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uTest Vision

At uTest our vision is to give you the opportunity to learn how to be a tester,
how to earn money and how to connect with other testers in the community.

uTest Academy
The uTest Academy provides you with courses that teach foundational
knowledge about uTest, why testing is important and how to become a tester.

What is Software Testing?

Software testing is the process in which the features and functionalities of a
product are evaluated with the intent of locating all defects and errors within the

Why is Software Testing important?

Software testing helps to identify the defects and errors that were made during
the development phases of a product. Software testing enables developers to
produce high quality products for their users that are free from defects in the
features, functionalities and process flows of the product.

What is a Software Tester?

A software tester is a person that uses and evaluates a product to identify the
defects and errors within the product.
What is Crowdtesting?
Crowdtesting is when a group of people test the same product in real world
scenarios to provide insights and feedback about the product.
uTest has specialized in Crowdtesting since 2007.

What is the uTest Academy?

The uTest Academy is a training program designed to teach the basic essentials of
how to be a tester in the uTest community.

How does it work?

The uTest Academy is comprised of numerous training courses that include text
and video instructions inside of each course.

Should the courses be completed in order?

Yes. The courses are ordered from beginner to advanced. We strongly suggest
starting with course number 1 and working your way through each course at your
own pace.

Why should the courses be completed?

Testers who complete the uTest Academy courses and excel in the practice test
cycles are more likely be invited to participate in paid test cycles for real clients.
What things can I learn and practice?
You will learn and practice the following things in the uTest Academy courses and
practice test cycles:

Basic essentials of uTest

Different types of testing at uTest
How to be a high quality tester
How to accept or decline a test cycle
How to find a bug and submit an issue report
How to claim a testing slot
How to complete a test case
How to capture screenshots and videos
How to record computer and device logs
How to communicate with the community and Test Team Lead in chat

Can I join practice test cycles in the uTest Academy?

Yes. The uTest Academy offers practice test cycles every week.

What practice test cycles are available?

Introduction to testing - for new uTest members
Computers testing - for testing on Desktop & Laptop machines
Mobile device testing - for testing on Mobile & Tablets devices
Charles proxy testing - for decrypting website traffic on computers and mobile
Academy Challenge - for competing with other new Academy testers
Academy All Stars - Invitation only - for the best Academy testers

Testers can complete each of the practice test cycles one time. However, testers
can complete the uTest Academy Challenge cycle up to 5 times.

On the top left of the Navigation bar is the Search field where testers can look for
specific information on the uTest website. Like Users, Articles, Forums, Projects,

The Test Cycle Chat is the main communication method for testers to ask
questions and get answers related to a uTest project.

You can access the Test Cycle Chat by clicking on the chat icon located at the right
side of the Top Navigation or by opening

Selecting the Chat option will open a new window where testers will find various
chat options for communicating in test cycles:
Active, Locked and Pending Test Cycles Chats - This is where you can navigate
between your test cycle chats. The number of unread chat messages will be
displayed inside of a green icon.

Test Cycle Rooms - A Test Cycle Chat will have multiple cycle rooms:

Announcements- This room is for the TTLs and TEs to post important
announcements about the test cycle. Always read these announcements and do
not write messages in this room.
Questions - This room is for testers to ask questions about the test cycle.
Other rooms - Note that TTLs and TEs can create any other additional room for
various purposes which will be described in the name of the room or explained by
the TTLs or TEs.

Text Field - At the bottom of a room you will find the text field which allows
testers to communicate in the chat. Click the Submit icon or press Enter / Return
on your keyboard to send a message.

Test Cycle Participants List - On the right side of the window below the cycle
rooms you can see the participants list which displays the testers, TTLs, and TEs
that are in the current test cycle.
You can access the notifications page by clicking the bell icon located at the right
side of the Top Navigation Bar just next to the chat icon.
The Notifications window is where you can see information about all test cycle
invitations, statuses, survey invitations, and chats from the community.

You can find the help page by clicking the question mark icon located at the right
side of the Top Navigation Bar just next to the Notifications icon.
This page will show you answers to frequently asked questions and allow testers
to ask a question, and get help by contacting the tester support.

