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BJA Education, 19(11): 350e356 (2019)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2019.07.004

Matrix codes: 1C02,

2D01, 3D00

Paediatric respiratory distress

J. Challands1,* and K. Brooks2
Royal London Hospital, London, UK and 2Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
*Corresponding author:

Learning objectives Key points

By reading this article, you should be able to:  Many paediatric emergencies result from severe
 Recognise the paediatric patient in respiratory respiratory distress or imminent respiratory
distress and identify the signs of impending res- failure.
piratory failure.  Common causes of paediatric respiratory distress
 Describe the modifications that may be needed to include bronchiolitis, wheeze in the preschool
achieve safe induction of anaesthesia and child, asthma and pneumonia.
tracheal intubation in the paediatric patient in  Less common causes include interstitial lung
respiratory distress. disease, pulmonary aspiration and problems
 Describe the emergency management of children associated with tracheostomies.
in respiratory distress with a tracheostomy.  Signs of impending respiratory failure warrant
involvement of an anaesthetist and, in most
Anaesthetists are part of the paediatric emergency response cases, tracheal intubation and artificial
team in hospitals throughout the UK. These teams respond to ventilation.
all paediatric emergencies within the hospital. Respiratory  Management of paediatric respiratory distress
disease is the most common reason for acute hospital requires meticulous preparation to avoid com-
admission in children, so it follows that a large number of plications during induction of anaesthesia, intu-
paediatric emergencies result from severe respiratory distress bation and ventilation.
or imminent respiratory failure. Often, by the time an emer-
gency call is put out or a referral to the anaesthetist is made,
the child has deteriorated significantly and usually requires Bronchoconstriction and wheezing
non-invasive or invasive ventilation and transfer to a paedi-
Asthma affects one in 11 children. In 2016 asthma caused 6783
atric ICU (PICU). There are many causes of paediatric respi-
emergency admissions to hospital in patients aged 0e14 yrs.
ratory distress with varying treatments and prognoses. A good
Whilst hospital admissions are common, fatality is fortu-
working knowledge of these diseases and their management
nately rare with 12 deaths in the same age group in the UK in
can inform and assist with anaesthetic intervention in this
2016.2 The pathogenesis is not fully understood. However,
stressful situation.
variable airflow obstruction and airway hyper-reactivity are
This article summarises the common causes of paediatric
involved. Exacerbations may be infective or non-infective; the
respiratory distress and the anaesthetic management thereof.
majority of infective exacerbations are caused by viral infec-
The causes of stridor and respiratory compromise secondary
tion. The joint British Thoracic Society and Scottish Intercol-
to this have been covered recently in this journal, and will not
legiate Guidelines Network guidelines outline the treatment
be discussed here.1
for children admitted to a hospital as follows:3

(i) Oxygen (method dependent on severity: low-flow nasal

cannulae, Hudson face mask, or high-flow nasal
Joanne Challands FRCA is a consultant paediatric anaesthetist at cannulae)
the Royal London Hospital. (ii) Nebulised b2-agonists with the addition of an inhaled
anticholinergic if response is poor
Katherine Brooks FRCA is a specialty registrar in anaesthesia at
Barts Health NHS Trust and the London School of Anaesthesia.

