R12 Encumbrance Accounting: Overview

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Overview........................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Encumbrance Flow ........................................................................................................................... 2
Encumbrance Setup .......................................................................................................................... 3
Accrue on Receipt – For Expense destination ................................................................................ 16
Accrue at Period End – With Invoice Matching............................................................................. 45
Negative Encumbrance ................................................................................................................... 61
Negative Funds Available............................................................................................................... 72
Encumbrance Carry Forward .......................................................................................................... 75
Differences between 11i and R12 ................................................................................................... 83
Technical Section............................................................................................................................ 84


The purpose of the document is to understand the encumbrance accounting flow

from Purchasing to General Ledger in Release12.


General Ledger can record pre-expenditures commonly known as encumbrances. The

primary purpose of tracking encumbrances is to avoid over spending a budget. Encumbrances
can also be used to predict cash outflow and as a general planning tool.

Encumbrance Accounting:

Encumbrance accounting is a form of budgetary control within Oracle Applications that enables
a company to allocate funding for specific accounts. The funds checking feature which is an
integral part of encumbrance accounting, checks for availability of funds on a particular
accounting combination.

The funds checking feature can be performed either at the entry level itself before committing
the transaction or when the approval is made for the transaction. The approval process checks

Encumbrance Accounting Page 1

for the funds check level and the approval is made only when the transaction is passed with the
funds check process.

Modules Involved in Oracle Application:

The encumbrance accounting involves the following modules.

• Oracle Purchasing
• Oracle Payables
• Oracle General Ledger


The pre-requisites to enable encumbrance are as follows:

• Installation of required modules

• Creation of ledger in General Ledger
• Create a Encumbrance Calendar
• Assign the ledger to other modules (Purchasing and Payables)
• Enable Budgetary Control in Accounting Setup Manager

Encumbrance Flow:

The following flow chart explains the process followed during the encumbrance cycle. The
encumbrances can be created in GL as well as from Payables and Purchasing.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 2

Encumbrance Setup:

General Ledger

Encumbrance Accounting Page 3

The following are setups to be done in General Ledger.

Step 1: Enable Budgetary Control and Assign Reserve Encumbrance Account

Navigation: General Ledger>Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager >Query
Ledger>Update Accounting Options

Populate the Reserve for Encumbrance account and Select Enable Budgetary Control and
Require Budget Journals.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 4

Step 2: Populate the Subledger Accounting Method with Encumbrance Accrual.

Subledger Accounting Method:

An accounting method is the composite of accounting definitions for all products used by an
Organization. Each Ledger must use an accounting method to determine how to account for Subledger
transactions. Because Ledgers are set up for specific reporting purposes, each Ledger may require a
different accounting method.

The sub-ledger accounting method is the accumulation of all product accounting definitions. With each
product accounting definition, the user can decide whether to create an accounting entry when invoices
are approved/completed or when they are paid.

The sub-ledger accounting method is a cross product set of product accounting definitions which
determine how accounting events will be processed by the accounting program to create Subledger
accounting entries. The sub-ledger accounting method is assigned to a legal entity and ledger.

Encumbrance Accrual:

Subledger Accounting Method is having the option of

a) Standard Accrual
b) Encumbrance Accrual
c) Standard Cash
d) Encumbrance Cash

If Encumbrance needs to be enabled, then the Subledger Accounting Method has to be set as

Encumbrance Accounting Page 5

• "Encumbrance Accrual" in case of Accrual basis accounting method.

• "Encumbrance Cash" in case of cash basis accounting method for the ledger.

If Encumbrance is not used, then the Subledger Accounting Method has to be set as "Standard Accrual"
or "Standard Cash" for the ledger.

Navigation: General Ledger>Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager >Query
Ledger>Update Accounting Options

Step 3: Open the Encumbrance Year

Opening the encumbrance year is done to enable the encumbrance entries. When users open the
first period ever for the Ledger, General Ledger automatically opens the first encumbrance year
as well. When Users open additional encumbrance years, General Ledger automatically rolls
Users project-to-date encumbrance balances forward through the last period of the latest open
encumbrance year.

Navigation: General Ledger>Setup > Open/Close

Encumbrance Accounting Page 6

Step 4: Define the Budget

The encumbrance is basically for the budgets defined for an organization. Budget is the
collection of the estimated amounts defined for an organization. Choose appropriate status for
the budget in the Define Budget Organization Form.

