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Project Management

Massimo Felici
Room 1402, JCMB, KB
0131 650 5899
Project Management
ƒ Software project management is an essential part
of software engineering
• Concerned with activities involved in ensuring that software
is delivered on time and on schedule and in accordance with
the requirements of the organizations developing and
procuring the software
• Project management is needed because software
development is always subject to budget and schedule
constraints that are set by the organization developing the
ƒ The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
• Good management cannot guarantee project success
• Bad Management usually results in project failures
• Software is delivered late, costs more than originally estimated
and fails to meet its requirements …The Ugly

© 2004-2006 SEOC - Lecture Note 07 2

Software Management Distinctions
ƒ The product is intangible and uniquely
ƒ The software development process is not
ƒ Large software projects are often 'one-off'

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The Role of the Project Manager
Software managers are responsible for planning and managing
project development
ƒ Estimation of the project effort, time and cost
ƒ Planning. Scheduling deliverables, review points and allocation
of staff to activities
ƒ Replanning. Re-estimating and rescheduling in the light of
unfolding circumstances, e.g., risks and quality assurance
ƒ Organization. Establishing a division of labor which is able to
make the most effective use of available skills and maximizes
productivity potential in the context of characteristics (e.g.,
risk factors) of the particular project
ƒ Quality assurance. Planning and carrying out actions to
ensure that the software product meets required quality

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Project Planning
ƒ Probably the most time- Types of project plan
ƒ Quality plan: describes the
consuming project management quality procedures and
activity standards that will be used in
the project
ƒ Continuous activity from initial ƒ Validation plan: describes the
approach, resources and
concept through to system schedule used for system
delivery validation
ƒ Configuration Management plan:
ƒ Plans must be regularly revised describes the configuration
as new information becomes management procedures and
structures to be used
available ƒ Maintenance plan: predicts the
maintenance requirements of
ƒ Various different types of plan the system, maintenance costs
may be developed to support the and effort required
ƒ Staff Development plan:
main software project plan that describes how the skills and
is concerned with schedule and experience of the project team
members will be developed

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Scoping the Problem
ƒ Objectives expressed in general terms and in the
language application domain
ƒ Scope defines the system boundary, explaining
what will be included in the system and what will
not be included
ƒ Identify: the Customer, the system environment,
necessary tools, potential reuse, etc.
• Ask the Customer: Who is the end user? (often not the
customer) Who has the authority to accept the finished
product? What problem are we addressing? What
documentation will be required? When do they believe they
need the product? Where is the work to be dune? Why do
they need the product? How will the product be

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Other Management Activities…
ƒ Measurement Framework allows the quantitative
analysis of project (e.g., productivity, progress,
etc.) and product features (e.g., quality, size, etc.)
• Software Metrics. Measurement is the process by which
numbers or symbols are assigned to attributes of entities in
the real word in such a way as to describe them according to
clearly defined rules.
• Quality Assurance plan describes how reviews, inspections,
testing, and other techniques will help to evaluate quality and
ensure that it meets the customer’s needs.
ƒ Resource management identifies (and quantifies)
the (needed) resources and describes how
resources are allocated throughout the project
• Resources include infrastructure, staff and time.
ƒ Feasibility study also explores alternative solutions
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Activity Organization and Milestones
ƒ Activities in a project should be organised to produce tangible
outputs for management to judge progress
ƒ Milestones are the end-point of a process activity
ƒ Deliverables are project results delivered to customers
ƒ The waterfall process allows for the straightforward definition
of progress milestones

Milestones in the Requirements Engineering Process

[Sommerville, 2004]

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Project Personnel
ƒ Determine the project schedule and estimate the
associated effort and costs
• How many people will be involved in the project
• What tasks they will perform
• What abilities and experience they must have so that they
can do their job effectively
ƒ The assignment of staff to tasks depends on
project size, staff expertise and staff experience
ƒ People have different work styles (e.g., preferred
styles for interacting with others)

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Project Scheduling
ƒ Split project into tasks and Problems
estimate time and resources ƒ Estimating the difficulty of
required to complete each task problems and hence the cost of
ƒ Organize tasks concurrently to developing a solution is hard
make optimal use of workforce ƒ Productivity is not proportional to
ƒ Minimize task dependencies to the number of people working on a
avoid delays caused by one task task
waiting for another to complete ƒ Adding people to a late project
ƒ Dependent on project managers makes it later because of
intuition and experience communication overheads
ƒ The unexpected always happens.
Always allow contingency in

[Sommerville, 2004]

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Tracking Progress and Control
ƒ Scheduling explores possible ways of allocating
(limited) resources across tasks
ƒ Project scheduling involves separating the total
work involved in a project into separate activities
and judging the time required to complete these
ƒ Project can be late with respect to the initial plan.
It is important to track the progress of the
project and compare it to the plan. If significant
divergences arise it is necessary to re-plan to take
account of the changed circumstances.

