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204/ 1:30-2:30PM TTH

TASK 1- In your own words and in not morethan 5 sentences, explain

a. Tolman's purposive behaviorism
b. Bandura's social learning theory

Tolman's purposive behaviorism

For him action where infused with meaning, according to his theory of sign learning an
organism learns by pursuing to a goal in other words learning is acquired through
meaningful behavior. It combines the objective study of bahavior while also considering
the purpose or goal of bahavior. Tolman though that learning developemnt from
knowledge about the environment and how the organism relates to its environment.

Bandura's social learning theory

Bandura's approach is often also caled modelling, imitation, or observational learning. It
is learning by watching and repeating the actions of the model. In the lower grades of
school it is a very common used method. Later, it maybe less common. In daily life,
cooking, gardening, carpentry, home repair, or exercise programs all depend to a large
degree upon observational learning. In many cases it maybe delayed performance, but
the basic process is still observational learning. we learn to watch others- to learn what
to do , how to do it, and what not to do , as well s the consequences of accurately
watching and performing or not performing a sequence of behavior.

TASK 2 - Give atleast one teaching application of each theory.

Teaching application of Tolman's purposive behaviorism
1. Cognitive maps helps students perform well. Organisms select the shortest or
easiest path to achieve a goal.
1.1- Should incorporate cognitive maps on teaching process.
1.2- Introduce and teach to students about cognitive maps, for them to use on their
learning process.
Teaching application of Bandura's social learning theory
2. Reinforcement and pusnishment influence the extent to which an individual exhibits
a behavior that has been learned.
2.1- Make use of reinsforcement to motivate students to learn.
2.2- Impose reasonable punishments in order for students to know the consequences of
their actions.

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