• Open: The budget is available for update and budget entry.

• Current: The budget is open, and it is the default budget when users use most budgeting
and inquiry window. Users can have only one Current budget at a time for the Ledger.
• Frozen: The budget is unavailable for update or budget entry. General Ledger displays
the Created Date and Frozen Date, if applicable, for the budget.

Users must select the appropriate period to enter the budget. Users can have the budget opened
for a maximum of 60 periods and there is no such restriction available for number of years.

Navigation: General Ledger>Budgets > Define Budget

Encumbrance Accounting Page 7

Step 5: Define the Budget Organization

Budget Organization is the budget entity, to which the budgets are estimated. Budget
Organization can be created at various hierarchies. When separate budgets needs to be prepared
for sales department, purchase department and so on. Each one of them has to be defined as the
budget organization. Again each budget organization can be created only for specific flexfield
combinations. For each combination chosen, we can define budget amount and the budgetary
control can be enforced separately for each combination.

Choose the accounts for which the budgetary control is required and link it to the budget
defined as above. Users need to complete the header level information and then navigate to the
ranges and define the ranges for the budget organization. While defining the Account Ranges,
set the appropriate Funds Check level for each Account Range Users choose.

Navigation: General Ledger>Budgets > Define>Organization

Encumbrance Accounting Page 8

Funds Check Level is selected based on the following business requirements

• Absolute: Allows only when the funds are available

• Advisory: Allows the transaction with a warning when the funds are not available 
None: No funds’ checking is performed and thereby allows the transaction to commit
whether or not the funds are available.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 9

Budgetary Control Group:

Navigation: General Ledger>Budget > Define > Controls

Encumbrance Accounting Page 10

Assign Budgetary Control Groups:

Navigation: System Administrator: Profile>System>Query the profile Budgetary Control Group

The profile “Budgetary Control Group is set “Standard” at the responsibility level.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 11


Step 6: Open Period in Purchasing

Open the Purchasing periods where the transaction is to be performed.

Navigation: Purchasing> Setup > Financials > Accounting > Control Purchasing Periods

Encumbrance Accounting Page 12


Step 7: Set Financial Options in Payables

Users need to select the appropriate encumbrance types and the value so selected can be used by
the system while creating the accounting entries. Encumbrance has to be enabled in Financial
Options form either in Payables or Purchasing module.

Navigation: Payables>Setup>Options>Financial

Select Encumbrance Tab.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 13

Step 8: Open the Payables period.

Navigation: Payables > Setup > Calendar > Accounting Periods

Encumbrance Accounting Page 14


Step 9: Open the Inventory period. This is mandatory for receiving.

Navigation:- Inventory > Accounting Close Cycle > Inventory Accounting Periods > Choose the

Encumbrance Accounting Page 15

Encumbrance Transaction

Accrue on Receipt – For Expense destination:

Enter budget for the account 01-000-1313-0000-000 in the period Feb-13 for a debit amount of
10000.Post the budget journal.

Navigation: General Ledger>Budget>Enter>Journals

Encumbrance Accounting Page 16

Navigation: General Ledger>Journal>Enter>Review the Budget Journal

Transaction Passed:

Budget Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

Budget Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 1000

Encumbrance Accounting Page 17

The funds available is 10000 as per the calculation of

Funds Available = Budget - (Encumbrance + Actual).

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 0 0 10000

Navigation: General ledger >Inquiry>Funds

Encumbrance Accounting Page 18


Log in to Purchasing Responsibility

Navigate: Requisitions > Requisitions

Create a requisition for an amount of 100 with expense item. The charge account and budget
accounts get populated automatically once you move to the distributions page.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 19

Reserve and submit the encumbrance. The encumbrance is reserved for the Requisition.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 20

Once the reservation is done the Budgetary Control Results can be viewed.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 21

Create a requisition, reserve and approve the requisition. Reserving the requisition kicks of the
funds checker program and encumbrance line gets created in the table GL_BC_PACKETS. The
encumbrance journal entries get created when "Transfer Journal entries to GL" is run from
Purchasing Responsibility
The data in GL_BC_PACKETS table would get deleted when the encumbrance journal is posted
in GL.

Table Snapshot:




The funds available is 10000 as per the calculation of

Funds Available = Budget - (Encumbrance + Actual).

