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Topic of your production and why it is Our topic is the future. It’s not as broad as
important to British Youth you think, we ae only touching of the aspect of fear of
growing up. And how scary the future is to young people.
The future is an important thing to everyone. It’s a worry
that a lot of people have.

How does the production suit your It’s a short film about how the suture is exiting and
target audience? daunting for young people, it will touch on the idea about
2 ways your life can go after a test from the prospective
of a teen.

What are the ethical aspects of your This short film will touch on mental health, and anxiety
production? Will you offend / fight a of growing up. This has the potential to scare or offend
cause / raise awareness of it? someone, but I do plan on handling the subject delicately
and I plan to be tasteful. I won’t be getting lost in the idea
that the future is the worst thing ever and I will try and be
positive with the future as well.

Why should BBC ‘buy’ your It covers the view of a teenager, made by teenagers. It’s
productions – what does it offer that the most realistic portrayal you can actually get because
hasn’t been covered before? the people who made it are the same age as the people in
the short film. The audience will get a true representation
of teenagers and their thoughts and worries, it will also
bring a new audience to BBC 3 .

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