Tester Profile
This is where you can view and edit all the information about yourself as a tester.
It consists of the following sections:
Personal - This is where you can set up and configure your personal data.
Identity Verification - Under the 'Location Info' section, you will notice a checkbox
asking you for permission to verify your identity through a trusted third party
platform. We encourage you to opt-in as having your identity verified can make
you eligible to receive invitations to a broader range of projects, such as hardware

Devices - Here you have to specify all devices you have for testing through the
navigation of drop down boxes. Make sure to come back here from time to time
to update this list as you update your devices. The more accurate the listing of
devices, the more test cycles you will be eligible for.

Payment Testing - Specify payment instruments you have like credit or debit
cards, e-wallets, etc. for testing.

Subscriptions - Specify here different services or programs you are subscribed to.
There are projects out there where those subscriptions are tested. Since our
clients may have a variety of unique criteria, you need to keep your profile up to
Statistics - You can view general statistics of uTest, your tester rating and activity,
your rating history and test cycle history.

Community Profile
This is where you can view your profile as a community member. It consists of the
following sections:

At the top of the page you can see and set up your avatar, the banner, configure
your username, edit your profile data, and see your stats related to the
community side of uTest. Here you will also find your referral link, to learn more
about referrals click here.

About me - At the top you can see badges you have as a tester (note this is not
related to the community, this fully depends on your work as a tester), the date
you joined, logged in and commented last time, your activity stats, badges you
have as a community member.
Articles - View the list of articles you have written if there are any.
Status Updates - View the history of your statuses you have written since you
registered at uTest.
Comments - View the history of your comments you have written since you
registered at uTest.
Mentions - View comments, statuses, forum posts or articles where you have
been mentioned.
Topics - View the history of the topics you have started in the community forum.
Likes - View all the posts you have liked on the community.

This section includes all your payments statistics: your lifetime earnings, the
pending payout, the timetable of your payments.

To be able to receive payments from uTest, you have to set up your payment
method by clicking the Change button on the left side of the page. uTest allows
you to use 2 payment methods: Payoneer or PayPal.
You can configure the way the statistics are seen at the bottom of the page.

Advanced Settings
Visit this section if you want to configure the advanced settings:

The way items are navigated

How you see media
Preset the bug report form
Configure chat notifications, like how frequently you receive emails from chat
You can close your account from here

Sign Out
Use this button to sign out of your account.

This is the main page you see first after logging in. This page provides quick and
clear notifications about your Active or Pending Test Cycles, Invitations, SRS
(Special Requirements Survey), and Community activity from you or testers that
you follow.
Let’s take a look at all of the Homepage sections.

My Activity
My Activity section includes four tabs. Let’s discuss them one by one.

All - A static historical feed that displays the 10 most recent notifications you have
received, across Projects, Invitations, and Community notifications. Select ‘View
More Activity’ to navigate to all of your notifications.

Projects - A dynamic, filtered view of your 5 Active and Pending Test Cycles that
are scheduled to be locked the soonest. Select ‘View All Projects’ to navigate to
the Projects page and view all of your Active and Pending Test Cycles.

Invitations - A dynamic, filtered view of your 5 Invitations and SRS requests that
are scheduled to be locked the soonest. Select ‘View All Invitations’ to navigate to
the Projects page and view all project invitations. If you don't have any current
invitations feel free to browse the Projects Board to find new testing
Community - A static historical feed that filters out and displays your 10 most
recent Community notifications. Select ‘View All Activity’ to navigate to all of your
Community notifications.

New Joiner Checklist

The New Joiner Checklist will be displayed on the Home page and will help direct
new members on how to get started with the most important areas of uTest.

After 30 days, the checklist will be removed from the Home page. If the user
completes the checklist before 30 days, the checklist will be removed at that time.

Profile Completion Card

The Profile Completion card will display your profile completion percentage. Use
the “I don’t have any” checkboxes if you don’t have that particular device, service
or subscription, as this helps your profile achieve completeness. Click on
‘Complete my profile’ if you want to provide more profile details.

The Profile Completion card will be presented to you the first time that you log in
each month.
My Devices
The My Devices card lists out devices and subscriptions that you own. This helps
you stay up to date with your hardware and software. The accuracy of your device
list will help us match you with Projects as they become available. Click on ‘+ Add
Devices’ button to add new devices.

