Migration in International Relations: Towards A Rights-Based Approach With Global Compact?

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Migration in International Relations:

Towards a Rights-Based Approach with

Global Compact?
Abstract Key Words
International migration has climbed up to
International Migration, ICRMW, Global
the top of the global political agenda recently.
Globalization and the changing international Compact, Migration Management, Rights-
political climate have given rise to increased Based Approach.
migration movements in almost every part
of the world. The new migration and refugee International Migration-
patterns now urge all nation-states - sending,
transit and receiving countries - to get more A Pivotal Issue
involved in global migration management
processes. Yet, their primary concern has Until recently, the literature in
always been preserving national sovereignty International Relations ignored the
in controlling migration movements to their current increase and dynamics of
territories. Although the ratification process
migratory movements in almost every
is progressing slowly, the International
Convention for the Protection of the Rights part of the world. These movements
of All Migrant Workers and the Members have significant consequences on the
of their Families from 1990 (IRCMW) is foreign policies of the participating
the most comprehensive and rights-based
legal instrument that relaunched norms and
states, whether they are receiving,
standards for safeguarding the human rights transit and sending countries. The
of all migrant workers, both regular and foreign policies of nation-states are
undocumented. The recently launched process increasingly being influenced by the
of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and
Regular Migration could enhance global current dynamics of migration and
concerted action for a rights-based resolution they have to reconsider their political
for current problems of international positions in line with international
migration. developments.

* Assoc. Prof. Dr., İstanbul Ayvansaray University, Moving individuals and groups of
Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on Migrant human beings, who are often perceived
Workers (CMW). His opinions in this article
as plights for nation-states, is now, more
do not necessarily reflect the Committee’s
standpoints. than ever, of concern to governments.
E-mail: canunver54@gmail.com Currently, almost all states tend to

PERCEPTIONS, Winter 2017, Volume XXII, Number 4, pp. 85-102.
O. Can Ünver

adopt conservative policies regarding relations in migration-affected

the free circulation of people, and use countries. Irregular or clandestine
almost every means to keep migrants migration is arguably the most
away from their territories. This type problematic issue in this regard. It is
of old-fashioned but extensively now widely accepted that cross-border
practised political behaviour forces migration has turned into a global
the governments of migrant receiving problem over the past decades that
and transit countries to use constraint cannot be adequately addressed only by
in legal and administrative policies national policies. From the perspective
towards migrants.1 In this respect, of the destination countries, especially
the fundamental human rights of those with aging populations, labour
migrants are insufficiently taken into migration is recognized as necessary,
consideration. In fact, they are even but in many cases, it is still rejected and
deliberately ignored. often made difficult, at least for semi-
skilled and unskilled migrants.
Currently, almost all states tend
to adopt conservative policies Nation-states still act as
regarding the free circulation if concerns related with
of people. migration issues are solely
matters of domestic politics
and security.
Although international migration
is considered as one of the pivotal
issues in contemporary international However, nation-states’ tendency is still
relations, nation-states still act as if to make decisions regarding migration
concerns related with migration issues affairs in their own capacity; to try
are solely matters of domestic politics and tackle by themselves the various
and security.2 Regardless of perspective, types of migration and migrant-related
discussions on international migration problems, including inclusion and
developments have a growing influence integration. This attitude is nonetheless
on nation-states’ policy determinations. understandable, since nation-states
The mass influx of migrants and are ardent on the sustainability of
asylum-seekers; the economic impacts their territorial and societal integrity.
of such influxes; security matters and Foreigners are generally perceived as a
recently also the humanitarian aspects danger to the material and moral assets
of migration; all play a significant role of the receiving countries. In order to
in the architecture of international come up with a global approach in