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 Commitment - 100 0 9900

Navigation: General Ledger>Inquiry>Funds

Encumbrance Accounting Page 22

The encumbrance entries created by the Requisition can be transferred to GL.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 23

The journal created has the following accounting lines as shown in the figure.

Transaction Passed:

REQ Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 24

Navigation: General Ledger>Journal>Enter

Purchase Order:

Log into Purchasing Responsibility.

Users can create, approve and reserve Funds for Purchase Order from requisition

Navigation: Purchasing>Auto Create

Find the requisition, Select the requisition and go to automatic. Make sure that the supplier
information is entered and select create. This creates the PO. Complete, reserve and approve the
PO. When approved users can do funds check and this should be in PO phase, assuming PO
encumbrance is the type attached at PO level.

No journal entries are created at this stage but similar to the previous step, Users can create
encumbrance entries by "Transfer Journal entries to GL". While using PO Encumbrance, users
cannot change price, quantity, shipment or currency once a PO has been reserved and approved,
the only way to deal with such a situation is to cancel the existing PO and create a new one when
a PO is cancelled system takes care of adjusting encumbrance.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 25

The encumbrance created on Requisition is relived when the PO encumbrance is created and
Funds are reserved for the PO.

Reserve the encumbrance and approve the purchase order.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 26

The funds available is

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 Obligation - 100 0 9900

Navigation: General Ledger>Inquiry>Funds

Encumbrance Accounting Page 27

Table Snapshot:




Transaction Passed:

Reversal Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

PO RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 28

The following are the encumbrance journal entries created in GL.

Navigation: General Ledger>Journal>Enter

Encumbrance Accounting Page 29


Navigate to Receiving > Receipts

For the purchase order created and approved perform receipt. For the expense item the
destination type is Expense Routing. The routing is direct delivery, hence Receive and Deliver
happens as a single action. Observe that the quantity of 10 amounting to 100 is received and
delivered successfully.

As the On-line accrual method is selected, the PO encumbrance is relieved when the goods are

The create accounting program is run to transfer the receiving entries to GL.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 30

Encumbrance Accounting Page 31
Create Accounting – Receiving:

This Create Accounting Process can be submitted from Purchasing>View Requests

Create Accounting – Receiving program only accounts for Expense destination PO Receipt.

Parameters used while submitting the Create Accounting concurrent program:

• Ledger - Ledger name to be given

• End date - Accounting entries to be created for all receipts TO DATE
• Mode

i) Draft - Draft mode creates the SLA journals as Draft which can be modified. Hence
these entries will not get transferred to General Ledger and it will be available only
in SLA. Once the entries created in Draft mode are verified and confirmed, Create
Accounting program has to be run in Final mode and the entries getting created

Encumbrance Accounting Page 32

now will override the draft entries in SLA and will get transferred to General
ii) Final - Final mode creates SLA journals which cannot be modified and can be
transferred to General Ledger.

• Report - Options available are Detail or Summary

• Transfer to General Ledger - Yes or No

If the mode is set to Final and the value for this parameter is set to No, then the
accounting entries will get created only in SLA table and it will not be available in
GL_INTERFACE or GL. You need to submit the program "Transfer to GL" in Cost
Management Responsibility > SLA to transfer the entries created in Final mode from
SLA to General Ledger.

• Post in General Ledger - Yes or No

Table Snapshot:


Encumbrance Accounting Page 33

Transaction Passed:

RCV Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

Receiving 01-000-1410-0000-000 100


Receiving 01-000-1410-0000-000 100


Accrual Account 01-000-2215-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 34

Transaction Passed:

Enc Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 35

The funds available is

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 0 100 9900

Encumbrance Accounting Page 36


Once the Goods are received and matched against the Purchase Order, the next step is to create
an invoice for the Goods received.