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(Graphical) Notations [Sommerville, 2004]
Task Durations and Dependencies Activity Network
A ctivity D uration (days) D ependencies
T1 8
T2 15
T3 15 T1 (M 1)
T4 10
T5 10 T2,T4 (M 2)
T6 5 T1,T2 (M 3)
T7 20 T1 (M 1)
T8 25 T4 (M 5)
T9 15 T3,T6 (M 4)
T10 15 T5,T7 (M 7)
T11 7 T9 (M 6)
T12 10 T11 (M 8)

Activity Timeline
Staff Allocation

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Risk Management
ƒ Project managers must engage in ƒ Risk Identification concerns
risk management to understand with discovering possible risks
and control the risks on their to the project
projects ƒ Risk Analysis considers each
ƒ A Risk is an unwanted event that identified risk and makes a
has negative consequences judgment about the probability
• Risk impact: the loss and seriousness of it
associated with the event ƒ Risk Planning considers each
• Risk probability: the identified risk and identifies
likelihood of the risk, strategies to manage the risk
measured from 0 ƒ Risk Monitoring involves
(impossible) to 1 (certainty) regularly assessing each
• Risk control: the degree to identified risk to decide
which we can change the whether that risk is becoming
outcome more or less probable and
ƒ Risk Management involves: Risk whether the effect of the risk
Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk
have changed
Planning and Risk Monitoring

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Software Risks
Boehm’s Top Ten Risk Items (1991) Somerville (2004)
1. Personnel shortfalls 1. Staff turnover
2. Unrealistic schedules and budgets 2. Management change
3. Developing the wrong software 3. Hardware unavailability
functions 4. Requirements change
4. Developing the wrong user 5. Specification delays
interface 6. Size underestimate
5. Gold plating 7. CASE tool underperformance
6. Continuing stream of requirements 8. Technology change
9. Product competition
7. Shortfalls in externally performed
8. Shortfalls in externally furnished
9. Real-time performance shortfalls
10. Straining computer science

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Risk Management Process

[Sommerville, 2004]

ƒ Risk identification: identifies project, product and business risks

ƒ Risk analysis: assesses the likelihood and consequences of these
ƒ Risk planning: draws up plans to avoid or minimise the effects of the
ƒ Risk monitoring: monitors the risks throughout the project
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Project Organization
ƒ Team members are organized ƒ Comparison of Organizational
in ways that enhance the Structures:
completion of quality • Highly or Loosely Structured
products • High Certainty of
ƒ The choice of an appropriate Uncertainty
structure for your project • Repetition or New
techniques (or Technology)
depends on several things
• Large or Small Projects
• The backgrounds and work
ƒ Examples of Organizations
styles of the team members
• Functional
• The number of people on the
• Matrix
• Integrated Product
• The management styles of
Development Teams
the customers and

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Project Organization: Functional
ƒ Basic hierarchical organization
ƒ Project organized by disciplines and functions
ƒ Characteristics: Narrow set of work methods, deep
technical expertise, Develops skills and morale;
Service-oriented, Communication responsibility on
group manager
ƒ Problems: Elitism within expertise areas,
Communication difficult, no project “ownership”


Requirements Software Testing Customer

Specification Design & Quality Assurance Support

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Project Organization: Matrix
ƒ Based on a specific project; ƒ Problems: Staff attention
Experts are borrowed, but not fractured Conflicting obligations
removed Large amount of communication
Strong top management
ƒ Strong Matrix: team leader is involvement; Reporting to home
the principal authority, Control “base” is difficult
of schedule and budget, Acquire
personnel, Perform reviews
ƒ Weak Matrix: team leader is
only a coordinator, Spokesperson Project
to higher management, Steering Organization

committee has ultimate Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C

Requirements Software Coding Testing
ƒ Characteristics: Specialists work Specification Design
on part-time basis for several
projects, Top management selects Project
project manager and staff Good Manager

for short-lived projects “Task

force” Mentality

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Project Organization: IPDT
ƒ Single, long
- term ƒ Characteristics: Tightly
project; Organized by controlled effort,
component Complex or large
project, Independent
ƒ Combining individuals
authority for sub
from different
managers, Direct
functional groups into an
contact with customer,
interdisciplinary work
Reporting is easy
ƒ Problems: Loss of
System Architecture
project – what to do
Project Manager
with staff?, Difficult to
Subsystem A Subsystem B enforce standards,
Project Manager Project Manager Overspecialization

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ƒ Chapter 8 (Software Engineering
Management) and 9 (Software Engineering
Process) of the SWEBOK
ƒ References on Project Management

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