Migration in International Relations

migration management, international assertive power in achieving solutions

legal instruments by international is quite limited. One of the crucial
organizations are being formulated and international legal instruments of the
even ratified. However, the ego-centric United Nations is the “International
behaviour of the states with regard to Convention for the Protection of the
migration management still prevails Rights of Migrants Workers and the
in the world. On one hand, states do Members of their Families” (ICRMW)
not want to abandon their sovereignty from 1990.3 This UN Convention
in this area, like in many other areas addressing the rights of migrant
of state affairs. On the other hand, workers and their families was the
they depend today more than ever on most comprehensive migration-related
the global decision-making criteria in treaty in international human rights
migration affairs. One of the current law, but no major Western immigration
fundamental problems seems to be state has ratified it yet. In this article,
the reduced capacity and willpower of the reasons behind states’ reluctance
the states to sustain their traditional towards ratification of the Convention
style of migration policies without the are also reflected. Obviously, nation-
recognition and wide acceptance of the states are sensitive about preserving
global governance instruments. their legitimacy to stay as the
determining body regarding human
Foreigners are generally flows into their national territories.
perceived as a danger to the As Stephen Castles justifiably states,
this competence is indisputable and
material and moral assets of
it is considered as the profound
the receiving countries.
power of national sovereignty.4 The
changing environment, both in global
In this article, the main issues of affairs and the inter-state parameters
migration with a view to multilateral in sending, transit and receiving
relations are discussed. Furthermore, countries, would anyway influence
global patterns of migration nation-states’ political positions in the
governance and how their future medium term. Observers hope that
attributes could contribute to the the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly
solution of migration problems will be and Regular Migration, the global
explored. International organizations migration management process since
are becoming increasingly active 2016, will be the key element on the
actors with regard to global migration way to a resolution of world migration
governance. However, their capacity and problems.5

O. Can Ünver

have increasingly made this issue a major

Observers hope that the Global concern to governments everywhere.
Compact on Safe, Orderly The perception of sovereignty is the
and Regular Migration, the most significant factor within the
global migration management context of international migration of
process since 2016, will be the the nation-states. State borders serve
as hindrances to stop ‘illegitimate’
key element on the way to a
foreigners from entering state
resolution of world migration
territories and enjoying the same rights
problems. as citizens. Non-citizens are excluded
from certain liberties and even human
The perspectives for a universally rights, which are ingrained in the
applicable migration management national laws. Moreover, although one
strategy are still far from realization. can argue that once relatively tight
Nevertheless, the international border controls have been eroded due
community realizes the fact that to human smuggling and trafficking
such a binding strategy is today more networks, the new wave of terrorism
than necessary, because population has forced immigration countries to
movements, be they regular or irregular, apply even more restrictive measures
voluntary or forced, will exist as a than ever before. This state-centric
pressing subject similarly in the future standpoint is in most cases the main
as they do today. In the following obstacle to global governance in
pages, what part the ICRMW could common issues of the international
play in this context, is discussed at community.6 Climate matters,
length. Finally, the perspectives of the environmental issues and international
Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and migration all belong to the realm of
Regular Migration will be presented as global concerns, which need concerted
a new approach to find viable solutions action at the international level. Among
to tackle global migration problems. these subjects, international migration
has taken an important place. The
globalization process that has in fact
Current Issues of neglected human circulation by and
International Migration large might well represent the needs
and demands towards a new migration
As mentioned earlier, the consequences governance strategy that should
of developments in the size and incorporate all types of international
structure of international migration migration.

Migration in International Relations

in an increasingly tense social climate.7

Climate matters, environmen- Mainstream political parties in the
tal issues and international involved democratic countries are
primarily interested in gaining more
migration all belong to the
votes in elections to consolidate their
realm of global concerns,
political positions and they even resort
which need concerted action at
to the populist political discourses.
the international level. This, in return, lead to failure in the
struggle against populism and racism
With the progress of globalization, in those countries. Consequently, the
despite restriction policies in the field governments show generally little
of migration, the world is experiencing willpower to combat racist attitudes
a blurring in the distinction between on their territories.8 This fact definitely
external and internal security matters. embodies the security matters in the
Terrorist attacks in various countries receiving countries: It is not only a
receiving migrants has raised matter of threat or security against
the sensitivity against almost all the society and state in the destination
foreigners, mainly new-comers, who countries, but also a big concern for the
are suspected as potential dangers to interests of all migrants and members
security. This intensifies consequently of transnational communities residing
the securitization of migration and there, and has an immediate impact
prevents a plausible approach to global on their everyday lives. For the source
management of migration, especially
countries, their citizens abroad are also
with the limited legal instruments that
a matter of concern, and such practices
are used with abundant experience and
may have negative impacts on their
expertise by international organizations.
bilateral relations with the receiving
Another subject within the context of
international migration is the increase
in xenophobic sentiments and racist
violence against the members of The permanent settlement of
the immigrant communities of the transnational communities
receiving countries. Economic crisis in the immigration countries
as well as the changing neo-liberal
generates new grounds for
structures of production foster social
policies and administrative
rivalries and hostilities between the
existing working population and
migrants, making the latter scapegoats