Top Requested Devices in your Area

This section lists the most requested devices in your area. This will help you
understand which devices are in demand and having these may increase your
chances to get more Test Cycle Invitations.

The Academy dashboard contains a range of courses to improve your skills as a
tester. Each of the tiles is a separate course which you can take by clicking the
Take Course button.

Course Page
After opening a course by clicking the Take Course button you should read
through the course and take the quiz. You can navigate through the sections of a
course using the table of contents on the right side.

Practice Test Cycle

Some courses will have a sign up button at the end of the quiz, clicking on it will
automatically send you an invitation to the practice test cycle. Here are some
important notes regarding the practice cycles invitations:

Monday - Wednesday: Testers will be automatically added to the current cycle

Thursday - Sunday: Testers will be added to pending cycles, which will be
activated on Monday of the next week
You are considered to have passed a course after passing the quiz, however if a
course has a test cycle, you will pass the course only after you have completed
the test cycle.

Also note that Testers will not be able to sign up for the next Academy cycle until
they have passed the preceding courses, all Pass/Fail grades will be assigned
when the cycle is closed.

The Projects page is the central location for all of your Test Cycles, Test Cases, and
Bug activity. Where you will operate and earn for your work.
The Projects page can be opened by clicking on the Projects dropdown itself.
In the top right corner there is the pending payment information: the amount of
payment and the date when it is transferred to your wallet if you have set up your
payment method.

In the middle, you can see the Test Cycles section. It has the following tabs:

Invited - Test cycles list you are invited to, but not accepted yet by you.

Pending - Test cycles list which are not active at the moment, but they are
scheduled to start later at some point. During Pending Activation status, testers
can read all available information but Issues/ Test Cases cannot be submitted.

Active - Test cycles accepted by you in which you can participate currently.

Locked - Test cycles that are locked where you cannot report bugs or submit test
cases, but you can edit your bug reports, test cases, or communicate in the chats.
On the left side under the test cycles list there are recently open paid projects you
can apply for.

On the right side you will see test cycles and surveys you are invited to. Note that
the test cycles you are invited to will appear here and in the aforementioned
Invited tab.

Notice the reminder to keep your devices up to date in the bottom-right corner.

Test Cycles
This page lists all the test cycles you participated in with filtering and sorting
features. You can view each test cycle in detail by clicking on them.
Visit this page to view all issues reported in test cycles you participated in with
filtering and sorting features.

Test Cases
This page lists all your test cases you claimed, and it has filtering and sorting

The community part of uTest is for communication with the other uTest members
using various tools that are listed below.

This section contains all the posts on the community.

Let’s take a look at each window in this section.

Featured - View all posts, including articles, statuses, forum posts, projects to
apply for, etc.

Trending - View posts that have been gaining popularity recently. To expand the
list, scroll down and click Show More.

Sharing Status - You can share your status using this text box: share your text,
photo or video with fellow community members.

Main List of All Posts - Below the Share Status button you can see all the posts
sorted by date. You can configure the list to show posts only from community
members you follow or to show posts from all the community.

Publishing an Article - If you want to publish an article click the Publish an Article
button in the bottom right corner. Once you click on it, you will be redirected to
an article form where you can write your article and post it.
This tab lists all the articles on the community.
On the top of the page there is the Write an Article button to open an article form
which allows you to write an article and publish it inside the community.

Below that you can see the list of all articles grouped by various categories.

Click on an article to view it in detail.

Here’s what you can do in the article page:

Like the article or share it using different social networks

Read the article itself and click on the images to enlarge them
Read comments under the article and like them
Leave your own comment by clicking the Write a Comment button

All forum topics of the community are included in this tab.

Here’s how you create a new forum topic:

Before creating a new topic, use the search feature and find out whether a similar
topic has already been discussed
If there is no similar topic, click the Create a New Topic button on the top of the

A topic editor will open to write a forum topic

Select the category, write the title and the body of your topic, then click Create
Check on it later to see if anyone from the community has answered it
Scroll further down to view the forum topics list. You can filter the forum topics
by category using the appropriate dropdown.

To view a certain forum topic in detail, click on its title. Write a comment if you
want to participate in the discussion of the topic. You can like or share the topic
using different social networks.

