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Advice for the masses?

Integrated multichannel
services are critical
to maximizing the
institutional retirement
advice opportunity

Cover statement this is dummy copy, for an opening statement. This is an example of how it would
look if it ran more than one line deep.
Advice for the masses?
Integrated multichannel services are critical to maximizing the
institutional retirement advice opportunity
By Alvi Abuaf, Matthew Cohn and Tom Wilson, Partners and Kathy Laing, Principal Consultant

The recovery in financial markets has provided a ray of hope for Americans approaching
retirement age. Nonetheless, the plunge and subsequent downturn over the past several years are
having a lasting impact across generations, from the 78 million baby boomers now entering their
retirement years to younger generations uncertain about their jobs and financial futures.1

At a glance participants will create a new avenue for the ongoing

convergence of banking and wealth management,
Regardless of age, Americans are shouldering while opening fresh territory for multiline providers to
more responsibility for retirement investment and grow their books of business.
distribution decisions as the shift from defined benefit
(DB) to defined contribution (DC) plans continues. How prepared, and how eager, are banks and
Unfortunately, it’s a task they’re largely unprepared for brokerages to seize this opportunity? Institutions have
as many lack the knowledge and skills to make sound certainly enhanced their retirement services in the
investment decisions, or simply aren’t saving enough. last several years. And as for the attractiveness of the
mass retirement market opportunity, it could be, as
Responding to the situation, the federal government the name suggests, massive.
has been working to finalize rules to implement
provisions of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA) But will banks and brokerages be able to capture such
intended to make investment advice more accessible opportunities and make money doing it? Providing
to participants in 401(k)-type plans and Individual advice to more lucrative higher-net-worth clientele
Retirement Account (IRA) beneficiaries.2 Once is largely done face to face, an approach that’s
implemented, these changes should open the door for financially and logistically unrealistic for serving the
financial institutions to extend advisory services to as much larger, slimmer-margin mass business. At the
many as 21 million previously unadvised participants same time, many people have sought alternatives
and beneficiaries, according to U.S. Department of to traditional full-service brokers, while others
Labor estimates.3 have abandoned investing entirely beyond savings
accounts and money market funds. Both of these
For large multiline providers, this could be a catalyst groups will be difficult to woo.
for expanding customer relationships across business
lines by using retail advisory capabilities to serve A key factor in whether a firm can capture and
participants in institutional plans. The most effective profitably serve the mass market is how well it can do
approach will guide plan participants seamlessly business online. People are increasingly comfortable
through multiple choices to the option that best fits using the Web, social media, messaging and other
the individual’s circumstances. Channel choices tools to fulfill an array of needs, including financial
must include online and phone. Product choices activities.
must include banking, investments and insurance.
Extending these services to a greater number of plan

Banks and brokerages that haven’t invested institutions. However, that opportunity will have to be
sufficiently in online capabilities to serve large earned. Consumers want more guidance and advice,
numbers of accounts with modest holdings could but their trust in the “financial establishment” was
lag behind firms that already have such capabilities, shaken during the financial crisis.4
and not just in the mass market. Increasingly, such
investments are necessary to serve high-value, The numbers help explain why. After dropping by
wealthier clients whose demand for remote interactive some $4 trillion in the depths of the financial crisis,
capabilities is growing rapidly. U.S. retirement assets have recovered approximately
70 percent of their value, totaling more than $16
This white paper discusses the crucial role online trillion in mid-2010 (Figure 1). Still, some $1.4 trillion
services will play in meeting the investment needs of of assets have evaporated, and many people are
retirement plan participants, as well as the potential to woefully unprepared for their later years. Thirty-four
strengthen relationships by offering a wide spectrum percent of Americans, including one in four baby
of services to various client segments. It describes boomers, have no retirement savings.5 A 2010 survey
online-driven services and features that firms can of affluent investors showed that 52 percent of those
implement to increase asset acquisition and retention aged 18 to 34 described their risk tolerance as low.6
and create competitive advantage. Add to this the effect of persistent unemployment, and
it is little wonder that confidence among consumers
that they will have enough money for a comfortable
retirement is at a 20-year low.7