O. Can Ünver

Apart from these facts, the permanent cultural and social lifestyle, values
settlement of transnational and norms of the host society.10 To
communities in the immigration be integrated, the migrant however
countries generates new grounds for should enjoy equal opportunities
policies and administrative measures, and chances that are presented to
and diasporas in the immigration every individual in the society.11 In
countries have opened up new most cases, this requirement is either
perspectives in international relations. ignored or placed not at the top of the
Diaspora or transnational community social agenda. This approach makes
policies of both sending and receiving the immigration societies rather
countries are of concern to governments vulnerable, because social cohesion
today in their relations with each other, is an unreasonable objective without
and transnationalism presents new and having granted equal rights, and when
complex connections between the actors the sending and receiving countries
within the migration phenomenon.9 may be pursuing conflictual trajectories
These connections are mainly of a in their relations. Controversial
social, cultural and economic nature positions in the perceptions of the
with a strong influence on the inter- migration phenomenon in both groups
state relations between the sending and of countries and among the migrants
receiving countries. and host societies make the situation
complex and almost unmanageable.
In this respect, establishing common
and widely accepted standards could
Undocumented or irregular be the best way to create a climate for
migration has become the enhancing integration. These standards
common issue for all receiving should be treated and implemented
countries in recent decades. within the global criteria of human

Undocumented or irregular migration

Integration and naturalization of has become the common issue for all
the immigrants is another matter of receiving countries in recent decades.
discussion that is highly debated in The climate of restriction or closed-
the receiving countries. Integration is door policies to regular migration,
widely understood as a cultural process, especially of the unskilled, encourages
which presupposes the immigrant migratory flows of undocumented
to partly relinquish his own cultural migrants to some countries, where they
identity and accept the imposed hope for better living conditions for

Migration in International Relations

themselves and their family members. all had a major impact on migration
Internal disputes, safety concerns, policies. As the migration structures
climate change and especially economic are changing rapidly, the responses
problems are the push factors for the to these complicated problems need
unskilled to move from their home global attention more than before,
countries. The world witnesses almost since volatility and diversification
every day victims of human trafficking in migration patterns are the major
in the Mediterranean Sea, overfilled realities today.
boats and drowned people from Sub-
The increasing influx of asylum-seekers
Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
and difficulties or unwillingness to
tackle with the regional crisis that
generate new migratory flows, have
The increasing influx of become major concerns. Generally,
asylum-seekers and difficulties receiving countries feel threatened by
or unwillingness to tackle with the asylum-seekers’ influx because of
the regional crisis that generate the high burdens associated with them
new migratory flows, have and due to security concerns. Current
terror acts in almost every part of the
become major concerns.
world, in which migrant involvement is
often presumed, add fuel to the flames.
In particular, the ongoing debate on
On the economic side, in the age of the refugee influx from Africa and the
globalization, the markets dictate Middle East to Europe has not only
migration policies and state behaviours raised the question of critical concerns
to a great extent. The host countries are in the asylum and refugee policies in the
obviously interested in the economic European Union, it has also highlighted
benefits that immigrants can bring. the foreign policy dimension of
Labour migrants, especially skilled migration. The conflictual content of
ones, are most welcome whereas the political interrelations between the
asylum seekers are generally seen as countries that are inevitably affected by
a burden regardless of their skills. the movement of thousands of refugees
Today, the differentiation of migrants, do not facilitate any easy solution that
the global increase in the number is in conformity with the human rights
of asylum seekers, the new group of of the migrants. The receiving countries
professional managers from various are highly concerned about the burden
countries in the global companies, and that the asylum-seekers may cause but
the new group of trans-migrants, have concerns about the migrants’ human

