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Cô: Vũ Thị Mai Phương


tout (v) /taʊt/

chào hàng

Ex: A local car dealership was touting its services on the radio.

biotechnology (n) /ˌbaɪoʊtekˈnɑːlədʒi/

công nghệ sinh học

Ex: They are active in the field of biotechnology.

computer literacy (n) /kəmˌpjuː.təˈlɪt.ər.ə.si/

sự hiểu biết về máy tính

Ex: Training in computer literacy for both students and teachers is essential.

cyberspace (n) /ˈsaɪ.bə.speɪs/

không gian mạng

Ex: You can find the answer to almost any question in cyberspace.
digital native (n) /ˌdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl ˈneɪ.tɪv/

người sống với kỹ thuật số từ nhỏ

Ex: A wave of digital natives — those who have spent their entire lives surrounded by digital
technologies — is about to hit organizations worldwide.

GPS - Global positioning system (n) /ˌdʒi pi ˈɛs/ hệ thống định vị toàn cầu

Ex: The unit uses GPS to determine the delivery truck's position.
outdated (adj) /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/

lỗi thời

Ex: Nowadays this kind of computer is completely outdated.

encode (v) /ɪnˈkəʊd/

mã hóa

Ex: Some music CDs are encoded with information about the performers and their music.
pay off (phrV) /peɪ ɑːf/

thành công

Ex: The risky investments in producing B-phone did not pay off, unfortunately.

lie detector /ˈlaɪ dɪˌtek.tər/

máy phát hiện nói dối

Ex: Both men refused to take a lie detector test.


1. It is now almost impossible to work in an office if you are not _______.

A. paid off B. computer literate

2. As more cases of medical conditions surface, the demand for innovative and effective
_______ equipment is soaring.

A. biotechnology B. lie detector

devise (v) /dɪˈvaɪz/

sáng chế

Ex: Wan Hu devised a risky plan to use the powder of such rockers to him to the stars.
primitive (adj) /ˈprɪm.ɪ.tɪv/
sơ khai, ban đầu

Ex: Then Wan Hu and his primitive spaceship had disappeared completely.

far – fetched (adj) /ˌfɑːˈfetʃt/

khó mà tin nổi

Ex: Although the story may seem a little far – fetched, his crazy plan involving rocket power
actually contained the basic the principles of spaceflight.
steer (v) /stɪər/


Ex: The ship passed Land's End, in Cornwall, then steered towards southern Ireland.

confine (v) /kənˈfaɪn/

kìm hãm, giam giữ

Ex: Being confined in a small space for such a long period of time is not healthy.
flask (n) /flɑːsk/

bình thí nghiệm

Ex: He reached into his bag and pulled out three cups and a flask of some greenish blue

test tube (n) /ˈtest ˌtjuːb/

ống nghiệm

Ex: I pulled back in surprise, then set the hot test tube in its rack
side effect (n) /ˈsaɪd ɪˌfekt/

tác dụng phụ

Ex: Does this drug have any side effects?

high – tech (adj) /ˌhaɪˈtek/

công nghệ cao

Ex: Only a few teaching hospitals have those new, high-tech devices.
bandwagon (n) /ˈbændwæɡən/

trào lưu

Ex: Now we see another TV company climbing on the 'reality TV' bandwagon.


1. Apple finally moved on the wireless charging _______ with the iPhone X, iPhone 8 and
iPhone 8 Plus.

A. bandwagon B. side effect

2. Using their _______ wizardry, the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen
property within hours of it being seized.

A. high-tech B. confined
flourish (v) /ˈflɜːrɪʃ/

phát triển mạnh mẽ, bùng nổ

Ex: Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.

freeway (n) /ˈfriːweɪ/

đường cao tốc

Ex: Driving too slowly can be just as dangerous as speeding, especially when entering or
exiting interstates or freeways.
predecessor (n) /ˈpredəsesər/

người, vật có trước

Ex: This computer has a larger memory than its predecessor.

carriage (n) /ˈkærɪdʒ/

xe ngựa

Ex: The carriage at the end of the train was left stranded when the coupling broke.
underway (adj) /ˌʌn.dəˈweɪ/

đang diễn ra

Ex: Economic recovery is already underway

substitution (n) /ˌsʌb.stɪˈtʃuː.ʃən/

sự thay thế

Ex: Substitution of less costly materials for bricks will hurt brick-makers.
misdial (v) /ˌmɪsˈdaɪ.əl/

gọi nhầm số

Ex: People sometimes misdial and get through to our house instead of the restaurant.

indispensable (adj) /ˌɪn.dɪˈspen.sə.bəl/

không thể thiếu được

Ex: Computers are indispensable in our lives.

binge-watch (v) /bɪndʒ /wɒtʃ/

cày phim

Ex: We binge-watched an entire season of Breaking Bad on Sunday.

tech-savvy (adj) /tek ˈsæv.i/

giỏi công nghệ

Ex: The state needs more tech-savvy workers for its hi-tech industries.