The invoice is created and matched against the PO created. Then the validation is done. Once
validated the Create Accounting is run to create the accounting entries and to transfer the data
to GL.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 37


Encumbrance Accounting Page 38

Transaction Passed:

Invoice Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

Liability Account 01-000-2210-0000-000 100

Accrual Account 01-000-2215-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 39


The payment is made for the invoice created and this would Credit the cash and Debit the
Liability accounts.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 40

Encumbrance Accounting Page 41
Transaction Passed:

Payment Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

Cash Account 01-000-1250-0000-000 100

Liability Account 01-000-2210-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 42

The following is the journal created from the Payment cycle.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 43

Accounting for Accrue on Receipt – For Expense destination:

REQ Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

Enc Reversal RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

PO RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

RCV Receiving 01-000-1410-0000-000 100


Receiving 01-000-1410-0000-000 100


Accrual Account 01-000-2215-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

Enc Reversal RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1313-0000-000 100

Invoice Liability Account 01-000-2210-0000-000 100

Accrual Account 01-000-2215-0000-000 100

Payment Cash Account 01-000-1250-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 44

Liability Account 01-000-2210-0000-000 100

Accrue At Period End – Invoice Matching:

Accrue At Period End:

Accrue at period end is recording the total un invoiced receipt liabilities accrued during the
accounting period.

Actual journal entries are created for the amount of the receipt liabilities, debiting the charge
account and crediting the PO distribution accrual account.

The purchase order encumbrance is relieved when the invoice matched to the purchase order are
posted to the general ledger.

The expense item can be accrued at

• Receipt
• Period End

Here the same item mvrexp is used for accrue at period end flow.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 45

Budget Journal:

Create the budget journal for an amount of 10000.Post it in GL.

Funds Available:

Encumbrance Accounting Page 46

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds
10000 0 0 10000

Encumbrance Accounting Page 47

Purchase Order:

Create a purchase order for an amount of 100.For this expense item the “Accrue at Receipt” is
not checked.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 48

Reserve the encumbrance and approve the PO.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 49

Transaction Passed:

PO Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1414-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 50

Funds Available:

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 Obligation - 100 0 9900

Encumbrance Accounting Page 51

Encumbrance Accounting Page 52

Create an invoice and match it against the PO 3386. Validate and run the create accounting.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 53

Encumbrance Accounting Page 54
Transaction Passed:

PO Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1414-0000-000 100

Invoice RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1414-0000-000 100

Charge Account 01-000-1414-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 55

Encumbrance Accounting Page 56
Funds Available:

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 Other - 100 0 9900

Encumbrance Accounting Page 57

Transaction Passed:

PO Account Account Code Combination Debit Credit

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge 01-000-1414-0000-000 100

Invoice RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100

Charge 01-000-1414-0000-000 100

Charge 01-000-1414-0000-000 100
Liability 01-000-2210-0000-000 100
Charge 01-000-1414-0000-000 100
PO RFE 01-000-3400-0000-000 100
Charge 01-000-1414-0000-000 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 58

Encumbrance Accounting Page 59
Funds Available:

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 0 100 9900

Encumbrance Accounting Page 60

Negative Encumbrance:

Case I

PO reserved in a period ‘X’ and cancelled in period ‘Y’ without “unreserve “ the

Create a PO in Feb-13.The encumbrance is created in this period for an amount of 200 as shown
in the funds inquiry.

Funds Available: Feb-13

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 200 100 9700

Encumbrance Accounting Page 61

Funds Available: Mar-13

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

0 0 0 0

There is no encumbrance in the period mar-13.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 62

Cancel PO:

Navigate to Purchase Order > Purchase Order > Query the PO.

Go to Tools > Cancel.

During the process of cancellation choosing the GL Date for a different month would result in the
encumbrances not relieved for the original period.

The encumbrance reversal is accounted in the different period resulting in negative encumbrance.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 63

Encumbrance Accounting Page 64
Observe that the status of the PO is closed.

Funds Available: Mar-13

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

0 -200 0 200

Encumbrance Accounting Page 65

Case II

Encumbrance Accounting Page 66

Unreserve the encumbrance in a different period:

The Feb-13 period has the following funds availability.

Funds Available: Feb-13

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 0 100 9900

Encumbrance Accounting Page 67

Create a Purchase Order in the Feb-13 period. Reserve the encumbrance.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 68

Funds Available: Feb-13

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

10000 100 100 9800

Now navigate to Tools > Unreserve.

Unreserve the PO in Mar-13.This is one of the scenarios that can occur resulting in negative

Encumbrance Accounting Page 69

Encumbrance Accounting Page 70
Funds Available: Mar-13

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

0 -100 0 100

Encumbrance Accounting Page 71

Negative Funds Available:

Funds Available becomes negative when Encumbrance amount or Actuals exceeds the budget.
The funds check level is set as “Advisory”.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 72

Now pass a Encumbrance manual encumbrance journal.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 73

Funds Available:

Budget Encumbrance Actual Funds

0 1000 0 -1000

The similar situation could occur in Subledger and can result in negative funds available. This is
once of the scenario in which the negative funds can occur.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 74

Encumbrance Carry Forward:

Navigation: Journals > Generate > Carryforward

You can carry forward year-end encumbrances into the following year. You can also
carry forward budget amounts equal to encumbrances and/or funds available. When
you carry forward year-end encumbrances, the Carry Forward rule you specify
determines the amounts to be carried forward.

