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NAME: Pheni jean M.

CLASS SCHEDULE: 4:00 – 5:30 pm

What are Advantages and Disadvantages of having the social media as a form
of information device?

Social media is a platform that has become very popular nowadays due to
its user-friendly features. Networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
and more offer people an opportunity to communicate through distances. In other
words, the entire world is at our fingertips thanks to social media. Youth is, in
fact, one of the most influential consumers of social media. If we look at the
beneficial side of social media, we see a range of advantages. The most
important thing is a great educational device. All the details you need is just a
click away. Students may use social media to educate themselves on different
subjects. Furthermore, live lectures are now possible on the basis of social
media. One example would be the online classes we’ve been doing during this
pandemic, because of the advancement of our technology students can now
communicate with their teachers to learn as well as participate on classes like we
do on a normal face-to-face class. Moreover, as more and more people are
distancing themselves from the newspapers, they rely on social media for news.
You're always up-to-date with the latest trends in the world with social media. An
individual becomes more socially conscious of the problems of the world. Despite
having such specific benefits, social media is perceived to be one of the most
dangerous components of culture. If the use of social media is not regulated, this
may lead to significant consequences. It's dangerous because it invades your
privacy like never before. Over-sharing on social media makes children a magnet
for predators and hackers. It also contributes to cyberbullying that has a major
effect on any person. Social sites is used as an entertainment to a lot of people,
but this could be addicting to some. This addiction hinders a student's academic
success by wasting their time on social media instead of learning. Social
networking is also causing communal rifts. Fake news spreads with the use of it,
which poisons the minds of peace-loving individuals. In short, social media
definitely has both positive and negative aspects. But at the end, it all depends
on the user. In particular, young people need to build a balance between
academic success, physical activity and social media. Excessive use of
something is dangerous and the same applies to social media. We must also
aspire to live a rewarding life with the right balance.

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