Accepted: 31 July 2019

© 2019 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

Paediatric respiratory distress

Box 1 be considered to avoid invasive ventilation. CPAP should be

Signs of impending respiratory collapse commenced if there are signs of impending respiratory failure
(see Box 1).6 Some units use high-flow oxygen therapy (HFOT)
via nasal cannulae instead of CPAP. A recent multicentre trial
 Exhaustion: evidenced by listlessness or decreased comparing conventional nasal oxygen therapy with HFOT
respiratory effort showed that treatment failure requiring escalation of care
 Cyanosis occurred less frequently in the HFOT group (12% vs 23%).8
 Impairment of consciousness The term ‘preschool wheeze’ is used to describe several
 SpO2 <92% despite supplemental oxygen FIO2 0.6 clinical syndromes, some of which are overlapping. Most
 Recurrent apnoea cases are transient with only 15% continuing to wheeze after 6
 Worsening hypercarbia yrs of age. The vast majority of these episodes are managed at
home or in primary care, but children may present with this
history before surgery, so awareness of the condition is
important. If a child is unwell enough with preschool wheeze
(iii) Corticosteroids (i.v. route likely to be required in severe to be admitted to a hospital, treatment includes supplemental
respiratory distress) oxygen, inhaled bronchodilators and oral corticosteroids. In
(iv) Magnesium sulphate, salbutamol, and aminophylline cases with poor response, the following can be considered, but
(i.v. infusions as required) have equivocal or no evidence of efficacy: inhaled corticoste-
roids, leukotriene antagonists, antihistamines and i.v.
Of these treatments, there is some evidence that magne- bronchodilators.9
sium sulphate works the fastest, and it should, therefore, be
the first choice in patients requiring i.v. treatment. Where
there is poor response, artificial ventilation must be consid-
ered. In the child in whom medical management is failing, Pneumonia and sepsis
mechanical ventilation must be considered, although it must The incidence of pneumonia in children is 14.4 per 10,000. It
be noted that this alone does not correct the underlying affects all age groups, and can be bacterial, viral, or mixed. In
problem, and these children can be very difficult to manage those children aged <2 yrs, the ratio of viral:bacterial causes is
after tracheal intubation. Non-invasive ventilation is used in 50:50, whereas in older children bacterial pneumonia be-
some centres. At present, there is no clear evidence of its comes more common, with pneumococcus being the most
effectiveness in avoiding intubation.3 However, a 2016 common organism. Patients present with a history and signs
Cochrane review concluded that there was also no evidence of indicating respiratory distress and fever. Treatment is sup-
harm.4 A large, single-centre, continuous quality improve- portive with supplemental oxygen and appropriate antimi-
ment programme in the USA suggests that using bilevel pos- crobials. Improvement is usually rapid, and a lack of
itive airway pressure ventilation in the emergency improvement within 48 h or persistent fever >38 C should
department reduced the rates of admission to PICU.5 Medical prompt a reassessment for complications, such as lung ab-
management must be optimised first, and on balance, it is scesses, pleural effusion, or empyema, which occur in 1% of
probably advisable to try non-invasive ventilation before cases overall, but in 40% of cases admitted to a hospital.
tracheal intubation. Infection with group A streptococcus and Staphylococcus
Because of the high incidence of wheezing syndromes in aureus is most likely to progress to these complications or
those children aged <6 yrs, asthma is not ordinarily diagnosed require admission to PICU. The prognosis is generally very
before this, when more common causes of wheezing include good in high-income countries, but it should be noted that
bronchiolitis and ‘preschool wheeze’. Bronchiolitis is the most pneumonia is the leading infectious cause of paediatric mor-
common disease of the lower respiratory tract in the first year tality worldwide; in high-income countries, pneumonia kills
of life, affecting approximately one in three infants. Overall, 3,000 children per year compared with meningitis, which kills
2e3% of cases require hospitalisation.6 It is most commonly 640 children per year.10
caused by respiratory syncytial virus, but other viruses are Chronic aspiration is a frequent underlying cause of
also implicated. Infection of the epithelial cells of the small recurrent pneumonia and can be difficult to diagnose. There
airways causes inflammation, mucous production, and are many potential causes, including undiagnosed tracheo-
sloughing of necrotic epithelial cells leading to obstruction of oesophageal fistula, laryngeal cleft, craniofacial abnormal-
the small airways with resulting hyperinflation, atelectasis, ities, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, and neuromuscular
and wheeze.7 Presentation is with coryzal symptoms followed diseases (including bulbar palsy). If undiagnosed or untreated,
by tachypnoea, cough, crackles or wheeze; apnoea is more recurrent pneumonia will lead to chronic lung disease (CLD)
common in babies less than 6 weeks old. The prognosis is with the development of bronchiectasis and progressive res-
good and mortality is rare. Risk factors for severe illness are piratory failure. Chronic aspiration is the leading cause of
prematurity (especially those babies born at <32 weeks death in children with neuromuscular disease. Treatment is
gestational age), bronchopulmonary dysplasia, congenital supportive during acute episodes of infection with supple-
heart disease, neuromuscular diseases, immunodeficiency, mental oxygen and appropriate, targeted antimicrobials.
and age <3 months. The initial treatment is suctioning the Prevention of recurrent episodes relies on identifying the
nostrils, supplemental oxygen if SpO2 persistently is less than underlying cause and correcting it where possible.11
92%, and nasogastric (NG) feeding (which will be stopped in It should be remembered that respiratory distress can be a
cases of severe respiratory distress). Chest physiotherapy, sign of non-respiratory sepsis. In addition, children present-
nebulisers, antibiotics, and steroids are not included in the ing with decompensated congenital heart disease are likely to
current guidelines because of a lack of evidence. However, in be in respiratory distress. Therefore, a thorough assessment
the context of progressive deterioration, these measures may of all systems in all children is vital.

BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 11, 2019 351

Paediatric respiratory distress

Chronic lung disease disease-specific alterations to this approach that may be

Children’s interstitial lung disease (chILD) describes a widely
varied and poorly understood group of chronic respiratory
disorders in children, with an incidence in the region of 0.36 Assessment
per 100,000. It represents a group of diseases with varying
pathophysiologies that are beyond the scope of this article. Assessment should be largely clinical, as the signs of
The patterns of the disease can be either obstructive or impending respiratory failure or severe respiratory distress
restrictive, or both, depending on the cause, and all may be should be identifiable without the need for blood gas analysis,
complicated by superimposed infection. Morbidity and mor- and should prompt an interventiondeither non-invasive or
tality are high with an overall mortality of 30% for which the invasive ventilation. Beware of children with myopathy, as
development of pulmonary hypertension is an independent they are unable to demonstrate signs of increased work of
risk factor.12 Chronic lung disease of prematurity, previously breathing. Box 1 details the signs of impending respiratory
termed bronchopulmonary dysplasia, is the most common collapse.
chILD diagnosis, affecting 20% of neonates born at <30 weeks
gestational age with birth weight <1.5 kg. With improved
General approach
survival of babies born at the limits of viability with extremely
low birth weights, children with CLD present frequently to a Conduct of the intubation must be determined on a case-by-
hospital with respiratory difficulty, which may result from case basis, looking at the cause of respiratory distress, pre-
infection or chronic aspiration.13 dicted airway difficulty, equipment and available personnel,
and risk of aspiration. Monitoring, including end-tidal carbon
dioxide (CO2), should be prepared in advance. Thought must
Patients with a tracheostomy be given to the most appropriate person to lead the induction
and intubation, and senior help is called where necessary.
Tracheostomy is being performed increasingly in children,
Emergency drugs should be prepared in advance in the correct
with an ever-increasing number of patients being cared for at
dose for the patient, and these drugs include atropine and
home. Indications for tracheostomy are wide ranging and
suxamethonium with the addition of adrenaline (epineph-
include neuromuscular disease; respiratory disease; congen-
rine) if the patient is haemodynamically compromised. Pre-
ital malformations of airway, lungs, or heart; craniofacial
pare a 10e20 ml kg1 i.v. fluid bolus in advance. Induction of
syndromes; and acquired subglottic stenosis.14 It follows that
anaesthesia in an unstable child almost always mandates
we can expect to see an increasing number of paediatric pa-
having secured i.v. access, but intraosseous access should not
tients with a tracheostomy presenting in respiratory distress
be overlooked if i.v. access fails.
to emergency departments. Perhaps more importantly in the
Consideration should be given to the correct drug for in-
case of patients with a tracheostomy, it must be remembered
duction of anaesthesia. Ketamine confers the benefits of
that this may be caused by airway obstruction or tracheos-
bronchodilatation and relative cardiovascular stability over
tomy problems, such as a large leak, as opposed to, or as well
propofol, the dose of which must be reduced in the haemo-
as, primary lung pathology. It has been reported that 43% of
dynamically compromised or septic child. Thiopental can
patients will have a serious complication with their trache-
cause bronchoconstriction and so is a poor choice in a child
ostomy, and mortality related to tracheostomy complications
with obstructive respiratory disease. Inhalation induction
is 0.7%.15
with sevoflurane is an option if scavenging is available; sev-
oflurane also results in bronchodilatation. Neuromuscular
Emergency management of paediatric block will provide optimal intubating conditions in most
cases: rocuronium, suxamethonium, or atracurium is used.
respiratory distress: when, who, and how to
The choice of agent can be based on familiarity of the oper-
intubate ator. However, it should be noted that atracurium can pre-
There are no evidence-based guidelines on the optimal cipitate histamine release and may therefore worsen
timing of tracheal intubation in cases of respiratory bronchoconstriction. Similarly, the addition of fentanyl will
distress.16 The general approach to the assessment and help provide optimal intubating conditions.
management of a child in respiratory distress will be dis- Straight laryngoscope blades are generally used in babies
cussed in the following paragraphs and boxes, followed by up to 6 months and curved blades thereafter. Tracheal tube