Main Navigation
Login Page
The login page will be displayed first after installing the app. You can login using
your existing uTest credentials.

A Sign Up link is available for the new testers to join the uTest community.

You can reset your password by tapping on the Forgot your password? link.

After login, you’ll notice that the app is divided into 3 main sections: Home,
Projects and Profile.
Home is where you will see your current test cycle invites as well as any of your
accepted test cycles/cases that are ending soon (within 24 hours).

Projects or test cases will appear in cards that you can scroll through horizontally,
if there is more than one project listed.

You can open a project invitation or an ending soon test cycle or test case by
tapping on the title.

The projects tab will list all of your accepted test cycles. Test cycles will be
organized into three tabs: Active, Pending and Locked.

Each test cycle will be shown as a card. The card will contain the test cycle title,
start and end date, number of issues reported, number of testers in the cycle and
the cycle type (Functional, Usability etc).

Tap on any cycle title to open its details page. We will discuss the test cycle page
in the next course.
The main app navigation also features a Profile tab.

From here you make any necessary changes to your basic profile information. To
edit the detail, tap on the pencil button. You can also upload an avatar right from
your device.

There’s a settings button at the top left corner on the Profile tab. Tap on it to
open the settings page.

The settings page allows you to make adjustments to your push notifications.

From the settings page you can read all of our relevant legalese: About uTest,
Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement.

If you want to sign out from the app, tap on the Log Out button.

Test Cycle
Test Cycle
Navigate to the Projects tab and tap on any test cycle title to open the test cycle

If you open a cycle which is not accepted yet, you can only access the Overview
and Slots tab. Only after you accept a cycle, additional tabs will appear, which you
can then scroll through horizontally.

This is the overview of the cycle. It contains sections like In Scope, Out Of Scope,
Bug Payout etc. You can expand and collapse each section for easy mobile

Always remember to read the overview carefully before starting to test.

If the test cycle is utilizing slots, this tab will be displayed. It will list all available
and claimed slots. You can claim a slot from this tab as well. Tap on the Claim
button to claim a slot.

Once you claim a slot, you’ll be able to see both Available and Claimed slots.
Test Cases
List of test cases that are available or claimed. You can also claim a test case from
here. Tap on a test case to review and complete steps.

List of issues that have been reported so far in the cycle. You can search and filter
issues. Tap on any issue to get a better understanding of the issue.

Tap on the green bug icon located at the bottom right corner to report an issue.

Attachments tab will list attachments with any builds or supplemental
information. You can tap on the attachments to view or download them.

This tab will show all announcements made by the TTL or TE regarding the cycle.
Some announcements may require you to acknowledge it, you can do that by
tapping on the Acknowledge button.

Always pay attention to the announcements as they contain important

information regarding the cycle.

Accepting and Declining an Invitation

How will I be notified about test cycle invitations?
You will receive a push notification from the uTest app and an email whenever
there’s a new test cycle invitation.

How to accept and decline invitations?

Once you received a notification, follow the below steps to accept or decline the

Tap on the notification received to open the uTest app home tab. Or, you can
open the app itself.
Check for the cycle invitations under Projects Invite section.
Tap on the test cycle title to open the overview.
Once the test cycle page is opened carefully read through the overview content,
expand and read all the sections (Like In Scope, Out of Scope), then decide
whether you should accept or decline the invitation.
To accept an invitation, tap on the Accept Cycle button.
To decline an invitation, tap on the Decline Cycle button, mention the decline
reason, add a comment and tap on Decline.

Note: Depending on the cycle the accepting invitation process may be sightly
different. Here are some details:

If a test cycle requires testers to accept NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement), you
first need to accept the NDA before you can access the overview and accept the
The Accept Cycle button will be disabled if the test cycle has any special
requirement. In this case you will need to confirm you meet all the requirements
by tapping on the checkbox and then you can accept the cycle.
If the test cycle has mandatory slotting enabled, tapping on the Accept Cycle
button will take you to the slots tab, then you need to claim a slot to join the

What is a slot?
uTest uses slots to manage tester participation. As a tester claiming a slot
guarantees you a position in the test cycle. There are 2 type of slots:

Test Case linked slots: These slots are linked with a Test Case, means if you claim
this type of slot you will also be assigned a Test Case.
Exploratory slots: These slots guarantee a place inside the testing team but do not
provide you any Test Case. You can do exploratory testing.

