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My 21st Century Classroom Facilitating Skills

Aspects Observations Strengths Areas for Improvement Action Points

Facilitation Style Learners acquire the knowledge Integrating technology in the Identifying developmental level Collaborate with colleagues to
and skills through instruction to maximize learning. of individual student to make identify effective ways in which
demonstration by the teacher Organizing learning teams to instruction responsive to learning takes place and in
then collaboration with other develop cooperation and individual learning needs planning instruction appropriate
students. collaboration. to the levels of the students
through LAC sessions

Accommodation of students’ Using different modalities are Using a multitude of Constructing lessons and Establish a rapport with
learning style employed in the classroom to instructional methods and activities that are constantly in students in order to acquire
accommodate students with activities in my classroom, such directional movement from one information about their
different learning styles. as pictures, video clips, and particular learning style to individual strengths and
“field trip”, activities may offer another within a given period of weaknesses
students alternative pathways to time.
Provision of Learning Environment that is conducive for:
 Active Learning Learners are work together in Differentiated activities for -Taking into account the - Allow various seating
groups to actively engage students to make them more physical layout and arrangements and clustering
them to the lesson and interested and helps them learn arrangement of the classroom the students around focus areas
activities. in a collaborative working to create an atmosphere that for activities, and moving back
environment. encourages participation and to a more traditional seating
learning. arrangement when they have
-Making appropriate demands, completed the tasks
giving clear signals and being - Anticipate problems and
consistent with the rules and have a plan of keeping students
regulations busy to prevent misbehavior
and untoward incidents
 Higher Order Thinking The activities and questions in HOTS questions and activities Providing more -Incorporate the Socratic
the lesson plan are engaged in that get students to think opportunities for students to questioning process into my
low and level thinking skills. critically were given as reflected elaborate their answers and daily interactions with students
However, the emphasis are on in the lesson plan. talk about what they are -Attend seminar-workshops on
lower-order thinking, or simply learning and discuss the art of questioning
recall or factual response level. where those ideas come from
 Contextual Learning Students are given opportunities Introducing the topics in Integrating other areas of Collaborate with colleagues in
to manipulate real objects. multitude ways and allowing discipline in the lesson. designing a learning
students to have deeper environment, which incorporates
understanding through realia. many different forms of
experiences that will help
students in understanding the
concepts and how these can be
used outside the classroom.

Questioning and Reacting Asking too many closed Students were given sufficient Try to ask more open-ended Increase own repertoire of type
Skills questions that require only waiting time to answer before question and encourage questions by attending trainings
oneword answers. going on or asking others to students to listen and respond to on employing divergent,
Students must also be asked respond. Moreover, if the each other. highlevel and open-ended
how did they learn or how did student is unable to answer, the Questioning techniques must questions
they arrive at their answers. question is rephrased or a more foster the thinking ability of the
Further, less opportunities are students
factual question is asked to
provided for students to ask
bridge the gap and help lead the
student toward the answer.

Philosophical Statement

To live life productively and meaningfully, I want my student to have a deep sense of values
in the 21st century. They are all equipped with the essential knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
for them to face the challenges to the changes of time. I want them to be able to find ways to
remain strong despite the vulnerabilities of life.

As a facilitator of learning, I want to make my learners actively engaged in the

teachinglearning process, and feel the welcoming, comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the
class. The sense of belongingness and importance of my learners is uplifted and heightened. Their
learning environment must be conducive in order to encourage learners to soar high to progress. I
want them to discover their potentials and I will help them nurture them and make use of that to
improve themselves. My classroom must be an enabling factor for learners to grow and develop.

Rules and Procedure

I believe that the classroom should be friendly where everyone respects one another in the utmost
sense of sincerity. I want to have rules in the class that everyone should be guided of and follow.
This will be done on the first day to let students understand what is expected of them in order to
prevent indiscipline. This will be a contract that the students and I make, which after will be posted
on the wall to use as a reminder of how we all agreed to behave in our classroom. I will solicit
ideas from the learners on how to go through with them which involves their participation in our
school activities. The democratic style in establishing rules and procedures is very helpful of
instilling to the learners the responsibility and leadership.

Classroom Arrangement

The set-up of my classroom has a big effect on my student learning. In my classroom, students
are hit with vibrant colors on the walls, natural lighting from the windows and an inviting sensation.
They feel safe and welcome wandering to their seats in a circle tables and see their classmates as
they face each other. They will glance from wall to wall looking at numbers, alphabets, and student
work all depicted in colorful posters around the room. There is also a portfolio area where the
learners can exhibit their works.

There should also a space for materials and technologies that can be utilized for the
teachinglearning episodes in my classroom. Modern technology like projectors, computers, TV and
audio should be present. Also present in my classroom a collection of children’s favorite books
within our reading corner and other references gathered in a nook.

Misbehavior Intervention

One of the many challenges of classroom management is dealing with behavior. If learners
quarrel, I would listen to both sides so that I will be able to have informed decision on the behavior
measure that I must take. I would talk to my learners and listen to their claims in a manner that will
make them feel still respected and valued despite any mistake. I would make the child feel at
ease, so that it would be easier for me too to analyze how to treat the situation, and find ways to
help the learners correct their wrongdoing. I would also ask help from parents and school faculty to
work with me hand-in-hand in disciplining the children in nice manner, so that they won’t get
Classroom Safety

In a classroom, safety must be consistently observed in physical arrangements of furniture,

equipment and in the conduct of class and school activities. Safety measures on the use of
electrical equipment and instructional materials should be made known to the learners. Cabinets
and hanging furniture should be well-placed. There is also a need of my students as well as the
teacher to participate to hazard drills in school so that everyone knows what to do during
unwanted circumstances. I want to have a classroom that is safe not only in terms of physical
attributes but also social and emotional such as safety from bullying and maltreatment.

Student Celebration

Students’ milestones are worthy of celebration. Learners who manifest significant improvement in
their performances and behavior need to be recognized and be given special mention through
praises, acknowledgements, and encouraging gestures. Honor pupils for a quarter or school year
and winners of contests should be recognized through awards in a school assembly and during
flag ceremony.

Learner’s Signature: LOVELY C. VALMORIA

Reviewed/Approved by: EXEQUIEL T. TAGUM

Principal I

Classroom management is an important component in any educational setting. This is

because meaningful learning takes place when students are in safe environment (Kauffman et al.,
2006).In making this classroom management plan, the main goal is to have the right environment
for all learners.

There are significant insights about classroom I learned from crafting the plan and
feedbacks from school principal:

In managing the classroom, you can increase student’s success and creates a
productive and cooperative learning environment.
Careful planning contributes learning success.
As a teacher, I must be consistent in reminding my students about the
rules and regulations we have agreed.
Although misbehavior may happen anytime but being a proactive teacher will help a
lot in maintaining a positive behavior with my students.
I can work hand-in-hand with parents, faculty, and also to the community in instilling a
positive and desired behavior.
Big or small successes are occasions of motivation that would enable students to do
even better.
Teachers and learners should be made aware of their safety in terms of physical attributes as
well as their social and emotional aspect.

In conclusion, I believe that this classroom management plan is a key to a conducive learning
environment where students feel safe and are actively involved in learning activities. This will allow
me to understand how will the learner will grow and develop his/her understanding in my classroom.
I’m looking forward to use my classroom management plan to my students this school year and will
continue to improve this plan as I integrate other methods and teaching strategies into my practice.

Guro 21/ Batch 8/ Class 43

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