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General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains four sections.
2. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 22 questions. Attempt any 18 questions.
4. Section C has 12 questions (Case based). Attempt any 5 questions per case.
5. Section D contains 2 Map based questions. Attempt both the questions.
6. All questions carry equal marks.
7. There is no negative marking.

(Attempt any 20 out of 24 questions)

1. Which of the following country did not attend the Congress of Vienna?

a) Britain
b) Switzerland
c) Russia
d) Prussia

2. Zolleverin started in 1834 in Prussia refers to a

a) Trade Union
b) Customs Union
c) Labour Union
d) Farmers Union

3. By which of the following treaties was the United Kingdom of Great Britain formed?

a) Treaty of Versailles
b) Treaty of Vienna
c) Act of Union
d) Treaty of Constantinople

4. Romanticism refers to

a) Cultural Movement
b) Religious Movement
c) Political Movement
d) Literacy Movement

5. In Prussia who were referred to as Junkers?

a) Military Officials
b) Large Landowners
c) Factory owners
d) Aristocratic nobles
6. Match the following of Column A with those with Column B

Column A Column B
I. Milpa 1. Vietnam
II. Conuco 2. Brazil
III. Ray 3. Venezuela
IV. Roca 4. Mexico

Choose the correct answer from the option given below:

a) I-4, II-3, III-1, IV-2
b) I-3, II-4, III-1, IV-2
c) I-4, II-1, III-3, IV-2
d) I-4, II-2, III-1, IV-3

7. The piece of land left uncultivated for more than five agricultural year is called___________.

a) Barren land
b) Cultruable land
c) Current fallow
d) Forest land

8. Which of the following is a cause of soil degradation?

a) Contour Ploughing
b) Sheet Erosion
c) Strip Cropping
d) Shelter Belts

9. India has land under a variety of relief features. Which of the following feature is rich in reserve
of minerals and fossil fuel?

a) Plains
b) Plateaus
c) Islands
d) Mountains

10. In which of the following states overgrazing is the main reason for land degradation?

a) Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra

b) Punjab and Haryana
c) Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh
d) Orissa and West Bengal

11. Which country has successfully negotiated differences among ethnic populations?

a) Sri Lanka
b) Belgium
c) Pakistan
d) Bangladesh
12. Identify the significant reason of power sharing from the following options:

a) Provides ethnic-cultural development

b) Allows people to enjoy certain rights
c) Reduces Socio Economic conflicts
d) Restricts supremacy of one party

13. Which of the following government in Belgium has the power regarding cultural, educational
and language related issues?

a) The Community Government

b) The Communist Government
c) The Central Government
d) The Provincial Government

14. How many languages are included in the Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution?

a) 15
b) 25
c) 22
d) 21

15. When power is taken away from state government and given to local government, it is called

a) Decentralisation
b) Centralisation
c) Federalism
d) Socialism

16. Which statement is true regarding sources of revenue in a Federal system?

a) States have no financial powers or independent sources of income

b) States are dependent on revenue or funds of the Central Government
c) Sources of revenue of each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its financial
d) States have no financial autonomy

17. When was the use of English for official purposes to be stopped?

a) 1956
b) 1965
c) 1975
d) 1957

18. Proportion of literate population in the seven and above age group is called as:

a) Knowledge rate
b) Literacy rate
c) Attendance rate
d) Excellence rate
19. Different persons could have different as well as conflicting notions of a country’s development.
A fair and just path for all should be achieved. Interpret the concept being discussed here.

a) Social Development
b) Cultural Development
c) National Development
d) Economic Development

20. Which age group of children is included for calculating net attendance ratio?

a) 6-10
b) 7-11
c) 5-9
d) 14-15

21. If BMI is less than 18.5 then the person would be considered:

a) Overweight
b) Long Height
c) Under Nourished
d) Short Height

22. A labourer working under a contractor is in which type of sector

a) Public sector
b) Unorganised sector
c) Service sector
d) None of these

23. The Economy is classified into public and private sector on the basis of:

a) Employment conditions
b) Nature of economic activities
c) Ownership of Enterprises
d) Number of workers employed in the enterprises

