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NEPAL: About

Nepal officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is

mainly situated in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, bordering Tibet of
China to the north, and India in the south, east, and west, while it is narrowly separated
from Bangladesh by the Siliguri Corridor, and from Bhutan by the Indian state of Sikkim. Nepal has
a diverse geography, including fertile plains, subalpine forested hills, and eight of the world's ten tallest
mountains, including Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual,
multi-religious and multi-cultural state, with Nepali as the official language. Kathmandu is the nation's
capital and the largest city.

Nepal is governed according to the Constitution of Nepal. It defines Nepal as having multi-ethnic, multi-
lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural characteristics with common aspirations of people living in diverse
geographical regions, and being committed to and united by a bond of allegiance to the national
independence, territorial integrity, national interest, and prosperity of Nepal.[3]

Singha Durbar, the seat of government in Kathmandu

The Supreme Court

Parliament House

The Government of Nepal has three branches:[3]

 Executive: The form of governance is a multi-party, competitive, federal democratic
republican parliamentary system based on plurality. The President appoints the parliamentary
party leader of the political party with the majority in the House of Representatives as Prime
Minister, who forms the Council of ministers that exercises the executive power.
 Legislature: The Legislature of Nepal, called the Federal Parliament, consists of the House of
Representatives and the National Assembly. The House of Representatives consists of 275
members elected through a mixed electoral system and has a term of five years. The National
Assembly, consisting of 59 members elected by provincial electoral colleges, is a permanent
house; a third of its members are elected every two years for a six-year term.[131]
 Judiciary: Nepal has a unitary three-tier independent judiciary that comprises the Supreme
Court, the highest court in the land, headed by the Chief Justice, seven High Courts, one in
each province, the highest court at the provincial level, and 77 district courts, one in each
district. The municipal councils can convene local judicial bodies to resolve disputes and
render non-binding verdicts in cases not involving actionable crime. The actions and
proceedings of the local judicial bodies may be guided and countermanded by the district

The rate of unemployment and underemployment exceeds half of the working-age
population, driving millions to seek employment abroad, mainly in India, the Gulf, and East
Asia. Mostly unskilled, uneducated, and indebted to loan sharks, these workers are swindled
by the manpower companies and sent to exploitative employers or war-ridden countries under
fraudulent contracts. They have their passports seized, to be returned when the employer
grants them leave or terminates their contracts. Most do not get paid minimum wage, and
many are forced to forfeit all or part of the wages. Many Nepalis work in extremely unsafe
conditions; an average of two workers die each day. Due to restrictions placed on women,
many depend on traffickers to get out of the country, and end up victims of violence and
abuse. Many Nepalese are believed to be working under slavery-like conditions, and Nepal
spends billions of rupees rescuing stranded workers, on remuneration to the indebted families
of the dead, and in legal costs for those arrested in foreign countries. Though millions have
raised themselves out of poverty, due to a lack of entrepreneurial skills, the remittance is
largely spent on real estate and consumption.


Partner Association for Rural and Dire Societies’ Empowerment (PARADISE Nepal) is a
purely social organization that has been launching various programs of social welfare in this
region. It was formally registered in Kailali district administration office in 2005 AD. This
organization has been working for the development of income generating skills, Agriculture,
Education, Awareness for labour migrant, HIV/AIDS Remittance Saving Program and
empowerment program etc. Its activities focus on transforming education through teachers’
trainings, in-school support, child club mobilization and school-community relationship. In
particular, the major interventions include improved classroom management, teaching
material development, classroom delivery methodologies and child protection initiatives. In
addition to that, it aims to support with Information, Communication and Technology (ICT)
materials and school infrastructures for quality education in schools.

PARADISE believes in holistic approach and follows the same while implementing its
projects, ensuring quality education. For the overall development of education status in its
project implementing areas, the organization works with teachers, students, SMCs, PTAs,
parents, community members and other like-minded organizations.

