Tailored 1200 Kcal/day Meal Plan For Weight Loss: Breakfast

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Tailored 1200 kcal/day Meal plan for weight

A 1200 kcal/day diet for an adult is a calorie-restricted meal plan for weight reduction and should
not be made a way of life. National institute for Nutrition, recommends a healthy 1900Kcal/day for a
woman (sedentary) and 2300Kcals/day for Men (Sedentary). Very low calorie diets i.e. below
1000Kcal/day should be under medical supervision only.

If you have been recommended to go on the 1200 calorie diet, this what your day's food chart
should ideally look like:


Is the morning cup of tea a custom for you? By all means, indulge in a cup but try cutting down on
sugar. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you must fuel up well. You can start your
day with a glass or milk or even buttermilk. Team it with wholesome cereal like oats or a slice of
bread along with a slice of paneer or a protein packed cheela.


Battle those mid-meal hunger pangs by snacking on something nutritious before lunchtime.


Make sure your lunch is wholesome with enough carbs, protein and essential fats.Whole grains,
cereals, dairy products along with seasonal vegetables should make an ideal mix on your plate.
Evening Snack

It is good to give your body a nutritional boost between lunchtime and dinner. Make sure you snack
light and keep portions small. Snacking heavily towards the evening can kill your appetite for dinner.

As the popular adage goes, one should eat dinner like a beggar - small portions that are light on the
stomach. Always eat at least three hours before turning in, to facilitate digestion. Consuming a small
glass of milk before sleeping is known to induce better sleep.

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