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Aim- Systmaic qualitahue gmalyais ot

gA umkmonm Omp.aumd (Aik hidL

Preliminanyy Teat 1,Phyailal state- uquid

2.CoLD ColDy lus

3 Odpu VineganLas
ahxaiom_UmAaIxahom Oogomic Comp
act_auth Bx- Nate aluo tyve
n KHn0y ke So the 01gamic Comnpouma

Elome l
loma Ignitehe COmp0umd on_Saphula
Elom shon h po.ssibllite 0f
Non S00ty
nem- gHOmOli Wmpouwrmd.

Page No.

Epeimemt OhsexVOndsa 1nfexcmLe

Litmus lesT Ne
haye o take the Thu lituu PapeMay be
givem 0xg Compbund ims Rad CanboxyRacod
dipth papexin Phamal gxoup
iquid 0Xgomic i pres emt

2Scdium ßiCakbmate
Test Lhim tho Bxisk_etCmaVesen Caxboxyc
Of Co2 eyoluod L 0uup IS
uaRd hith Sodium ACutate s tamad peAmt
biCanb0mate Stl ukion.|

3. be xmam Teat
Phano is
Lommp is_Rtaltd hithlha lomp doent
NaNoz auith onC Hiay

2,4 ONP TA lak1| 03qamic omp dot anboxy

DxqmicC (mp HaCt huth 2-4_
elhomol L Iml|DNP xeagemi absmf
Of24 ONP Ragent

Sodium Metal Tet

Soduum 0g ompOwnd sol| AlcoholIs
Cp hDt HQact hu absem
k O m p , add-
hCa Soy md ouy Sodiwm metal.
DELTA Na Mtal shsed in kkxoss
DedDeteemminatiom_Of Hting Point
Obsex ved Mlting Paint - 15, 5 °C
diteratUJ MaHng- Point z 1223 °c
Deuwatw PaeDax ah omn-
fmido_derizahve Take 19Of CaxboxyRic
Aid in dy China dlgh add 2g 0E
PL5t mia hQU_umt Qet a past
blam fhe miahuu_0m a lold hiattr
bah o hiu add ammanDmia dop hUSe_
uth_0omA Iamt Stiing. O
Ptts CH3--( NH3CH3-C
A chc Aud) tHO
thwna de
A catande

2 RoAuystaDisabiom Of Deivati ye Take

halamOut Of Cwcloaodu ct 0f_daiyuh
i n beak, Add ethnb_dsoPhuse to muke
Qsav3atd SolutiomHeat fha_salutiom
Page No.

pn Natth bah aftee heating Cool a t

KOOm_Hmp hom anm_I0-CoLa nNatth
ealjt wmdis tux bed Ne hull gt_Kecystall
n Cystals of paoduCt ilHei it lhom
dhy he eoys tal r se_product nuhin
filapapex 0x in hu
OVEm at baDm emp

Nelhinq Paint_of A cotamide

Obstdue_d Molting _Point 79ta 81°C
itHatw Moltinq Peint 3 O"c

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