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Monday 5th January, 

Day Off : Relax!

Workout Description:

Recover and relax. Take today to get your diary organised for the
week, clean you bike & kit ready to go for the new week.

Pre Activity Comments: Your equipment is essential to maintain

and keep working properly. Take care of your bike and your bike
will take care of you…

Tuesday 6th January, Bike : Bike ride / Medium Intensity &

Spin Ups, Planned Duration:1:00:00

10:00 min – WARM-UP - RPE 3 at a Medium cadence.

40:00 min – MAIN SET - Kick up the intensity just a bit and then
hold it at RPE4. During this 40mmin set I want you to do some ‘Spin
Ups’ which consist of doing a 30sec to 1min High RPM effort around
RPE9. Do this seated in saddle and raise your RPM to a HIGH level
(110rpm+). Complete 8 of these throughout the 40min set. Make
sure you keep at least 3min recovery between ‘Spin Ups’.

10:00 min – COOL-DOWN - Bring it home nice and easy

Pre Activity Comments: for the entire ride, try to keep from
bouncing at all in your saddle. This is a good sign of a smooth
stroke. It requires solid gluets and a strong lower back at higher
intensities and RPM’s.

Wednesday 7th January, Bike : Bike ride / Medium

Intensity, Planned Duration:0:45:00

05:00 min – WARM-UP - RPE3 Medium cadence.

35:00 min – MAIN SET - Kick up the intensity just a bit and then
hold it at RPE4. Bring the cadence down a bit to a MEDIUM Level
between (85-95 rpm) – and keep that focus on a smooth pedal

05:00 min – COOL-DOWN - Bring it home nice and easy

Thursday 8th January, Day Off : Relax!

Relax and recover

Friday 9th January, Cross training, Planned Duration:1:00:00

Same as last week, choose an alternative exercise to cycling. Don’t

get too focused on making it a ‘hard’ training day, we just need to
use different muscle groups and focus on enjoyment.

Pre Activity Comments: If you are new to any activity please

make sure you are cautious of new movements & activates. Injuries
are easily attained if you are not used to activity or exercise.

 Saturday 10th January, Tempo Bike ride, Planned


Warm up: 15min RPE2/3. Ease into this ride as you have a solid
45min in front of you. Make sure you are well hydrated and ready to

MAIN SET: 45min riding at an RPE5/6, this is slightly above your

‘comfort zone’ and riding at a steady Tempo during this time. Keep
your cadence in a Medium setting and avoid freewheeling too much
on down hills or make the route as least disruptive as possible, i.e.
traffic lights, towns etc. You should be aerobically challenged in this
ride, meaning you will have a heavier breathing rate to the other
previous rides and keep turning over the pedals putting slightly
more pressure than what you have been doing.

COOL DOWN: 15min RPE2 - That was a solid ride so take time to

recover and relax

DIG DEEP COACHING TIP: On these ‘Tempo’ rides you will be using
more glycogen than in previous steady/endurance rides, this means
you may have to change your nutrition requirements
pre/during/post ride. This does not mean a major increase in
calories but perhaps add slightly more carbohydrate pre ride or take
an ‘emergency’ energy bar with you on the ride in case you feel a
little hunger flat.

Sunday 11 January, Bike: Medium Intensity, Planned


Choose a flat to lightly rolling course for these Sunday sessions.

Nothing too challenging.

15:00 min – WARM-UP - Set an easy pace at RPE3 and gradually

move it up until you feel you’re ready to settle into a higher tempo.
01:30 hr – MAIN SET - Steady, firm road ride to build your fitness
base and increase your ability to use fat as a fuel. Stay constant at
upper RPE4. Keep your cadence in a Medium setting between 80-
90rpm. Avoid long periods above RPE 4 as this may affect your
ability to hold a constant pace at RPE4 and bring around higher
fatigue levels at the end of ride

15:00 min – COOL-DOWN - Bring it back down to your lower RPE3

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