Uncertainty continues amidst

the recovery
The significant retirement assets of a large aging
population, combined with the decrease in confidence
of Americans in preparing for their retirement,
represent a significant opportunity for financial

Federal pension plans
State and local pension plans
Private DB plans
Trillions of dollars, end-of-period, 1999-2008, 2009: Q1-2010: Q1 DC plans
16.7 1.6 16.5
16 1.5 15.6
14.9 1.2 1.5 1.5
13.9 14.4 1.5
13.8 1.1
14 1.4 13.3 1.4 1.3
3.3 1.2
12.5 1.3 1.4 1.4
11.8 11.7 11.3 3.2 1.4 1.2 2.9
12 1.1 1.1 1.2 2.8
0.9 1.0 10.5 2.8 1.2 2.7
0.8 1.0 1.0 3.3 2.5
10 0.8 1.0 2.6 2.4
0.9 3.2 2.3 2.8 2.9
2.4 0.9 2.4 2.7
2.3 2.8 2.5
8 2.3 2.4
2.0 2.6 2.3
2.4 4.4
2.4 2.3 4.2
2.3 4.1
6 2.0
3.6 3.5
3.3 3.3
3.0 3.0
4 3.0 2.7 2.5

4.2 4.8 4.3 4.3

2 3.3 3.7 3.6 3.8 4.1
2.7 2.6 3.0 3.4
2.6 2.5
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Source: Investment Company Institute

Federal pension plans
State and local pension plans
Private DB plans
DC plans
Figure 1. U.S. retirement assets
16.7 1.6 16.5
1.5 15.6
14.9 1.2 1.5 1.5
13.9 14.4 1.5
1.4 13.3 1.3 1.3
3.3 1.4 1.2
1.4 1.4
3.2 1.4 1.2
1.2 2.8 2.9
1.2 2.7
3.3 2.5
3.2 2.3 2.8 2.9
2.8 2.5
4.1 4.2
4.1 4.0
3.6 3.5 3.6

4.2 4.8 4.3 4.3
3.7 3.6 3.8 4.1
Beginning this year and for the next 18 years, between three and four million
baby boomers will reach age 65 each year. A rapidly aging population, along with
increasing employee turnover, will put significant levels of assets in flight in the
coming years.

Regardless of how prepared they are, most people Retirement plan providers have made significant
will be forced to navigate this uncertain environment strides to meet this need in recent years by adding
on their own. The more than 82 million DC plan target-date funds to plan offerings, creating innovative
participants and their assets today exceed the customized target-date portfolios and adopting
participants and assets in DB plans.8 DC plans automatic enrollment options. Still, the proposed
and IRAs combined have been the fastest growing rules for implementation of the PPA could significantly
retirement savings instruments in recent years, with expand their ability to offer much-needed services
11 percent compound annual growth from 2004 to plan participants and capture additional business
to 2009. in the process.

Beginning this year and for the next 18 years, between The rule proposed by the Department of Labor seeks
three and four million baby boomers will reach age to expand the availability of investment advice to
65 each year. A rapidly aging population, along with additional plan participants by providing a statutory
increasing employee turnover, will put significant exemption under the Employee Retirement Income
levels of assets in flight in the coming years. Security Act (ERISA) and the Internal Revenue Code
According to LIMRA, about $250 billion in DB and for the provision of investment advice, as well as
DC private sector assets become eligible for rollover certain related transactions and fees. The rule would
each year.9 Consequently, the need for competent also impose safeguards to prevent advisers from
financial advice and appropriate retirement products slanting recommendations for their own financial
and services will only continue to grow. benefit.

The rule would allow investment advice to be given

in two ways: through the use of a computer model
certified as unbiased; and through an adviser
compensated on a “level-fee” basis, meaning
The impact of the pending rules fees would not vary based on the investments the
participant selects. Several other requirements also
With the increased participation in 401(k)-type
must be satisfied, including disclosure of fees the
plans and IRAs, the retirement security of millions
adviser is to receive. Final action on the proposed
of America’s workers increasingly depends on
rule is targeted for May 2011.10
their investment decisions. Thus, there is growing
recognition of the importance of investment advice
in helping participants make good retirement
investment choices.