O. Can Ünver

rights are not prominent on their list of human rights are often neglected and
priorities. instead, biased national interests such
as security, cultural homogeneity and
market priorities in the destination
The main actors on migration countries take precedence in migration
issues are primarily states, policies. Consequently, the long-term
and the migrants or refugees desired and propagated idea of a global
themselves do not play a governance of migration seems to be
decisive part even in their own a distant goal. The Migrant Workers
personal destiny. Convention is heavily impacted
by this political and almost sacred
position. The relatively low number
of ratifications of the Convention
We see the same attitude in the
(51 as of 2017) confirms this state.
language used on migration affairs,
However, a binding multilateral legal
which is generally conflict oriented.
instrument has always proved to be
States’ security concerns generally
the most appropriate means by which
dictate migration policies and these
to establish common norms and
policies very seldom aim at solidary
standards for the protection of migrant
cooperation between the actors. The
populations throughout the whole
governments of sending and receiving
process of migration. This approach
countries have different standpoints
urgently requires, beyond all objections
in this respect. The sending countries,
by the state-focused political decision-
i.e. the migrant source countries, are
makers, the global establishment of a
profoundly interested in economic
migration framework. One such tool is
gains from the migration phenomenon.
the ICRMW and the other is Global
Migrants’ remittances play a significant
Compact, which will be analysed in the
role for most of these developing
following sections.
countries and are seen as an opportunity
for economic progress, if not a factor in
meeting their ever-problematic balance The Influence of
of payments. International Legal
The main actors on migration issues Instruments on Migration:
are primarily states, and the migrants The Case of the ICRMW
or refugees themselves do not play a
decisive part even in their own personal While migration has always been
destiny. As a result, the migrants’ perceived as a global issue, the

Migration in International Relations

diligence of nation-states to protect including migrants’rights. Nevertheless,

their sovereignty in discussing and these legal instruments, beyond their
implementing responses to global unchallenged moral power, present
migration issues has usually prevented limited competence and applicability
them from engaging dynamically since the sanctions in case of violating
in international concerted action. the rules herein are very limited. State
Nevertheless, international and sovereignty as a power parameter
intergovernmental organizations remains largely inviolable. Therefore,
(United Nations, United Nations despite the quality of international
High Commissioner for Refugees, legal instruments, the state parties
International Organization for may make reservations or even abstain
Migration, Council of Europe, and from consistent implementation of
others) have managed to realize a series the conventions that they have already
of legal instruments that have achieved ratified.
in one way or another a positive Relevant treaties accomplished by
international response. The “Universal the United Nations and International
Declaration of Human Rights” (1948), Labour Office on migration are
the International Labour Organization indeed appropriate tools to tackle with
Conventions No. 97 concerning migration problems globally. However,
“Migration for Employment” (1949) their appliance cannot be imposed
and No 143, concerning “Migration by compulsory means. Sovereignty
in Abusive Conditions and the rights, which influence the politics
Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and societies in the host countries,
and Treatment of Migrant Workers” do not pave the path for a global
are among the international efforts to management of migration, by which
create global migration governance national interests could suffer. This
tools. Furthermore, the “International is the unaffected political position of
Covenant on Economic, Social and the developed receiving countries of
Cultural Rights”, the “International migrants today, notwithstanding the
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, fact that, with globalization, many
the “International Convention on the contrary achievements have been
Elimination of All Forms of Racial already realized. International legal
Discrimination”, the “Convention instruments, treaties, conventions,
on the Elimination of All Forms of recommendations and protocols as well
Discrimination against Women” and as the judiciary options and political
the “Convention on the Rights of the relations worldwide have had some
Child” all deal with human rights, positive impacts on the route to global

