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African Union Mission Forces

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African Union Mission Forces


The defense force belonging to African Union Mission has committed war crimes
coupled with war touching humankind attack toward the innocent civilians. War crimes coupled
with war touching humankind they have committed occurred in the form of destructive property,
murder, erotic violence and prowling. The procedures undertaken by the African Union mission
in Somalia and South Sudan was completed thanks to of its troops failing to safeguard civilians.
This was as a result of the clashes concerning prior rebels and government militaries.

The African Union armies is the major cause of the armed conflict within Somalia, which
normally collaborate with the state security forces coupled with the akin militaries, and the
renowned Islamist well equipped Al-Shabab. Moreover, AUM forces mainly engage with the
battle with the Al-Shabab with the sole purpose of gaining political supremacy and have control
over the indispensable resources, which consequently result to erotic violence coupled with
compulsory ejections of the civilians (Scott, 2015). Thus, AUM forces are solely accountable for
the ongoing unselective attack within Mogadishu.
Since the war erupted in South Sudan, reports display terrible actions infringing on
human rights. South Sudan inhabitants were targeted by government parties nevertheless the
African Union failed to intervene. Failure to intervene led to massive atrocities by the forces on
the South Sudan inhabitants, which consequently resulted in the death of numerous innocent
citizens as well sexual violence among the young girls and women. The human rights council
based in Geneva declared that South Sudan coupled with the corresponding AUM could not
safeguard fairness, security and compensation for victims. Moreover, this decision was reached
after both of the forces were linked with myriad of atrocities being linked to them. The new
provisional government has an obligation to finish violence and to accept to cooperate in the
hybrid court. It is evident that the crisis in South Sudan and Somalia is a weighty one. Therefore
ethnicity, religious conflicts as well as tribalism are the major roots of human rights crisis where
the justice system is not effective. The issues of the South Sudan have degenerated adverse into
affecting innocent civilians and children (Fisher, 2016). Many Sudanese citizens have been the
subject of the negative effects of the peace keeping mission within their country as the AUM
forces who were obligated to bring the violence to halt and consequently accept to cooperate
with existing hybrid court have miserably failed. There are myriad of atrocities that have been
committed by the African Union Mission forces namely disappearance of the innocent citizens,
severe punishments, and Secularization
In a number of cases, innocent citizens tend to be kidnapped by the AUM forces while no
reports are printed on these actions. This AUM forces capture citizens in their homes then ill-
treat them through tormenting and locking them up (Fisher, 2016). Moreover, the people by the
African Union Mission forces were subjected to severe treatment such as rape and sexual
ferocity coupled with the murder. Several families in Somalia have reported cases where their
family members or loved ones have been confined by the military forces. The human rights
seldom take any action on correcting these instances. Countless innocent civilians are normally
apprehended by these forces. In such cases, these detainees are usually subjected to torturous

punishments where they tend to succumb to their death. Consequently, the victims’ whereabouts
are usually not recounted or communicated to the authorities (Scott, 2015). A number of the
victims’ families frequently report cases of their missing relatives but their demands have always
been disregarded since the human rights body has since been regarded as ineffectual. As a result
of this, many civilians tend to lack confidence in the human rights body due to its silence in
addressing such issues hence causing the agony of innocent citizens in countries like South
Sudan and Somalia. Moreover, the oversight groups of the human right have reported that AUM
forces are solely responsible with the numerous cases of people missing because of mere
suspicious (Leavitt, 2014). Moreover, the AUM forces lack fundamental parameter of making
differentiation amidst the security forces and the corresponding terrorist forces with the affected
nations such as Somalia.
Human rights groups have truly failed in helping the community in locating many of
their relatives whom the known existing federal authority always claim to have actually released
all the detained citizen which we indeed known to have been killed by the AUM forces and no
action are taken to curb and end this humiliation. Moreover, the AUM forces have been seen to
surpassing the human right groups into reporting their duty deals on the innocent by issuing
threats and severe consequences. This has further generated into perpetuation of the acts on the
local people.
Regardless of the tough legislative laws put in place in the constitution concerning
murder, ban on torture and ill-treatment of people by the AUM forces in operation, these forces
insist on indulging in the unlawful practices infringing native citizens’ rights. The human rights
bodies have proved to be incompetent and unable to fulfill their duty of defending human rights.
The incompetency of the human right groups is directly linked with the threats that the AUM
forces and respective governments have been issuing to them (Leavitt, 2014). This has been
obviously understood where they have failed to take legal actions against the security forces that
typically instill pain and agony on innocent civilians. Several hostages usually experience severe
torture by suffering harsh whippings from these forces, which in most cases end up committing
murder in their line of duty. There are several mechanisms which are anticipated to limit such
predicaments involving defilement of human rights of many citizens both in custody or those in
places where they live (Scott, 2015). Nevertheless, certain human rights groups have managed to
report few atrocities committed by the AUM forces that is seen to be an eye opener to the
massive effort to safeguard the innocent lives and fundamental rights for all the people even to
the suspected terrorists.
This particular factor tends to bring about the aspect of religious ideology of a certain
people. In this setting, the human rights body normally bases their judgment on individuals
centered on their religion, especially the marginalized religion. Owing to this perception of
marginalized religions, human rights bodies tend to instill severe penalties and agony of faultless
citizens in sections of Sudan and Somalia. Moreover, societal ideology has contributed to agony
of innocent citizens whose only fault was to belong to a particular religion which has been
overlooked by the human rights body top officials (Fisher, 2016). Human rights bodies
controlled by tribal individuals usually contending to be recognized in their individual
jurisdiction has resulted to the incompetence of the body. This societal ideology has contributed