The Department of Labor estimates the cost of individual investment errors
at $115 billion a year. Between $5.5 and $10.9 billion of such errors could be
eliminated annually by expanding investment advice to more than 20 million
participants and beneficiaries.

When the rules to implement the PPA were first relationships and the range of retail and institutional
proposed in 2009, the Department of Labor estimated services provided. At the same time, firms will need
that the new statutory and class exemptions to meet additional regulatory standards, structure
provided for previously prohibited transactions and price their services appropriately, and provide
under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code would low-cost, multichannel delivery.
extend investment advice to 21 million previously
unadvised participants and beneficiaries. The class Some firms will have an advantage in delivering
exemption, which would have limited the impact expanded retirement advice to plan participants.
of the fee-leveling restrictions, has been eliminated These include firms with institutional retirement
from the most recent proposal published in March businesses and strong retirement brand awareness,
2010 after strong criticism during the commentary as well as those that are already providing customers
period. Nevertheless, the Department of Labor still with extensive multichannel sales and service
believes that the increase in the number of advised capabilities.
participants and beneficiaries could be similar
to the original estimates. All firms will have to make it easy for customers to
find the right fit in terms of products, services,
Investment advice could help plan participants advisers and channels, and many will need to make
make better investment decisions and reduce costly substantial investments to serve plan participants
mistakes. The Department of Labor estimates the cost efficiently. The return on those investments will
of individual investment errors at $115 billion a year. not only come from serving a larger number of
Between $5.5 and $10.9 billion of such errors could be relatively lower-margin mass market accounts, but
eliminated annually by expanding investment advice also from expanding capabilities to serve higher-
to more than 20 million participants and beneficiaries, wealth customers effectively within and outside
according to Department of Labor estimates.11 sponsored plans.

As Figure 2 shows, higher-wealth investors are looking

online not just to check balances and track returns but
to communicate with advisers and access retirement
planning tools. As interactive technologies continue
How prepared is the industry? to penetrate every aspect of daily life, remote access
and collaboration capabilities are rapidly becoming
The anticipated regulatory action presents both
essential for banks and brokerages to be competitive
opportunities and challenges for providers. Helping
in target client segments.
participants manage retirement more effectively
provides an opportunity to strengthen and expand

(4 or 5 on a scale of 1 [not at all important] to 5 [extremely important])

Account balances and transaction history 70%

Portfolio trackers 63%

Communication/collaboration with my advisors 46%

Retirement planning 43%

Asset allocation tools 42%

Online trading functionality 41%

Equity research 38%

Stock screeners 33%

Mutual fund screeners 32%

Education on investing 30%

Investing articles and educational material 27%

Educational content about online fraud 27%

Account balances for investments held at another firm 27%

Financial calculators 25%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Source: “US Millionaires Use Multiple Channels To
Interact With Their Financial Advisors,” Forrester
Research, June 12, 2009

Figure 2. Communication is one of the three most important site

features to advised millionaires

Base: U.S. online millionaires with at least one financial advisor

Investors in each asset category who are online at least monthly:

92% 90%





Mainstream Mass-affluent Affluent
(<$100k) ($100k – $1 million) (>$1 million)
Source: “Full-Service Wealth Management
Firms Neglect The Net At Their Peril,”
Forrester Research, April 21, 2010

Figure 3. Investors at each wealth level who are online

at least monthly

Base: U.S. adults with at least one investment account

Providing advice to high volumes of small accounts in a manner consistent with
likely regulatory direction will only be feasible via the online channel. Online
delivery can be cost effective for the size and volumes of these accounts, while
dedicated advisers are likely to be too expensive.