O. Can Ünver

management of migration and asylum. for the low number of ratifications

The difficulty at this point is the and especially the reluctance of the
inception of a rights-based approach important receiving countries to ratify.
instead of the market and nationalistic The Convention consists of nine parts.15
policies that are dictating (negative)- The introductory part (Part I, Scope
responses to the existing problems.13 and Definitions) is followed by Part II,
a general non-discrimination clause;
Part III, a catalogue of all rights; Part
Relevant treaties accomplished IV, rights for regular migrant workers;
by the United Nations and and Part V, specific categories of rights
International Labour Office are depicted. In Parts VII, VIII and
on migration are indeed IX the provisions of application of
appropriate tools to tackle with the Convention (see the Preamble of
migration problems globally. the Convention in the appendix) are
contained. The specified human rights
in Part III of the Convention are the
The 1990 UN “Convention for following:
the Protection of the Rights of All The right to life (Article 9);
Migrant Workers and the Members
of Their Families (ICRMW)”, which The right to not be subjected to
ultimately came into force in 2000, is inhuman or degrading treatment such
the most comprehensive international as torture (Article 10);
legal instrument for migrant workers The right to freedom of thought,
of both regular or irregular status. This conscience and religion, as well as
treaty created a worldwide standard the right to freedom of opinion and
in terms of access to fundamental expression (Articles 12–13)
human rights for migrant workers.14
The right to not be deprived of property
The Raison d’être of the IRCMW is
(Article 15)
fundamentally to protect the human
rights of all migrant workers, whether The right to equality with nationals
they are regular or irregular. It reflects, before the courts and tribunals,
however, the migration perceptions of which implies, among other things,
the 1990s and its most critical provision that migrant workers are subject
is the coverage of all migrant workers to correct judicial procedures, have
and their families, i.e. including the access to interpreting services and to
irregular migrants. This provision the assistance of their consulate, and
might be, among others, the reason have the right to not be sentenced to

Migration in International Relations

disproportionate penalties (Articles Migrant workers may be temporarily

16–20, 23–24) absent from the country of employment
(Article 38), they enjoy the right of
The prohibition of the confiscation of
freedom of movement, residence and
identity documents (Article 21)
access to employment (Articles 39,
The right to not be subject to collective 51-53) and shall be enabled to take
expulsion and for any individual part at the public life in the country of
expulsions to be subject to lawful and employment (Article 41). The right to
correct procedures (Article 22) family reunification is also covered in the
The right to equality with nationals Article 44 of the Convention. However,
with respect to remunerations, this right is highly contradictive like
working conditions and social security the entitlement of human rights as
(Articles 25, 27) described in the Convention to the
irregular migrant workers. These
The right to take part in trade unions points, in particular, seem to be the
(Article 26) main obstacles to ratification by
The right to emergency medical care traditional receiving countries. As of
(Article 28) November 2017, 51 state parties have
ratified the Convention and 15 states
The right to education for migrants’
are signatories to the Convention.16
children (Article 30)
Articles 76 and 77 require the
The right to be respected for cultural
constitution of a Committee of 14
identity (Article 31)
independent international experts: “The
The right to transfer earnings (Article Committee on the Protection of the Rights
32) of All Migrant Workers and Members
The right to have access to information of their Families (CMW), is the body
on their rights (Article 33). of  independent experts  that monitors
implementation of the  International
In Part IV further and more fundamental Convention on the Protection of the Rights
rights for the documented migrants are of All Migrant Workers and Members
stipulated. These rights are in terms of Their Families  by its State parties.”17
of access to information (Article 37), CMW as a treaty body functions under
membership in trade unions (Article the auspices of the Office of the High
40, equality of treatment (Articles 43, Commissioner for Human Rights
45-54-55) the transfer of remittances (OHCHR of the UN) and meets twice
to home country (Article 47) and a year to review the reports of the state
expulsion procedures (Article 56). parties to the Convention.

O. Can Ünver

need to be assumed today as more

Migration patterns and future-oriented than a perspective of
dynamics have, over the course yesterday. The rights-based political
of the last decades, undergone position is and will remain a current
issue for all migrants, including their
some essential changes, mostly
family members, asylum-seekers and all
as a result of neo-liberal
other relevant groups of international
globalisation. migrants worldwide.

The obstacles for ratification, as already

mentioned above, mainly the inclusion
of the irregular migrant workers under The Future of Migration
the umbrella of human rights, originate
from the fact that the drafting epoch of Governance: Global Compact
the Convention (1985-1990) was the on Safe, Orderly and Regular
pre-globalization period. Migration Migration
patterns and dynamics have, over the
course of the last decades, undergone On 19 September 2017 a high level
some essential changes, mostly as a meeting was organized with the Heads
result of neo-liberal globalisation. The of States and Governments at the
rights-based approach was bound to United Nations Headquarters in New
lose grounds to two main parameters: i) York. The world leaders showed their
the market-based political positions; ii) awareness of the urgent measures that
the escalation in the number of asylum needed to be taken for an appropriate
seekers and refugees.18 However, the migration management regime. The
global standards of human rights for emerging problems, especially with the
migrants, as already underlined in the presence of asylum-seekers in almost
said Convention cannot be ignored every part of the world, as well as the
and they constitute the main objectives increasing international mobility of
to fulfil the requirements of a global persons due to climate change and
human rights regime for all migrants.19 economic crisis, were the main starting
Notwithstanding the fact that the points to launch an international high
migration perceptions and worldwide level meeting to discuss the problems.
applications have other priorities,
human rights should not be discussed In the declaration made after
in a manner as if they were a necessary the meeting, modalities for the
evil. The quality of the norms and intergovernmental negotiations of the
standards that are set in the Convention global compact for safe, orderly and