How to claim a slot or test case using the app?

To claim a slot using the uTest app, open the cycle page and navigate to the slots
tab. Check for the available slots and claim one which you qualify for by tapping
on the Claim button.

If you claim a Test Case linked slot, a Test Case will be assigned to you, check the
Test Cases tab to view the Test Case.

You can also claim available test cases from the Test Cases tab.

Note: The uTest app doesn’t allow you to unclaim claimed slots. To complete
these actions, follow these steps:

Open uTest platform and navigate to the slots page for the cycle.
Click on the Unclaim button presented on your claimed slot.

What is an issue?
An issue or bug, is an unexpected behavior or a malfunction in the design or
functionality of a product.

The uTest app allows you to report issues and add attachments directly from your
mobile device.
Note: The process of reporting an issue is divided into 4-5 steps. The cycle may
require additional info in step 5.

Steps for reporting an issue

To start reporting an issue, first navigate to the Issues tab from any cycle page.
Then tap on the Report Bug button located on the bottom right corner of the
screen. The form will open.
Provide required details in each step and tap Next to move forward to the next
Once all steps have been completed, click on the Submit button to report the

Edit or discard a reported issue

You may be required to edit or discard a reported issue. To do that follow these

Edit an issue: Open the issue from the Issues tab, tap on the three dots button
located on the top right corner of the screen and the tap on Edit Issue. Make the
required changes and submit the issue.
Discard an issue: Open the issue from the Issues tab, tap on the three dots button
and tap on Discard Issue.
Note: You cannot view messages or respond to info requests from the uTest app.
To complete these actions, follow these steps:

Open uTest platform and navigate to the issues page for the cycle.
Click on the issue you want to view and navigate to the discussion tab to view and
reply to the messages.

Executing Test Cases

Viewing test cases and steps
A test case is a series of required steps to test a product. The uTest app allows you
to view, execute and submit test cases from your mobile device.

To begin, open any test cycle page and navigate to the Test Cases tab, here you
will find available and your claimed test cases.
To view the steps for an individual test case, tap on the test case title.
At the top you will find the progress bar, the tester, build and enviroment details.
Below that you will find the test case instructions and all steps that need to be
It is very important to execute the test case using the environment that you

Executing and submitting test cases

Testers are required to execute the complete test case and submit it within the
required time frame. Let's see how you can execute the steps using the app.
To begin, open any test case page and tap on any step to open it, you should
begin from step 1.
Read the instructions and complete the step by marking the step as Done or Pass/
Fail. If you need to upload any attachment that can be done by tapping on the +
button under Results attachments. You can swipe horizontally to move between
When you mark a step as Pass or Fail you will be asked to leave a comment.
Adding a comment is optional when a step is passed but it is mandatory when a
step is failed.
You will be asked to report an issue if you fail a step, you should review the
existing reported issues before reporting a new one, in case the issue is already
reported tap Cancel on the pop up.

Once you finish executing all the steps, it’s the time to submit the test case. Tap
on the Submit Test Case button.

Provide the time spent details and add comments and then tap on Submit again
to submit your Test Case.
Note: The uTest app doesn’t allow you to unclaim or un-submit (Undo
Submission) your test case. Also, you cannot view any messages received in tester
messenger. To complete these actions, follow these steps:

Open uTest platform and navigate to the test cases page for the cycle.
Click on the test case to view it, from here you can click on Unclaim Test Case
button to unclaim.
Navigate to the discussion tab to check and reply to messages.

Manual Tester Selection Criteria

The Test Cycle Distribution Algorithm is how uTest automatically selects which
testers are chosen to receive paid project invitations for each test cycle. This
algorithm picks testers at random who match the test cycle requirements while
giving more frequent opportunities to testers who meet certain criteria such as:

High Tester Tier: The higher your tier, the higher your priority in receiving paid
project invitations
Activity: The more you test the more opportunities you will receive to test
Passing Courses: Participating and passing uTest Academy Courses will help you
receive paid project invitations
Completed Profile: If your profile isn’t complete, you may miss invitations to paid
test cycles you would have been eligible for
Test cycles can have many requirements, but the common ones are:

Device and software specifications

Geographic location of the tester
Tester characteristics and demographics
Available payment instruments & subscriptions
Make sure your profile is complete and updated. If your profile isn’t complete,
you may miss invitations to eligible paid test cycles.

