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A place to live: a modest satire about modern Italian society

I will never forget my first time in Ailati. A really wonderful country with a lot of art,
history and ruined monuments. Ruined not by the years, it would not be classy! Every
tourist hast to take a piece from every monument as a souvenir so that their friends
will see that they were in Ailati!
Ailatian society is very well organised and productive. Everybody wants to work a lot
and more than the colleagues, but not for personal interests (nobody cares about
personal richness), they work only for the richness and the safety of the country!
What a wonderful population!
By the way, Ailati is famous in the world because of its magnificent ruling class. In
facts, Ailatian policy and bureaucracy are the easiest in the world!
Officially Ailati is a republic, but the population trusts the politician so much, that
they don’t go to vote. Oh, what a wonderful country it is.
As a result, Ailatian politicians, like the honest Ailatian workers, act only for the
public interest. In parliament, a lot of new laws are discussed, but no one is approved.
That’s not a problem, because the Ailatian population has a strong public spirit and
everyone respects what the Government says. Indeed, there is only one prison in the
whole country, but it’s empty!
For example, many years ago there was a pandemic: the famous Crownvirus. In order
to avoid the diffusion of the Crownvirus, the parliament ordered the citizens to stay at
home for a couple of weeks, and absolutely nobody went out!
The Ailatian population is the most hospitable in the world. All the migrants want to
leave their country in order to reach Ailati because they know that there is a lot of
work. So much, that Ailatian population isn’t enough and they need workers from
foreign countries. Therefore, every migrant is accepted ad gets citizenship as soon as
he crosses the Ailatian border.
It was a decision of the Government, which, in an interview, said that “we want the
foreigners to stay here and enrich our culture”.
The word corruption isn’t written in Ailatian dictionaries, because everything it’s
based on what is right. Therefore, nobody needs to corrupt someone and if he does it,
he will always find a refusal.
Oh, I have a lot of beautiful memories of my holidays there… where the see is so
protected, that no ship can navigate, in order to prevent the water pollution… I will
never forget my first time in Ailati.
I decided to write this short story in order to use the satire to make fun of Italian
Ailati is the anagram of Italy.
Abroad, Italy is known for the laziness of the population, therefore I decided to think
the Ailatian population as the opposite.
The fact that Ailatian population doesn’t want to vote reflects the number of the latest
Italian elections, which had a high level of abstention.
Then I make a satire of the Italian government and the Italian public spirit. For
example, in these days when not everybody stays at home for the Coronavirus (which
becomes Crownvirus in the story).
There is satire also for the migration problem that there are in Italy because in Ailati
happens the opposite of what happens here.
In the end, I also criticize the corruption and the pollution, which are the major
problems of our days in Italy.

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