Migration in International Relations

regular migration were formulated.

In the “New York Declaration for The unprecedented level of
Refugees and Migrants”, the General human mobility with all its
Assembly of the United Nations positive and negative aspects
requested to launch “a process of will only be mastered by a
intergovernmental negotiations concerted action with the
leading to the adoption of a global involvement of all member
compact for safe, orderly and regular states.
migration at an intergovernmental
conference to be held in 2018, as well As a matter of fact, the attempt by the
as its decision to work towards the United Nations was able to present
adoption in 2018 of a global compact new hopes for a global governance
on refugees, and noting that the two of international migration with all its
processes are separate, distinct and dimensions and aspects. The adoption
independent”. Furthermore, the of the Declaration by 193 member
states is a positive indication of support
General Assembly stated that “the
for the obligation to back a human
global compact would set out a range
rights-based governance program
of principles, commitments and for migrants and refugees. Again, it
understandings among Member States is necessary to emphasize that the
regarding international migration in unprecedented level of human mobility
all its dimensions; make an important with all its positive and negative aspects
contribution to global governance and will only be mastered by a concerted
enhance coordination on international action with the involvement of all
migration; present a framework member states.
for comprehensive international
cooperation on migrants and human Conclusion
mobility; deal with all aspects of
international migration, including The IRCMW, the Migrant Workers
humanitarian, developmental, human Convention, which is the most
rights-related and other aspects of comprehensive rights-based legal
migration, (…)”. As a result, a Special instrument until now, can reinforce
Representative of the Secretary- the global governance of migration
General for International Migration together with the wide-reaching
was suggested to be established. The concept of the Global Compact. As a
Resolution was adopted by the General more binding treaty, there is a higher
Assembly on 19 September 2016.20 chance that the latter could be ratified

O. Can Ünver

by more State parties. We could Appendix: International Convention

positively estimate that the Global on the Protection of the Rights of All
Compact, when it is accomplished in Migrant Workers and Members of
2018, could enhance the ratifications Their Families
of the IRCMW. Migration has always
been subsistent since humankind Adopted by General Assembly
has arisen. We tend to forget most resolution 45/158 of 18 December
of the time that human civilization 1990
owes its economic, cultural and social
development to this mobility. Migrants Preamble
throughout history have contributed to
The States Parties to the present
the building of nations, their cultures,
and economic development. Ironically, Convention,
nation-states do not appreciate enough Taking into account the principles
the overwhelming positive impacts of
embodied in the basic instruments of
migration and migrants. Their human
the United Nations concerning human
rights are neglected; even their lives
rights, in particular the Universal
are endangered and they are viewed as
unwanted foreigners in many countries. Declaration of Human Rights, the
The United Nations, the ILO and, as International Covenant on Economic,
a UN-related agency, the International Social and Cultural Rights, the
Organization for Migration (IOM), International Covenant on Civil and
are trying to establish appropriate Political Rights, the International
conceptions for migration governance. Convention on the Elimination of
It is now likely that the Global All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular the Convention on the Elimination of
Migration will presumably contribute, All Forms of Discrimination against
together with all stakeholders, to a Women and the Convention on the
better management of migration, and
Rights of the Child,
guide nation-states for a concerted
action on a rights-based approach in Taking into account also the principles
international migration. and standards set forth in the relevant
instruments elaborated within the
The IRCMW, the Migrant framework of the International
Workers Convention, which Labour Organisation, especially the
is the most comprehensive Convention concerning Migration for
rights-based legal instrument Employment (No. 97), the Convention
until now. concerning Migrations in Abusive
Conditions and the Promotion of