24. The Motive of public sector enterprises is

a) Profit making
b) Entertainment
c) Social welfare and security
d) None of the above
(Attempt any 18 out of 22 questions)

25. Identify the figure on the postage stamp

a) Marianne
b) Germania
c) Olympe de Gouges
d) Jean Paul Marat

26. Which of the following options is/are correct about Greek nationalism?

i) Greece had been part of Ottoman empire since the 15th century
ii) The struggle for independence amongst the Greeks began in 1848
iii) Poets and artists lauded Greece as a cradle of European civilisation

a) i & ii
b) ii & iii
c) i & iii
d) Only i

27. Which one of the following is not true regarding the Balkan problem?

a) The Balkan states were very jealous of each other

b) Each state wanted to gain more territory at the expense of others
c) Balkans was also the scene of power rivalry
d) The Balkans was not under the control of the Ottoman Empire

28. The French Revolutionaries declared that the mission and destiny of the French nation was

a) To conquer the people of Europe

b) To strengthen absolute monarchies in all the countries of Europe
c) To transfer power from the French citizens to the monarch
d) To liberate the people of Europe from despotism

29. Identify the type of agriculture with the help of clues given below
• It is practiced in areas of high population pressure on land
• Labour intensive farming
• High doses of bio-chemical inputs and irrigation are used

a) Primitive subsistence agriculture

b) Plantation Farming
c) Commercial Farming
d) Intensive subsistence Farming

30. Which of the following categories of resources can we put Solar energy in?

a) Potential resources
b) Non-renewable resource
c) Actual resources
d) Biotic resources
31. Consider the following statements on power sharing and select the answer using the codes
given below:
i. It is good for democracy
ii. It creates harmony in different groups
iii. It brings transparency in the governance
iv. It brings socio-political competition among parties

a) i, ii & iii
b) ii, iii & iv
c) i, iii & iv
d) i, ii & iv

32. How does Judiciary act as an umpire in a federal nation?

a) Judiciary rules over Center and State

b) Centre and Judiciary work collectively
c) Courts can change structure of Constitution
d) Courts use the power to interpret the Constitution

33. Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read
the statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): French speaking community in Belgium was rich and powerful
Reason (R): Belgium government favoured French speaking community

a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true

34. Match the following items given in Column A with those in Column B
Column A Column B
A) Banking 1) State List
B) Police 2) Union List
C) Computer Software 3) Concurrent List
D) Education 4) Residuary List

a) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

b) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
c) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
d) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
35. Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India. Which of the following holds
true in case of India?
a) Language based discussion have divided us by making everyone conscious of the
b) Language policy has led to civil war in the society.
c) The language policy has helped English to dominate over other languages
d) The policy of accommodation has strengthened national unity.
36. Identify the administrative system of Indian Government with the help of the following

• Power shared between Central and State Governments to Local Governments

• It is called as a third tier of the Government
• The State Governments are required to share some powers and revenue with them.

Select the appropriate option from the following

a) Federal System
b) Unitary Federal System
c) Decentralised System
d) Unitary System

37. Identify the correct statements about the steps taken towards decentralisation in 1992

i) Seats are reserved in the elected bodies for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes.
ii) One fifth of all positions are reserved for women.
iii) State Government is required to share its power and revenues with the local government
iv) It is not constitutionally mandatory to hold elections to local government bodies.

a) i & iii
b) i & ii
c) ii & iii
d) i & iv

38. Which of the following statements prove that Center state relationship has improved after 1990?

i) This period saw the rise of many regional political parties

ii) It was also an era of coalition governments.
iii) Many national parties entered into alliance with regional parties
iv) This reduced the culture of power sharing for state Governments

a) i, ii & iv
b) i, iii & iv
c) i, ii & iii
d) ii, iii & iv

39. Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read
the statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): The Developmental goals that people have are not only about better income
but also about other important things in life.
Reason (R): A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of
jobs or run a business.

a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
40. Choose the correct option from the following

Problem faced by the farming sector Some possible measures

1) Low prices for crops a) Setting up Agro based mills
2) Depth burden b) Co-operative marketing societies
3) No jobs in the off-season c) Procurement of food grains by government
4) Compelled to sell their grains to the d) Bank to provide credit with low interest
local traders soon after harvest.

