ATIV 2/2 - 3o Bimestre

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ATIV 2/2 - 3o Bimestre

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2.Apostila 12- pág. 7 exercício 2.

"What is a man´s greatest achievement?" This question was posed to

people in different cities around the world. The following article reports
some of the answers received.
Which of the EVENTSare mentioned in it?

Glossary: puzzler: difficult question./ passersby: people passing by /lead-up: the

period of time preceding a given event./feats: achievements,
accomplishments/alas: unfortunately/ look-in: a chance to participate
(1 Ponto)
the written word; democracy; 
the development of vaccines; 
the development of agriculture
3.Apostila 12- página 10- exercício 3
Leia os seguintes excertos (1,2 e 3) e decida se  cada afirmativa  é
verdadeira ou falsa, de acordo com o teor dos textos.

The earthquake that generated the great Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 is
estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic
bombs, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Giant forces that had been building up deep in the Earth for hundreds of
years were released suddenly on December 26, shaking the ground
violently and unleashing a series of killer waves that sped across the
Indian Ocean at the speed of a jet airliner.
By the end of the day more than 150,000 people were dead or missing
and millions more were homeless in 11 countries, making it perhaps the
most destructive tsunami in history

The waves in the 2004 tsunami moved rather slowly.
(1 Ponto)

RMS Titanic was an Olympic-class passenger liner owned by the White
Star Line and built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland.
On the night of 14 April 1912, during her maiden voyage, Titanic struck an
iceberg, and sank two hours and forty minutes later, early on 15 April
1912. At the time of her launching in 1912, she was the largest passenger
steamship in the world. The sinking resulted in the deaths of 1,517
people, ranking it as one of the worst peacetime maritime disasters in
history and by far the most infamous. The Titanic used some of the most
advanced technology available at the time and was popularly believed to
be “unsinkable” – indeed, in a 1910 White Star Line brochure advertising
the Titanic; it was claimed that she was “designed to be unsinkable”. It
was a great shock to many that despite the advanced technology and
experienced crew; the Titanic still sank with a great loss of life. The media
frenzy about Titanic’s famous victims, the legends about what happened
on board the ship, the resulting changes to maritime law, and the
discovery of the wreck in 1985 by a team led by Robert Ballard have made
Titanic persistently famous in the years since.
RMS stands for Royal Mail Steamer. In the Titanic era only the certified
ships would carry the mail and have those initials.

The Titanic wreck was located many years after it

(1 Ponto)
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and
has rapidly become the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its
discovery in 1976.
In fact, the current epidemic sweeping across the region has now killed
five times more than all other known Ebola outbreaks combined.
More than 16 months on from the first confirmed case recorded on 23
March 2014, at least 11,284 people have been reported as having died
from the disease in six countries; Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the
US and Mali. The total number of reported cases is more than 27,741.
The World Health Organization (WHO) admits the figures are
underestimates, given the difficulty collecting the data.


  The World Health Organization (WHO) believes

the figures about Ebola are higher than reality.

(1 Ponto)
6.Pág. 14 Apostila 12
Learning booster
Read the following excerpts and complete the table with the right pieces
of information.

Texto A
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein revolutionized
the way scientists think about space and time. […]
In his special theory of relativity, Einstein showed that time and length are
not as absolute as everyday experience would suggest: Moving clocks run
slower, and moving objects are shorter. Those are just two of the unusual
properties of Einstein’s world! Another consequence of special relativity is
the most famous formula of all: E = mc², stating that two physical
quantities which physicists had defined separately, namely energy and
mass, are in fact equivalent. [...]

Digite suas respostas , EM INGLÊS, no campo apropriado. Procure as

respostas no texto acima

1. What´s the scientist´s name?

2. What did he discover?
3. What did he show with his theory ?
(2 Pontos)

7.Texto B

It all started with a mold that developed on a staphylococcus culture
plate. Since then, the discovery of penicillin changed the course of
medicine and has enabled physicians to treat formerly severe and life-
threatening illnesses such as bacterial endocarditis, meningitis,
pneumococcal pneumonia, gonorrhea and syphilis.
Penicillin discovered penicillin discovered Sir Alexander Fleming, a
Scottish researcher, is credited with the discovery of penicillin in 1928. At
the time, Fleming was experimenting with the influenza virus in the
Laboratory of the Inoculation Department at St. Mary’s Hospital in

Digite suas respostas , EM INGLÊS, no campo apropriado. Procure as

respostas no texto acima.

1. What´s the scientist´s name?

2. What did he discover?
3. What did he show with his theory ?

(2 Pontos)

8.Leia o texto e identifique os sinônimos dos phrasal verbs .

Becoming a full-time inventor takes commitment. Most ideas – even great
ones – just aren’t brought to market that quickly. Any inventor will tell you
that it can sometimes feel as though you’re waiting and waiting.
But I think it’s worth it. [...] The joy I feel when an idea I dreamt up is
actually brought to life is unparalleled. Thankfully, between the advent of
new avenues to market like crowdfunding and the expansion of open
innovation, becoming a full-time inventor is easier than it ever has been.
Living the licensing lifestyle has been incredibly rewarding. If you want it
to be yours, follow these steps.
Don’t quit your day job just yet. First, you need to understand that
product development happens relatively slowly. The fastest I have ever
seen a product brought to market from initial conception is six months.
Two years is a more realistic time frame. [...]
Find a mentor. There are a lot of resources available for inventors and
entrepreneurs. You can find an inventors group. You can read books. (I’ve
written a few!) But if you want to progress quickly, the best thing you can
do is learn from someone who has been there. Having someone
to run your questions by and help keep you focused is invaluable.
Consider joining a startup (particularly if you’re young). I learned more
about business during the two years I worked at Worlds of Wonder in the
mid ‘80s than I have doing anything else. Because we were always short-
staffed, I got to take part in projects I never would have been able to
otherwise. It was like I was getting paid to learn.
Stick to one or two industries in particular. [...] Honing in on a few
industries allows you to develop expertise and familiarity. The more you
know about an industry, the more easily you will be able to identify
opportunities for innovation. And if you keep submitting ideas to the
same companies, they will begin to know you and respect you as a
professional. [...]
Understand and embrace that licensing is a numbers game. Before he set
out to become a full-timer, Mullin studied the professional inventors he
knew and quickly observed that they all had multiple deals going on.
Develop thick skin. You’re going to be told no. In fact, your ideas are
going to be rejected over and over again. I like to joke that I could paper
the walls of my home many times over with all of the rejection letters I
have received. All of which is to say: You must learn not to take it
personally. If you’re committed to becoming a professional, it’s more
important than ever that you find a way to hold on to your creativity and
love of wonder in the face of adversity
Be persistent. [...] If you want to become a professional, you must be able
to abandon an idea that isn’t working out and quickly head back to the
drawing board. Your goal is to test your ideas quickly, not let them linger
for years.

Leia o excerto e dentre os "phrasal verbs" em negrito, identifique os que


1. keep something carefully/don't lose it. =

2. tell somebody something and get their opinion about it. =
3. attempt to do something.=
4. focus all your attention on something.=
5. think of/come up with.=
6. succeed=
(2 Pontos)

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