Tester Selection beyond the profile parameters

For projects containing requirements that are not currently captured within the
Tester Profile, uTest will use these methods to recruit testers :

Projects Board: uTest post the project details in Projects Board where testers who
match the cycle requirements will have the opportunity to apply directly to the
Special Requirement Survey: uTest invites testers through email to participate in
Special Requirement Surveys (SRS) to collect additional profile information to find
the perfect testers for the project
What is a Special Requirement Survey (SRS)?
The primary tool uTest uses to fill difficult test cycles is the Special Requirement
Survey (SRS). Here are the main points of SRS:

Sent out before a test cycle begins

Each SRS is unique to the test cycle being filled
Written to address special requirements of a test cycle
Gathers additional information from potential testers
Test Engineer reviews all SRS responses
Invitations will be sent to the testers that best match the test cycle
Note: All information on an SRS is verified and falsifying your information is a
violation of the uTest code of conduct.
Identity Verification
Having your identity verified can make you eligible to receive invitations to a
broader range of projects, such as hardware testing.

Follow the steps for opting in for identity verification:

Open the Tester Profile page and make sure you are on ‘Personal’ tab
Scroll down to ‘Location Info’ section
Check the box for ‘Yes, I agree to have my identity verified using my phone
number and street address’
Enter your phone number and street address save the details

Your Name, birthdate, phone number, and street address will be used to verify
your information through an internationally trusted third party platform. This step
makes us more protected in the event that we are sending you a piece of
hardware to test with.

Note: Identity verification is not required, but we recommend and encourage you
to opt into this step.

A note from our uTest staff

To improve your chances of being matched with paid project opportunities:

Keep your Tester Profile accurate, complete, and up-to-date

Participate in SRS surveys
Apply for projects on the Project Board for which you are qualify.

How do I earn money

Part of our vision at uTest is for our testers to earn money. Testers earn money by
doing testing and completing various tasks. This happens through:

Issues: Testers are paid for each approved issue they submit in a paid test cycle
Test Case: Testers are paid for each approved test case they complete in a paid
test cycle
Reviews: In addition to reporting issues and submitting test cases, some test
cycles provide the option for testers to "write a review" of the customer
application/website. And testers are paid for approved reviews in a paid test cycle
Usability studies: uTest also conducts usability test cycles where testers can
express feedback and get paid
On-site testing: Testers can perform testing on-site(visiting a specific location) and
get paid for their approved work
Referrals: Testers can also earn money by referring new testers to join uTest.
Testers are only paid for valid referrals when uTest announces a referral program
The amount earned varies on a number of things:

Payout Rate: The payout rate for approved work depends on the complexity of
the project. The payout rate will not be the same for every cycle
Value: Testers are paid more for valuable issues
Testing Tier: High rated testers are paid more than low rated testers. Quality is
the key to improve rating and to be a high rated tester
Frequency of Payments
Testers are paid twice a month:

On the 15th
On the last day of the month
If the 15th or last day of the month lands on a weekend or US holiday, testers will
be paid the next business day.

Payment Methods
You have two choices in how you receive payment from uTest:

Before uTest can pay you for your work on a Paid Project:

You must set up an account with one of these vendors

Connect it to your uTest account
To connect your account go to the Payments section located in the left side
profile menu
Click Setup in the Payment Method option

Input your choice of Paypal or Payoneer

Input necessary information to connect your account
Please note: Paypal and Payoneer may not be supported in all countries. Make
sure you read their terms and conditions carefully when registering with these
vendors, specifically information around supported countries and country

Special Requirements for Testers within the United States

For testers who are located within the United States and make $500 or more per
calendar year, there is a legal requirement to submit a W-9 form to
Testers can receive up-to $500 without the need to submit the W-9, however
payments will be suspended once the total amount of earnings in a year reaches
To submit your W-9:

Download the form from the Payments section located in the left side profile

Fill it out
Send to

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