Ngoaingu24H.Vn 1: Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

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✓ keep away: to avoid someone or something

Ex: I’ve told him to keep away, but he won’t listen.

✓ keep in with: to stay friendly with someone

Ex: It’s a good idea to keep in with the police in case you need their help one day.

✓ keep sth around: to keep something near you

Ex: Josh is never seen without his bag. He always keeps it around.

✓ keep from doing sth: to stop yourself from doing something

Ex: George’s new haircut looked so funny. His wife couldn’t keep from laughing.

✓ keep somebody into: prevent somebody from going out

Ex: Jack's mother kept him in until he finished his homework.

✓ keep to sth: to stay within the limits of something

Ex: They had to keep to the path in order not to get lost.

keep back

✓ to not show how you feel

Ex: He said he was fine, but I knew he was keeping something back.

✓ to prevent someone from making progress

Ex: It’s only her lack of confidence that’s keeping her back.

keep down

✓ prevent from increasing

Ex: We have to try and keep costs down.

✓ stop from achieving something

Ex: Even if you’re intelligent, they still try to keep you down.

keep off

✓ to avoid a particular type of food or drink

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Ex: I’m trying to keep off fatty foods.

✓ to not walk/step on something

Ex: We were told to keep off the grass.

keep on

✓ to continue doing something

Ex: My sister kept on asking me question after question.

✓ to continue to employ someone

Ex: Only highly skilled people were kept on after the merger.

✓ keep on about: to continue talking about something in a way that annoys

Ex: I don’t know why you keep on about this.

✓ keep in: to make someone stay in a place, especially in school as a punishment

Ex: They were kept in after school.

✓ keep up: continue to do something

Ex: Keep up the good work!

✓ keep up with: go at the same speed

Ex: He had to hurry to keep up with her.

✓ keep up at sth: to continue, not quit

Ex: If you keep up at your studies, you will do well in your exams.


1. You should __________ from that old factory - it could be dangerous.

2. Not even serious illness would _______ him _______ going to work. He was a complete

3. _________ that new cement! It's still wet and I don't want to have to redo it!!

4. If you _________ eating all that chocolate, you'll get fat.

5. Heading into these dangerous mountains, it's advisable to __________ the marked paths.

6. The teacher ________ all the disobedient students after school for an hour.

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7. He’s ________ the truth ______ for some reason.

8. Then the doctor said I should __________ dairy products for up to a month and the problem
would resolve itself.

9. I hope this company ______ me ______ for at least another six months. I really need the

10. Walk faster, Chloe! If you don’t _________ with the rest of us, we'll return home


✓ take after sb: have a similar appearance or personality

Ex: She takes after her mother – they have the same green eyes and curly brown hair.

✓ take apart: separate something into parts

Ex: The technician is taking apart the TV so that he can fix it

✓ take sb aback: surprise or shock sb

Ex: The news really took us aback.

take sb back

✓ return something to a store

Ex: If you don’t like the scarf, I can take it back.

✓ admit that something you said was wrong

Ex: I’m sorry I said you were stupid. I take it back.

take down

✓ separate a structure into parts

Ex: After the circus was over, the workers took down the big tents.

✓ write information on paper

Ex: She took down my address and phone number and said she’d call me later.

take in

✓ deceive sb

Ex: Don’t be taken in by their promises.

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✓ to understand and remember something that you hear or read

Ex: I’m not sure how much of his explanation she took in.

take off

✓ remove clothing etc

Ex: I’d better take my shoes off.

✓ aircraft: start flying

Ex: The plane should take off on time.

✓ become successful or popular

Ex: Her business has really taken off.

take on

✓ to start to employ someone

Ex: We’re not taking on any new staff at the moment.

✓ to accept some work or responsibility

Ex: I can’t take on any more work at the moment.

✓ take over: take control

Ex: Germany took over several other countries during World War II.

✓ take sb through sth: explain something to somebody in detail

Ex: Let me take you through the procedure for operating this machine.

✓ take up: start doing something regularly

Ex: I’ve recently taken up yoga.


1. Don't be _______ if I start talking in my sleep.

A. taken in B. taken aback

C. taken up D. taken off

2. If you don’t ______ what you said to my wife, I will have to sack you.

A. take back B. take off

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C. take aback D. take down

3. They are ______ eighty more men at the factory.

A. taking off B. taking on

C. taking in D. taking back

4. My uncle took _______ golf when he retired from work.

A. on B. after

C. up D. over

5. There's a rumor that the National Bank is going to take ________ the company I work for.

A. on B. off

C. over D. after

6. The doctor advised me not to take ________ so much work in future.

A. back B. over

C. after D. on

7. Before the plane ________ off, the flight attendant told everyone to fasten their seat belts
and put their chairs in an upright position.

A. woke B. brought

C. kept D. took

8. Remember to ________ you shoes when you are in a Japanese house.

A. take care B. take on

C. take off D. take over

9. Do you want me to take you ___ the procedure again so that you can do it on your own
next time.

A. up B. off

C. in D. through

10. I take ________ everything I said about Paul. I realize now that it wasn't true.

A. on B. over

C. in D. back

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10 Common English Idioms

1. beat around the bush

to avoid talking about what is important

Ex: Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!

2. against the clock

do it as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time.

Ex: With her term paper due on Monday, she was racing against the clock to finish it.

3. call it a day

to stop what you are doing

Ex: I'm getting a bit tired now - let's call it a day.

4. hit the sack

to go to bed in order to sleep

Ex: I’ve got a busy day tomorrow, so I think I’ll hit the sack.

5. get bent out of

to become very angry or upset

Ex: I'm not getting bent out of shape because people don't respect my opinion. I'm used to

6. easy does it

do it slowly and carefully

Ex: "Can I put it down now?"

"Yes, but it’s fragile so easy does it."

7. a dime a dozen

common and not special

Ex: Plastic toys like this are a dime a dozen.

8. blow off steam

relax or unwind

Ex: Call me any time you need to blow off some steam.

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9. in the nick of time

at the last possible moment

Ex: We got there just in the nick of time.

10. on the ball

active and aware of things

Ex: We need someone who’s really on the ball to answer questions from the press.

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