Migration in International Relations

Equality of Opportunity and Treatment workers and members of their families

of Migrant Workers (No.143), in various organs of the United Nations,
the Recommendation concerning in particular in the Commission on
Migration for Employment (No. 86), Human Rights and the Commission
the Recommendation concerning for Social Development, and in the
Migrant Workers (No.151), the Food and Agriculture Organization
Convention concerning Forced or of the United Nations, the United
Compulsory Labour (No. 29) and the Nations Educational, Scientific and
Convention concerning Abolition of Cultural Organization and the World
Forced Labour (No. 105), Reaffirming Health Organization, as well as in
the importance of the principles other international organizations,
contained in the Convention against
Discrimination in Education of the Recognizing also the progress made
United Nations Educational, Scientific by certain States on a regional or
and Cultural Organization, bilateral basis towards the protection
of the rights of migrant workers and
Recalling the Convention against members of their families, as well as the
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or importance and usefulness of bilateral
Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and multilateral agreements in this
the Declaration of the Fourth United field,
Nations Congress on the Prevention
of Crime and the Treatment of Realizing the importance and extent
Offenders, the Code of Conduct for of the migration phenomenon, which
Law Enforcement Officials, and the involves millions of people and
Slavery Conventions, affects a large number of States in the
international community,
Recalling that one of the objectives of
the International Labour Organisation, Aware of the impact of the flows of
as stated in its Constitution, is the migrant workers on States and people
protection of the interests of workers concerned, and desiring to establish
when employed in countries other norms which may contribute to the
than their own, and bearing in mind harmonization of the attitudes of
the expertise and experience of that States through the acceptance of basic
organization in matters related to principles concerning the treatment of
migrant workers and members of their migrant workers and members of their
families, families,

Recognizing the importance of the Considering the situation of

work done in connection with migrant vulnerability in which migrant

O. Can Ünver

workers and members of their families are frequently employed under less
frequently-find themselves owing, favourable conditions of work than
among other things, to their absence other workers and that certain
from their State of origin and to the employers find this an inducement to
difficulties they may encounter arising seek such labour in order to reap the
from their presence in the State of benefits of unfair competition,
Considering also that recourse to the
Convinced that the rights of migrant employment of migrant workers who
workers and members of their families are in an irregular situation will be
have not been sufficiently recognized discouraged if the fundamental human
everywhere and therefore require rights of all migrant workers are more
appropriate international protection, widely recognized and, moreover, that
granting certain additional rights to
Taking into account the fact that
migrant workers and members of their
migration is often the cause of serious
families in a regular situation will
problems for the members of the
encourage all migrants and employers
families of migrant workers as well as
to respect and comply with the laws
for the workers themselves, in particular
and procedures established by the
because of the scattering of the family,
States concerned,
Bearing in mind that the human
Convinced, therefore, of the need
problems involved in migration are
to bring about the international
even more serious in the case of
protection of the rights of all migrant
irregular migration and convinced
workers and members of their families,
therefore that appropriate action should
reaffirming and establishing basic
be encouraged in order to prevent and
norms in a comprehensive convention
eliminate clandestine movements and
which could be applied universally,
trafficking in migrant workers, while at
the same time assuring the protection Have agreed as follows: (…)
of their fundamental human rights,
Source: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Professional
Considering that workers who are non- Interest/Pages/CMW.aspx) (last visited 15 May
documented or in an irregular situation 2017).

