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Name : Rikhaul Unim

Class : 001 Bahasa Inggris

Number : 201501956324

LK 2 : Lembar Kerja Refleksi Modul Bidang Studi/ Jurnal Harian


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Analytical Exposition Texts

2. Hortatory Exposition Texts
3. Explanation Texts
4. Discussion Texts

N Uraian Respon/Jawaban
1 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama teman Based on the discussions with lecturer and
dan dosen mengenai pemecahan friends, the most difficult to learn in this
masalah dalam memahami materi module is in understanding the generic structure
yang mengalami kesulitan of Analytical Exposition Text and Hortatory
Exposition Text, the two texts have similarities
in the generic structure, but after discussing
with friends and lecturer the two texts have
differences at the end of the paragraph.

2 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama teman The material that is still considered a
dan dosen mengenai miskonsepsi di misconception in this module is explanation
modul ini text and discussion text. Based on the results of
the discussion, there is a difference in content
between the two texts, especially in the
discussion text, which contains two contents,
namely pro and contra arguments, while
explanation text is a text that focuses on one
item only and explanation text. Text can also be
a combination of descriptive text, procedure
text and argumentative text.

3 Hambatan yang dialami pada In this module there are several explanations
pembelajaran analisis materi about incomplete texts, so the conclusions must
pembelajaran berbasis masalah di be made based on examples and existing text.
modul ini
4 Hal yang akan dilakukan untuk As a teacher we must be more prepared to
sukses di pembelajaran modul understand the module material more deeply
berikutnya and look for other relevant sources of
information, either from other books or the
In the learning activities, it should include
attention gather, information gather and

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