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AJH Consulting LISP programs February 2019

General instructions

To use the programs just save them to a directory that is included in your Autocad search path.

If you need more information how to do this see "Saving AJH Consulting lisp files.doc".

These lisp programs are accessed via the following methods from within AutoCAD.

The majority of programs that you will use often have been set-up to load automatically from a
menu or toolbar and run on 1st load, some can be ran again you need only type a short key
sequence to re-use eg "XP"

Manual loading of program

Type Appload,

Followed by choosing the lisp directory, where all the files are saved
Pick the required program,
Pick "Load" then "Close"

How to use

Some programs start straight away and you just follow the prompts or fill user values. Others will
give you a message on the required keyboard entry so program can be repeated again without

The programs below, names are indicated as well as their shorthand keystroke if available.

Put contents list here

Copyright© March 2019

Alan J. Houston

Contact: sea,

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software

for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears
in all copies and that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and restricted rights notice
below appear in all supporting documentation.

The following program(s) are provided "as is" and with all faults.
Alan J. Houston DOES NOT warrant that the operation of the program(s) will be uninterrupted
and/or error free. The author assumes you are an experienced autocad and autolisp user and or

You may copy, modify, and distribute this code for your own use or company use. You may not
copy any portion of this code for the use in other codes for resale or sell this code
Not responsible for errors due to changes with or without notice.



Information used for these program was also obtained from the following resources:
Alan J. Thompson (alanjt) Contact: alanjt @,
Add num to txt A2TM or A2T

Allows the addition or subtraction of an amount from existing text.

Either 1 at a time or multiple selection.

Select entities

To exit just press "Esc" or just pick any where on drawing.


Add num to txt.lsp

Adds a number to existing text, allows for a start number to be added to all text chosen rather than
just add 1 to text.


Add prefix text .lsp

This routine adds a prefix text to the chosen text. Just enter the prefix and select text.


Add suffix text .lsp

This routine adds a suffix text to the chosen text. Just enter the suffix and select text.



Change non complex objects to Blayer a simple routine that prompts to select objects to be
changed. Note for simple objects only.

Arc-to chords.lsp

Converts an arc to a equal length of chords, just enter how many chords required and pick arc's.


ARC-to-Multi ARC

Converts an arc to a equal length of arc's, just enter how many arc's are required and pick the arc.


Average Text

As the name implies pick text 1, pick text 2, pick text 3 and it is updated to the average of the two
prior values.


needs more work

Block-att-into table.lsp

This is a more advanced version of counting blocks, it looks at the block name and attributes, it
counts down to two levels of attributes. The block can have multiple attributes but only the 1st two
are used in the counts.
picture here
"Door" "Black" "Silver handle" 5,
"Door" "Black" "Gold handle" 8


Block into table

You can pick a block and pick a table cell for placement of the block as an image.

needs more work


Block shortcut insert.lsp

This routine allows you to type "B" then block name rather than using" Insert" and scrolling to the
block you want to Insert, example b0001 will insert block "B0001". It does use a list of block names,
it is recommended that you limit this list to the most commonly used blocks rather than all blocks.

It does require user alteration in changing the list of block names. As shown on next line.
(setq lst (list "1" "001" "2" "002" "3" "003" "4" "Northn")) ; test list of blocks
Enter your block names in quotes.

It is intended to be a library function and be either loaded using a simple defun or autoloaded on
start up, if you have any questions please contact AJH Consulting and we can assist.


Changes the global scale of blocks, enter the new scale and select blocks to be changed.


Changes the X Y and Z scale of blocks, enter the new scales and select blocks to be changed.



Draw a simple box and dimension it at same time.


Change hatch pat.lsp

This allows you pick a hatch pattern and change the properties of it for selected occurrences,
including changing the actual pattern. During selection the "All" option can be used.

Useful where you want to change one hatch parameter but for all selected hatch's.



This is a simple car park, line marking and allows for various angles and bay widths.


Change hatch pat-2.lsp

Similar to Change hatch pat but it changes a hatch inside a block this will reflect all instances of the



This allows the changing of CIV3D surfaces style from a toolbar rather than using Toolspace, a
more practical way.

It has multiple parts, lisp, icons and tool bar menu.

The instructions to use are in

There is some minor user editing required of the surface style names being used by the end
user, if not competent to make the changes to a menu file (text file) a screen shot of your
surface styles can be sent to AJH consulting and the changes will be made for you.