Migration in International Relations

1 Reginald Appleyard, “International Migration Policies: 1950-2000”, International
Migration Quarterly Review, Vol.39, No. 6 (2001), Special Issue: International Migration
Policies, pp.7-20.
2 Rey Koslowski, “International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics:
A Conceptual Framework”, in Rey Koslowski (ed.), International Migration and the
Globalization of Domestic Politics, London and New York, Routledge, 2005, pp.5-32.
3 OHCHR Report, “International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of
All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families”, at http://www.ohchr.org/
Documents/ProfessionalInterest/cmw.pdf (last visited 15 December 2017); Esen
Akıntürk, “Birleşmiş Milletlerin Göçmen İşçilere İlişkin Sözleşmesi”, Dokuz Eylül
Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol. 9, No. 2 (2007), pp.1- 25.
4 Stephen Castles, “Foreword”, The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International
Relations, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2010), p. 11; Andrew Geddes, “International Migration and
State Sovereignty in an Integrating Europe”, International Migration Quarterly Review,
Vol. 39, No. 6 (2001), Special Issue: International Migration Policies, pp. 21-42.
5 UN Report, “Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration”, at http://
orderly-and-regular-migration-1.pdf (last visited 15 December 2017).
6 Antoine Pécoud, Depoliticising Migration. Global Governance and International Migration
Narratives. London: Palgrave Pivot, 2015.
7 Jerome S. Legge, Jews, Turks and Other Strangers. The Roots of Prejudice in Modern
Germany, Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2003; O. Can Ünver, Alman
Kışı: Neo-Liberal Çağın Almanya’sında Irkçılığın Hedefindeki Göçmenler, Ankara, Nika,
8 Ünver, Alman Kışı.
9 Martyna Tomiczek, “Diaspora Diplomacy - About a New Dimension of Diplomacy: The
Example of a New Emigration Non-Governmental Organisation”, Journal of Education
Culture and Society, No. 2 (2011), pp.105-123.
10 Wolf-Dietrich Bukow, Urbanes Zusammenleben. Zum Umgang mit Migration und Mobilität
in europäischen Stadtgesellschaften, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.
11 Upendra Baxi, “Afterword. The Struggle for sSans-Papier Human Rights”, in Marie
Bénédicte Dembour and Tobias Kelly (eds.), Are Human Rights for Migrants? Critical
Reflections on the Status of Irregular Migrants in Europe and the United States, New York,
Routledge, 2011, pp.222-232.
12 Isabelle Slinckx, “Migrants’ Rights in UN Human Rights Conventions”, in Richard
Cholewinski, Paul de Guchteneire and Antoine Pecoud (eds.), Migration and Human
Rights. The United Nations Convention on Migrant Workers’ Rights, New York, Cambridge
University Press, 2009, pp.122-149.
13 Ryszard Cholewinski, Protection of the Human Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of
their Families under the UN Migrant Workers Convention as a Tool to Enhance Development

O. Can Ünver

in the Country of Employment, at www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cmw/docs/

cholewinski.doc (last visited 18 April 2017); Paul de Guchteneire and Antoine Pécoud,
“Introduction: The UN Convention on Migrant Workers’ Rights”, in Cholewinski, de
Guchteneire and Pécoud (eds.), Migration and Human Rights. pp.1- 46.
14 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and
Members of their Families, at http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/
CMW.aspx (last visited 13 May 2017).
Ibid; OHCHR, at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/CMW/
StatRatCMW.pdf. (last visited 13 May 2017). The State-parties to the Convention
are the following: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belize, Bolivia,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Ecuador,
Egypt, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia,
Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco,
Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sao
Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Timor Leste, Turkey, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Some State parties declared reservations to various articles of the Convention. For
example, Turkey’s declarations and reservations upon accession are the following:
A) The declaration regarding Article 15: The restrictions by the related Turkish laws regarding
acquisition of immovable property by the foreigners are preserved.
B) The reservation regarding Article 40: The Turkish Law on Trade Unions allows only the
Turkish citizens to form trade unions in Turkey.”
C) The declaration regarding Article 45: The stipulations of the paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of
the Article  45 will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish
Constitution and the related Laws.
D) The declaration regarding Article 46: The implementation of the Article 46 will be made
in accordance with the national laws.
E) The declaration regarding Articles 76 and 77: Turkey will recognize the competence of the
Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their
Families at a later time.
16 OHCHR, at http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CMW/Pages/Membership.aspx
(last visited 13 May 2017)
17 Ibid.
18 Ryszard Cholewinski, Protection of the Human Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of
their Families under the UN Migrant Workers Convention as a Tool to Enhance Development
in the Country of Employment, at www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cmw/docs/cholewinski.
doc. (last visited 18 April 2017); Patrick Taran, “The Need for a Rights-based Approach
to Migration in the Age of Globalization”, in Cholewinski, de Guchteneire and Pecoud
(eds.), Migration and Human Rights, pp.1-46.
19 United Nations General Assembly. Seventy-first session. A/res/71/1 Resolution
adopted by the General Assembly on 19 September 2016. 71/1. New York Declaration
for Refugees and Migrants.
20 Ibid.

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