The online imperative Plan participants primarily use the online channel.
Most retirement savers get started through their
Leading providers are taking a holistic approach employer’s 401(k) plan, which is largely administered
to retirement services to increase asset acquisition online. These initial experiences are crucial in shaping
and retention. In another example of the ongoing personal retirement management behavior through
convergence of banking and wealth management, future life and work stages.13
providers are bringing together a wide range of
products and services to address the lifetime The proposed Department of Labor rule allowing
retirement needs of clients, such as offering banking, expanded investment advice also increases the
lending and investing solutions and personal importance of online capabilities. Providing advice
financial management capabilities through a single to high volumes of small accounts in a manner
sales channel. consistent with likely regulatory direction will only
be feasible via the online channel. Online delivery
Integrating online capabilities is a critical component can be cost effective for the size and volumes of
of provider efforts to adapt to customer needs. these accounts, while dedicated advisers are likely
Online retirement services represent one of the most to be too expensive. In addition, online investment
promising growth markets for financial institutions recommendations are more easily audited for
over the next two decades for several reasons. bias than face-to-face interactions. Both are key
considerations as more stringent, and perhaps more
Consumers are in general using the Internet more costly, fiduciary standards are contemplated under
for financial information and activities. Internet use for Title IX of Dodd-Frank.
financial services increased among 55- to 64-year-
olds from 13 percent in 1998 to 59 percent in 2007. With or without the new rule, the large majority of
In the next cohort planning for retirement, 45- to retirement investors, including mass market and
54-year-olds, usage increased from 19 percent to more affluent customers, are leveraging online
69 percent over the same period.12 platforms, creating an imperative for firms to enhance
these capabilities (Figure 3). And some investors
The explosion in the use of social media and social simply prefer online services over live advice and
networking is another factor compelling firms to support, a fact that may challenge traditional views
strengthen their online presence. Consumers of what customers want. As the insightful marketers
are increasingly interested in creating relationships at Esurance say, “People when you want them.
and doing business with enterprises they can Technology when you don’t.”
communicate with through social channels.

The primary drivers for the online channel should be consistent with those of the
firm—for example, retaining or acquiring assets and increasing wallet share of
existing customers.

A robust online platform makes retirement planning, • Answer their retirement questions – Help
monitoring and transacting simpler for investors. customers understand their personal retirement
Activities such as education, research and account readiness; provide information on retirement
management, which have traditionally been done planning, how to invest, and how to plan and
face to face with an adviser, are effectively supported manage distributions easily and effectively.
online. In addition, research shows that firms with • Keep customers informed and engaged –
robust online capabilities tend to hold more assets Provide plan and portfolio monitoring, as well
per investor, a strong impetus to offer a platform as ongoing communications using tools such as
that is inviting and easy to use for customers in action alerts and social media interaction.
every segment.14 • Offer added value – Introduce customers to
the convenience of converged services through
tools such as dashboards and single sign-on,
information on the firm’s full breadth of services,
and cross-selling.

What firms should do Figure 4 depicts a Client Engagement Model that firms
can use as a framework to design and deliver these
The type of firm and the customer segments it is
strategic capabilities to clients online. The model
targeting will dictate how it should deploy online
depicts the investment life cycle of retirement services
resources. A firm catering to high-net-worth investors
clients. From obtaining financial education and saving
may use the online channel to develop its brand and
for the future in early life stages, to turning savings
engage customers to maintain exclusivity. Firms
into reliable income during retirement, a wide range
catering to a wider spectrum of customers are likely
of services and capabilities must come together in
to pursue broader objectives. The primary drivers for
the right way at the right time to support a client’s
the online channel should be consistent with those
retirement journey. This requirement for a broad set
of the firm—for example, retaining or acquiring assets
of capabilities aligned to the specific needs and life
and increasing wallet share of existing customers.
events of target clients is well supported online. When
done well, the online channel serves as the focal point
Based on our work with banks, wirehouse and
of a rich multichannel experience.
discount brokers, Capco has identified three key
strategic capabilities that help firms acquire and
retain retirement services clients by satisfying the
full range of their financial needs:

