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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English-10

At the end of the lesson students are able to:
a. define what an epic is
b. appreciate the European literature especially an epic
c. use various strategies in decoding the meaning of word


Topic: Early European Literature

“The Nibelungenlied: Summary”
Reference: English Communication Arts and Skills through World Literature
Materials: power point presentation, laptop, prizes.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a. Prayer
All stand and let us pray. Who will volunteer to (One student leads the prayer)
lead the prayer?

b. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning!
Before you take your seats, I want you to check
yourselves and places. Be sure you are wearing
your IDs and make sure that your chairs are aligned
and there are no pieces paper or trash under your

c. Checking of Attendance
May I ask the secretary to check who is absent?
(One student check who is absent)

A. Activity
Since that our lesson for today is a about
appreciating European Literature, let me ask you a

Is it important for us to appreciate European

Yes, so that to familiarize the different
works of European countries. We as a
Filipino not just only focus on the works of
our ancestral but to appreciate also the
works of other country.
Very good!

1. Motivation
Class, Are you agree that loyal people still exist.
Yes Ma’am!
Have you ever been loyal to your friends,
family, and even to your especial someone?

What does loyalty in relationships really Yes Ma’am!

mean to you?

Loyalty is a powerful thing. A loyal

partner is going to be honest with you,
even when it hurts one or both of you to do
Did you ever tried to fight and do everything so.
just for her/ him?

Yes Ma’am
B. Analysis
Class, today, we are going to discuss the short
story about a hero who is loyal and do
everything just for his love. It is entitled, “The
Nibelungenlied”. Let us first learn about
nibelungenlied and where this story came. After
that, let’s unlock the vocabularies of the story.
Kindly read it

(The student read the definition from the

presentation: The Nibelungenlied  is
an epic poem from around 1200 written
What is the life lesson’s presented in the story?

Write the summary of the story.

Prepared by:
Jonalyn D. Obina

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