Box 2
Equations for size (internal diameter) and length of tracheal tube (TT)

Sizes for cuffed TT: Size for uncuffed TT:

>3 kg up to 1 yr: start with size 3.0 mm <1 yr: 1 kg: size 2.5 mm
1e2 yrs: start with size 3.5 mm 2 kg: size 3.0 mm
>2 yrs: (age/4) þ3.5 mm >3 kg: size 3.5 mm
>1 yr (age/4) þ4 mm
(Age/2)þ12 cm OR internal diameter of ETT3
Tip of ETT should lie at mid-trachea

352 BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 11, 2019

Paediatric respiratory distress

(TT) size and length should be calculated using the standard (a) Tidal volumes of 5e7 ml kg1
formulae in Box 2. A cuffed TT is preferable to an uncuffed TT (b) Plateau pressure of <30 cmH2O
particularly in disease states with high resistance, such as (c) Peak inspiratory pressures of <35 cmH2O
asthma, where high ventilatory pressures will need to be (d) PEEP 5e7 cmH2O
delivered over a prolonged period. Cuff pressure must be (e) I:E ratio of 1:2 in most cases (see section ‘Bronchocon-
monitored. The practice of cutting the TT runs the risk of the striction’ for further information on this)
tube being too short, requiring reintubation in a critically ill (f) SpO2 >91e92% (with the exception of patients with pul-
child. monary hypertension and brain injury in whom SpO2
With regard to rapid sequence induction (RSI) in this setting, should be kept >94%)
it must be remembered that the priority is supporting (g) Ventilatory frequency dependent on age of patient and
oxygenation and haemodynamic stability whilst securing the balance between avoiding barotrauma, yet achieving an
airway. The incidence of aspiration in paediatric practice is adequate minute ventilation
extremely low.17 Some would argue an RSI increases the risks (h) Regular chest physiotherapy and suctioning
of haemodynamic instability, hypoxia and awareness. Risk (v) Transfer of patient to PICU: if this involves interhospital
assessment must be performed on a case-by-case basis, but transfer, this would be done by a local specialist retrieval
some would argue that RSI has no place in paediatric practice.18 service who should be contacted early to facilitate
Preoxygenation of the lungs is invaluable if it can be ach- planning.
ieved. It may be most appropriate to continue the mode of
delivery of oxygen currently in place in settled children, as
disturbing them with a tight-fitting face mask may cause
distress and increased work of breathing and oxygen demand. Disease-specific considerations
In view of the potential inability to preoxygenate, increased
oxygen consumption, and closing capacity in small children,
the length of apnoea time tolerated before desaturation is low. The aforementioned general approach may need to be modi-
Oxygenation must remain the priority, and most would fied in patients with asthma or other pathologies, in which
advocate continued gentle mask ventilation whilst waiting for bronchoconstriction can occur, including bronchiolitis, pre-
adequate neuromuscular block regardless of fasting status.18 school wheeze and chILD. Ketamine should be considered as
In adult practice, the introduction of transnasal humidified an i.v. induction agent because of its direct effects causing
rapid-insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE) using high- bronchodilation. However, it should be remembered that ke-
flow nasal cannulae during apnoea has allowed a significant tamine may also increase respiratory secretion load, and