41. “Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries.”

Which of the following is the essence of this statement?

a) Economic Development
b) Human Development
c) Sustainable Development
d) National Development

42. Sita is 1.45cm tall and has weight of 36kg. Find out her BMI from the following options:

a) 15.6
b) 17.21
c) 18.8
d) 14.7

43. According to 2017-2018 data, the share of different sectors in employment (percentage) in
India was:
• Primary Sector - 44%
• Secondary Sector – 25%
• Tertiary Sector – 31%
Out of the three sectors, why did the ratio of employment in Primary Sector high? Select the
most suitable option from the following:

a) Workers in the Primary Sector are underemployed

b) Low job opportunities in Secondary Sector
c) Efforts of labour are not equivalent in all the sectors
d) Outsourcing of job opportunities in Secondary Sector

44. Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read
the statements and choose the appropriate option.
Assertion (A): The unorganised sector is characterised by small and scattered units which are
largely outside the control of the government.
Reason (R): There are rules and regulations, but these are followed.

a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
45. HDI stands for ‘Human Development Index’ that focuses on _____. Fill in the blanks with one
of the following options.

a) Life expectancy
b) Gross enrolment ratio
c) National income
d) All the above

46. A man is employed on a food processing farm where he has to do a lot of manual work. His
family members also help him in his work on the farm every day. Which type of employment
is found here?

a) Under employment
b) Seasonal employment
c) Over employment
d) Educated employment

(Attempt any 5 out of 6 questions in each of the case-based questions)

Read the source given below and answer any 5 questions that follow:

Like Germany, Italy too had a log history of political fragmentation. Italians were scattered over
several dynastic states as well as the multi-national Habsburg Empire. During the middle of the
nineteenth century, Italy was divided into seven states, of which only one, Sardinia-Piedmont, was
ruled by an Italian princely house. The north was under Austrian Habsburgs, the centre was ruled by
the Pope and southern regions were under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain. Even the
Italian language had not acquired one common form and still had many regional and local variations.
During the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini had sought to put together a coherent programme for a unitary
Italian Republic. He had also formed a secret society called Young Italy for the dissemination of his
goals. The failure of revolutionary uprisings both in 1831 and 1848 meant that the mantle now fell on
Sardinia-Piedmont under its ruler King Victor Emmanuel II to unify the Italian states through war. In
the eyes of the ruling elites of the region, a unified Italy offered them the possibility of economic
development and political dominance.

47. During the middle of the 19th century, Italy was divided into how many states?

a) Six
b) Seven
c) Nine
d) Eight

48. Who among the following did not play any role in the process of unification of Italy?

a) Napoleon
b) Cavour
c) Giuseppe Mazzini
d) Garibaldi
49. Who among the following led the process of the unification of Italy?

a) Venetia
b) Papal State
c) Sardinia-Piedmont
d) None of these

50. What do you know about Giuseppe Mazzini?

a) He was a Russian revolutionary

b) He was a French revolutionary
c) He was an Italian revolutionary
d) He was a Prussian revolutionary

51. For the ruling elites, a unified Italy offered them the possibility of:

a) Regional unity
b) Economic development and political dominance
c) A democratic country
d) A socialist country

52. The revolutionary uprisings for a unified Italy came up in:

a) 1884 and 1831

b) 1848 and 1813
c) 1831 and 1848
d) 1813 and 1884

Read the source given below and answer any 5 of the 6 questions that follow by choosing the
most appropriate option:

During the British period cotton belts of India attracted the British and ultimately cotton was exported
to Britain as a raw material for their textile industries. Cotton textile industry in Manchester and
Liverpool flourished due to the availability of good quality cotton from India
Under globalisation, particularly after 1990, the farmers in India have been exposed to new challenges.
Today, Indian agriculture finds itself at the crossroads. To make agriculture successful and profitable,
proper thrust should be given to the improvement of the condition of marginal small farmers. The
green revolution promised much. But today it’s under controversies.