1. The phone company gives you credit if you ________ a number.

A. misdial B. binge – watch

2. Thanks to a lot of effort and the support of local people, the business _______.

A. underway B. flourished

Vocabulary highlights

✓ tout (v): chào hàng

✓ biotechnology (n): công nghệ sinh học

✓ computer literacy (n): hiểu biết về máy tính

✓ cyberspace (n): không gian mạng

✓ digital native (n): người đã quen với kỹ thuật số từ nhỏ

✓ GPS: hệ thống định vị toàn cầu

✓ outdated (adj): lỗi thời

✓ encode (v): mã hóa

✓ pay off (phrV): thành công

✓ lie detector (n): máy phát hiện nói dối

✓ devise (v): sáng chế

✓ primitive (adj): sơ khai

✓ far – fetched (adj): khó mà tin nổi

✓ steer (v): lái

✓ confine (v): kìm hãm

✓ flask (n): bình thí nghiệm

✓ test tube (n): ống nghiệm

✓ side effect (n): tác dụng phụ

✓ high – tech (adj): công nghệ cao

✓ bandwagon (n): trào lưu

✓ flourish (v): bùng nổ

✓ freeway (n): đường cao tốc

✓ predecessor (n): vật có trước

✓ carriage (n): xe ngựa

✓ underway (adj): đang diễn ra

✓ substitution (n): sự thay thế

✓ misdial (v): gọi nhầm số

✓ indispensable (adj): không thể thiếu được

✓ binge – watch (v): cày phim

✓ tech – savvy (adj): giỏi công nghệ


Fill each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the word in capital letters.

1. In 1960, the second generation of computers was ____________ DEVELOP

2. The machine carries out the _____________ which the programmer gives it. PROCEED

3. Computer _____________ is a new field at the university. PROGRAM

4. The first two steps in your program are not _________. They are basically different.


5. Can you describe the most important _______________ of the computer? CHARACTER

6. There is no ___________ for the speed at which a computer performs arithmetic operations.


7. Before the computer can do the necessary computations for a problem, the number should
be ___________ to machine code. CONVERT

8. Today’s microcomputers are almost as powerful as yesterday’s minis, mainly because of

man’s creativity __________with the advancement in chip technology. COMBINE

9. The binary system is ________ on two digits: 0 and 1. BASE

10. In most operations ___________ calculations, computers can do the job much faster than

Choose the best answer.

1. He gave me some very ______ advise on buying a computer.

A. precious B. wealthy

C. dear D. valuable

2. “Does your department need a new computer?”

“At the moment we are considering _______ one.” buy B. buying buying D. buy

3. It is _______ pity that you cannot come to the computer exhibition.

A. so B. such as

C. such a D. many a

4. She’s hung ________. I must have said something to upset her.

A. up B. round

C. back D. off

5. Radio communication has changed ______ the rapid development of other communication
media, such as television.

A. because of B. because its

C. is it because D. is because it

6. I bought a computer last year, but I’ve had nothing but trouble with it. As far as I’m
concerned it was US $750 down the ______.

A. road B. sink

C. drain D. way

Fill each gap in the passage with a suitable word from the box.
automation master

science communication

existence economy

research aim

At present there are millions of computers in operation throughout the world. The (1)
__________ of hundreds of computing machines, and connected by automatic (2)
_____________ lines with industry, supply centers, transport and organs of finance will
fundamentally change national economic management. Controlled by cybernetics, industrial
enterprises will operate at the most efficient peak. This, in turn, will affect tremendous (3)
_________ of the time and resources. The comparatively simple methods of (4) __________
used for some technologies will become more and more complicated. As production techniques
become more efficient, they can be more effectively controlled, with me (5) ________ of
raising the quality and the quantity of manufactured goods and improving working conditions.
Despite the numerous results of (6) ________ into cybernetics, opening up breath-taking
prospects for science, industry and economics generally, it is still hard to predict the
achievements this wonderful (7) ________ may make in the near future, since the pace of
technical progress is exceptionally great and continually increasing. The advance in the
technical progress is the outcome, primarily of the talent, inventiveness and the effort of man
– this great remarker and (8) ________of nature.

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