“D” Date Month Year

20 11 2021

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

SUBJECT: Physics
SR NO. 60
GRADE LEVEL: 9th Sir. Shahzad
Course title: Teaching of Physics
Duration: 15 min

Teaching Aims Teaching Methodology

 To provide physics knowledge to students. Lacture method
 To enhance the scientific thinking and problem solving
skills of students.
 To enable students to make use physics concepts in real
life applications

Teaching Objective Teaching aids/Materials needed

 To explain students Archimedes principle, its working and  White board/black board
examples.  Chalk
 To make students learn the Archimedes law.  Duster
Preparation:  Board markers of different colors
 In order to test the previous knowledge of the students, I
will ask the following questions:
1- Do you know about atmospheric pressure?
2- Can you explain pressure in liquids?
 Noticing the student answers, I will announce the topic by
saying, “today we will study Archimedes principle
defination,working and examples”

Verification Other Resources

Few questions should be asked from students to evaluate their  Internet
understanding of the concept:  Textbook of Physics of grade 9
 With question answer technique students will able to  Library
describe Archimedes principle.

Description and presentation:


More than two thousand years ago, the Greek scientist, Archimedes noticed that there is an upward force which acts on an object
kept inside a liquid. As a result an apparent loss of weight is observed in the object. This upward force acting on the object is called
the upthrust of the liquid. Then Archimedes explain Archimedes principle.


When an object is totally or partially immersed in a liquid, an upthrust

acts on it equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces.


 An air filled balloon immediately shoots up to the surface when released under water.

 The same would happen if a piece of wood is released under water. We might have noticed that a mug filled with water feels
light under water but feels heavy as soon as we take it out of water.


Consider a solid cylinder of cross-sectional area A and height h immersed in a liquid. Let h1 and h2 be the depths of the top and
bottom faces of the cylinder respectively from the surface of the liquid.


If P1 2 and P are the liquid pressures at depths h1 and h respectively and ρ is its density, then according to 2 equation .
Let the force is exerted at the cylinder top by the liquid due to pressure P1 and the force F2 is exerted at the bottom of the cylinder
by the liquid due to P2 .

F1 and F2 are acting on the opposite faces of the cylinder. Therefore, the net force F will be F2 - F1 in the direction of F . This net
force F on the cylinder is called the upthrust of the liquid.


Equation (7.6) shows that an upthurst acts on the body immersed in a liquid and is equal to the weight of liquid displaced, which is
Archimedes principle.

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