increase in apnoea times before oxygen desaturation. THRIVE therefore, treatment with an anticholinergic may be useful
is beginning to be used in paediatric practice with promising (e.g. atropine 20 mg kg1, maximum 600 mg, or glycopyrrolate
results in case reports, and so is an option to prolong apnoea 4e8 m kg1, maximum 200 mg in <12 yrs and 400 mg in >12 yrs).
time in carefully selected paediatric patients if equipment is A cuffed TT is essential in these diseases because of the
available.19 need for high airway pressures to achieve oxygenation and
ventilation.16 High airway resistance and therefore slow
expiratory flow can lead to incomplete exhalation, which in-
Post-intubation care creases the end-expiratory volume and leads to the develop-
ment of intrinsic PEEP. Intrinsic PEEP can be identified using
The specific details of care after intubation are determined on
an end-expiratory breath-hold manoeuvre on the ventilator.
a case-by-case basis, but the following points must be
The value at which the pressure settles is the intrinsic PEEP.
The addition of further extrinsic PEEP set on the ventilator to
(i) Sedation and neuromuscular block: midazolam and this, with an expiratory time that is too short, can lead to
morphine are commonly used in combination with breath stacking and further expansion of the alveoli leading to
either vecuronium or atracurium. Fentanyl and keta- volutrauma, CO2 retention and pneumothorax. The recom-
mine are suitable alternatives. Propofol is avoided in mended principles for ventilation of a patient with broncho-
some centres, except in short-term sedation, because of constriction are a low ventilatory frequency, extended
the risk of propofol-related infusion syndrome. The ev- expiratory time to allow for complete expiration (observe for
idence for this is inconclusive20; local guidelines should cessation of flow on the flowevolume loop before inspiration
be followed. and set I:E ratio accordingly), and a low extrinsic PEEP that
(ii) NG tube insertion to relieve gastric insufflation and does not exceed intrinsic PEEP.22 In the authors’ local PICU, a
consequently reduce airway pressures value of 60% of the intrinsic PEEP is commonly used as a
(iii) Chest X-ray: to check the position of the TT; exclude starting point. Neuromuscular blocking agents are almost
endobronchial intubation or an inadequately advanced invariably required to achieve adequate oxygenation and
TT that may migrate out during transfers; to rule out ventilation.
pneumothorax, which is a particular risk in broncho- The aforementioned ventilator settings may not allow for
constriction requiring invasive ventilation the removal of enough CO2 to maintain normocapnia.
(iv) Ventilation strategy: there is a much smaller evidence Permissive hypercapnia allows oxygenation whilst reducing
base for specific ventilation strategies compared with the risk of ventilator-associated lung injury caused by exces-
adults, but the trend is towards a ‘lung-protective’ sive pressure or volumes needed to maintain normocapnia.
strategy with the aim of achieving adequate gas ex- There is no firm consensus on how low to allow the pH to go,
change at the lowest possible pressures and volumes to but a range of pH 7.15e7.3 was recently recommended by a
avoid alveolar trauma secondary to stretching. There- panel of experts. However, it should be noted that patients
fore, the following general principles are advised:21 with intracerebral pathology, severe pulmonary

BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 11, 2019 353

Paediatric respiratory distress

Emergency Paediatric Tracheostomy Management

SAFE: Check Safe area, S mulate, and Shout for help, CALL 2222 (hospital) or 999 (home)
AIRWAY: Open child’s airway: head lt / chin li / pillow or towel under shoulders may help
OXYGEN: Ensure high flow oxygen to the tracheostomy AND the face as soon as oxygen available
Capnograph: Exhaled carbon dioxide waveform may indicate a patent airway (secondary responders)


The tracheostomy tube is patent
Basic Response

Remove any a achments: humidifier (HME), speaking

valve and change inner tube (if present) Perform tracheal suc on
Inner tubes need re-inser ng to connect to bagging circuits Consider par al obstruc on
Consider tracheostomy tube change
Can you pass a SUCTION catheter? Yes
Deflate cuff (if present). Reassess patency a er any tube change
1st – same size tube, 2nd – smaller size tube
* 3rd – smaller size tube sited over suc on catheter to guide

IS THE PATIENT BREATHING? - Look, listen and feel at the mouth and tracheostomy/stoma

Patent Upper Airway – deliver breath to the mouth RESPONDS:
continue oxygen,
Obstructed Upper Airway – deliver breath to tracheostomy/stoma
and stabilisation
Plan for definitive
15 compressions : 2 rescue breaths airway if tube
Ensure help or resuscita on team called change failure

Primary emergency oxygena on Secondary emergency oxygena on

Advanced Response

Standard ORAL airway manoeuvres ORAL intuba on may be appropriate with

may be appropriate. a downsized ET tube
If so cover the stoma (swabs / hand). Uncut tube, advanced beyond stoma
Use: Prepare for difficult intuba on
Bag-valve-face mask ‘Difficult Airway’ Expert and Equipment**
Oral or nasal airway adjuncts
Supraglo c airway device e.g.
Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)
A empt intuba on of STOMA
3.0 ID tracheostomy tube / ETT
‘Difficult Airway’ Expert and Equipment**
Tracheostomy STOMA ven la on
Paediatric face mask applied to stoma **EQUIPMENT: Fibreop c scope, bougie,
LMA applied to stoma airway exchange catheter, Airway trolley

*3-smaller size tube sited over suc on catheter to guide: to be used if out of hospital
NTSP (Paediatric Working Group) Sep 2014

Fig 1 Algorithm for the emergency management of paediatric tracheostomies. Reproduced with permission from the National Tracheostomy Safety Project.