A few economists think that Indian farmers have a bleak future if they continue growing food grains
on the holdings that grow smaller and smaller as the population rises. India’s rural population is about
600 million which depends upon 250 million (approximate) hectares of agricultural land, an average
of less than half a hectare per person. Indian farmers should diversify their cropping pattern from
cereals to high-value crops.

53. Under globalisation, Indian farmers are not able to compete with developed countries because

a) India is not an important producer of rice, cotton, tea, coffee, rubber, spices etc.
b) Highly subsidised agriculture in developed countries.
c) Indian farmers are practicing organic farming.
d) India’s diverse climatic condition does not allow to grow different crops
54. Champaran Movement was started in 1917 in Bihar because the farmers were forced

a) To grow indigo
b) To Start Organic Farming
c) To grow fruits, medicinal herbs, flowers etc.
d) None of the above

55. _________ has caused land degradation due to overuse of chemicals, drying aquifers and
vanishing biodiversity.

a) Organic Farming
b) Horticulture
c) Green Revolution
d) White Revolution

56. Indian farmers should diversify their cropping pattern from cereals to high value crops because

a) It will reduce environmental degradation

b) It will increase income
c) It needs much less irrigation
d) All of the above

57. The green revolution has led to the development of a few states. The important states are

a) Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh

b) Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
c) Assam, Meghalaya Nagaland
d) Uttarakhand, Himachal, Kashmir

58. Which of the following is not a major step of government to develop agriculture?

a) Establishment of Indian council of Agricultural Research

b) Introduction of Kissan Credit Card and personal Accident Insurance Scheme
c) Increase in subsidy on fertilizer
d) Improvement of rural infrastructure
(Attempt both the map-based questions)

On the given outline map of India, identify the locations with the help of specified information

59. On the political map of India, ‘A’ is marked as a Dam. Identify it from the following

a) Salal
b) Bhakra-Nangal
c) Tehri
d) Rana Pratap Sagar

60. On the same map, ‘B’ is also marked as a major coffee cultivating state. Identify it from the
following options

a) Assam
b) Punjab
c) Karnataka
d) Gujarat
Half Yearly
Subjective Question Paper – Class-X
Social Science
Time Allowed: 90 Minutes Maximum Marks : 40

General Instructions

• The question paper is divided into three sections

Section-A – History & Democratic Politics
Section-B – Geography
Section-C – Economics
• There are 16 questions in the question paper
• All questions are compulsory
• Marks are indicated against each question

Section-A – History & Democratic Politics

1. Explain the meaning of Liberalism (1 Mark)

2. “When France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold”. Who said this popular line (1 Mark)

3. Who can make laws related to the Concurrent List? (1 Mark)

4. Which 2 languages were predominantly spoken by Belgium Nationalists? (1 Mark)

5. Describe the horizontal power sharing arrangement (3 Marks)

6. Describe any three economic hardships faced by Europeans during the (3 Marks)
mid-nineteenth century.

7. Describe the process of unification of Italy (5 Marks)

Highlight the measures and practices that the French revolutionaries introduced to create a
sense of collective belongingness.

8. Describe any five features of federalism. (5 Marks)

Section-B – Geography

9. The total geographical area of India is __________ sq. km. (1 Mark)

10. Which variety of coffee is grown in India? (1 Mark)

11. Describe 3 features of Alluvial soil (3 Marks)

12. What is soil erosion? What steps can be taken to reduce soil erosion in hilly areas (5 Marks)


What are the steps taken by the Government to increase agricultural production?

Section-C – Economics

13. Mention any one advantage of accounting final goods in calculation of GDP (1 Mark)

14. “Per capita income is counted in dollar rather than rupee. Give reasons (1 Mark)

15. “Girls in India in rural sector are sometimes not able to get secondary level of (3 Marks)
Education”. Give any three reasons.


A large number of workers are forced to enter unorganised sector. Give any 3 reasons.

16. Imagine someone who has a regular job in the organised sector and another (5 Marks)
who works in unorganised sector. Compare and contrast their working
conditions in all aspects.

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