to agony of innocent citizens whose only fault was to belong to a particular religion which has
been overlooked by the human rights body top officials. Human rights bodies regularly
influenced by secularization in this contemporary society have surprised many who perceive this
act as unsophisticated and obnoxious. Discrimination based on religious ideology has placed
several innocent civilians in a situation where they face ruthless forces with not one to answer to
their requests or needs.
Civilians mainly bore the effect underlying atrocities coupled with the conflicts occurred
principally within the civilian population and were perpetuated by the AUM forces. Moreover,
the civilians were main target of killing, torture; painful, vicious and demeaning treatment; rape
and other erotic and sex based offenses (Leavitt, 2014). The forces have also been accused of
undertaking compulsory recruitment of the children, provocation of violence among the citizens,
plundering of local and demolition of the prevailing properties.
All humankinds have the tight to free live and enjoy the basic human rights that are
outline in the United Nations Human rights laws. Thus, one has the right of grouping the
prevailing innocent civilians as terrorist nevertheless, the existing human rights lack clear
measures that can be used in the determination and distinction amidst the security officer and
corresponding terrorist officer. Whereas certain individuals are presently enjoying numerous
goodies of their respective, the Somalia’s coupled with the Sudanese’s people are seen to greatly
suffer within their individual soils because the prevailing human rights groups have massively
failed to safeguard them and their respective families thereby making them to lose confidence on
the same groups and living a life in regard of untruth to both the underlying government and
corresponding human rights. Moreover, it is extremely sad that numerous guiltless people are
aware of the escalating torture and mishandlings committed by the African Union Mission forces
against the underlying citizens. Numerous prevailing human rights groups are always seen to be
undertaking justification of the attacks of the innocent citizens by the AUM forces as being
essential for the purposes of ensuring security to the existing citizens within the affected
countries. Many nations coupled with the native individual within Somalia and Sudan have
recently accept and cooperated with the existing human rights groups that have failed to
undertake their duty of safeguarding their lives and their respective property at large. The
procedures undertaken by the African Union mission in Somalia and South Sudan was
completed thanks to of its troops failing to safeguard civilians. This was as a result of the clashes
concerning prior rebels and government militaries. Countless innocent civilians are normally
apprehended by these forces. In such cases, these detainees are usually subjected to torturous
punishments where they tend to succumb to their death. Several hostages usually experience
severe torture by suffering harsh whippings from these forces, which in most cases end up
committing murder in their line of duty. There are several mechanisms which are anticipated to
limit such predicaments involving defilement of human rights of many citizens both in custody
or those in places where they live.

Fisher, W. (2016). Why an African mission could be more dangerous that Afghanistan.
National Post, 2016.
Fjelde, H. H. (2016). Violence against Civilians during Civil War. Peace and Conflict 2016, 42.
Leavitt, L. A. (2014). The psychological effects of war and violence on children. .
Psychology Press.
Williams, P. (2013). The African Union Mission in Somalia and Civilian Protection Challenges.
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 2(2).
Williams, P. D. (2014). Stabilising Somalia: The African Union Mission and the Next Stage in
the War against Al-Shabaab. The RUSI Journal, 159(2), 52-60.
Lahidji, K. FIDH President (2015). African Union concludes war crimes and crimes against
humanity were committed in South Sudan Fidh, Worldwide Movement for Human
Scott, K. ( 2015). African Union and South Sudan stalling on human rights court. Africa news.
Linnete Bahati,

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