PARADISE has now the following key programs:

 Teacher Trainings
 Teaching Learning Materials
 Scholarships
 Child Club Mobilization Program
 SMC/PTA Workshop
 Community Orientation Program
 Dynamic Learning Circle
 Lead Teachers’ Network
 Livelihood/Income Generation
 Agriculture
 Safe Migration
 Environment

Furthermore, activities of PARADISE have been contributing towards the goal no. 4
of Sustainable Development Goals, i.e. ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education
and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’. These projects have been carried out
with the direct coordination with Center for Education & Human Resources Development,
District Coordination Committee, Education Development and Coordination Unit, rural
municipalities, SMCs, PTAs, child clubs and other like-minded agencies.
Specific Objectives of the Organization
 Develop child friendly teaching learning environment by innovative teaching
skills and strategies
 Increase involvement of parents and communities in school activities
 Increase active participation of child clubs in school and community activities
 Provide need-based support to schools, such as instructional, IT and library
 To enhance the living standards of Marginalized community,
 To conduct income generation program and skills for sustainable of
marginalized people.
 To aware the labour migrants for getting the better jobs in foreign countries
and proper use of remittance.
 To enhance the educational status of Marginalized people by means of
scholarship program.

Our Mission
PARADISE Nepal committed to conduct the awareness and income generation program for
marginalized people, area and society to elimination the poverty and discrimination and
builds their capacity and confidence to promote their better access to quality education and
sustainable livelihoods and raises awareness on healthy living.

To ensure socio-economic status of marginalized people including their proportional
representation in the state structures and mechanisms, and equitable access to all resources
and opportunities as the citizens of Nepal

Our Vision
Paradise Nepal envisions an equitable, Healthy and Educated prosperous Society Free from
all forms of discrimination, exploitation and poverty where human rights, social justice and
dignity of all are respected.
ISE Nepal envisions an equitable, Healthy and Educated prosperous Society free from all forms
of discrimination, exploitation and poverty where human rights, social justice and dignity of all
are respected.

Income Generation Programs (COPs)

In the context of Nepalese economy characterized by low economic growth rate but high
population growth, coupled with high unemployment and under-employment and
destabilized by conflict it is a real challenge to improve access to employment opportunities
although it is in dire need. Lack of equity in education created a society divided between
those with and without access to income generating opportunities. Due to the
predominance of subsistence agriculture in Nepal, only about 16 percent of the total labor
force is engaged in paid employment. Self-employment in the agriculture sector is the
dominant form of employment in the country, employing more than 81 percent of active
workers. Meanwhile, about 20 percent of rural and urban workers are wage laborers. The
official unemployment rate was 3.26 percent in 2000 and the under-employment rate was
as high as 45 percent. Structural barriers, both economic and social, are the key reasons for
this, as they preclude many groups of people from accessing formal and non-formal
education. These barriers leave these groups with few opportunities to build a productive

The goal of the livelihood project was to increase youth’s access to education and training
for income generation and employment. Its major objectives were increased literacy,
vocational skills, agricultural productions and enterprise skills of disadvantaged youth. The
program was focused on areas historically prone to conflict and interethnic tensions. The
multifaceted livelihood program addressed the issues of lack of income options by
increasing access to productive job opportunities and improving incomes of the poor and
disadvantaged, while also creating a workforce that is crucial for the country’s economic
growth. This project offered a package of literacy, technical and vocational training,
agricultural productivity and enterprise training, and scholarships for disadvantaged youth
aged 16-35. Depending on their interest and need, the youth are offered training on one or
more of the components.

Improved living standards of marginalized communities through livelihood and

entrepreneurship promotion and enhanced access to resources and opportunities;

Key activities for Livelihood Projects

 Employment oriented/livelihood skill development trainings;

 Enhancing access to finance and capital formation (S-C scheme, co-
 Promoting entrepreneurship (micro enterprises) and income generation
 Production and productivity improvement support
 Market linkage development and management support;

PARADISE Nepal envisions an equitable, Healthy and Educated prosperous Society free from all
forms of discrimination, exploitation and poverty where human rights, social justice and dignity
of all are respected.

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