Allows the changing of the CIV3D point style using a simple dialouge list box selection rather than
using toolspace.


Check text style height.lsp

A library function to check if a text style has the height preset, used in lisp code as text can be
created in two ways depending on if the height is set.



Draw road chevron markings. Under development



Used to check a lisp program for paired brackets it writes a copy file that can be opened and shows
the number of open brackets, matched code will end with 0, useful in larger coded lisps.


Chainage on polyline.lsp needs a better version


Change att by position.lsp

Change an attribute value in blocks of same name, using creation order rather than by attribute tag

Change text style in civ3d labels.lsp

As the name implies allows the changing of the text style to be used in the CIV3D styles. Just enter
the new style name required.


Channel flow.lsp
This gives flows using the Mannings formular

Open shapes are supported as well as box culverts.


Circle notch.lsp
Circle notch2.lsp same as 1
need more work on this see image result


Circle-to chords.lsp

Similar to arc to chords pick circle and enter the number of chords.


Civ3d create point.lsp

This is an example of adding CIV3D points via lisp


CIV3d Import description keys.lsp

You can export description keys from CIV3D this routine allows the importation of description keys,
using a csv file that can be produced quickly and simply from Excel. Please contact AJH consulting
for further details.


Civ3d point edit desc.lsp

You can change a CIV3D point description via its point number to a new description.


Civ3d pt ht.lsp

Allows you to label a Civ3d point Z value as text, picking as many as required.


Civ3d rotate point.lsp

Allows the user to rotate a CIV3D point by nominating an angle or picking two points for the angle, just
enter a negative value for pick two points.


Contours to rl.lsp
This is useful to convert 2d contours or lines that are on a layer that represents an elevation eg
layer name 86. will move objects to elevation 86.0


Co-ord of PT.LSP

Writes a simple X & Y & Z of a selected point as text.



Copy layout to another.lsp

This allows you to copy a layout to another layout it moves the objects on the destination layout 1st,
This is useful where 3rd party or custom routines create a layout, moving the content as an updated
version to an existing layout avoiding a lot of editing.


Copy block atts down.lsp

You can copy an existing block with attributes up or down a set distance, it attempts to increases
the value of the 1st attribute, this would be useful for title block revisions. Entering a zero for shift
will allow selection of two points for the move distance.

Work in progress



Converts selected objects colour to be Bylayer


Circle end 2 lines

This creates a circle on the end of two lines and trims or extends the lines as required.

Civilcad convert

This takes the created dwg file from Civilcad or Magnet and carries out the following steps.

??? Bylayer

Adds EX_ to all layer names to represent clearer that data is field survey

Removes point cross blocks but adds Autocad point as 3D point

Changes some Civilcad linetypes to Autocad line types, then removes the linetypes removing the
link to the Civilcad shx that was produced. It is recommended to remove the Civilcad DOT linetype.


Draw driveway.LSP

It draws a layback into a kerb you pick left and right points and accept or enter a new width.


This is an example of how to create a selection dialouge a 3x3 images using Autocad slide images,
there is also dd2x2, dd2x3, dd4x4 DCL source.


Allows the user to draw lines etc on an entered slope % See Draw1in.lsp also.

Just enter horizontal and vertical scale then % slope required use ortho on to draw square lines at
this angle, when finished type "SNAPANG 0"



to be done


Allows a list of all properties of an Autocad object. Used by programmers


Example progress bar.lsp

As the name implies it is a progress bar example useful where a display is helpfull to show how a
program is running.

Feet to decimal.lsp

It is possible to pass the answer as a command line input using transparent command option
Use this line if conversion is required on the fly type 'fdec when asked for input.
(while (= (getvar "cmdactive") 1 ) (command (+ (+ (atof (nth 0 ans)) inch) frac1)))


Feet to decimal2.lsp

This is a single line version

It is possible to pass the answer as a command line input using transparent command option
Use this line if conversion is required on the fly type 'fdec when asked for input.

Fillet 3 lines.lsp


Fillet rad.lsp

This uses a reactor so you reduce a step in the fillet command rather than Fillet then Rad you can
type R100 the 100 will be recognised as the fillet radius any number is recognised, Decimals must
use a "-" to separate so F100-5 would be a radius of 100.5 This technique is used in other similar
modules, circle, offset, insert block, others can be added recognising the 1st character. It is best
autoloaded at start of Autocad session.