354 BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 11, 2019

Paediatric respiratory distress

hypertension, and significant ventricular dysfunction are not pulmonary vasodilation and improved ventilation/perfusion
appropriate candidates for this technique.23 mismatch. A recent study showed a quicker time to cessation
Pneumothorax must be considered if there is any deterio- of mechanical ventilation and avoidance of other in-
ration in gas exchange or cardiovascular function. The inci- terventions, such as HFOV and extracorporeal membrane
dence of pneumothorax in patients with asthma requiring oxygenation (ECMO), when hypoxia had responded to inhaled
mechanical ventilation is approximately 1e3%.16 Pharmaco- nitric oxide.25
logical therapy with i.v. bronchodilators (salbutamol or Prone positioning is one option that can be considered. It
aminophylline) to treat bronchoconstriction must continue, has been shown to decrease mortality in adult patients with
as without it ventilation will deteriorate. In patients whose acute respiratory distress syndrome, but this is yet to be
lungs are difficult to ventilate adequately, sevoflurane can be shown in paediatrics. The mechanism of action is thought to
considered if scavenging is available.3 be recruitment of previously collapsed dorsal (dependent)
areas of lung and subsequent improvement in ventilation/
perfusion matching.26 Before using this technique, the po-
Pneumonia and sepsis
tential haemodynamic effects of the prone position, poten-
The conduct of induction of anaesthesia, tracheal intubation, tially catastrophic loss of a secured airway, and any predicted
and mechanical ventilation should be largely the same in difficulty in securing the airway whilst maintaining oxygen-
patients with pneumonia. However, it should be noted that, if ation must all be considered.
there are signs of sepsis, the dose of induction agent will need Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is considered in
to be reduced to prevent a precipitant decrease in arterial cases where there is borderline or inadequate gas exchange
blood pressure. Moreover, if there are already signs of circu- with high risk of ventilator-induced lung injury (mean airway
latory compromise, ensure adequate volume resuscitation, pressure >20e25 cmH20) and continued severe respiratory
calculate and prepare inotropic agents and vasopressors, and failure (PaO2:FIO2 ratio <60e80 or oxygen index >40) despite
consider starting these before induction of anaesthesia. Post- less invasive therapies, such as those therapies mentioned
intubation care in cases of pneumonia will need to include previously.27 It has been shown to confer a survival advantage
regular suctioning and chest physiotherapy. in neonates with respiratory failure, and remains an option in
paediatric respiratory failure. Presently, there is no evidence
Patients with a tracheostomy in respiratory distress of a survival benefit, and a recent small paired cohort study
confirmed this and highlighted the need for further research
The initial assessment of a patient with a tracheostomy in into the benefits of ECMO, which remains an expensive and
respiratory distress must include a thorough assessment of invasive treatment option.28
the patency of the tracheostomy. The UK National Tracheos-
tomy Safety Project has outlined an emergency algorithm for
this purpose (Fig. 1). After confirmation of the tracheostomy’s
patency, if the patient requires positive pressure ventilation,
then it may be necessary to upsize or change the tracheos- Respiratory distress is a common reason to alert the paedi-
tomy tube to a cuffed tube to facilitate this. The management atric emergency response team or request input from
of patients with respiratory distress is otherwise largely anaesthetists in the hospital setting. This article has exam-
similar to those patients without tracheostomy. It should be ined some of the more common causes of respiratory
remembered that they often have a complex medical back- distress (bronchiolitis, preschool wheeze and asthma) along
ground, and therefore, the threshold for ventilatory support with rare, but commonly limiting illnesses, such as chILD. It
may be different to the child who is previously fit. Further should be remembered that respiratory distress can also
discussion of this is outside the scope of this article. have extrapulmonary causes, such as sepsis (with a source
other than pulmonary) and heart disease. Management by
the anaesthetist requires meticulous and methodical plan-
Additional strategies to improve gas ning of induction, intubation and ventilation to avoid com-
exchange plications thereof. Senior help is always advised when
In the event of failure of oxygenation despite best-practice dealing with these patients. Patients with tracheostomies in
ventilation, several other strategies may be considered. The respiratory distress represent a special group in whom a
evidence base for all is small, although research is ongoing. A careful assessment of tracheostomy patency is the key, in
survey conducted in 2013 showed that, despite a lack of strong addition to the standard general approach, to paediatric
evidence, the following techniques are considered and used in respiratory distress.
many centres across North America and Europe, and they are
therefore relevant to current PICU practice.24
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) was recently Declaration of interest
recommended as an alternative strategy in a consensus paper The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
from the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference in
patients with plateau pressures greater than 28 cmH2O. It
should be noted that, although there is some evidence that
supports a reduction in time on ventilator in paediatric pa-
tients, there is none to support a mortality benefit.23 The authors thank Dr Simona Lampariello, consultant in
Inhaled nitric oxide has been used in neonatal practice for paediatric intensive care, and Dr Chin Nwokoro, consultant
many years, but there is as yet no evidence to support a respiratory paediatrician and honorary clinical senior lecturer
mortality benefit in paediatric practice. The mechanism of at the Royal London Hospital for their helpful suggestions and
action is thought to be an improvement of oxygenation via comments.

BJA Education - Volume 19, Number 11, 2019 355

Paediatric respiratory distress

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