Awareness Initiation Planning and product Monitoring Distribution

• Demonstrate • Transform • Educate • Enable • Assist investors • Support

the firm’s awareness investors and investors to to monitor and investors with
capabilities into actions guide them to allocate assets adjust their consumption
(products and through various develop a plan and select portfolio and distribution
services) and transactions investments
enhance brand such as • Assist investors • Track
perception account through their • Facilitate contribution
opening, life events to investment and distribution
funding and maintain the and other progress
asset transfer plan product against plan
solutions and
tools Source: Capco analysis

Figure 4. Client engagement model

The following are some leading practices that firms • Website triage and business intelligence
can consider as they work to develop the three mechanisms that lead prospective customers to
strategic capabilities for retirement services online. the proper area based on risk tolerance, needs
These interactive capabilities also can be leveraged and asset potential—for example, bank or
more broadly to meet the demands of high-value, guaranteed income products for those who are
wealthier clients for enhanced access highly risk averse, online tools for savers with less
and functionality: than $50,000 in assets, and live sales channel
offers for high-potential customers.
• One-click access to live help by phone or chat,
or to the client’s adviser, with the ability to see
Answer their retirement questions what the client is seeing and help navigate the site,
also called “online collaboration.”
Most clients want to know “how much do I need to
save,” “will I have enough to retire” and “how do I
manage distributions in retirement.” These questions
are best answered through a holistic financial planning Keep customers informed and engaged
process, but few people will devote the time required
or have enough choices. Industry responses vary, but • Personalized, outcome-oriented progress reports
best practices include: to help clients track progress relative to their
retirement plan.
• A suite of tools, from simple to comprehensive, • Test platforms to allow clients to experiment with
enabling online users to develop, monitor and advice recommendations, as well as life scenarios
update financial plans with an adviser or on their and “extreme events” (e.g., what if there is another
own. For those with limited time, ability, attention recession similar to 2001 in five years?)
or interest, simple calculators can quickly answer • Data-driven personalization using sophisticated
questions such as “how much should I save?” customer analytics and targeted marketing
Inertia can be overcome by setting up automatic campaigns that identify customer needs, such
contributions. A Fidelity study showed that more as increasing contributions, adjusting holdings,
than 1.1 million 401(k) plan participants took rollover options and consolidating accounts.
advantage of Fidelity’s online tools in 2010 and of • Calls to action such as provider-initiated chat
those, 47 percent increased contributions to their sessions that appear when an online tool makes
401(k)s by an average of three percentage points a recommendation.
from 4 percent to 7 percent.15 • Social media channels such as podcasts that offer
• Services that extend planning from savings and firms a way to share knowledge and perspectives
investments to income in retirement coupled with in a controlled manner. Social channels with less
a complete array of cross-industry products from control, such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter,
target retirement date mutual funds to options lend themselves to marketing and cross-selling.
with guaranteed returns.

Multichannel integration is also critical. Different business units need to have
the same view of customers. Customers need to be treated consistently
in their preferred media, including online, mobile, phone, video, print and
in-person channels.

Offer added value customer needs such as simplifying rollovers. Barriers

should also be removed between bank, brokerage
• Comprehensive dashboards providing a full and insurance units to deliver the most appropriate
customer view across investments, banking and products and services.
insurance accounts, including aggregation of
accounts held at other institutions. Views are Multichannel integration is also critical. Different
customizable to consolidate all of a customer’s business units need to have the same view of
institutional assets, such as DC and DB holdings, customers. Customers need to be treated consistently
retail assets such as IRAs, and other savings and in their preferred media, including online, mobile,
insurance accounts such as annuities and life. The phone, video, print and in-person channels.
dashboard also provides ready access to relevant
market information and content, as well as planning, Finally, face-to-face communication will remain the
goal monitoring and transactional capabilities. more effective communications vehicle for certain
• Integrating the customer experience across aspects of providing service to clients. Ranked among
multiple touch points such as online, including the top 100 financial advisers by PLAN ADVISER
mobile devices, the call center and retail outlets. magazine,16 Andrew Wilshinsky of Morgan Stanley
Cross-channel integration expands opportunities Smith Barney points out that nothing gets participants
to tailor the customer experience to target segment started down the right path as well as face-to-face
needs and behaviors and increases the potential advice, but that’s not always feasible. “For employee
value of the customer relationship. populations that are geographically difficult to
• Simple, well-explained online steps and tools for reach, we use webinars to offer the personalization
the rollover decision and process, including online necessary to connect with individuals and help them
account opening, or “high-touch” concierge services. understand the importance of their 401(k) decisions.”
• Promoting awareness of retirement and non- Looking at the life cycle of retirement planning using
retirement offerings on the most frequently visited the client engagement model presented above, direct
pages of the website and using business intelligence client contact through face-to-face or video-based
to identify events that trigger a change in a client’s methods is most effective at driving client participation
financial profile, such as moving or changing jobs. and decision making.