As the name implies it rotates objects 180 deg useful for service line types.


Getval.lsp Getval2.lsp Getvals.lsp Getvals1-5.lsp Getvals1-8.lsp

These have been replaced by Multi getvals.lsp a single program rather than individual programs
that has the same capability.



This is as it implies a Goto a layout, like a page goto in other software. Just type goto and enter
layout as a number, World is layout 0, if you enter a large number it will go to the last layout.


Hatch plines.LSP

A common request hatch multiple plines in one go.


Pick two points and grades, horizontal and vertical distances shown.


Insert image at text location.lsp

Matches a text label to a corresponding image of same name. It is usefull for parts or a office layout.


Line type dump.lsp

This draws a series of lines for each linetype with a label next to it.Usefull to see all current available


This library routine allows you to pick one item from a dialogue list of items.
It can be used in most lisp code with just a couple of lines of code, compared to a hard coded
solution of around 50+ lines repeated every time you want to use a dcl.



Draw a pline by direction Up Down left or Right use upper or lowercase this version is a
metric/decimal version, the option C closes or the option E ends the creation.

Version 2 depending on request will be a imperial version



This is example code of how to make an Autocad table


Make a Acad table from objects.lsp

This is example code of how to make an Autocad table and populate some object properties into


Make furniture table

This is an example of how to make a simple object "household table" using multiple user input for
sizes and producing a 3D object. Uses "Multi getvals" for inputs see below.

Model title to layout.lsp

This makes layouts using title blocks from mspace this code is for metric and may need modification
for imperial the code is hard coded for a A1 title block with a mview window of 800x500 ;the manual
pick is to ensure layouts are created in correct order.


Move mtext-text and align.lsp

to be done

Move window to zero.lsp

Moves all layouts to lower left 0,0 Has an offset ability for edge marker offsets, used to move Title
blocks to a fixed location for auto plotting.


multiple pline width - color function.lsp

mview from rectang.lsp

Aligns text to an existing line and then allows for it to be moved

Multiple block to another block.lsp

You can pick one block and copy its attributes into other blocks.


Multi Getvals
Multiple Getvals is a library routine that allows you to create as many lines of input as required
(subject to Autocad limits) using a dialogue rather than the command line.

It can be used in most lisp code with just a couple of lines of code, compared to a hard coded
solution of around 50+ lines repeated every time you want to use a dcl.

It only requires 2 lines of code in any lisp to use.

It will return a list of all the values you have entered. You can then assign the returned results to
your variables.

There is examples in the top of the code how to use in your code.

For complete example look at "Make furniture table.lsp"


Multi horizonatl lines.lsp

Allows you to create a box with ruled lines at a spacing.


Multi line fillet.lsp


Multi line offsets.lsp

Allows you to enter multiple offset values +ve and -ve offset is accepted as right and left offsets


Multi Radio Buttons

Multiple radio buttons is a library routine that allows you to create as many button selections as
required (subject to Autocad limits) using a dialogue rather than the command line. It can be used
as a replacement of INITGET.

It can be used for simple "Yes" or "No" type of question, or more complex "Left Right Up Down", .

It can be used in most lisp code with just a couple of lines of code, compared to a hard coded
solution of around 50+ lines repeated every time you want to use radio button input.

It can be displayed horizontal or vertical. Picking a button will close the dialouge so no need to pick

It remembers the last picked so Ok can be chosen.

It only requires 3 lines of code in any lisp.

List of variables that can be chosen, check if already loaded else load, the picked button is returned
in the ans variable , use V or H for dcl direction

(if (not AH:Butts)(load "Radio buttons multi.lsp"))

(if (= but nil)(setq but 1))
(setq ans (ah:butts but "V" '("A B or C " "A" "B" "C" )))

(setq ans (ah:butts Default Direction '(Title Variables))


Notch pline.LSP

Work in progress


Objects to and from excel

This has to many variations, AJH Consulting can discuss solutions to meet your needs.


Perp to 2 pts.lsp

Perp to point draws a line perpendicular from a line made up of two points, so object does not need to
exist. Useful when object is a polyline.


Perpline to end of line

As the name implies you can draw a line and an additional line perpendicular to the last point, the
options available for the new line are Left, Mid or Right.

The user is asked for the length of the "T" line. Once entered if repeated will be used as default
value. It can be over ridden at any time.