Note :- General Ledger carries forward balances, not as period activity, but as beginning

Encumbrance Accounting Page 75

Carry Forward rules:

You can choose from the following Carry Forward rules:

1.Encumbrances Only:

General Ledger determines the year-to-date encumbrance balances as of the end

of the fiscal year and carries forward those balances as the beginning balances
of the first period of the next fiscal year.

2. Encumbrances and Encumbered Budget:

Encumbrance Accounting Page 76

General Ledger determines the year-to-date encumbrance balances as of the end of the
fiscal year and carries forward those balances, plus equivalent budget amounts, as
beginning balances of the first period of the next fiscal year.

3. Funds Available:

General Ledger calculates funds available as year-to-date budget balances less

year-to-date actual and encumbrance balances. General Ledger carries forward
budget amounts equal to funds available at the end of the fiscal year as beginning
balances of the first period of the next year.

Prerequisites to carry forward year-end encumbrances can be found in the GL User Guide.

Topic : Year-End Encumbrance Processing

Page : Encumbrance Accounting 3-11

Encumbrance Accounting Page 77

Encumbrance Only:

Carry forward the encumbrances balances of ‘01-000-1413-0000-000’ from 2013 to 2014 can be
performed using the Year end carry forward with rule Encumbrance carry forward.

1)Check the balances of the accounts using the Encumbrance trial balance report.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 78

2)Close the periods of the current fiscal year once all the transactions are posted.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 79

Open the next encumbrance year.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 80


Since the carry forward is a onetime activity the preview option should be used to verify the
balances. Clicking on the preview button would show the preview of the actual execution.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 81

Carry Forward:

Once the preview is done the carry forward is done for the range.

Encumbrance Trial Balance:

The Encumbrance trial balance can be run for period Jul-14 shows beginning balance of 1000 for
the account 01-000-1413-0000-000.

Encumbrance Accounting Page 82

Differences between 11i and R12:

11i R12

1 Encumbrance related set ups include enabling Sub ledger Accounting Method has to be set for the ledger
the Budgetary control flag ,defining the RFE in addition to other set ups done in 11i
a/c, enabling the encumbrance for REQ,PO
and INVOICE in Financial Options

2 Option to choose different encumbrance types Financial options does not have the LOV to choose the
for REQ,PO and INVOICE in Financial encumbrance type Commitment for Requisitions Obligation
options for Purchase Orders INV (Other) for Invoices

3 Encumbrance entries will get transferred to "Transfer Journal Entries to GL" has to be submitted from
GL by running the concurrent program Purchasing Responsibility to create the encumbrance entries
"Program-Create Journals" from GL in GL.

4 It is not possible to view the encumbrance The entries can be viewed from SLA menu in Purchasing.
entries in Purchasing module

5 A credit against the Reserve For RFE a/c gets credited along with the budget a/c debit entry
Encumbrance a/c (RFE) can be seen only at which can be viewed from SLA menu in Purchasing.
the time of posting the Encumbrance debit
entry in GL.

6 Encumbrance entries created in Encumbrance entries gets generated in a new table

GL_BC_PACKETS will be directly moved to PO_BC_DISTRIBUTIONS and also in XLA tables in
GL_JE_LINES by running the CJE program addition to GL_BC_PACKETS..

7 If encumbrance is enabled, encumbrance Encumbrance reversal and actuals will hit the GL funds
reversal and actuals will undergo funds check inquiry only when these entries are posted in GL even
when these entries are populated in though funds check happens in SLA itself
GL_INTERFACE and GL funds inquiry will
reflect the encumbrance reversal and actuals
even before posting the entries in GL

8 PO details will not available in reference Accounting entries in these tables can be retrieved only
columns(reference_1,reference_2...) in tables using SLA tables(XLA_AE_HEADERS,XLA_AE_LINES,

Encumbrance Accounting Page 83

Technical Section:


Module Table What columns to Look
















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