Additional considerations

Along with the critical factors of ease-of-use and

rational information architecture, firms should strive
How to proceed
for consistency across customer touch points. It
is important to view a customer’s accounts in his Although the specific rules to implement the PPA
or her life context, not by organizational barriers. are still to be decided, Capco believes firmly that
retirement services providers must act with urgency to
Barriers need to fall between retail and institutional strengthen their online capabilities and multichannel
retirement services’ business units to address

Today more than ever, consumers are responsible for charting their own financial
futures, and they need help in the process. This need presents unprecedented
opportunities for financial services firms, especially those that offer integrated,
feature-rich online services.

integration to remain competitive and ultimately Capture the retirement services opportunity
deliver a differentiated level of service to their
customers. Today more than ever, consumers are responsible
for charting their own financial futures, and they
For many firms, making the business case for need help in the process. This need presents
investing in online services has been a barrier to unprecedented opportunities for financial services
progress. Consider some key questions firms must firms, especially those that offer integrated, feature-
answer to make the most of their investments: rich online services. By incorporating leading
online strategies and approaches, firms can be well
• Where do you stand vs. your competitors’ positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for
capabilities? retirement services in the years ahead.
• What capabilities matter most to your target
customer segments? Footnotes
• Can you pick a good prospect out of your site traffic 1. “Baby Boomers by the numbers: Census Reveals Trends”, USA TODAY, March 2010,
and create an engaging relationship with them? 2. “Proposed Regulation to Increase Workers’ Access to High Quality Investment
Advice”, US Department of Labor, February 2010, http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/
• Does your website convey information in a way newsroom/fsinvestmentadvice.html

that’s easy for users to make decisions and 3. “US Labor Department rules to improve retirement security announced as part of
White House Middle Class Task Force’s year-end report”, US Department of Labor,
compels them to overcome inertia? February 2010, http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/ebsa/EBSA20100251.htm
4., 7. EBRI Retirement Confidence Survey, Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2010,
• Have you streamlined, automated and integrated http://www.ebri.org/surveys/rcs/