Pipe ends.LSP

Draws the end of a circular pipe in a standard two arc end style by picking two line end points.


Pipe offsets.lsp

Pipe offset for different size pipes, replaces a single line with two lines at correct size of pipe equal to
outside diameter.



This draws a typical stormwater pit but aligns to 2 points when created.

Pline co-ords2.lsp

Example of Creating a list of points for a Pline 3or dpoly or Line.


Pline from list pts.lsp

Simple example method of making a pline from a list of points.


Pline offset taper ends.lsp

Take a single pline and offset it both side and have tapered ends.


Pline co-ords3.lsp
Simple way to create a list of pline co-ords



This will plot all title blocks in model space using a known Block, it uses the block location to plot by
window. It requires some modification to suit user block, AJH consulting can advise further


Plot tiff.lsp

An example of plotting numerous layouts to tiff files automatically.






Plot tiff.lsp

Examples of plotting numerous layouts automatically, generally called from a menu for correct type
and printer. Printer settings do need to be changed to match the end user printer names. Contact
AJH Consulting if you need assistance.


redo plot to multi getvals



This draws a pram crossing in a typical kerb intersection, trims line work representing edge and
back of kerb.


pt opposite pick pt.lsp ???


Pt num bubble.lsp


A simple label the Z value of an Autocad point, see also Civ3D pt ht.lsp


Renumber layouts from input number.lsp

needs a bit more work


reset block to defaults.lsp

Allows the user to reset selected blocks to default attribute values

needs work


program under development


needs checking


Set paths.lsp

This is an example of how to set all the preferences when doing a new install or upgrade.It loads
user menu's, user choice of toolbars that they would normally use. Need to run Tool bars.lsp 1st
and save as say users name.


These routines carry out various functions involving the setting out of field point, generally in civil
construction, such as:

This allows the insertion of a block at a user chosen point and the entry of a point number (start
number) it automatically increases the point number.

This routine exports the co-ordinates of the set out points created using the standard block pt_no (see

This allows the insertion of tabulated box of co-ordinates with desired text height. It reads a comma
separated file from either the setout.lsp routine or from other software such as excel. (see setout)

Please contact AJH Consulting to discuss your needs.


simple pline - pt offset.lsp



This is a project under development which would take a csv file, ptnum,x,y,z,description.

It will join corresponding descriptions into lines and create 3D points, other software is available for
surface models from the points.

Please contact AJH Consulting if you would like to be involved.


Sq line and arc int.lsp




Draws a line square off a picked line





Calculates the level of a picked point on a long section, drain or road cross section and updates a
chosen text value. Useful where manaul editing has been done and correct Rl needs to be labelled.

Swap attributes in block.lsp

This moves the attribute values in the block allowing rearranging.


Text in polygon.lsp

An example of how to find text in multiple plines


Text to voice.lsp

You can have voice messages as part of your code.

"Please select again"


Rotate selected text 180 update code

Update to Tang reactor like f100 etc



Rotates text to the same angle as a chosen line



Creates a 3D point based on numeric text values the point is located at the text insertion point. Useful
for converting existing 2D plans to 3D where spot heights are shown as text.



Pick text and it will return the enclosing poly boundary area, result can be written to a file.


Needs rewrite 2nd version of t155 reactor


A simple routine that repeats the Autocad commands to erase the extra right or left offset values and
lines from cross sections that are created from some software.


This allows you pick two text subtracting text1 from text2 then write answer to text3.


A simple convert selected text from lowercase to uppercase



Searches for a key word in text and mtext and changes the layer.


Update sheet num.lsp Update sheet revs.lsp Update order.lsp

These are used plus others to update title block attributes in layouts. Please contact AJH Consulting
to discuss your needs.



Used on long sections and cross sections to work out a scale.

needs check

Write support paths.lsp

Can be used with set paths




Writes columns of text to an excel spreadsheet can be used to create setout points for the surveyors
as the excel spreadsheet data can be saved as a comma separated file for uploading.


Xdata example.lsp

This is example code of how to use xdata. Please conatct AJH Consulting for further aasistance.


Writes the text value 1 in x of an existing picked line or lines. Note will not work on polylines.


Writes the text value x% of an existing picked line or lines. Note will not work on polylines.


An example of drawing a repeating pattern into a pline.


this is an example of zoom Extents in all layouts useful before a save.


Stuff to do check outstandings

Do an index

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