Understanding 19 - 11

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AorBorC Technologies



CRM is an approach that helps businesses improve existing customer relationships and
acquire new customers faster.

● Reach customers across every channel: telephone, email, live chat, and social media.
● Get real-time notifications when customers interact with your business.
● Measure the effectiveness of your customer communication and find the best time
and channel to reach out to your customers.

Zoho Books is online accounting software that manages your finances, keeps you GST
compliant, automates business workflows, and helps you work collectively across

ZOHO Creator field types

Zoho Creator supports 24 different types of fields. Each field type can accept a certain
"type" of data. For example, a Date field type will accept a date value. An email field type will
accept an email address. The different field types are displayed on the left, and can be
dragged and dropped onto the Form editor. Each field type has its own set of properties that
can be configured to suit your requirement.

Field types available in Zoho Creator

Single Line
This field accepts a plain text input of up to 255 characters. Your users can enter letters,
numbers, and special characters.

Multi Line
This is similar to the Single Line field, though with a greater capacity. This field can
accept multiple lines of plain text.

This field accepts an email address that follows the format: example@example.com

Rich Text
This is similar to the Multi Line field, but with rich text formatting options.

This field sports a calendar and enables your users to select a date. Users can also type
a date value as long as it matches your app's date-time format.

This field accepts a date-time value. Like the Date field, it sports a calendar that enables
users to select the date and time easily.

Dropdown and Radio (single-select)

Use these fields to enable users in selecting one value from a set of pre-configured
choices, which are presented:

● In a dropdown menu
● As radio buttons

Checkbox and Multi Select

Use these fields to enable users in selecting one or more values from a set of pre-
configured choices, which are presented:

● In a dropdown menu
● As radio buttons

Use this field to accept a number without any decimal places.

Use this field to accept a number with or without decimal places.
Use this field to accept a number with or without decimal places, which will be appended
with the selected currency symbol.

Use this field to accept a number with or without decimal places, which will be appended
with the % symbol.

Use this field to accept a URL.

Use this field to accept a picture/image. You can enable your users to upload one,
capture an image using their device's camera, and enter the public URL of an image.

Decision Box
Use this field to enable your users enter a Yes/No, True/False response.

File Upload
Use this field to allow uploading of files.

Use this field to display data from the fields in another Form. You can configure this field to
allow your users in selecting one or multiple values:

Add Notes
This field enables you to display informational / instructional text in your Forms, and
therefore does not accept any input from your users.
This field gives you the option to add multiple fields in a singular block layout, to accept
multiple relational values.

Auto number
This field enables you to associate a sequential numeric value with each record that's
submitted through your form. This sequential numbering can start from 1 or from a number
of your choice (provided it doesn't exceed 19 digits).

Use this field to evaluate given expressions(consisting of Form fields) and display the

This field enables you to display your app's users or customers (customer portal users)
in a dropdown menu. Your users will be allowed to select one value from the list.

Use this field to accept digital signatures from users.

Understand forms
A form is the component of your Zoho Creator app that enables you to collect and store
data. In other words, it enables your users to enter data into your app. This makes forms
one of the main points of interaction between your users and your app.

If you relate your Zoho Creator app with a database, then a form corresponds to a table in
the database. If you relate your Zoho Creator app with a spreadsheet, then a form
corresponds to a sheet in the spreadsheet.

Creating forms

● Zoho Creator enables you to create forms in the following ways:

● Build from scratch
● Import data from a file that's stored in your computer or any of the following cloud
● Import from computer
● Import from Google Drive, Zoho Docs, OneDrive, Dropbox, and Box
● Use predefined templates
● Duplicate an existing form
Create a form from scratch
1. Click the Add New icon displayed at the top of the Design page:
2. Enter a name for your form, then click Create Form.
3. You will be redirected to the newly created form's builder.

Uploading your file in Zoho Creator

1. Edit your app.
2. Click the Add New (+) button displayed near the top-left of the Design page.
3. Select Form.
4. Select Import with data.
5. Upload your data that's in one of the supported file formats. The file can be
fetched from:
○ Local storage of your device
○ URL - a publicly accessible direct download link
○ Cloud service - Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, Dropbox, Zoho Docs

Importing data from spreadsheet and tabular formats

Data import guidelines:

● Ensure that the data in your file is UTF-8 encoded.

● One or more forms will be created based on the data you import.
● Each sheet or table that you want to import must contain at least two rows of
data in it. The sheet or table won't be detected otherwise.
● Each sheet in your file will be referred to as a table in the import interface, and
will become a form in the application.
● Each row will become a record, and each column will become a field. Therefore
the rows in a sheet and the cells in a column must contain similar data.
● Column headers must be present in a row. It's alright if there are a few blank
rows before it, as the import interface allows you to delete rows.
● Blank rows will be imported. You may delete them before uploading your file, or
manage them using the import interface's capabilities.
● Delete the empty columns in all sheets. However, the import interface will allow
you to deselect the columns you do not want to import.
● Formulas in Excel files can be imported.
● Data validations defined in the spreadsheet file will become Deluge script in the
On Validate workflow block on the corresponding form.
● For importing subform data: Parent and child data must be in separate sheets.
The sheet containing the parent data is referred to as "parent table" or "main
form", and the sheet containing the child data is referred to as its "subform".
● For importing phone numbers: The phone field in Zoho Creator enables you to
capture a valid international phone number. Thus while importing data, you must
ensure that each phone number contains:

Selecting tables, columns, and date format

By default, all the tables in your file are selected. You can deselect tables if required.
Deselected tables (and consequently the data within them) will not be imported in your app.
Collecting data
● Zoho Creator offers 38 different types of fields—each meant to capture a
specific kind of data—that you can add to your form. Each of these fields comes
with a set of capabilities—some common across most fields, and some specific
to each field—that you can leverage to validate the data your users enter in
● In addition to the data that's submitted through the form, Zoho Creator captures
a few details, such as which user added the record, the date and time when the
record was added, and which user was the last one to update it. These details
are stored in the system fields.

On successful form submission

● You can show your users a message
● You can enable your users to receive an email notification that can include the
data they submitted
● You can redirect your users to a website or a component (form, report, or page)
in your app
● You can enable capturing location

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