your processes online and across channels to 5. “Number of Americans Reporting No Personal or Retirement Savings Rises”, Harris
Interactive, February 2011, http://www.harrisinteractive.com/NewsRoom/HarrisPolls/
match the speed and quality of interactions tabid/447/mid/1508/articleId/684/ctl/ReadCustom%20Default/Default.aspx
6. “Merrill Lynch Affluent Insights Quarterly Survey Reveals Complex Family Dynamics,
customers have come to expect based on their Financial Concerns and Heightened Sensitivities to Risk Create Need for More
Comprehensive Advice Across Multiple Generations”, Merrill Lynch Affluent
experiences with leading retailers? Insights Quarterly, July 2010, http://mediaroom.bankofamerica.com/phoenix.
8. “5500 Filings Track DB, DC Plan Trends”, Asset International, Inc., 2008 http://www.
To answer these questions and make progress planadviser.com/print.aspx?id=13082
9., 14. “With Ever-Present Access Retirement Plan Providers: Reaching Out to Customers
quickly, immediate next steps may include: Online,” LIMRA’s MarketFacts Quarterly, Spring 2010; 29, 2; Alumni - ABI/INFORM
Global, pg. 90.
10. “Proposed Regulation to Increase Workers’ Access to High Quality Investment
• Validate the strategy for retirement advice services Advice”, U.S. Department of Labor, February 2010, http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/
and identify potential multichannel capabilities to 11. Investment Advice Final Rule & March DOL, U.S. Department of Labor, January 2009,
support the strategy &DocumentType=1
• Assess the strategies and capabilities of key 12. “Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2004 to 2007: Evidence from the Survey of
Consumer Finances,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 95, February 2009, p. A1-A55.
competitors in target markets; identify competitive Tables updated February 18, 2010
15. “Fidelity: Average 401k balances reach 10-year high”, Associated Press, February
gaps and opportunities for differentiation 2011, http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_FIDELITY_RETIREMENT_
• Define the target multichannel environment, SAVINGS_TRENDS?SITE=FLROC&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
16. PLAN Adviser’s Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers,” November-December 2010
including the business and technical change as identified by Plan Sponsor / Plan Adviser Magazines, bases its rankings on
quantitative and qualitative criteria. Advisors are judged by a panel comprised of
initiatives needed to implement the target editorial staff, previous honorees, and external retirement industry experts. Additional
measures include interviews with the nominees. For more information on ranking
• Develop a structured, multigenerational plan and methodology, go to www.plansponsor.com. The rating may not be representative of
any one client’s experience because it reflects a sample of all of the experiences of
business case that delivers value to clients and the Financial Advisor’s clients. The rating is not indicative of the Financial Advisor’s
the firm over time future performance. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney nor its Financial Advisors
pay a fee to Plan Sponsor / Plan Adviser in exchange for the rating.

Alvi Abuaf is a Partner, Matthew Cohn, a Capco Partner,
the Wealth & Investment leads the firm’s Banking group
Management practice leader in North America. Matthew has
and a member of the Global extensive experience in selling
Management Team. Alvi consulting services and delivering
has developed deep expertise solutions to complex, industry-
in brokerage and wealth specific problems through
management throughout his direct interaction with client
25 year consulting career. He senior management. He has led
has experience delivering significant engagements on behalf
projects in brokerage houses, wealth managers, hedge of several large financial services clients in business process
funds, prime brokers, mutual funds, consumer banks, management-enabled sales and service transformation;
correspondent clearing and custodians. Alvi joined Capco multi-channel service delivery; decision science-supported
from CPM Braxis USA where he was the President, cross-sell/up-sell to specific customer segments; and the
CEO and a member of the Board of Directors. convergence of banking and wealth management.
Alvi.Abuaf@capco.com Matthew.Cohn@capco.com

Tom Wilson is a Partner at Kathy Laing is a Principal Consultant in Capco’s Banking

Capco in the Banking practice. practice. Kathy is a financial services industry specialist
He provides project and thought with diverse experience across wealth management,
leadership to the practice for work private banking, retail banking and investment banking.
with the firm’s global payments She specializes in strategic planning, program and
and online financial services project management in large multi-line financial services
clients. Tom has over 20 years’ organizations. Her recent work has focused on integrated
experience as a line manager and multi-channel distribution strategy for wealth management
consultant to the retail financial and the adoption of mobile devices and social networks
services industry. As a consultant, by clients and providers.
he has worked extensively with the largest credit card Kathy.Laing@capco.com
issuers in the world. This work has centered on business
and IT strategy, performance management and business
intelligence strategy development and implementation.

About Capco
Capco, a global business and technology consultancy dedicated solely to the financial services
industry. We work in this sector only. We recognize and understand the opportunities and the
challenges our clients face. We apply focus, insight and determination to consulting, technology
and transformation. We overcome complexity. We remove obstacles. We help our clients realize
their potential for increasing success. The value we create, the insights we contribute and
the skills of our people mean we are more than consultants. We are a true participant
in the industry. Together with our clients we are forming the future of finance. We serve
our clients from offices in leading financial centers across North America and Europe.

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