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Company Name : ___________________

Members :
(Stud ID & Name)

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Criteria Marks General

0-1 2-4 5-7 8-10 Comments
Organisation Identification only for Introduction of Introduction of company Introduction of
chart, company company name and company name, name, address and company name,
logo, tagline address address and organizational chart, address and
organizational chart operation experience. organizational chart,
Develop a logo and/or a operation experience.
jingle for the business Develop a logo and
tagline for the
business. Logo and
tagline and/or jingle
are creative and have
thought behind them.
Product/service Students have given a Students have shown Students have given a Students have given a
description basic list of products little effort in listing basic list of products or detailed list of
or services. the products or services offered by their products or services
services offered, or not business, including the offered by their
included the prices. prices. business, including the
SWOT Analysis fail to Analysis identify the Analysis identify the Analysis identify and
analysis address at least one strengths, weaknesses, strengths, weaknesses, described the
aspect of SWOT strengths, weaknesses,
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(strengths, opportunities, and opportunities, and opportunities, and
weaknesses, challenges challenges. challenges.
opportunities, and Business strengths and Business strengths and
challenges) weaknesses are weaknesses are
considered considered
Business Do not identify and Identify unclear Identify the main Identify not only the
strategy summarize the strategies or identify a strategies and basics of the strategy,
corporate strategy different or subsidiary, embedded, but recognize nuances
Confused or identify a inappropriate strategy or implicit aspects of the of the strategy
different or strategy
inappropriate strategy

Marketing Do not include or to Missing parts of the Have each part of the Have each part of the
such a limited degree marketing plan. Left marketing plan but do marketing plan that
it would not count. some questions. not support the decision support the decisions
made. Left some made
Financial Do not include or to Only provide the cost Provide both cost and Provide both cost and
aspect such a limited degree or revenue. revenue but do not revenue and provide
it would not count. provide support/ support/ research how
research how the the information are
information are gathered gathered Clear and
well presented.
Overall Creativity and Creative, but no Students adapts others’ New and innovative
originality originality absent originality shown ideas to propose own approach to the topic;
product/service; some students have
originality shown proposed own

Innovation The proposed solution Product/service is an Product/service is Product/service is

- is not new or interesting idea but not clearly defined and clearly defined and
different from fundamentally responsive to typical and responsive to typical
available solution; distinctive from costumer’s defined and costumer’s
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does not respond existing approaches; if need; solution is an defined need; solution
directly to the the idea distinctive, improvement upon is fundamentally
client/customer need there may be some existing approaches anddistinctive from
or out of sync with the significant gaps demonstrates potential existing approaches
customer profile; related to realistic to have real impact on and demonstrates
seems farfetched and implementation of the the problem. There may proven ability to
unlikely to idea be still be some details
impact the problem in
realistically be to work out a new way; (i.e it
implemented to could be viably
address the problem implemented and
sustained in the real
world); idea generates
enthusiasm from
potential clients,
investors, and other
Total Marks /80

Additional Comments:

Evaluator signature:

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